Tempest Furry: Chapter One
#1 of Tempest Furry
The normally quiet and laid back jaguar, Colin Nyora walked down the street of his small town of Malinko. He wore a gray t-shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts, being no older than eighteen or nineteen. The buildings in the city rose over head, catching his stare as he walked in their thick shadow cast over his body. He wasn't scared, but things like this still amazed him. He happened across a magic shop further on down the street. Upon reading the sign, he learned the name of the shop was Roki's Cauldron. He thought to himself "What an interesting place. Maybe I can find something devious to buy." His platinum blonde tuft of hair on the top of his head bounced as he headed down the steps. Quietly he pulled the door open; a bell rang to let the owner know someone had entered. A middle aged panther sat behind the desk, reading. He was well dressed in a red vest with a white dress shirt underneath and black pants.
Colin helped himself to look around when his eye caught view of a door leading to another part of the store with a sign that read 'More in back'. Naturally he headed back there and had a look around. There were various books on colored magic. He picked one up for black magic and flipped through it, soon finding a spell that caught his eye. He grinned to himself and picked up a scepter with a ruby at the top. Upon further inspection, it could be seen that the scepter was in the shape of a snake, the jewel was clasped in the open maw of the snake. He waved the wand about in the air as he spoke aloud from the book. "Sands of time, shift and swirl, past be known, secrets unfurl! Gates of time I command thee to open! Depart to that which once was and speed this body through ages long since past, show me this land as it was in the times of ancient crafts!" He chuckled to himself and put the book down "What a crock!" he started to walk away when the book flung itself open, a green energy forming into a portal appeared on the wall. The whispered words of the incantation could be heard. Colin was pulled off his feet and he fell to the floor, clawing and grunting as he tried to keep where he was but to no avail. The sucking winds pulled him up and into the doorway and in an instant he was gone. Thrown through time and space, he soon exited through another portal in the sky of the old days. He let out a whimper and yelled as he fell towards the ground.
Below, Tsuzuki, otherwise known as Zooki to his childhood friends that were still in his village was walking along the forest pathway with a spring in his step. He clutched in his hand a scroll, the shopping list for his grandmother. She was in fact just a kindly feline who'd taken him in when he washed ashore on the river that runs near the village many years ago. He was no more than a kitten then, and quickly made friends with the other village children. Now though he was a young teen, coming of age as it were, he had hopes and dreams of making a name for himself. Just as he was thinking about the army, and the unsettling thought of being considered a dispensable pawn for land-hungry warlords, he heard a thunderous boom in the skies. He stopped in his steps and adopted an alert stance. He looked both ways, eyes wide, ears pricked up and turning each way to detect anything unseemly. He blinked at the following silence, and scratched his head briefly. His ear twitched slightly, as though somehow knowing that he was in fact about to be landed upon by a jaguar from the future no less. As Colin fell, he waved his arms wildly, as if he were a cartoon character trying to fly or a bird in mid nose-dive. His scream continued as he fell. "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! Catch me pleeeeease!" he spotted the one down below in hopes he would hear him. Tsuzuki slowly looked upwards until he saw the wildly flapping feline plummeting straight for him. He yelped at the inevitability of what was going to happen, and his hair fell over his eyes to completely hide them. He held out his arms as though about to be handed something light to carry. Moments later he was half-buried in the ground, arms and legs sticking out here and there, one clutching the shopping list. His foot twitched humorously.
Colin groaned and stood up, dusting himself off, and looking down at the cat boy in the ground he spoke quickly and nervously. "Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I just..um..can I help you up?" he reached down to help him, his head reeled for a minute, and then he gave him a rather cute glare-like pout, before springing up onto his feet and dusting himself off with a no-thank-you-very-much look on his face. Once satisfied, he glared at the other
"Just what on earth are you doing falling from the sky onto innocent people?! Are you some kind of loony who thinks he's a bird?" He looked him down and up, only now realizing the very strange outfit. Colin blinked at him, noticing the other's strange outfit as well.
"I'm no loony! You're the loony! Wearing that strange outfit and in broad daylight too!" he looked around himself, seeing nothing familiar. "Um..where am I?" He blinked a few times and then looked down at himself. Sure, he was a bit scruffy looking, maybe a little old fashioned but he was proud of his countryside upbringing.
"Oy! What happened to thank you? I just took the fatal impact out of your landing, you weird furry freak." He dusted his own rear briefly. "Anyhow...you're just outside Qualinest, and you really must be lost, judging from that outfit."
