Tales of the Stars Chapter 7!

Story by Emil Castor on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of the Stars

Shiro put her paw into the air and suddenly, her paw moved closer into the air until, a puddle-like shape made her hand disappear, then she took her hand out of the air and had a long blade in her paw, the blade was silver and the handle was also silver. Jin let out a whistle and said "Wow, my little Shiro! I like the blade of yours." Shiro let out another growl and then charged at him. Jin put his sword near his face and then, both of their swords clashed. Shiro tried to move him back when there swords clashed, but he didn't even budge an inch. Jin looked down to see how hard Shiro was trying to push him and said "Is that the best you have?" Shiro looked up at Jin and gave him another growled, Jin let out a chuckle and said "Ok then, now it's my turn." Shiro moved back from him and then used her sword to slice him in half, sadly, Jin ducked down and then tripped her, once she fell to the ground, Jin stabbed downward to Shiro's stomach, luckily, Shiro brought her sword near her stomach and blocked the blade, but still felt the force of the blade being pushed in. Jin pulled his sword to his shoulder and saw how tired she was from how much force he had given her and smiled, he then kicked her side, making her fly back to Emil.

Emil looked at Shiro and finally saw that she was unconscious, he then crouched down and picked her up, giving her to Ricom, he said "Here, take her somewhere safe." Ricom took Shiro and shook his head and said "Ok." After that, he turned the other way and started to run. Emil then turned back around to see Jin looking at him with a smile and said "Well, well, we meet again." Emil looked at him with a serious look and then said "You hurt my friend, for that, you must pay." He then pulled out his sword and pointed it at Jin. Jin gave him a smile and said "So, you have the sword of truth." He then pointed his sword at Emil and said "While I have the sword of lies." Emil put both his paws on his sword and put it up to near his face and then, charged at him.

Jin gave him a grin and then did a downward slashed, but missed him by a centimeter since he moved back. Emil then charged at and then when near him, he did a sideway slice, luckily, Jin moved back a couple of steps away from the blade before it could get a chance, suddenly, Jin looked down his stomach to see that there was a rip in his shirt, he then looked at Emil and saw that he was closer to him than expected. Jin got surprised and moved back more and said "H-How you get closer to me?!" Emil put his sword on his shoulder and then said "The truth sword has an ability, once someone has made a promise, the user will double in speed." Jin looked confused and said "But, when did you make a promise?" Emil pointed his sword at him and said "When I said I'm going to beat you, I promised that." Jin growled at him, but then let out a grin and said "Ok then, but before we continue fighting, I would like to tell you a little story about little Shiro." Emil put his sword on the ground and said "Ok then tell me." Jin put his sword down and grinned at him, saying, "Emil, did she tell you that her parents died?" Emil shook his head and said "yes, she said that it was when the war had started." Jin then said "Yes, her parents did die, but the thing that cause their deaths were. . . None other than Shiro herself. " Emil was shocked at what he had heard from him, he then continued "Once she killed them, she went and joined our group, The World, she thought that if she was in our group then she to could get to her goal, she and I hit it off and had fun when we were in the group, we had a peaceful time when we were in the group, but sadly, it was known that she was really a Star-User and suddenly kicked out of the group for being a Star-User and was then wanted to be killed, I too wanted to kill her." Emil then interrupted "Wait! Didn't you say that you were he boyfriend? Then why would you want to kill her!" Jin let out a chuckle and said "It was for a good reason, but I don't want to give you all the details yet. Any who, I best be off then" Emil pulled his sword out of the ground and charged at him, saying, "Oh no you don't!" When he was about to slice him, a huge black flame was in his way and Jin then said "Oh, yea I forgot to mention, I'm the World-User of Fire." Emil was surprised at when he saw the black fire and heard Jin say "You shouldn't touch that fire. Once it's on you, you can't get it off and you'll be burned into nothing. So like I said Bye!" Jin then pulled his sword, pt it back in it's sheath, and the ran away from Emil, holding his stomach and saw some blood was coming out. Emil growled again, but put his sword back in it's sheath, and then turned around and left to find Shiro and Ricom.

Why did Shiro kill her parents? What was the true goal of both the Star-User and the World-User? You'll have to find out in the next Chapter!