Chapter Ten: The Lead up to the Fight
#10 of Tails of Fate
Chapter Ten: The Lead up to the Fight
Returning once again to the cave that Richmanta lives in, you see him sitting down at the desk with 5 Kitsunes, 3 dragons and 2 griffons sitting around the table at the far end of the room; Getting closer you hear one of the dragons speaking.
"The final reports have come in from our spies... Tony and Jasmine have been spotted at the edge of the village which was destroyed yesterday. Furthermore after they arrived on this planet they just seemed to vanish through the forest..."
"Vanish?" Richmanta says "for one thing why would they go to that deserted village... and secondly why didn't the spy follow them into the forest..."
"Well he did try to follow them... but when he got to the edge he was stopped by an invisible force... almost like there was a magical field surrounding the trees."
A kitsune appears from out of thin air into the room; she bows to all of them "I'm really sorry for interrupting you..."
"What the hell are you doing in here? Aren't you supposed to be at the village keeping an eye out to see if anything is wrong!! This better be good or else you wish you were never born!" Richmanta blasts at her.
Everyone in the room winces as they hear Richmanta scream; his aura flaring out all around him getting angrier by the second, now inches away from her. Knowing that she has a reason to be here she only winces when she hears him scream standing her ground nonetheless. "SIR!! All the kitsunes on earth have disappeared..."
The aura fades away returning back to his body "What? What did you say? How do you even know this? You were at the village."
"This is true sir, but while scouting the area about ten furs just came falling through the trees at the edge of the clearing; before I could react they got up and walked back through the trees, I tried to follow once again but was thrown back from the barrier" the female Kitsune replies.
"Is this true? If you are lying so help you god I'm going to hunt you down and kill you with my own bare hands" Richmanta replies.
Now the Kitsune is afraid "Y...Yes sir I'll leave you alone right away" The kitsune disappears not wanting to be in the room any longer.
Everyone in the room look wide eyed at Richmanta now afraid of him not wanting to get onto his bad side. Richmanta then looks at everyone in the room with a stern look on his face. "Alright now that everyone is back from earth we can make our final assault on there stronghold. We now have them right where we want them... in the palm of my hand."
"Sir do you think that even with our numbers we will be able to take on Jasmine and Tony? They after all defeated our best men."
Richmanta looks at the Dragon at the opposite end of the table one of the, his eyes glowing bright red "You question my methods?"
"No sir... I'm just saying" Richmanta disappears from his seat, appearing behind him after. Richmanta brings his paws up to the dragons head and twists it breaking the dragon's neck, surprising everyone in the room at his strength... a kitsune killing a dragon by twisting his neck... something you don't see every day.
"Does anyone else have any questions?" He looks around the room all looking down afraid, not wanting to be the next one to be killed.
"Good gather everyone up and head toward that village! I want those furs dead within the next week; if not you will all be dead!!! Now get out unless you want to meet the same end as this dumb dragon"
Not saying a word everyone either teleports out of the room or trots out of the room wanting to be out of the vicinity of Richmanta.
"This is getting ridiculous."
Outside the cave the remainder of the group can be seen all standing with a worried look on their faces.
"If we don't do something, Richmanta will kill us all even if we do kill the one and his lover." One of the dragons says the oldest one in the group.
"I know but there's nothing we can do... you saw what he did to aromier... killing him so easily... if we betray him we will all die..." One of the Kitsunes speaks up.
"If we do nothing we will all die... Richmanta has gone mad with power and will stop at nothing to be the ruler of this universe... even if it involves killing everyone in his path..." The dragon answers.
"For now we will follow his orders... but as soon as he turns on us... I'm going to take sides with the light Kitsunes..."
Everyone gasps at this not believing what they are hearing "You... you are going to take sides with the enemy?"
"That's right... at least on the other side we will have a chance of survival. Think about it we've been at war with these other furs for so long... for what? Just to see him get all of the glory and leave us behind to do his bidding? I'm tired of doing his biddings... if you are with me say so now... if not well you can leave but if you say anything we will have your head."
Everyone nods and says I will go with you, but one of the Kitsunes says "I am loyal to Richmanta... I will not take part in this" he turns around and starts heading down the mountain.
