Tales of the Lost Chapter 8: The great Palamcasta, the returning of enemys
Tales of the Lost Chapter 8: The Great Palmacasta, the returning of enemies.
Emil, Marta, Ventus, and Tenebrae were walking on a road that had grass every where but the trail that they were on. Ventus was still holding onto Tenebrae's paw, while Marta was looking at where they were going and Emil was looking up to the sky. Marta finally tripped and fell to the ground, Emil looked at Marta and ran up to her to help her up and said "Are you ok?!" Marta then got up and looked at Emil and said "Oh. . . I think I got Collette's clumsiness." Ventus looked up at the sky and then back at Tenebrae and said "Isn't it nice out here Tene?" Tenebrae looked at her and smiled, saying "Yea it's nice out here, Ventus my dear." Ventus giggled and blushed and said "Oh Tenebrae, you can get me to blush anytime." Tenebrae laughed and said "Yea, it looks like it." Marta and Emil looked at them and Marta said "What's going on over there?" Ventus looked at them with a surprised look and said "It's nothing!" She took her paw off of Tenebrae and put her paws behind her back and said "So anyway are we there yet?!" Marta looked in front of her and said "Yea it seems like it. See." she then pointed at a village and Emil put his paw on her shoulder and said "That's not Palmacasta." Marta looked at him with a fluster look and said "I know! But now I know we are almost there so let's go!" She let out a laugh and continued to move on, while everyone else looked at her with a confused look on his face and then they all looked at each other and followed her.
Once they got into the village entrance, Marta was hiding behind a huge door and they all looked at and Emil said "What are you doing?" Marta looked at him and grabbed his paw and then pushed him next to her and said in a whispering voice "Be quite!" Emil looked even more confused and said "But, why?" Marta then said "Alice is near us." Emil got a surprised look and said "What?!" Marta put her paw on his muzzle and said "I said shut up!" Emil shook his head and Ventus and Tenebrae were right behind them. They all then peered to see Alice and Hawk talking. Alice said "Aw. . . So that means Colette is going to where Decus is." Hawk bowed his head and said "I'm sorry miss. In other new Marta and her companies are coming." Alice then got a happy look on her face and said "Really?! That makes Alice so happy!" She then jumped and jumped, but then stopped and said "Ok so where are they headed?" Hawk raised his head and said, "They are headed to Palmacasta." Alice then gave a grin and said "Ok then let's go." Hawk then said "Yes ma'am!" Finally, they both left and headed for Palmacasta. Everyone got into the small village and Marta said "Great, Now we have to hide from Alice and her groups or else." Ventus said "Well, either way let's just go." They all shook their heads and started to move.
Once they started to move though, Emil stopped and had a pain look on his face. His vision started to blur and then he fell to the ground and blacked out, only hearing Marta say "Emil!" His vision came back, but only having a flash of Richter. He then let out a huge yell and saw Richter killing him by slicing both of his swords down and said "Stop it!" He then woke up with a star and got up. He looked around to se that he was at a Inn and said "Where am I?" Marta, who was right next to him, said "Your at an Inn, silly." Emil turned around and looked at Marta with a surprised look and asked "What happen?" Marta looked at him with a pain look and said "You fell to the ground and blacked out. So, Tenebrae and Ventus picked you up and brought you here?" Emil looked at the blanket and felt sad, saying "I'm sorry for worrying you." Marta looked at him and rubbed her head, saying "Oh, it was nothing really." Emil then got out of the bed and said "Ok let's go then." Marta shook her head, but then grabbed his paw and said "If you fall again, I'm going to pick you up next time." Emil blushed and looked away while rubbing his head with his other paw and said "Oh, ok then thank you." Marta giggled and they both walked out of the Inn. Once they got out, they saw Ventus and Tenebrae were holding hands under a tree. Marta and Emil both went to them and said "So are you ready?" Tenebrae looked at her with a smile and said "I should be saying that to you." Ventus giggled and said "Why are you holding hand?" Marta blushed and Emil blushed as well and Emil said "This is for cautions." Tenebrae laughed and said "Right, right I hear you." He then went over to Emil's ear and whispered "When are you going to say that you love her." Marta looked at Tenebrae with a angry look and said "What did you say!" Tenebrae and Ventus laughed and ran ahead. Marta made a more angry look and gripped onto Emil's hand and ran to catch up with Tenebrae and Ventus.
