Reaper Graesham Campaign: Prelude

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#1 of Reaper 2

Reaper: The Purge of Graesham

Prelude: You are my Rock

"Memory is a valuable tool and a precious commodity for all mortals. However you look at it, a mortal uses their memory to make themselves stronger. Whether this is forgetting a terrible moment in their life or using a moment - good or bad - to fuel them further it doesn't matter. Our memories are a pile of stepping stones that we use to bring us closer to the sky. Which section of the sky however... That's a different matter altogether."

Dr. Azalea Winters

Criminal Minds: Motives and Cause

"Come on, Rose!"

I tried my best to keep up with him... I really did... But... But some things are just not meant to be...

I wanted to tell him that... Tell Luke that... well... I couldn't be with him like I had promised.

I closed my eyes briefly as I recalled the first day we had met... He was that poor, miner's son in Graesham. I was training to use my Seal in the courtyard of the MODD complex there. He and his friends peeked over the high fence to watch us and when I caught sight of him I smiled and waved. His friends gave a cry of shock and ducked away.

Luke was the only one who waved back.

I was surprised and disappointed when the guards didn't catch them. Surprised because I had faith in MODD's abilities but also a little disappointed because I wanted to see that cute, polar bear that had such thick fur on him that he looked like one of those toy teddy bears that I wanted so much.

The next time I would see him would be on the exact same day the following week. He was alone but knowing that if I drew attention to him he would be forced away, I merely ignored him. Even so, from the corner of my eyes, I could detect the smile on his features as he watched me train. His blue eyes were like tiny gems that I could see even from the vast distance between us.

It would be weeks later when my father finally let me go out into town - under guard of course - when I would see him closer.

"Rose! No!"

I blinked and hadn't realised I had fallen over. Luke was cradling me in his strong arms. I hid a laugh as I regarded his permanently dirt-covered features. There were black stains all across his thick, fluffy, white fur. I called him 'Sooty'. He said he didn't like it but I think he just liked the fact that I had a nickname for him.

I couldn't help it... I began laughing softly.

"Rose...?" he asked, worry marring his beautiful, blue eyes.

I smiled at him, reaching for his cheek and gently brushing my thumb against his fur. Those black stains never came out. Even when I pushed him into the river all those years ago and we had a water fight... Never.

"You're so beautiful..." I whispered softly. "Never change, Luke..."

He swallowed hard and nodded. "I won't. Because you'll be right there to tell me when I am changing. Right? Right!?"

I wanted to tell him that I would be... that I'd be there to guard him forever more... but I realised that just sounded like a dying statement and I had no intention of leaving him heartbroken... even if the facts spoke to the contrary.

It was a futile attempt at freedom after all...

No one escapes MODD.


"Help me up..." I whispered softly.

Luke beamed and eagerly helped me to my feet, being sure not to brush my breasts or my groin. He was so cute that way. Even after all the shenanigans we've been through, all the times we've been in trouble and the many times we've kissed, he still thinks he's no good for me... He still believes that a lowly miner boy like him has no chance with the daughter of the Elemental Lord of Earth.

Well... Truth be told it was true. He had no chance.

He had no chance at stealing my heart... because he already had it.

I stood proudly beside him, looking to the distance where the countless ANVIL troops began storming towards us. I could see gunships, tanks and countless transports making their way towards us. My father was pulling out all the stops. I knew in my heart that he cared for me... but if he truly cared for me, he would let me do what I wanted...

...because I loved Luke...

And Luke offered me something that even my father could not provide... Freedom.

"Rose, come on," Luke urged, tugging at my paw. "We have to keep moving!"

I turned to him, my sad smile still in place. He knew exactly what I was thinking long before I even said it.

"No..." he said, shaking his head slowly. "No! Rose, you already used up enough of your power to help us escape! You can't! You'll die!"

"Probably," I chuckled, brushing my paw against his cheeks. "But you'll live, Sooty."

He clenched my paw in his, tears forming in his eyes. "No... Please no... I... I..."

My heart began racing in my chest and my mouth went dry. "Yes?"

Luke closed his eyes, his tears flowing freely... When he opened them again, they were pleading me... Telling me to stop what I was thinking... or at least... to take him with me.

"Rose... I can't go on without you... I... I need you... I..."

I smiled again and quickly caught him in an embrace. Our hearts pounded against our chests like they were yearning to burst out of our flesh and come together as one.

I angled my muzzle towards his round ears and whispered... "I love you."

I felt his heart stop for a second... I smiled and gently pushed him away... Quickly gathering my strength, I summoned the earth from the ground around our feet and encased him in a large, capsule of rock. I left a large enough hole that I could see his face. He pleaded me to stop, calling out my name but I barely heard him.

My legs were starting to give way and my paws were feeling numb. A chill ran through me. All I could hear was pounding of my own heart in my ears. I summoned my remaining strength for a third time and threw a punch at Luke's capsule. The bullet of rock shot into the distant horizon... Hopefully towards the nearest settlement... or at least close enough that he'll be able to make his way there.

I smiled as the little, black speck vanished into the distance...

At least he would be safe... My last gift to him...

"Rose! Rose Earthsire!"

I turned slowly at the sound of my own name. MODD had caught up with me, forming an impenetrable barricade in front of me. I knew that I had no hope of outrunning them. Nor could I overpower them. I saw my father standing at the forefront of the army... a proud, brown-furred bear...

But... But I had tasted freedom... I had tasted love... and I would not die a slave... even if the slaver was my own father.

I took a deep breath... Luke's scent still lingered in the air. I smiled... and lifted my muzzle to the sky, spreading my arms wide. My heart felt so light... Luke had my heart... and when I sent him away to be free, he took it with him.

Now... All that was left was to ensure that no one followed him.

I poured the last vestiges of my power into my Seal... and once I was on the brink of unconsciousness, I filled my Seal with what remained of my conscious self. Everything that I was... I put into my Seal...

"Rose! No!"

I closed my eyes... and smiled as Rose Earthsire faded from existence...


I love you Luke.