LSH 2: Partners and Photos

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#2 of Liberty Scales High

Part two of Liberty Scales High is here.

Reeva the dragoness gets partnered with someone she is not sure how to feel about, Kaarif accepts his fate and we see a return of a familiar couple whom I hope you will enjoy.

Reeva sat on the lush grass lawn while taking notes in the notebook that lay on the low table before her. Being the final class for the day, she could feel her attention waning and as she looked around the class she knew she was not alone. The wind gently rustled the leaves of the large oak tree the class sat under, the combination of shade and white noise would lull them all to sleep if it were not for the large drake in front of them standing beside a portable white board.

A small smirk pulled at her snout as she caught her friend Kaarif next to her staring at the red dragoness, Tiiphani, with a look of disgust. The silver drake was clearly not looking forward to being partnered with the rude 'ness for their upcoming assessment. A pang of anxiety nagged at her mind as she scanned the class to try and guess who would be her partner for the mysterious presentation.

In the past, Tiiphani had always partnered with her friend Miikalah, the larger dragoness acted almost like a second in charge of their posse. Large, burly and mean, Miikalah was watching a small insect crawl on her paws. The dragoness rotating her wrist to keep the bug endlessly crawling until she became bored and crushed it between her toes. Reeva shuddered at the thought of being forced to work with her and continued to look around at her classmates.

In the corner of her eye she saw Meegi, the tan drake focusing intently on the teacher's words. Reeva frowned as she saw one of Meegi's friends pass him a note, the young drake unfolded the message before smiling politely and passing it back.

Reeva's mind drifted to what working with the drake would be like. It was no secret that he was a ferocious opponent on the dragonball field and while she had not paid much attention to the sport, she had heard he was going to try and go professional. However as she continued to watch him she found herself captivated by how frequently he would scribble down notes, his gaze flicking between the teacher, the board, and his work.

With a stifled yawn, she tried to force herself to focus on their teacher. While the large gray and white drake taught English and social studies, but it wasn't uncommon for him to blend the lessons across the two subjects. Out of all of their teachers, she liked Mr. Siigma the most. Many of the students hated his classes, but only because he would put pressure on failing students to encourage them to avoid his ire.

Reeva watched as the drake used a marker attached to his wing claw to scribble key words on the board and she looked down at her notes. Blinking to try and wake herself up, she realized she had fallen behind and quickly began transcribing as Mr. Siigma turned his attention her way.

"So! The clans and their complexities as written in the City of Wings novels. What would be the similarities to the real world that the author is trying to convey, and what would you have done differently?" Siigma asked the class, "Come on now, I know it's late. Kaarif!" He smirked as the aquatic dragon jolted in surprise.

Kaarif tried to talk but his voice broke, much to the amusement of the class. Quickly clearing his throat he tried again. "Ahh... um, I think it was pretty good." He floundered and glanced to Reeva for help. While he had skimmed the book that had been assigned as required reading, he knew she loved the authors works and now tried to remember what she had told him. "I think that they are trying to convey that... ummm... love triumphs over all?" He said, his pitch raising in uncertainty.

"Is that a question?" Mr. Siigma asked with a smirk, knowing he had found his next prey.

"No?" Kaarif said without confidence and his frilled collar starting to flare defensively as the class chuckled.

Spinning around, the teacher began writing in large writing on the board with a marker on his wing claw. "Clans, Castes, or... Segregation." He said loudly while writing the three words and turning back to the class. "These social groups are placed upon the dragons of the City of Wings world, all fabricated by the power and politics of the land." His stern expression flicked across the class and could see that they were now all paying attention out of fear of being asked a question. "Constructs of control that you and I have the luxuries of not being subjugated by, correct?" He asked before pausing. "All of us dragons are equal to man in the eyes of the law? Correct? Since the freescale movement, we are no longer slaves or property of man. So there surely is no caste or clan system that dictates what we can do, is there?" He asked and paused again before turning to the board. "That was a question class."

"No sir." murmured the students.

"Oh deer, you disappoint me." He chuckled with a smirk while resuming to write on the board. "Equal means... the same as." He said while the marker squeaked against the polished white surface. Turning back to the class he turned his head and looked at Kaarif with a glint in his eyes. "You believe we are equal, yet hypothetically. If young Kaarif here grew up and happened to find himself a fine drake or 'ness, could he marry them?" He paused to let the class chuckle, "Yes, I'm talking hypothetically here."