He blinks and looks around again, gulping "Q-Qualinest? Umm..I've never been there..uh..here." he said nervously. He continues to gaze around, wondering just how he could have gotten here from some phony magic trick in a book. Perhaps he was just knocked out from his fall, but at any rate he had to find out how to get back to where he came from.
Colin's eyes took in the scenery around himself, Tsuzuki watched him for a moment, and then outstretched a hand. "I'm called Tsuzuki." He said calmly, waiting for the jaguar to notice. It took Colin a moment, but he finally looked to him and to the hand, then gripped it firmly.
"Oh, well, they call me Colin." The alarm on Colin's watch went off and he looked down at it, Tsuzuki's gaze followed, looking bewildered at the device.
"What manner of sorcery is this?" Tsuzuki asked.
"This? It's a watch. And it's not sorcery. W-Well at least not to me, that is." He didn't know quite how to explain the device strapped around his wrist. It was at this point the young man realized that this was really happening. But he did not understand why it was happening, or why to him at least. He was then led back to the village by the younger feline. The village was small and only had a few huts in which people lived. The jaguar's eyes studied the houses, being silent during this time.
Tsuzuki lead Colin to his hut and took him inside where his grandmother was busy preparing a meal. The middle aged feline smiled and looked to the boys "Oh, Tsuzuki, you're back already?" Tsuzuki sighed, he still had a few bits of straw in his hair which Colin took upon himself to reach up and pluck them from the strands.
"Yeah, this guy here is Colin. He fell from the sky and landed right on me!" The feline chuckled
"You and your stories, dear Tsuzuki. Well, it's nice to meet you Colin. I was just fixing up a stew." The young jaguar shuffled his feet a bit, putting on his best smile
"I-It smells delicious m'am. Though, I did kind of fall down from the sky and landed on Tsuzuki here. Jaguars don't normally fly, you see so the landing was a bit rough." He put on a silly grin and chuckled some to himself, though Tsuzuki didn't quite seem to find it that funny.
Suddenly the woman gave a gasp; Tsuzuki looked over quickly "What? What is it? Did something happen?" She lifted her apron and wiped her hands in it a few times, then made her way over to Colin, taking his hand and shaking it lightly.
"My my, where are my manners? I'm Shandra, Shandra Jenkins." Colin shook back firmly
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She looked over to Tsuzuki and nodded to him
"Show our young guest where he can wash up, would you?" The cat boy took him and showed him where he could wash up and rest if he so desired while Tsuzuki went back out to help his grandmother with the cooking. Colin did just that, laying down for a quick nap, partially hoping when he woke up he'd be back in his own time and this will have all just been a dream.
Three hours passed before he started to stir. He lay sprawled out on a primitive bed made of matted down straw and leaves. Not the best sleep he's had but at least it was warm where he was. He could hear a faint female voice calling his name, he blinked his eyes a bit, groaning "Mmm...mom? Is that you?" He blinked as his eyes focused on the figure; it was Shandra standing over him.
"Colin...Colin wake up dear, it's time to eat now. My word, you sure can sleep a long time!" She chuckled lightly and left the room. Colin stood and stumbled a bit, not fully awake just yet. Everything around him came into focus. The room he was in was bare for the most part; there was a wooden storage chest there which Tsuzuki kept his clothes in. There was only one small window there, it was now dark out, and stars filled the sky above the village bathed in the gentle light of the moon. Colin rubbed his eyes as he exited the room, heading out to the room where Shandra and Tsuzuki waited at a dining table. It was a small table of wood looking to have room for about four people but there were only three chairs out right now. Colin could smell the stew as he got closer; the scent of it lingered in the air and traveled through his nostrils making his feline nose twitch with delight. He made his way to the empty chair and pulled it out silently, then sat and slid himself close. Their bowls were made of brown clay, the utensils made of wood. They had cups made of clay that were filled partially with sake which was kept in a large rustic clay jug corked in the kitchen cabinet.
Sometime after dinner, Colin decided to have a look around the new surroundings. He exited the small hut and headed out toward the middle of the village. Just like back home, there was even a little life at night. A ways down from the hut he caught glimpse of a female lupine with her ears flattened back against her head by a bandana. She wore a rustic dress, it was then he realized the financial state of this village. Tsuzuki spoke from behind Colin. "Ah, that's Mariana they call her the village princess."
Colin winced in surprise and looked over his shoulder nodding some "They have good reason to." His eyes followed her as she finished up with what she was doing and headed back inside. He felt something inside spark but wasn't sure what it could be. Feeling he had enough for that night, he turned round and nodded to Tsuzuki as he quietly headed back inside to sleep for the night.