3. Forging a Bond
#3 of Anthro Magical Girl
Jake discovers Winter's powers and what it means to forge a body with a magical costume.
Jake raises the fox costume reluctantly and hangs it on the rack where he had found it. The desire to keep holding it, feeling its fur, and being chilled by its energy makes it nearly impossible to let it go. His hands are shaking with incredible excitement as he tries to unbutton his pants but fumbles pathetically with the simple task until he looks down to manage his movements better. Pulling down his pants and boxers with the same motion, he kicks them off his legs as he quickly pulls his shirt off as the uncomfortable chill of the room's air hits his exposed skin. Almost as if possessed, Jake reaches out with haste and picks up the costume again as he holds it up to inspect it one more time.
Turning the costume around so the opening in the back faces him, he lifts his right leg and as his foot starts to enter the costume's leg it reveals how soft it is inside. Whenever his skin touches the costume, the same cool energy seems to touch him like a painless, comforting, chilling, static shock. As his foot sinks into the padded paw, the sensation is serial with how silky soft the ground feels under his paw. It also seems to be a perfect fit for him too even though it looked too small when he held it up previously. As his other foot pushes into the costume, he can't help but marvel at the comforting chilly energy enveloping his feet and legs as the fabric covers his skin.
Pulling the costume higher, Jake guides it over his hips and up his torso, the soft interior caresses his skin causing a shiver of excitement to travel up his spine. He can also feel the costume's heavy tail pulling down from behind him. Feeling the costume's energy coursing through his chest makes the anticipation grow with every pulse.
Knowing he has to finish putting this on, he pushes his hands through the arms and into the attached, black-furred paws. The paws are very padded and his fingers lose a lot of dexterity but the cool chills running up and down his fingers and arms drive him. Reaching up, he fumbles to grab the attached hood and once he has enough of a grip, he closes his eyes and lowers his head into the costume's opening. As his head pushes through the neck and into the hood, he opens his eyes and is surprised to see his head is not covered by a mask. Instead, this seems more like a Halloween style costume with an open face.
Feeling the cold energy starting to travel along his spine now, he reaches behind himself to try to find a zipper or something to close the costume until he gasps as the costume seems to grow tighter around his form and he feels the back of the costume closing on its own! The chilling energy seems to pulse within his entire body as he groans with discomfort as vertigo smashes into him. Stumbling back, he closes his eyes as he feels the costume getting tighter and tighter around his body. He tries to breathe in but can't! As if he was wearing a strangling corset around his entire body, he couldn't move or even expand his chest to breath! Doing his best not to panic, he just waits for it to hopefully stop as his body wobbles. He can feel a tingling sensation covering his pecs as they seem to become softer and heavier. He flinches as his hips seem to become numb as he hears a strange grinding sound. As suddenly as the costume's tightness started, the sensations he was feeling stop as his body relaxes.
Opening his eyes cautiously, he blinks a few times to clear his vision as he looks down at his body and freezes. He was expecting to see his body wearing a furry fox costume but instead, he sees two modest breasts extending from his chest! "Why do I have breasts!" He says in disbelief but hears a cool womanly voice. Confusion assaults his rational mind as he slowly asks, "Is this my voice?"
It is.
Frantically he starts to look over his body. His hips are wider and his shoulders are certainly less defined. Looking behind him, he can see the costume's tail is bent more as if at alert. It moves, a twitch, but he can feel it. Focusing on the feeling and where it came from, somewhere new in his brain, it starts to move too. "I have a tail!?"
Jake's mind spins as she stumbles and places her back against the wall. Too surprised and what had happened, she closes her eyes as she tries to settle her nerves. Her ears twist as a creaking sound comes from a door. Raising her head, she can see Calmar walking in carrying something.
Walking around the racks of costumes the old man nears her. Jake can make out what he's carrying as he turns past the last row, a dark blue collar. The collar is a master crafted item adorned with gems that range from cyan to blue to purple, each finely cut face catches the light in the room twinkling like stars in a moonless night. Jake's breath catches in her throat as she takes in the sight, not just of the collar, but of Calmar himself. The old mage, once slightly shorter than her, is now a towering presence-nearly a foot taller than she is!
"Seems you've already been acquainted with her body," Calmar observes wryly, noticing how Jake's eyes roam over her own diminished stature.
Swallowing hard, Jake asks in shock, "Her body? You mean..."