"No." the class replied, the students becoming more engaging as Kaarif's frills flared wider.

Siigma smirked, "That's right! We cannot marry the ones we love. Yet, humans can. Why is that?"

"Tradition!" Tiiphani called out, her posture stiffening as Siigma's head snapped to her direction. Before he could open his mouth however, a soft voice could be heard.

"It's not tradition." Meegi muttered under his breath, his eyes going wide as the teacher slowly turned his gaze towards him. The young drake's heart beat faster and he shuffled his wings nervously, the heavy silence hung only disturbed by the sound of the tree leaves rustling in the wind.

"Meegi, marriages have happened between two humans for thousands of years. How could it not be tradition?" Siigma asked, giving him the subtlest of nods to continue.

"I don't know-" His words cut off as he saw the focused expression on his teacher's face. Knowing he wouldn't be able to get off the hook he cleared his throat and spoke up so the class could hear. "Well, the church keeps preaching that it's a special arrangement between a man and woman in the eyes of the Lord, which is why we cannot marry. But historically, it was more of an arrangement between a man and the bride's father. A few camels or even a dragon in exchange for a woman's servitude and I guess in a way, breeding rights." He said while averting his gaze and paused when the class snickered. When he looked back up he was emboldened by Siigma's small smile, the teacher giving him a small wink and nod to continue. "and I guess, traditionally speaking, marriage was a way of controlling the people. Even kings and queens had to seek permission from holy leaders, often promising to fight in crusades or giving gifts to sway opinions of the church. So, if it was strictly tradition that us dragons couldn't get married. It would be because we more likely be the wedding gift-"

His words were quickly drowned out by the laughter that erupted from the class, his eyes widening as he realized what he had said and quickly tried to correct himself. "I mean, I think Kaarif here would be a great gift. But what I mean is that traditions are sometimes messed up, like, we used to be property and now we are our own people."

"Very good, Meegi." Siigma said warmly and turned his back to the class, missing the ball of scrunched up paper being thrown at Meegi by his friend. Reeva watched as the drake's friend Riikal mouthed the word "nerd" at Meegi.

"So! I think we can agree that it's not tradition. It seems the world that once was is no more, and we have evolved socially over time." Siigma announced as he approached his large oak tree and turned to face the class. "So then! If we have changed so much, why can't young Kaarif here grow up to marry the dragon, or human, of their dreams?"

When the class was silent, Siigma looked to Meegi who shrunk down and avoided eye contact. "Hmm, perhaps an assignment is in order." he announced. A collective groan echoed out through the class but Reeva smirked knowing that this was where the teacher was leading them all along.

With a claw, Siigma flipped open the class role and propped it up against a tree root. The gray drake sat on his haunches and peered down at the writing before glancing to the class. "I will partner you all up and you will present a five minute oral presentation on an aspect of modern culture that has changed since its conception for next Wednesday's class."

As the bell rang out from the school's main building, with an authoritative voice Siigma began reading off names in pairs while the students packed their harnesses.

Reeva was half paying attention to the pairings but looked up from her harness as she heard Kaarif's name be called and paired with Tiiphani. The red dragoness turned her head and glared at Kaarif, the aquatic drake only able to give a weak smile in return.

"Reeva, Meegi." Called Mr Siigma and continued through the list.

Reeva's heart seemed to stop and her frill popped up to full extension at the realization. Snapping her head towards the tan drake she found him already looking at her and felt her cheeks burn. He gave her a polite nod and smiled but seeing her staring with a dumbfounded expression he looked down and continued packing his notepad into his tight fitting harness.

While her classmates rushed to leave, Reeva slowly continued to pack her harness pouches with text books. Taking a heavy math book from one side, she redistributed the weight by placing it in the other side pouch. The sounds of wings beating filled the air as her classmates quickly took to the sky. In the corner of her eye, she saw Meegi also lingering until his friend Riikal playfully shoved him to hurry up.

In a matter of moments, she was the last student under the shade of the tree and approached Siigma as he cleaned the white board with a rag clutched in his forepaw.

