Chapter 2: Saving the broken
[Chapter 1: A dark start](%5C)
Chapter 2: Saving the broken
[Chapter 3: Looking at the pieces](%5C)
Silveratus stood motionless for what seemed like an hour as he stare at the pile of fur on the floor. He could see marks along the fur that denoted scars most likely hidden underneath. The child look so thin even from where he stood Silver could see the child was in bad shape. Silveratus twitched when he heard a low moan echo in the dark chamber. The child started to stir leaving Silveratus standing still unable to move. The sound of chains moving across the stone floor seemed deafening as The child sat up eyes looking to the floor. Silveratus remembered the posture it was the same position he was forced to take whenever Draven entered. Watching the child do the same even while weakened sickened him.
Silveratus took the tentative steps towards the child, he could see the small childs body shaking with effort to support itself. Silveratus reached out his paw to the child hoping to stop the poor thing from straining to sit up for him. The child flinched back shaking as Silveratus paws touched the kid's shoulder. The child seemed confused looking up tentatively to look at Silveratus, he watched as the childs eyes grew wide when the kid saw who he was. The kid's lip trembling with fear, as it stumbled back from him. Silveratus reached out his hand to still the child but it only backed away further to the wall looking at him with frightened eyes.
"W-who are you? Where is master?" the kid cried out whimpering. Silveratus lifted himself from the floor looking at the child with a pained expression. He felt pain as he heard the child refer to Draven as master. The poor kid was exactly what Draven had hoped he would become, scared and frightened. He needed to get this child away from here. No one deserved to be chained up like this, to be treated like a common animal. He took a step towards the child offering out his hand, the child flinching from the sudden movement.
"I'm the one whose taking you away from here." Silveratus said trying to comfort the scared kid. His eyes squinting as he tried to get a better veiw of the child, still unsure of what the kid looked like other than his fur or even the childs gender for that matter. The childs reaction to Silveratus saying he was taking him away was less than he expected though as the kid grew worried shaking it's head a cry followed.
"No, no master would not be pleased. Master will be mad. Master will hurt me. I won't go. I must please master." The child covered its ear cowering against the wall in the fettle position, Silveratus felt his heart drop as the kid acted so vulerable. His only thought that if he never got away this may have been his own fate. He gave a sigh moving towards, the child as the kid tried to get away from him, the chains stopping short. Silveratus reached out as the child began to fall to the floor stopping the kid from falling face first. Catching the poor kid an inch from the floor. He felt the childs body tremble against his paws as the kid looked at him in confusion.
"I'm getting you out of here whether you want to or not. You don't belong here." The child began to struggle from Silveratus' grip as he held him close. Silveratus felt the weak struggle against his hold, the lack of strength worrying him. He cursed Draven for his cruelty, as the kid wore out, starting to breath in ragged gasp. Silveratus held the kid tight as he looked at the chains. Draven had obviously upgraded after his escape, instead of simple straps and links, full chains bound the kid. the hands held together with only a little room for movement.
Silveratus followed the chains to their place in the floor, noticing for the first time that the kid was not lock in the same place he was as a kid. Making sure of his assumption Silveratus looked for the lock in the floor that showed where he was locked up the ground near it stained slightly. He didn't have to guess what the satain was from but the fact that Draven had chosen not to you the same spot perplexed him until he saw a differance in the link. The one that held him to the ground was just that a link the one that held the kid had a rune on it.
Silveratus reached out to tug at the chain to have his paw stopped by the kid. He glanced to see a look of horror as the kid tried to mouth a few words his body weak from struggling earlier. Silveratus let his paw drop to his side, not pushing it further, Draven was always the sick bastard the rune might have been like the door frame a deturant meant to keep his slave in check. Silveratus gave a sigh knowing that nothing less then the key was going to help him get the kid out of here.
Without a word Silveratus stood up and headed for the door of the dungeon, pushing it open with ease. Another cruel trick Draven liked to play being chained down with freedom but an open door away. Silveratus looked back at the kid to see the same look of horror in his eyes, Silveratus turned away and walked into the house not wanting to see such pain and be powerless to help it. He moved up the short flight of stair leading to the hall of Draven's manor.
The house was dead silent as Silveratus walked through the same tortured halls. Feelings of hate kindleing within him to want to burn the whole place down, and rid himself of the bad memories. Silveratus walked about the maze of halls every turn and walkway etched into his memories each one with a moment of sadness. He quickly navigated the halls to stand at Draven's own chamber's, Silveratus clenching his fist as he opened the door. Silveratus could feel his heart pounding on his chest as he saw the old bastard sleeping smugly in his bed. Silveratus held himself back from wanting to strangle the man, it would be so easy to kill the demon of his nightmares to finally end it all, but he couldn't do it, even with his most hated enemy right before him, it would be to easy.