"Indeed," Calmar answers as he approaches with the collar. "As I said, these are not ordinary costumes, Mister, well, Miss Sullivan. It is a living enchantment." He holds out the collar as if presenting a crown rather than a simple band of fabric and jewels.
Cautiously reaching out her pawed hands, she accepts the collar from Calmar. The gems are cold to the touch, sending a shiver up her arm that seems to send sparks of cold throughout her body and into her mind.
"What you are wearing now," Calmar explains patiently, "Is the costume's body. This," he says pointing to the collar, "contains the costume's mind. Place it around your neck and you will meet what you are wearing. If you accept the contract that is offered to you, you will form a bond far beyond anything you can imagine."
Lowering her head to only focus on the collar in her hands, Jake mutters, "A bond..." The word is horrible to her new ears as her mind fills with horrible thoughts and emotions. In the back of her mind, she knows she should be scared, scrambling to reverse whatever magic has ensnared her. Scared that she's going to lose in the end. Scared that she'll be betrayed and dismissed at the end of all of this.
"Yes," Calmar confirms, his voice a steady current beneath the tempest of Jake's thoughts. "She will protect you, guide you, and be your unyielding companion. But you must also nurture her. It is a true symbiotic relationship."
Symbiotic. The term conjures images from biology class--organisms reliant on one another, a balance of give and take. Jake's gaze falls down his furry feminine body which he finds both unnerving. Could he really become one with this thing? The thought is terrifying and yet, oddly, comforting.
Looking back to Calmar, Jake asks, "And if I say no?" She needs to know Calmar will follow his end of their bargain if this bond doesn't work out.
"Our original agreement will be followed. Your mind will be erased and you go back to your ordinary life." Calmar says without hesitation as he steps back. "I will leave you to your decision." With that, he makes his way out of the room. As the door clicks closed, silence consumes the air once more.
Hesitating for a moment, Jake holds the collar up, her brain filling with bad memories as the chill of the costume's energy pulses through her body more strongly now as if encouraging her to finish what she has stated. Slowly, she brings the collar to her neck and wraps it around her neck as she hears the clasp click shut with a decisive sound.
Instantly all the cooling energies focus around her neck and move up into her mind as a soft voice, sounding very much like her new physical voice, says, <Greetings. I am Winter.> The words fill her mind as if being heard from every direction. The cadence is smooth and direct like a frigged breeze across a snow-covered field.
"Uh," Jake stutters out loud before wondering if she can communicate with this Winter in her thoughts. <Hello, I'm Jake>
A soothing chill seems to drift over her mind as Winter responds, <I can feel this is hard for you...> Her presence seems to shift around Jake's mind leaving a comforting numb feeling wherever her presence goes. It's not painful per se, but Jake knows what memories are in those areas as feelings and images pop into her mind. The cooling feeling comes back to the center as her mind as Winter continues, <...I can sense your truths, Jake. Your fears and your pain.>
"Stop!" Jake screams into the empty room as she stumbles back. The raw emotions she's spent so long trying to forget or hide in the recesses of her mind come to the forefront. Of bonds forged and then shattered without a care. Of promises made and then easily forgotten. Of others' love crushed with no remorse. As tears come to her eyes, she pleads, "I don't want to remember!"
<What good is a mind if you cannot accept what has happened?> Winter responds calmly as she centers herself in Jake's mind.
<Please! Stop!>
The chill seems to grow into a fog that permeates every part of Jake's mind. <That is not all that you are, though. You are driven, smart, intuitive, curious, and moral.>
<What morality do I have!?> Jake counters as he throws his hands down as fists. <I hate everyone! I avoid people like their venomous snakes waiting to poison me when I turn my back. I live for myself and by myself!>
The chilling fog seems to fall like rain as it puddles and collects itself. <Morality is what individuals determine it to be. You are right, people can be malicious. You have seen that firsthand and by those who you had rightfully placed complete trust in.>
Relaxing her hands, Jake closes her eyes and breaths deeply trying to calm herself as she asks, <Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?>
<I must know you, Jake.> Winter responds as her form seems to start moving slowly around the perimeter of Jake's mind as if on a stroll. <I must know who you are and what you aspire to be. I must know how you will use the power I have if we are to bond.>
"I..." Jake starts to say out loud as she tries to find the words to say. "...I can't..."
