Tales of the Stars Chapter 1: Into the New World, Join Tripeace!
#7 of Tales of the Stars
Emil was still falling into nothing but darkness. He was thinking "What has happen? I remember opening a door, but then. . ." Suddenly, the darkness that was around him, was now gone. Emil felled face first to the ground and was said "Ow. . .Well, at least I'm out of there." He was about to get up, until he felt something hit his back and fell to the ground. Emil looked up and saw Diana, who was completely passed out, Emil shouted "Diana! Get off of me!" Diana was still asleep and he let out a sigh and said "I forgot, she a heavy sleeper." Diana turned around and fell onto the ground and Emil finally got up and rubbed his head saying "Dang, she's still asleep?" Emil let out another sigh and then looked around. He saw huge field of grass and then, saw a small town, being destroyed right at the moment by huge white machines. Emil was shocked at what he was seeing and looked at Diana, she was still asleep, so he picked her up and put her on her back and said "Man, your really a heavy sleeper ." Diana suddenly punched his face while she was asleep and said lazily "Don't think that I'm asleep, I'm just really tired." Emil glared at her, but just let out a sigh and said "Anyway, were going to see what's going on over there." Diana shook her head and said "Ok. . .Let's go." Emil shook his head and walked over to the small village.
Emil put Diana on the grass next to the town and looked back at the town. He saw the white machines destroy houses and make them fall over people or they would just try and crush people. Emil balled up his paw into a fist and looked at the ground saying "This is. . ." He then looked back up with tears coming down his and said "Unforgivable!" Suddenly, his hand started to glow even more red and a girls voice said "This is. . . Your true feelings." Emil got surprised and turned around to see a fox that looked about Emil's age, but he was to short for him to be Emil's age, the fox had silver fur and white fur across his nose, stomach, and a white star on his for head that was glowing silver as well, having on a long black shirt and long black pants and it seemed like the black shirt had a triangle like shape on it. The fox looked at the white machines and then looked back at Emil and said "Am I right?" Emil blinked at him and said "My true feelings?" the fox shook his head and said "Yes, when you said that "This is unforgivable!" You were talking about those machines over there?" The fox then pointed at one of the machines who was about to kill someone. Emil shook his head and said "Yes! Those things. . . There destroying stuff and killing people for no reason. It's just wrong!" The fox smiled and started to walk over to them and said "Well then, I guess I'll go and teach them a lesson." Emil turned around and looked with a surprised look on his face to see what the silver fox was doing.
The silver fox ran up to one of the white machines, the white machine looked at him and threw a punch at him ,but gracefully, he jumped into the air and slammed his shoe onto the white machine head and said "The silver stars kick!" Suddenly, his silver star glowed even brighter and the white machine exploded. Luckily, the silver fox got out of the way before it he got hit with the explosion and rubbed his head while saying "Wow! That was close." Emil ran up to him and said "That was amazing!" the silver fox turned to Emil and looked at his glowing paw and got surprised and said "Y-Your one of the star-users!" Emil tilted his head and said "One of the star-user?" The silver fox grabbed onto his paw and looked at it with amazement and said "Yes your one of us." Emil was surprised and heard a man say from behind him "Hey, Shiro!" Shiro looked up to see the and Emil turned around and saw that a wolf with black fur but with blue fur on the tip of his hair, across his nose, and on the tip of his tail, he had on a black coat and a black shirt behind it, he also had on red chains on his neck, and arms, also having on a black mask that only covered his eyes, he also seemed like he was older and more taller than the silver fox. Emil looked more at him, but didn't see anything that Shiro had on except for the weird triangle on his coat. Shiro let go of Emil's paw and said "Yes what is it, Belial?" Belial gave her a smile and suddenly, put Diana down on the ground and said "I found another star-user." Emil got surprised and saw that Diana was still asleep and said "Diana!" Emil ran to her and they both looked at him and suddenly, Diana finally woke up. Shiro looked at Diana and saw her paw glowing blue and got amazed and said "Nice job Belial!" Belial rubbed his head and said "It was nothing." then he looked at the other white machines that were still destroying the town and said "I'll be right back." Suddenly, he rushed to the other white machines and Emil couldn't see him after that. Emil then looked back at Shiro and said "Wait, that means." Shiro giggled and said "Yes I'm a girl." Emil was shocked when Shiro had said that, Diana however, looked at Shiro with amazement and looked back at Emil and said "Who is this?" Shiro touched Diana's hand and picked her up and smiled saying "I am name Shiro." Diana looked her with more amazement and said "Your so cool!" Shiro giggled and rubbed the back of her head and said "Oh, stop your cool as well." Diana and Shiro continued to talk while Emil was looking at them with a blank look and thought "Am I being ignored?"