Silveratus moved around the bed frame careful not to make a sound as he looked about the room. This was the one place he was forbidden to enter as a child, doing so know felt wrong. he shook his head at the idea, being back in the opressive manor was making his mind cloudy. He needed to focus on the here and know, thinking about his past was causing him to not think straight and he could not afford to allow himself to become distracted. Silveratus crouched down blindly running his paw under a desk to see if he could find any hidden key. He wouldn't put it past Draven to try and be devious about hiding a key, but Silveratus stopped his seaching as he noticed something gleam in the low moon light.
Getting up from the ground Silveratus reached out to find a set of keys hanging on the wall. He turned his gaze towrads the old devil in the bed rasing a brow. He never thought their would be a day he would actually overestemate him. Silveratus quickly pocketed the key leaving the room as quickly as he could without rasing any alarm. Silveratus decended the steps to the dungeon to see the kid still curled up on the floor. He quickly moved to the kid knelling down to unlock the kids ankle. "Don't worry you'll be out of here in no time."
The kid squirmed again as I tried to fiddle with the lock, Silveratus looked up to the kid almost loosing his patients. He was meet with teary eyes, as the kid sniffled, lips trembling. "Please, I don't want to make master angry, I don't want him to be angry with me again." Silveratus felt his tongue in his throat as he saw the kid cry, feeling a slight of regret for not finishing Draven just then. He placed his hand on the kids cheek wiping away a tear, with only a wandering thought of what had happened to the child.
"You don't have to worry about any of that, he will never harm you again I promise." Silveratus hurried with the locks as the kid calmed down a bit, within moments he had the locks undone the chains falling to the floor, Silveratus was disappointed to find that the collar around the kids neck did not have a lock. Draven practically had it stiched together at the seams to keep it there permanently. Silveratus would have to deal with it latter as he lifted the kid up. The kids legs wobbled underneath prompting Silveratus to lift the kid into his arms. He carried the kid over to the window finally getting a good look at the little one.
He could see clearly the liquid blue eyes like sapphires, a short muzzle framing them. He could see that the kid was a wolf, but something seemed off about the apperance. Last he noticed a small cloth covering the torso, he gave a slight sigh finally knowing it was a small girl in his arms. Draven obviously allowed for some shame on the female form to allow the girl such. As soon as the thought crossed his mind though it seemed off as well. Something about the poor little girl was off he couldn't tell what, but he had to get her away first.
Silveratus lifted the little girl over his head standing on the tip of his feet to help the girl through the high window, following quickly after with the vine. Wrapping up the improvised rope Silveratus tossed away, best he didn't know how they came or went. Taking the inititive to open the front door, as he thought unlocked. He felt a slight burn as his paw neared the door frame when he opened the door as well, the enchantment still working, again Draven was a predictable. Taking the girl into his arms he moved around the house tossing one last look at the imposing hell hole, before walking off into the night.
Silveratus felt a sigh of relief wash over him when he finally reached the front step of his home, the sun slowly rising in the distance. He looked at the glowing orb, with a snarl as if to force it to fall. His little escapade had cost him the whole night. The side journey alone lost him part of the night with the extra distance, but having to sneak about and carry the girl had slowed it all the more. The girl had fallen asleep during the night curling up in his arms with a peaceful look on her face. He gave a smile looking down at the little one, but he felt the pressure coming towards him. He was now in charge of her, and he had to take the resonibilites involved in it.
Silveratus walked through the front door of his home, the room cast in a faint light caused by the rising sun. A peaceful atmosphere compared to the depressing one they had just so soon escaped. Silveratus walked to the back towards his room his bedspreed still tossed about from the other day. He placed the little girl down upon the mattres pulling the covers up to keep her warm. He placed a kiss upon her forehead, dragging a finger upon her cheek as she rested peacefully. The thought that anyone would want to hurt such a poor child was beyound his comprehension. leaving the girl to rest Silveratus walked out of the room closing the door behind him gently.
Silveratus gave a sigh knowing that he had become his father now, a parent to a disturbed child who had been abused and mistreated. Though Fergus had it easy, Silveratus had run of his own free will, he had to save the girl from it. The thoughts about his father reminded him he would have to tell his old friend about what he had done. Maybe he would know how to help the girl, he thought a bit more positively. Making a quick check that his home was secure Silveratus locked the door behind him making his way to work. Hopefully Fergus would have a pot of coffee this mourning to keep him awake.