<Oh?> Winter says with a soft chastising tone. <Then why did you wear me? You knew the conditions. You knew about the contract. Yet you continued.>
Jake shakes her head but can't respond.
<You are a righteous person, Jake. That is a powerful trait that can be used for pure deeds or terrible acts. Would you use these emotions to hurt others? To find revenge? To destroy?>
"No," Jake says easily. She would not be able to live with herself if she caused pain for others. Though wanting to harm those that had harmed her so badly had crossed her mind.
As if knowing what Jake is thinking, Winter says, <Having such thoughts are not evil. Only if you were to act and perform those acts would you be a terrible person.>
<I am a terrible person!> Jake screams inward to the wandering cold point in her mind. <No one wants me! No one wants to be near me! No one loves me!>
The chilly presence stops its movements and hangs in Jake's mind. <I care about you.>
<No you don't. I forced myself into you...>
The chill shakes as if in negation. <I want to know you. I want to be near you. I want to work with you. I want to be with you. You have so much potential, Jake. So much to give to this world!>
In the cold emptiness of her mind, Jake feels a sudden warmth surge within him. The icy feeling seems to radiate it, filling every corner of her consciousness. It's a feeling she hasn't experienced in a long time - acceptance.
<But...why?> Jake asks, the confusion palpable in his mental. <You see it, you know why I can't put my trust into anyone! Ever!>
The cool warmth continues to pulse from Winter as she asks softly, <Will you try once more?>
<Will you trust in my intentions?> Winter asks almost pleadingly. <Will you allow yourself to know someone other than yourself? To rely on someone other than yourself?> Her form seems to grow.
Tears start to well up in Jake's eyes again as she feels a weight developing in her heart like a wall blocking any attachment. The turmoil of thoughts and memories swirl in her mind, fighting any emotions of empathy that try to come out. She can't say it. It's too painful. To open herself to more harm.
<I will accompany you, Jake.> Winter's voice is a cool breeze in her mind as Winter seems to dissipate. The energy that is Winter splits and starts to travel throughout Jake's body, traveling through all her veins, as it all recollects into her heavy, hammering, heart as Winter's cold warmth surrounds it.
Shaking from the raw emotions, a crack forms in the stone. A whimper escapes Jake's mouth. Allowing this long-lived defense to break is painful.
<You're brave,> Winter says as her cool presence travels with the blood being pumped from Jake's heart back up to her mind. <Face your pain. Accept it.>
Squeezing her paws tightly against her chest, Jake cries, "It's too much!"
No response comes as Jake settles herself. "I want to trust you," she manages to choke out. "I'm not ready to fully. I..." Can she really say what she knows she needs to say? Can she really open up to this thing, this costume? If it wasn't so ridiculous she might be laughing; but she can feel the tension in this decision, this isn't some fantasy game, this is real.
Letting her paws drop to her side, exposing her heart, she mutters, "I need help Winter. I'm a broken person! I know I am. I want to trust you. I want to be honest with you!" Defeated, she shakes her head. "I just can't promise I can be..."
<I can accept that contract,> Winter says with a cool determination as her radiating chill seems to grow into a welcoming comfort in Jake's mind. <Do you accept this?>
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Jake nods with apprehension, not sure what she's actually getting herself into with this. Though, deep down, she knows this is what she needs.
"Yes, I accept."
Jake somehow knew at that moment, with those words, that her fate had changed. That there's no going back; and for the first time in many, many, years she finds herself okay with that.
Gasping, Jake feels her entire body feel warm. <Winter?>
<Breath, Jake,> Winter instructs gently. <Accept me, allow this bond to be true and become me.>
A tingling fills Jake's entire body as every strand of fur tingles with energy.
<Your heart beats faster,> Winter notes, her tone clinical yet laced with an undercurrent of excitement. <A sign of change. Of acceptance.>
The room spins as her mind is consumed with new sensations as she feels herself growing lighter as if floating. Light fills the room as she closes her eyes and finds Winter's chill enveloping her mind like a comforting blanket
<Good, Jake,> Winter encourages. <Let it happen.>
Emotions swirl through her mind as she feels herself changing to the core. Her memories are still her own, but Winter's point grows within her, as if it were becoming truly part of Jake as her brain seems to strain to its limits.
<Thank you for accepting me. We will do great things together, you and I.>
Winter's words are chilling and calming as Jake loses consciousness.