waking dreams (poem)
why when we want to be good,
we have to realize that the world,
the one and only world we know,
decides to rip you apart?
the lonely screams run rampart,
echos of those crying,
we just march to those who are dying,
to war we go.
we lose you again in the mist of the jungle,
to be alone, the only one left,
you scream in your dreams,
never to be heard,
never to believe that your here.
so lonely you have been in these dreams of yourself,
so lose yourself in the mist,
now you lay in a ball,
in the blood of others,
the ones that are not there,
scream, scream again and again,
never to be heard in your waking dreams,
you lay alone in mud and blood,
the ones you see just pass you by.
laughing... a snickering..
more voices.. you scream for them to stop,
just laughing at your weak state,
get up and run, run fast,
towards the setting sun you go,
faster and faster.. only to trip and fall.
now lay back down cry to sleep,
the voices shall be there soon,
"give up" they yell at you,
never can you make such a choice?
it is time.. for you to sleep, repeat the waking dreams...
they will forever haunt you.