Death Kiss

Story by fallenangel123 on SoFurry

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#1 of Death Kiss


I slowly rise to my feet from my hands and knees off the cold ground dripping no pouring blood out of my right side; I cough up blood slowly dying.....My eyes go black from the loss of blood I gasp trying to breath but there is too much blood in my lungs I turn and see my truck, that is flipped over on its top, I had to crawl out from the back window with this massive gash down my side.

I am surprised I made it this far from the truck with the gash. I look to my left and hear a rustle in the bushes I try to scream but end up coughing up blood instead. My eyes go black then I faint. There was a low menacing growl as I slowly open my droopy eyes I see dark brown eyes and the smell of blood but I'm too weak to keep my eyes open. "It's a wolf" my brain tells me.

A row of sharp teeth sink into my arm it was a cold night but where the wolf bite me it became warm and numbing. The wolf claws dig into my thighs ripping pieces of flesh off them. I feel the wolf's teeth shred down my arm and bite into my shoulder, then it chucks me into a tree and drags me a yard away from my truck. Then there was a deep stinging, then excruciating pain.

I wake up to a gruesome sight, blood everywhere. It takes me a while to relieze it's my blood and that my thigh has claw marks in it and my shoulders been pretty much devoured. I roll on my tummy and clear the blood from my lungs. I shriek out loud as the pain takes over my body, then once again I faint. I am going to tell you who I am before I get closer to death.

My name is Lexy I have blonde hair with black streaks in it, I'm 5"4 and I stick up for people that deserve it in not popular but I'm not a loner either. I get up slowly my pain from my gashes slowly going numb. I move into a crouch that looks like I am going to pounce.

I start to stand up but I smash my head into a low hanging branch and I pass out. I start to wake up, my whole body numb. I struggle to regain my feeling in my body when all of a sudden there is a gentle but gorgeous voice that says "Oh, mad god, hey you on the ground, you ok"?

I move my head so I could look straight into his face, I saw shy but beautiful deep brown eyes a small smile coming on his filled lips and short black hair no wait its brown a very very dark brown. OH MY GOD I'm burning up why does it feel like my cheeks are on fire, is this how it feels to blush?

I cough slowly rising to my hands and knees then I whisper yet I still struggle to talk. "Does it look like I'm ok"? He chuckles his voice turning dreamy, am I in heaven? Dreaming that this sexy man is bringing to a better place than this cold earth? Oh gosh I'm delusional.

"Hey how about I carry you so you don't have to walk hmmm"? I say oh gosh maybe he is going to kiss me? Than I feel two strong arms pick me up and hold me close to his chest. I shiver as I finally feel the pain through the numbing. I cling on to the guy who is saving my life, my strength slowly leaving my body in waves like the current going away from the beach.

I fall asleep in my hero's arms, I dream of if I never had my accident I would not have met my hero. I dream of my hero kissing me hugging my close to the warmth of his body etc. Than I awake to the smell of omlets and soup. I look down on my body and I realise that my bloody clothes were taken gently off my sore and wounded body, I also realize that all my cuts were bandaged up and I don't feel pain just a tingly numbness. I bring myself up on my elbows to see where I am.

I see a small yet comfortable room I think it's the bedroom. I look to my left and I see a window and then I realize in still in the forest. I move so I'm sitting on my butt that when I realize that I'm completely naked besides the bandages.

Then I get the same feeling I got when I say my heroes face, my cheeks start to burn up again. Then I start to wonder if he saw my body WITHOUT CLOTHES. Well I hope he didn't my bodies not in the best condition. I start to giggle at the sight of how my body might look then I hear him, my hero coming up the stairs. Hmmm wait I wonder what his name is?

Hmm oh well he will tell me sometime. He slowly opens the door then whispers."Hey anybody alive in there"? I am not going to say anything I want to see his angle like face again. Then he slowly pokes his head in the small crack of the door, "OH"! He says, I feel a huge smile come up on my face then the burning on my cheeks again. "I'm sorry did I wake you"?

When I shook my head he sighs in relief. I swear my body's going to go into flames if this burning on my cheeks keeps going. He gracefully yet shyly walks over to me his hand outstretched towards me. Slowly I stretch mine out and take his hand firmly yet gently and he takes mine and shakes it. OH gosh his skin is like fire against mine, I love it.

Then he sits on the edge of the bed his hand still holding mine. He smiles a gentle smile at me and I feel my whole face start to burn up. He slowly leans into me, OH MY GOSH HE IS GOING TO KISS ME! I feel his warm but sweet breath on my face and I hold my breath. Then his sweet lips go to my ear and he whispers "It is good to see your gorgeous eyes open with no pain in them".

Sorry about the spelling mistakes in this one, Now if you want more chapters just ask! i dont mind writeing at all!!