"Miss Reeva, problem with the assignment?" The gray drake asked when he heard her footsteps on the soft grass.

Reeva quickly confirmed they were alone before she shook her head. "Um... N-No. I had a question about the homework, question four-"

"Ah! Or course. Identifying the tragedy of commons in the reading material. How did you go?" Siigma asked with a knowing smirk.

"Badly, I couldn't find one example in the text-"

"Are you sure that is bad?" Siigma asked, his ghostly gray eyes burning into hers before resuming cleaning, "Could it be that there wasn't one?"

Reeva smiled in realization. In her attempts at finding the answer she had researched what a tragedy of commons was, had scoured the text for any evidence and even had skimmed other chapters to see if there were any clues. "So, there wasn't one, it was a trick question?"

Siigma gave a warm smile and nod. "A trick to be sure. But good work, I imagine many of your classmates gave weak excuses or tried to find something that was simply not there."

"Oh, okay... thanks," Reeva grinned and turned around.

"And Miss Reeva?" Siigma asked as she began to leave. When she stopped and looked back he continued. "I meant what I said this morning. We are a byproduct of those we surround ourselves with, I pray you understand your assignment?" He asked and saw her frown.

"I think so, an aspect of modern life that has changed over time?" Reeva confirmed.

Siigma's eyes narrowed slightly before he finally nodded, "Yes-yes, of course." He said warmly. "Please, I have kept you too long already. I'm sure I will see you tomorrow."

She bid her farewell and began heading towards the assembly area. While dragons were allowed to depart from the school grounds from wherever their classes finished, many would meet in the assembly areas to gossip before flying home.

As she approached the large concrete area she could see many of the students leaving in their friendship groups. Those from younger grades who were too young or inexperienced to fly alone waited for their parents. She remembered when she had attended the school's primary school wing, and how her father would carry her each day until she became too heavy.

Shaking the nostalgic thoughts, she quickly scanned the crowd for Kaarif. Rearing up on her hind legs, she craned her neck and spotted the pearlescent drake trudging out of the main gate, his tail dragging low on the ground.

Reeva mantled her wings and was about to take flight when a voice made her pause. "Hey, Ah, Reeva. Right?" Asked Meegi, his voice causing her mouth to suddenly become dry and frill lift slightly. Turning her head she saw the tan drake walking over to her with his friend Riikal and other members of the dragonball team waiting a distance away.

"Um, yes. Meegi, hi. What's up?" Reeva said, her words blending together as she returned to all fours and her tail twitching nervously.

Meegi smiled, his white teeth almost glowing against his dark tan scales and sat on his haunches to adjust a strap on his harness. "Um, so I guess we are partners- I mean, for the presentation!" he said, his voice deep while his yellow wings tucking tighter against his sides. "I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe work on it?"

"Now?" Reeva asked, what little control she had on her frill left her as it stood on end, her mind racing at what he could be implying.

His neck pulled back slightly as if shocked and swallowed, "oh-um, sure! I mean, we could probably go somewhere quieter- I mean! to the library or something if you wanted."

Reeva's frill felt strained from being erect and her heart hammered in her chest. "Of course! I-um... wait-no, sorry, I have a thing."

She saw his expression sadden as he cocked his head. "Oh, you have a thing. That's cool." he said with dejection heavy in his voice.

"No-no-no, like an actual thing. I'm meeting my folks to get passport photos done, we have a trip coming up." Reeva hastily explained.

Meegi's wide smile returned, "Oh! Right, cool! I've just got a game this weekend, so I'm kinda eager to do it- I mean, get on top of it."

"Me too!" Reeva said before blushing profusely. "I mean, what about tomorrow?"

"Uh-well, I'm working after school, but the boss is okay if I do homework between customers. Would that be okay?" Meegi asked hopefully.

Reeva smiled broadly, "Yeah! I can do that. After school, your work, easy!" her voice rising in pitch and words blending together as her excitement built.

"Awesome it's a-" Meegi said before catching himself, "a homework thing." he added with a smirk, his tan snout becoming darker.

"Yes! A homework thing! Yes." Reeva replied quickly. "Can't wait! I mean- yaaaay homework." She said nervously.

