Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 2
#2 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1
Here is chapter 2 of "changes of the eclipse" and I would like to thank all of my readers for being patient with me I hope I didnt make you guys wait for too long. Hope you enjoy now on with the story
Chapter 2
After I left the note I quietly crept down the stairs and headed for the door, but just as I was heading out, our dog started sniffing me and I could tell she was about to growl at me so I pushed her back and quietly shut the door behind me, as I started walking down the driveway I realized I didn't have any clothes on, "Ah shit" I yelled as I slammed my foot on the ground and said to myself "I need clothes but I can't just go inside with my dog waiting for me."
Then I realized my window was unlocked. So I jumped on top of our van and used it to jump to the roof. I opened my window, stepped into my room, and headed for my closet. I grabbed all the clothes that I usually wear, a white T-shirt, my black element jacket, blue jeans and skate brand shoes. I was halfway through the window when I turned to give my room one last glance before I left.
As I was heading to Nathans house I had this odd feeling, telling me to run on all fours, so I started at a slow walk, then a jog, and finally to a sprint. As I was sprinting I felt a thrilling sensation go through my whole body, I let my tongue hang out of my maw as I ran faster and faster, feeling a cool night breeze run through my fur, it was exhilarating.
I arrived on Rosedale St. moments later, a little disappointed that I couldn't experience the feeling of true bliss for a minute longer. I got up and started walking normal again; I was only three houses down from Nathans. I walked down the side walk when some dogs started barking at me, I began to uncontrollably growl at them and they stopped growling immediately after I showed my dominance.
When I arrived at Nathans house I noticed there were no cars on the driveway, so it wouldn't be that easy to get to his window.
"I've been wanting to test this body's capabilities anyways, I guess I could try to jump to his window." I said to myself as I backed up to the streets. I dropped down on all fours and started sprinting toward his house, as soon as I touched his driveway I jumped up to his roof and barely made it. "I can't believe that actually worked!"
I headed for the window hoping it was unlocked, I pushed up on the window and it slid open. I whispered to myself "Oh thank God it wasn't locked."
I crept in carefully so I wouldn't wake him up; the only light in his room was coming from the window and the hallway light outside his room. I walked slowly towards his bed and I lightly tapped his shoulder, when that didn't wake him up I started to shake him, he slowly began to open his eyes and I could tell he was about to scream, "MONS-" that's all he could get out before I clamped his mouth shut. "Shhhh calm down, calm down. I'm not a monster I'm Gabe." I said in a whisper, Nathan gave me a skeptical look. I let go of his mouth so he could ask questions.
"You can't be Gabe, he is not a wolf creature first off and second you're out of your mind if you think I am going to believe you!" he said in an anooyed tone. "I can prove I'm Gabe, I'm the only one that knows that you..." I whispered the rest in his ear and his eyes flew open, still shocked he said
"How can you know that, Gabe is the only one I ever told that too!" I respond "Because I am Gabe, Nathan please you have to believe me you're the only one I could come to like this." Tears started rolling down my cheeks.