"Alright everyone gather around... here's what were going to do..."
...The scene fades out around you as they counsel disappears, in its place is Tony and jasmine standing the doorway leading outside into a chaotic scene. "Tony walking is obviously out of the question since it will be almost impossible to get around all of the furs outside; so lets teleport to Fangors building, it will be a lot quicker."
Tony nods at Jasmine and shortly after both of them close there eyes, concentrating on the building where Fangor is living in. Soon light travels across Tony's and Jasmines body engulfing them completely before vanishing into thin air.
The mouse that is still lying down on the ground blinks her eyes not believing that the two kitsunes that were just in front of her are now gone. Her eyes go wide as she remembers the amount of tails each of the Kitsunes has... realizing she just met the furs everyone has been searching for all this time.
Tony and Jasmine appear inside the building where Fangor is currently living in; they notice that he's not alone. With Fangor are three dragons and Two Kitsunes all looking at the papers on the table until they feel the presence of two more furs inside the room. They look up and see Tony and Jasmine standing in front of the door all of the furs with impatient looks on there faces.
"There you are, we've been expecting you." Fangor says to Tony and Jasmine with a smile on his face.
"So these are the two are the ones who have been causing so much trouble recently." A female dragon twice the size of Tony says.
"That's right the one and only" Tony says to her with a smirk on his face.
Tony and Jasmine walk over to the group of furs crowding over the table with a curious look on there faces wondering what's going on. "To start things off" Fangor speaks up to end the deathly silence "I'll introduce everyone in the room; the dragon who just made the rude comment to you is shelila. She is one of the generals that make sure everyone's doing what they are supposed to."
Shelila waves a talon at Tony and Jasmine having a big smirk on her mouth "Nice to meet the both of you" She says while batting her eyes at me playfully.
"Beside Shelila to the left is Dalirius, a warrior dragon, very strong and has great fighting skills." He just gives a wave towards our direction without saying a word.
"To the right of Shelila is Werfurio a Mage dragon, he know mostly everything about magic and you don't want to get on his bad side, he may curse you."
Werfurio nods at us and smiles a bit simply saying "Nice to meet you."
"Finally to my right and left are Damira and her husband Marco. Apart they can be defeated easily, but as a team they are almost unstoppable. There strength and magical abilities make them quite unique.
They blush at the complement from Fangor and say "A pleasure to meet you both."
"Everyone this is Tony and Jasmine, two furs who will do great things for our village."
Both Tony and Jasmine smile and acknowledge everyone in the room with a slight bow "A pleasure to meet you all."
With the introductions finished Fangor gets right down to business. "Alright now that everyone is here and the introductions are done, let's get right down to business. As of right now there are way more furs then this village can handle; this means the barrier will be useless soon if everyone can't fit in its protection."
Everyone nods knowing what Fangor are saying is true; now the group trys to figure out what they can do to fix the problem... that is until a voice comes out of the silence seeming to talk to everyone in the room. "I have a solution for all of you... but you must trust me in order for it to work."
Everyone in the room looks around trying to find the source of the voice not finding any everyone starts to wonder what's going on... that is everyone except for Fangor.
Recognizing the voice that's talking to them Fangor replies "Why should we trust you Tephorim? You have never wanted our help or even asked for our trust before."
Everyone gasps in the room recognizing the name Fangor speaks of "Tephorim? But isn't he on the enemy's side?" Shelila asks.
"That is correct Shelila ... I want to talk to all of you in person about the upcoming battle because I fear someone may pick up this conversation, and I don't want that to happen. If everything works out the way we figure many more lives may be spared then if we go head to head in a meaningless battle."
"Wait is you saying that you want to make a deal with us?" Tony asks.
"That's right... So Fangor do I have your permission to teleport into your village? Considering I can't get passed the barrier you put around your village." Tephorim asks.
"Yes... Yes Tephorim come" Fangor closes his eyes concentrating on something, he opens them back up and says "alright Tephorim you can pass through the barrier... you and only you."
Tephorim appears inside the room, when he knows he is in one piece he looks around, stopping his gaze at Tony. "So this is the Kitsune who has Richmanta on edge... you know I thought you would be taller..."