Meegi gave a soft chuckle at her nervousness and looked away before glancing back. "Awesome, cool. I'll meet you here after school and we fly from there?"



Reeva's frill was only starting to settle before perking up again. "Oh, well I should probably go-"

"Of course, your thing!" Meegi grinned and gave her a nod goodbye.

Quickly turning, Reeva bounded across the assembly area and spread her wings, taking to the sky with a series of heavy flaps.

Meegi watched with a smile until he heard claws tapping on the concrete as his friend Riikal and the rest of the team approached. The burly red and black drake approached with a knowing grin. "Easy A bro."

Turning to his friend, Meegi cocked his head. "Huh?"

Riikal playfully shoved into his side, "Oh don't play dumb, Meegay! Easy A, you got the nerdiest 'ness as a partner. You and I both know she is gonna do all the work."

Meegi shoved his friend back with a strong wing before starting to walk across the assembly area, almost all of the students had now left. "It ain't like that. Some of us actually need good grades."

"Meegi, bro! There is just one thing you need." Riikal grinned and began walking alongside the tan drake, the rest of the team in tow. "Forget school and all that crap, all you just need is to claim those eggs buddy!" He teased, his icy blue eyes twinkling in amusement. "Dragonball? this Saturday! You claim them, I'll brood them! You are gonna be free right?"

"Oh! Of course." Meegi said with a chuckle. "I'll be free."

"Kaarif!" Reeva called out as she touched down in a marked landing zone behind the silver drake. Not much more than a single carpark that had been specifically marked for dragons to land, the zones were necessary for dragons to take off and land without disturbing or startling pedestrians on the sidewalk. "Kaarif-Kaarif-Kaarif!" She repeated as she bounded closer, humans and wingless dragons quickly moving out of the dragoness' way as she caught up to her friend.

"Oh, hello." Kaarif replied with a weak smile, pausing mid stride to let her catch up. His smile broadened as she panted for breath, clearly having pushed herself flying quickly to catch up to him. "Are you okay? Like, I know I leave the 'nesses panting-'

"Oh shh." Reeva teased and took a deep breath to try and force her heart to stop pounding in her chest. "I got partnered with Meegi!" She exclaimed and took another deep breath and held it.

"So, when are the eggs due?" Kaarif said and grinned as she exhaled violently and started coughing in surprise. "It's gryphon-shit though! You get the drake of your dreams and I get fucking Tiiphani! I swear Siigma has it out for me." He ranted while she regained her composure.

Reeva stepped to the side of the pavement and half extended her wings to give them a quick flap. The air over the thin membranes created a cooling effect for the blood that pumped through the thin veins that ran through her wings. "Oh, sorry. I almost forgot you got her." She finally replied with a sympathetic smile. "Well hey, maybe you can get her to do all the work?" She offered with a smirk.

"Oh, ha-ha." Kaarif said sarcastically, "If I were you though, I would be worried about Meegi flying in your slipstream."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Reeva asked while walking alongside her friend.

Kaarif looked at her with one eye and saw the genuine confusion on her face. "Oh come on!" Kaarif exclaimed. "You're a smart 'ness and he is the schools rising Dragonball star..." he said and saw her still looking confused. "Look, I'm just gonna say it how I see it. The school is gonna be real proud when Meegi goes pro, they will use him for all their ads just like they did with others before him. If he doesn't graduate because he failed some stupid assignment, it ain't gonna look good." He explained.

"Wait..." Reeva mumbled, her gaze unfocused as she remembered what her teacher had told her. "So, you think I was paired with him to carry him?" She asked, her stomach tightening at the idea. "but-"

"Why do you think you always get partnered with me?" Kaarif asked with a smirk.

"But you are still failing-"

"Oh gee, thanks!" Kaarif retorted loudly, his smirk vanishing and frilled collar flaring before he trotted ahead, his smaller legs almost a blur as he tried to put some distance between them.

Reeva's frill flattened against her neck as she bounded to catch up to the silver drake. "No, sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" She said and was glad that he slowed down again. "Sorry, that just came out. Do you really think that's why we get partnered?"

Kaarif rocked his head from side to side. "Eh, maybe you're right. After all, what would I know? I'm just a failing-"

"Shut up, we both know you are brilliant." Reeva retorted, patting his back with a wing as he grinned back. "And besides, I don't think I'm carrying you when we get partnered up." She partially lied. While she knew deep down that she did do the majority of the work on assignments, she knew he put on a show during the presentation which often brought extra marks.