After Diana and Shiro were done talking, Shiro finally said "Oh! I almost forgot!" She then walked over to Emil and said "Will you two join Tripeace?" Emil got confused and said "What's Tripeace?" Suddenly, a young cat that was even shorter than Shiro, who had pink fur with white across her eyes, across her nose, and on her stomach, also having on a long black shirt and a bandana on her head and had the same triangle shape as Shiro. The pink cat said "Tripeace! One is for love!" Shiro then said "One is for peace." and then Belial came back and Emil saw that all of the white machines were destroyed and ripped apart. Belial said "And that last is for violence." Emil got surprised and heard them all say "These are the means of Tripeace!" Emil got even more confused and said "But why do you want me to join?" Diana went right next to him and said "Yea, Why?" Shiro closed her eyes and said "Tripeace is a organization that wants to stop the wars that are happening all over the world, we want to bring peace by destroying it once and for all!" Emil looked to the ground and then gripped his hand and said "No." They were all shocked at what he had said and Shiro replied "But why?" Emil looked back up to Shiro and said "Why do you have to fight?! I don't want to hurt or kill anyone to bring peace?!" mil didn't let them say anything, instead he just ran out of the town with tears coming down him.
Shiro looked surprised at what Emil had said and then remembered that, even she didn't want to fight to bring peace if it only meant that she would have to kill someone to bring peace. Shiro had the same feelings that Emil were feeling right now. Belial said "I'll go talk to him." when Belial was about to get him, Shiro stopped him and said "No I'll go get him, you just bring her to our headquarters ok?" Belial and the pink cat, who already got off of Emil's head when he ran, shook their head and the pink cat said to Diana "Come on! Let's go!" Diana looked at the pink cat and shook her head saying "Ok!" And then, Belial, the pink cat , and Diana left to go to the Tripeace headquarters. Shiro then walked out of the town to look for Emil.
Shiro then found Emil looking out to the ocean on the grass with his knees near his head and tears still coming down on his face. Shiro walked over next to him and sat on the ground. Emil looked at her with a surprised look and said "What do you want?" Shiro looked to the ground and said "I-I know how you feel." Emil got even more surprised and heard her continue "My mother and father were killed in this war. I joined Tripeace to kill the person who created this war." Emil surprised face turned into a sad face and Shiro said "But, when I was in Tripeace, I realized that, I didn't want to kill anyone just to bring peace. But when I heard you say that, I felt like I could get my hopes up and still fight to bring peace and protect others. And more importantly, become your friend." Emil looked back at her and saw that her head was turned around and she said "T-Though I would love to be more than friends." Emil blushed and turned his head around and said "Ok." Shiro looked back at him and tilted her head and said "Ok?" Emil then said "I'll join Tripeace." Shiro was surprised and smiled and finally, she hugged him and said "Ok! Welcome to Tripeace Um. . ." Emil felt his lunged being crushed said "Emil. . ." Shiro then said "Emil!"
Emil and the others haven't notice but, this is going to be there first time. . . Into something more than the war and will surprised them when they reach the end. What will they find? You'll have to find out in the next Chapter.