Tales of the Lost Chapter 3:The journey begins

Story by Emil Livier on SoFurry

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Tales of the Lost Chapter 3: The journey begins

Emil and Marta pulled out their blades when they saw the tow Vanguards charging at them, Marta jumped into the air and landed behind one of the Vanguards, The Vanguard turned around and Marta twirled around and sliced the right of his chest and he fell down, Meanwhile, Emil was clashing swords with the other Vanguard and Emil spun around and kicked the Vanguard in the chest, The Vanguards moved back when he was kicked in the chest and looked back to see that Emil had disappeared, Emil however, was right behind the Vanguard and he stabbed him in the back and pulled his sword out of him and saw him fall to the ground. Hawk, who was just standing there astonished at what he had seen, He looked back up to them and said "You little-" But before he could finish he was hit in the head with a lance and fell to the ground passed out. Emil and Marta came back to each other and looked at who had knocked out Hawk. They had seen a bear with black and green fur, purple eyes, and wearing a gold armor with two wolfs with silver armor right next to the Bear. Emil looked at Marta and whispered "Hey do you know him?" Marta looked at him and then back at the Bear and said "He's with the Church of Martel." The Bear came closer to them and said "I am Magnar, Commander of the Church of Martel. And by the orders of Lloyd the great, I must take the Daemon lord Rataosk." Marts moved back and Emil shielded her and Marta said "No you can't have him!" Magnar growled at Marta and said "Fine then I must take it be force then! Men take her away!" The two wolfs behind him got closer to Emil and Marta, but Emil pulled out his sword and charged at one of the Wolfs and once he got close to the wolf, he jumped up and kicked the Wolf in the head making the wolf fall to the ground, once Emil landed, he turned to the other wolf and jumped back up and grabbed him by the head with one of his hands in mid air and pushed the other wolf head to the ground and it fell unconscious. Emil grabbed Marta's hand and ran out of the city of Luin.

Once they were at a safe distance from Luin Emil stopped and looked back at Marta and said to her "Are you all right?" Marta looked up to see that she was blushing and Emil let go of her hand and looked away from her and blushed as well and said "S-So um, do you know where Tenebrae is, Marta?" Tenebrae came right behind Marta and said "I'm right here." Marta yelped and fell to the ground while Emil looked surprised and moved back. Marta got back up and looked back at where Luin was and said "We need to help the city or else-" She was interrupted by a voice that was faint, but could be heard and it said "People of Luin!" Emil and Tenebrae looked over when they hear the voice and it continued "I am the commander of the Church of Martel! And I have heard from Lloyd the great that you people have been harboring the Daemon lord Rataosk! If you know what's good for you bring the girl name Marta to us or you will suffer the wrath of what happen to Palmacasta!" Emil looked back at Marta and said "Maybe you should give them Rataosk." Marta looked back at him and said "But-" Emil continued without hearing her "Why can't you give them Rataosk? If you don't then everyone in Luin will be killed and I'll be the one to blame so give it to them now!" Marta looked at the ground and felt sad, Emil then said "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" But before he could say more to Marta she said "Ok I'll give them Rataosk." And without a word she walked back into the city on Luin. Tenebrae glared at Emil and said "Way to go Emil." Emil looked at him and said "What do you mean?" Tenebrae sat down on the ground and said "Emil, Marta needs Rataosk energy to keep her alive, if Rataosk is taken off of Marta's head then she will die." Emil got surprised, he then got concern and said "We have to tell her!" Tenebrae looked at Luin and said "She already knows. She is going to go there and kill herself because of your petty needs." Emil looked back at Luin and said "I'm going back." Tenebrae got up and said "You'll be blamed by the people in the city." Emil didn't look at him and said "I don't care! I can't let her go and kill herself!" Tenebrae shook his head and said "Ok let's go." Then, Tenebrae and Emil ran back into the city of Luin.