Once they finally caught up with Tenebrae and Ventus, they saw them at the entrance of Palmacasta. The place looked like a village with a two docks, one in the back and one in the left. There was two buildings near the entrance of Palmacasta in the middle of it was a fountain. Tenebrae was rubbing his head since Marta punched him on the head for saying what he had said, while Ventus was holding onto Tenebrae arm. Marta was looking at Palmacasta and Emil was looking as well, Marta sighed and said "It's been six years. . ." Emil looked at Marta and said "Huh?" Marta shook her head and said "It's nothing. All we have to do is see if Lloyd was here and if we can get a ship. Since we both know the place, well meet up at the pub." Emil shook his head and said "Ok." Marta looked at Tenebrae and said "Tenebrae, You go with Emil while Ventus comes with me." Tenebrae shook his head and said "Ok Marta." Ventus let out a sigh and looked at Marta with annoyed face and said "Let's go." Marta shook her head and Ventus let go of Tenebrae arm and followed Marta. Emil put his head down and said "Why did you have to get Marta mad?" Tenebrae looked at Emil with a confused look and asked "What do you mean?" Emil put his head up and looked at Tenebrae with a angry look and said "Why did you have to say that I should tell her that I love her!" Tenebrae stopped rubbing his head and turned away from him and said "So you do love her then?" Emil looked surprised and looked over him with a blushing face and said "Um. . .Well. . .Yea I do." Tenebrae looked back at him and asked "So then why don't you say that you love her then?" Emil said "Because, well I'm. . ." Tenebrae said "Shy?" Emil shook his head and Tenebrae snickered and said "Don't' worry, You'll get there. I promise." Emil looked at him and smiled saying "Thank you, Tenebrae you're a kind centurion." Tenebrae scratched his cheek and blushed, saying "I-It was nothing really." Emil laughed and said "Ok let's go on with finding Lloyd." Tenebrae shook his head and they both went deeper into the village.
Once they were more into the village, Emil had seen Richter come out of a building and he said with surprising look "Richter." Richter then looked at Emil and said "Emil? What are you doing here?" Emil then said "I'm looking for Lloyd and the Centurion's core." Richter got surprised and then said "Oh, are you? Well then." But before he could say anything, Emil said out loud "How is your injures?" Richter gave him a serious look and said "There still some pain, but it's fine. It pains me more that I lost to someone that wasn't even my age." Emil looked to the ground behind him and said "I'm sorry." Richter let out a chuckle and said "It was a joke." Emil then looked back at him and said "Oh, I'm sorry." Richter let out a sigh and put on his glasses and said "Didn't I tell you not to over apologizes." Emil moved back a little and said "Oh I'm so- Oh, I mean yes you did." Richter then looked at the sky and said "Well I'm going to head-" But before he could finished, Alice walked to them and said "Hi there Richter." She then looked at Emil and said "Hey! Your Mart Mart's pet." Emil moved back more and said "Your Alice!" Alice started to head over to him until she was stopped by right by getting in front of her. Richter then looked at her and said " He's an acquaint of mine." Alice smiled at Richter and said "But if I only get a moment of his time, he would surely tell us where Mart Mat is." Richter pulled out his axe and his sword and pointed it a Alice and said "I said he's an acquaint of mine. So he wouldn't know where Marta is." Alice let out a smirk and said "Ok. I won't hurt him. But, if I see him with Mart-Mart then our deal is off." She then turned around and left them. Once Richter saw Alice leave, he put his sword and axe away and said "Emil, you should stop getting the centurion core and head back home." Emil looked at him and said "Your with the Vanguard?!" Richter shook his head and said "Yes. I am" Emil felt his heart sink into the chest and said "Why are you with the vanguard?" Richter said "The vanguard say they are trying to revive the Sylvarant Dynasty." Emil looked at him with shock and said "But didn't that fall 800 years ago." Richter shook his head and said "I'm leaving." And then, he left Emil with Tenebrae. Tenebrae finally said "We should go and look for Ventus and Marta." Emil shook his head and said "Yes." And then, they both went deeper to find the pub.
Emil and Tenebrae had finally found the pub and went in to see Ventus and Marta kissing each other on the lips. Emil and Tenebrae blushed and finally Emil said "H-Hey girls." Ventus and Marta looked at Tenebrae and Emil and sopped kissing each other and Marta said "Oh hey there Emil." Tenebrae rubbed his head and looked around, not wanting to see Ventus and Marta, and said "Why were you two kissing each other?" Ventus blushed and said "W-Well we kind of made a bet while you two were gone." Emil turned his head away and said "What kind of bet?" Marta looked at him while she was blushing and said "Well. . .we were playing a card game and sadly, if anyone lost then we have to do something that the winner tells us to." Tenebrae said "So who lost?" Ventus pointed to Marta and Marta started to blush even more and said "I lost." Emil shook his head and said "A side from that, did you get any information about Lloyd." Marta shook her head and said "Sadly, no we haven't. Tenebrae then looked back at them and said "Well, then we should get a ship and go to Iselia." Ventus looked at Tenebrae and said "Yea, I asked around about that and everyone said that the ocean is to strong for anyone to get anywhere near Iselia." Emil pulled his head down and said "Great, now what are we going to do?" Ventus then said "Yet, I talked to the Governor-General and she said Someone named Thomas was looking into it at Dynasty Ruins." Marta said "Ok, then let's go then." They all shook their head and started to head out of Palmacasta.