Poem: A Wolf's Passion- Valentine Special

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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Poem: A Wolf's Passion

Wolf's howling night which reach within the everlasting clear night, sing the words of forever passion of love.

Wolves dance within the shining lite night of moon's forever soul, revealing the the hidden lsy of true passion's flower.

Let the souls of night's once beautiful lust flow throughout the shining skies of love, showing the hearts of those yet to come.

The wolves dance as one, their souls flowing through the other, their peace becoming one.

The everlasting stars sing throughout the calling night, knowing the path of true love within the wolves of hearts rest.

Their souls become one, revealing the mirror of forever peace. The hearts of many form within the ending night, each knowing their path to light is no lone track.

Within the rising day, the radient wolves of true love walk down the path og true passion's valentine...