A growl emits from Tony muzzle not appreciated being called small; his eyes start to glow along with his aura flaring around his body. "What was that Tephorim?"
Seeing the energy flowing off of him Tephorim backs up surprised at the power this lone Kitsune possesses. Jasmine then wraps her arms around his waist, not even getting burned at the aura; Tephorim's eyes go wide when he sees this amazed that anyone could actually do that. "Calm down Tony he doesn't know any better..."
Slowly Tony calms down, hearing the soothing voice of his mate, the aura fades away and the glow in his eyes fade as well.
Getting his composure back Tephorim straightens up and speaks "Richmanta has gone too far to get what he wants the most, killing his own people just to get more power. When the council realized he has gone mad we decided to rebel against him; hoping that we could join an alliance with you in an attempt to stop Richmantas reign of terror... Hopefully everyone on both sides will agree and try to over power him with our sheer number of furs... he can't kill all of us.
"No" Tony says in a loud but calm voice. This catches Tephorim and everyone else in the room off guard; they all turn towards Tony not sure why he would reject the offer as tempting as it sounds.
"I am not going to let everyone die because of this ruthless fur... I'm going to kill him myself... it is my destiny after all."
Everyone shakes there head when they hear this... except for Fangor and Tephorim. "Are you crazy? Sure you are the one but you are still new to all of this, you aren't ready..." Marco speaks up.
Tony was about to reply when Jasmine speaks instead. "Tony is right, he is the only one who has a chance against Richmanta... but if he fails... then this whole universe is doomed..."
Everyone brings there gaze down to the floor understanding what Jasmine is saying is true... Alright that sounds like a plan but how are we going to get Richmanta here? He isn't even coming to the "battle."
Tephorim smiles and replies "That's where I come in... Listen up, this is my plan"
When the situation was explained to the furs on both the light and dark side amazingly every single fur on both sides did not want to go fight with potentially dieing. With each side up to date on the situation the barrier that was up to protect the village was brought down along with the hologram, leaving everyone vulnerable for an attack; although this left more room for furs to walk around and be more comfortable. Soon the dark side reaches the edge of the village looking at the other side seeing their enemy facing right back at them. Right smack in the middle is the fur who managed to get away from Tony and Jasmine wanting to get his revenge.
On the other side of the battle field is Tony Jasmine and all the other furs that were a part of the counsel standing in front of the good side getting ready to fight.
Tony smiles with only two words coming out of his mouth. "Deja-Vu..."
The Kitsune who refused to join the rebellion walks back up the mountain towards the mouth of the cave where Richmanta is. He takes a deep breath and makes sure that everyone is gone; he then makes his way into the cave; Going to give Richmanta the news that he will not like.
This kitsune walks slowly through the cave reaching the curtain that separates the main chamber from the hall, he stops and gets ready to move the curtain out of the way when he hears Richmantas voice. "Why do you come back?! You better have something important to tell me."
The Kitsune walks through the curtain to find Richmanta still sitting at the table looking annoyed at the visitor. "Y... Yes sir I bring you disturbing news... The council has turned against you... I think they are going to join our enemy so they have a better chance of stopping you."
"Oh really?" Richmanta says "So they turn against me to stop my reign of terror eh?"
The Kitsune closes his eyes waiting for the blow that he thinks is coming... when nothing happens he gets a little nervous and what's even worse is he seems calm not mad at all. The Kitsune opens his eyes to find Richmanta standing a foot in front of him.
"The council is useless to me now... I was planning on killing them all anyway..." A grin comes to Richmantas face, the grin now becoming a maniacal laugh.
The laugh sends shivers down the other Kitsunes spine; he now realizes that the others were right... Richmanta has gone mad... "You're a mad fur! You should die for even saying such a thing!" He tries to take a swing at Richmanta but to his dismay the insane fur thrusts his claw into the Kitsunes chest, he grabs his heart and pulls it out, killing him instantly.
"You're lucky you died so quickly, that is your reward for being loyal." Richmanta says, he walks out of the room and out of the cave to the edge of the cliff. "I've almost achieved my goal... Just one more obstacle to get around."