Mystery Savior Ch. 1

Story by Eyulf on SoFurry

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#12 of Mystery Savior

This may be the first of many chapters, I'm not entirely sure. I do know that there will be at least one other chapter, explaining who the mystery wolf is. Also, the fight scene may not be that accurate to what a real fight would be like, but I've never been in a fight, so I mostly guessed

On my way home from school, I was seething about my last hour: gym. Despite who I'm named after, Beowulf, I'm awful at anything athletic. For me, sports is just another word for pure torture.

It doesn't help that every time that I go into the changing room after the class, I gets the meanest glares from every guy in there. And that's only on good days. The problem is that I am out of the closet, so there isn't a day that goes by that I wouldn't get bullied. My locker has been spray painted with words like "fag" or "queer" so many times, that I finally just asked my teachers if I could keep the books needed for their classes in the room.

Luckily, no matter how bad the bullying ever got at school, I have never been beaten up. I may have been pushed around a couple of times, but no one had ever tried to punch me.

'Actually, the bullies seemed to be a lot nicer today,' I thought to myself. 'It must have been from the football team winning seven games in a row.' Most of the guys from the football team somehow ended up in the same gym hour as me, so it was even better. What's weird is that one of the guys that was on the other team in gym actually asked me if I needed any help carrying a project of mine home. I doubted that he was being serious. He was a tall athletic white wolf with a long, fluffy white tail that was laying down flat. Unfortunately, he was also unbelievably cute. His smile made my silver fur bristle. This made getting the words "no, thank you" out of my mouth, or any words for that matter, rather hard.

It was about half-way home that I heard something. Normally, my walks home are fairly quiet; no one else at the high school lives in the same direction that's a walking distance away, and everyone that lived in the houses I past were always at work. Instinctively, I paused to listen. The noise stopped. I looked around, and when I didn't see anything, I continued on my way. However, after a few more steps, my super sensitive ears heard the noise again. Instead of stopping again, I pretended that I was looking at a mailbox while walking past it.

I just barely saw it, but I could tell that there was more than one person following me. I quickened my pace home. When I heard the footsteps starting up again, I dropped my school project and started running. I knew that the only way out of this would be to run home, because no one else would be home to answer the door. While still running, I took my backpack off of my back to take out the key to my house. I wanted to be prepared to unlock the door as soon as I got there.

Unfortunately, that slowed me down enough for the captors to catch up to me. One of them grabbed me by my tail. That completely threw me off balance and made me fall on my butt. I looked around for some kind of escape, but couldn't find one. Then the blows started. The first things to get hit were my eyes, so it was impossible for me to see who was even attacking me. Even so, I could tell by their scent that it was a couple of the guys from the football team. Then one of them put their knees into my chest, while two others pinned my arms down.

All I heard was somewhat familiar voices yelling things like, "This is what you deserve, faggot," or "Die homo!" I tried to free my hands, but the 2 holding them down had too strong a grip.

The pain was unbearable; I didn't think that I would stay conscious that much longer. Suddenly, the pressure on my chest was gone. Too confused to wonder why it happened, I kept trying to break my hands free. I heard one of them curse loudly, and then the pressure on my arms let up. When I was finally free, I tried to sit up to see what had made them stop, but my head started spinning after raising my head about 2 inches.

I lay in the grass, unable to move. I vaguely wondered who would be the first to find me here and how long it would be when I heard a familiar voice say my name, "Are you ok, Beowulf?"

I looked up, and saw that it was the same white wolf that had offered me help carrying my project home.