Silveratus made quick time through the town square barely noticing the slaves and master walking about, his only thought was to get to Fergus. His mind was slowly settling from the nights adventure, and he began to worry. He didn't know how to take care of a child, let alone a little girl. He had little experience with those of the opposite sex, his lfe to hectic, to settle down. Now his mind drifted to what might occur in a few short years let alone possibly in the months, how could he help the girl whenever she had a questione suited to ask a mother. Maybe Fergus would have an answer to that if he was lucky.
Silveratus didn't even halt his progress at the door to his job, to find it locked. He raised a brow wondering why, to realize that for once in his life he was early on his own accord. Fumbling with his keys Silveratus opened the door to the office and stepped inside it feeling the chill of the cold office, with no fire going it was as bad outside. He had nearly forgotten how cold it could be in the office when no one tended the fireplace over the night. Moving to the mantle Silveratus removed a small sliver of wood, an instant starter as they where marketed, from the small box on top. Tossing in a few logs to start of Silveratus tossed in the small little piece of wood the fire roaring to life. He gave a smile when he convinced Fergus to buy the fire starters, enchanted to create a roaring fire in moments. He didn't know the exacts but why did he all he had to do was toss and enjoy the effects.
The sound of the front door opeing turned Silveratus' attention to the door as Fergus walked in with a perplex stare towards Silveratus. The second Silveratus stared back his thoughts of asking Fergus hit a complex wall of emotions, he had lied to his old friend and would have to come clean about it. He stood up walking towards his friend his mouth open to speak but his tongue was held in place as Fergus looked at him with an all to familer glare. He gave a gulp knowing that Fergus was already coming up with conclusions to his odd behavior and none of them good. Fergus walked by him moving towards the office leaving him standing a bit ashamed, he moved after just as Fergus depositied his bag on the table closing the door behind him. Silveratus took a seat opposite of Fergus as his friend held his hands in front of him in loosly hanging looking at him. Both remained quiet for a moment as the workstations just outside the office slowly came to life as workers poured in. Some tossing glances towards Silveratus and Fergus in the office. Most where worried, others confused, those who knew the two long knew that if both where in the office this early then somethig was wrong.
Silveratus opened his mouth once again to explain but was cut off by Fergus. "I know what your going to say, you're going to saw that you're sorry for lying, and that you did it for my benifit because you didn't want me to get involved. I know you wouldn't lie for any other reason. Right?" Fergus rose his brow in question looking at him like he did when he was but a kid still fresh from his tortured life with Draven, when he was still trying to adjust. Silveratus gave a slow nod barely looking at his friend a bit ashamed. "Silveratus look at me when I talk to you, I'm not repremanding you. I'm here to help you, not hurt you." Silveratus rose his head to look his old friend in the eye. He should have never lied to his old friend, he had been his father when he needed it and he had lied.
"I... I really need your help right now Fergus. I went to Draven's house last night." His friend looked back at him not an emotion lighting up, he knew Fergus had guessed that far. "And when I got there, the only way in was through the dungeon window, and... I didn't plan on it, but she was there and I couldn't let here suffer like that." Fergus' brow raised up, Silveratus knew his friend would never have guessed this. "I got her out of there. I saved her, Fergus' she's damaged worse than I ever was, Draven tortured her all the same but she's broken, I can see it in her eyes. She was afraid of him, she didn't want to leave because she feared that Draven would hurt her. I need your help." Fergus looked at Silveratus, with mixed emotions, he looked away rubbing his temples as if they hurt. in a sudden action he got up and poured himself a drink leaning on the counter looking away.
"Did he see you?" Silveratus raised a brow taking a second to regester what he meant just for him to ask again before he could respond. "Silveratus did Draven see you at all, is there any way he might track this to you?" Fergus' looked back at him with worry deep in his expression. Silveratus shook his head getting up to stand by his old friend, placing a paw on his shoulder.
"No nothing less than seeing the girl next to me will give it away that I was there." Fergus' gave a relieved sigh turning back to the kettle he poured a second cup giving it to Silveratus.
"Here I doubt you got much rest last night if you got here this early." Silveratus took the cup taking a few sips happy for the strong brew. Fergus' looked out the window as the last few workers came in, taking their seats and quickly starting where they left off the day before. "I want to see her." Silveratus turned his head at the sudden comment from his friend nodding his understanding.