Once they were in the city they saw lots of people running away from the wolfs in silver armor and Emil and Tenebrae continued to run until they saw Marta pushed down by two wolfs in silver and saw Magnar in front of her, pointing his lance to her head, Emil yelled out "Stop!" He and Tenebrae got pushed by a blast from behind and they both fell to the ground and everyone started to look at them. A dark energy went into him and he slowly got up and he said when getting up "I said. . ." he finally got up and looked at all of them with a dark aura surrounding him and said "Let her go!" He rushed one of the wolfs and grabbed his sword, pushed the sword near him, and smashed his head on Emil's elbow and finally pushed him to the ground. He jumped and grabbed the other wolf's head with his legs and moved back, making the wolf follow with him to the ground, Emil jumped off of the wolf and the last second and the wolf his the ground. Emil finally, walked to Marta and put his paw out and said "Stand up." Marta took his head and got up. Magnar looked at them and pulled his sword up when he saw that Marta had gotten up and pointed his lance at Emil and Emil looked at him and said "You better pray to Martel." He pulled out his sword and said "Pray to her for a painless death!" Marta pulled out her blade and they both charged at Magnar. Magnar pushed his lance to the ground and pushed it back up, making the ground crumble and large, flying rocks came at Emil and Marta. Marta jumped from rocks to rock when they came at her, while Emil, sliced all the rocks that were coming at him. Finally the barrage of rocks came to a stop and Marta came back down while Emil was right behind her. Magnar looked impressed but pointed his lance back at them and said "Feel the wrath of Martel!" His lance started to emit lighting and he twirled around, making the lance come with him, he created at lighting tornado. Marta stepped back when she saw but Emil let out a chuckle and pulled his sword back and said "Daemon Fang!" his blade emitted a dark energy and he sliced the ground with it and it made a pitch black blasted that hit the lighting tornado and made Magnar fall to the ground, barley breathing, Emil went over to him and put his sword back in his and grabbed his neck and said to him "Where is your goddess now?" he punched his face repeatedly until, Marta said "Emil. . ., Stop!" Emil stopped punching him and finally, his eyes change back into their normal color and he looked at Marta and said "W-What just happened?" get took his hands off of Magnar and he looked back at Magnar who seemed to be still alive but barely and ran away to where the mayor house was.

Emil got near the Mayor house and looked up at the sky and back at the Mayor house and walked in. He saw the Mayor and the Mayor said "Oh Emil. I was expecting you to come." Emil looked t the ground and said "Y-Yes. . .What did you want me for?" The mayor face him and said "Will you please look for Lloyd for me?" Emil looked up and was surprised at what he was hearing and said "Is this a way of telling me to leave the city?" The Mayor shook his head and said "No, no. I'm telling you this because I know that Lloyd wouldn't do this to the city. And I believe that if you look for him, then you could change Lloyd back to the way he was." Emil looked back down to the ground and thought about it, Emil hated Lloyd so much for killing his parents and making everyone think that he was a monster that would do this, but, he looked back up to the Mayor and shook his head saying "Yes I will find him." The Mayor gave him a smile and said "Thanks you, for helping Lloyd and for saving Luin." Emil turned around and without saying anything he left the Mayor's house. Once out of the house he went to the front exit of Luin and heard a girl say "Wait" He turned around and saw that it was Marta and Tenebrae was with her too. Marta finally caught up to him and said "Please join us!" Emil looked surprised when he heard that and said "B-But I'm the one who almost killed you for my own needs. Why would you want me to join you?" Marta smiled at him and said "because you're my prince! And think that with you, then we will find Lloyd and the other Centurions." Emil felt warm inside and he started to blush, Once he was blushing, He looked away and said "I-I'm your Prince?" Marta smiled and said "Yes and you're my fried." Emil looked back at her and wasn't blushing he said "Ok then, I'll join you." Marta smiled and blushed saying "Although, I don't mind being more than friends." Emil started to blush again and heard Tenebrae say "Ok then, Shall we get going?" Marta and Emil shook their heads and said at the same time "Yes." And so, Tenebrae, Marta, and Emil set off on their journey to find Lloyd and the other Centurions.