"You will, there something else I should mention though, other than her mental stablity something seems off. I can't explain it but it seems like somethings just not right." Fergus' rose one brow looking at him confused. "It's hard to explain you'll notice it when you see her." Fergus shrugged turning back around to sit at his desk pulling out documents for orders, leaving Silveratus looking out at the floor.
Time passed relatively slow for Silveratus as he felt anxiety about going home, wondering every hour how the girl now locked in his house was coping. She had been so reluctant to leave Draven's manor, it made him wonder if she might try and run back to him. He gave a silent chuckle wondering if this was how Fergus had felt like when he first arrived in his home. He tried to see if he could take a quick nap in the middle of the day, but his anxiety plus the coffee was not helping. Finally the day came to an end as the last scribe paked up their belongings allowing the two to close up shop. Silveratus half ran back to his house with Fergus' telling him to cool his heels.
The first thing Silveratus noticed when he returned to his home was that the girl curled up on the floor in front of the door tear streaks going along her cheeks. The girl looking up at them pleading. "Please, take me back to master. Please." Silveratus gave a sigh as the girl repeated the same old line born of fear. Fergus though took the inititave and knelt down by the child taking her head in his paw.
"Tell me little one why do you want to go back to your master?" he asked in a soothing manner, Silveratus didn't know what his old friend did but the child calmmed down, sniffling a bit as she looked at Fergus.
"B-because master will be angry, and I don't want to make master angry. Else-"
"Else he'll hurt you." interrupted Fergu. The child shaking her head as if he had told a heanious lie.
"No, no, master only punishes me when I do wrong. He- he makes me feel funny when he's angry with me, I- I don't like it. Master says its because I've been a bad girl making him angry. Please let me go home, I don't like it when he's angry I only want to make master happy." Fergus nodded grimly looking at Silveratus horrified. He stood up lifting the girl into his arms and placing her on the sofa. holding her paws in his looking her in the eye as he talked.
"It's alright, don't worry about your master it's okay. I want you to sit here and be a good girl as I talk to my friend can you do that for me?" The little girl nodded her head placing her hands in her lap and looking down. Silveratus felt disgust at what the girl had said, Draven was really deprived he thought as Fergus lead him out of the room and into the kitchen the girl was still in veiw but their conversation wouldn't be as audiable. "I never thought that Draven would be that sick in my entire life. That bastards a real piece of work he is."
Silveratus gave a nod leaning against the counter as he talked. "To do that to such a sweet little girl like her, he's really a piece of work. I should have killed him when I had the chance." Fergus gave him a side ways glance at the comment. "Hey I didn't do anything to him, like I said theirs no way he will track it to me. He still doesn't know that I was his slave all those years ago so theres no reason to suspect me." Fergus shook his head looking back at him. "What?"
"You know what you said about something being off?" Silveratus nodded, wondering if his friend was trying to connect what he had said to this, he didn't see a connection though. "Well for one those arn't her really ears or atleast not partly, Dravens had her pinned back to look like that. I felt one of them when I touched her face. Draven's forcing her to be something she's not from what I can see if we took out the pins then we would see she's a Feline. Draven's denying her part of her identity. I suspect thats because it's that sense of identity that allowed you to get away." Silveratus rubbed his shoulder at what his old friend had said, was Draven doing this because of his escape. "Don't blame yourself Silveratus, Draven was always sick, he's just not holding back this time."
"Yeah, but she shouldn't have to go through this hell because I got away, i don't think that he would have pinned my ears so I look like something else if I had stayed, or... you know." Fergus placed a paw on his shoulder shaking his head.
"Don't blame yourself, you saved the poor creature thats what matters." Silveratus gave a reluctant nod looking back at the girl as she twiddled her thumbs. He would help her get over the pains that Draven had caused he wouldn't let her go back to the creep ever again.
"So what else did you notice you started numbering off thngs but you stopped." Fergus gave a nod looking back at the girl scratching his chin.
"Well like I said Draven's been a piece of work for years but he's really making sure to destroy any sense of identity this kid has to make her feel like a tool and less like a person." His friend was stalling, Fergus never stalled unless to hope to soften the blow. The fact that he was only made Silveratus all the more worried.
"Fergus what is it?" His friend gave a sigh staying quiet for a moment as he looked at the girl. Silveratus patients wearing thin. "Fergus tell me please. What did you notice?" Fergus gave a defeated sigh looking back at Silveratus with the most grim look he'd ever seen.
"Your her, is a him."