Kaarif looked at her and smiled, "Thanks Reeva." He said genuinely and nudged her side. "So! Dreamy Meegi!" He chuckled when Reeva's snout darkened and looked at one of the humans walking ahead of them, his baseball cap making the young drake chuckle. "So, are you going to get a hat to keep that frill of yours down?"

"Is it really that bad?" Reeva asked, looking in the glass shop window to see it perking up at the thought of Meegi.

"It's fucking cute, that's for sure." Kaarif laughed.

Reeva looked down at him and smiled weakly, "Thanks, I guess. We have a study session tomorrow, I think my frill is going to be sore by the end of it."

Kaarif roared laughing at the idea of her spraining her frill because of a study session, the mental image of the sky blue dragoness wearing a bandage around her neck and head made him struggle to breathe.

"Oh shut up!" Reeva grinned. "I should cancel shouldn't I? Or do it online or something-"

"No-no-no!" Kaarif hastily replied, wiping a tear from his eye with the back of his paw. "This is your shot! Forget what I said about carrying him, show him what you are good at."

"You think so?" Reeva asked, uncertainty heavy in her voice. "I mean, it shouldn't matter right? It's just a homework thing after all."

"Yeah... totally just a homework thing." Kaarif chuckled and grinned when she glared at him with a smirk. "With a single drake who is hot."

"You think he is hot?" Reeva asked, her eye ridge raising in suspicion.

"Girl, I ain't meaning it like that! I'm trying to be supportive, you silly 'ness!" Kaarif exclaimed, "But even I think he is good looking." He added quietly, "in like a, let's hang out at the beach sorta way."

Reeva shook her head with a smile, "That makes no sense, but I know exactly what you mean." She said softly.

Kaarif grinned, his voice becoming nasal as he mocked her playfully. "Reeva and Meegi, sitting on a beach, K.I.S.S.I.N-" his words cut off as Reeva shoved into him, the pair laughing at his impersonation of a hatchling.

"More like Studying. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's not like he is my boyfriend or mate or anything." Reeva explained.

"Yeah, but you want him to be." Kaarif whispered with a smile. "First boyfriend for little Reeva right?" He added and smiled when her frill perked up again.

She tried to force her frill down before draping a wing around the silver drake. "If I'm little..." she said while applying some of her weight on him to emphasize that he was smaller than her. "Besides, who said I haven't had a boyfriend before?"

"Um, your face?" Kaarif grinned. "Your parents gonna be cool?"

"Fuck." Reeva said flatly, the thought of explaining everything to them causing her stomach to tighten. "I-I don't know. But... maybe I'm overthinking this, it's just a homework thing... right?"

"Of course!" The silver drake chuckled. "Oh, hey mom and dad. I'm just going to be hanging out with this hot drake that I like, totally just a study session." Kaarif said, making his voice higher pitched and feminine in an attempt to mimic her voice.

"Oh my god, I don't sound like that do I?" Reeva asked, suddenly feeling self conscious, when he shook his head she felt somewhat better. "I mean, I should probably tell them... right?"

"I don't know." Kaarif said with a small shrug. The pair pausing at a crosswalk while waiting for the lights to change. "For us drake's it's kinda different. It took me ages to explain to my folks that you are just a friend, my dad was sooo fucking obnoxious. 'oh Kaarif, take Reeva out to see a movie, why don't you guys go to dinner or something'."

"Wait really?" Reeva chuckled, "they thought we were a thing?" She added, looking the smaller drake up and down.

"Yup, any 'ness that casts a shadow they would tell me to go say hi. I take it that's not the case for you."

Reeva shrugged and folded her wings close to her body. "I... it's never really come up to be honest." Other than 'the talk' when she had her first heat, they haven't really said much. "I doubt my dad would be keen, he still thinks I'm his little hatchling and mom... I don't know." her words drifted off until her eyes went wide and frill stood on end. "Damn! I've gotta go! I'm meant to be meeting my folks." she added and looked around to orient herself. Realizing quickly she had been walking the wrong way she glanced at her wrist to check the time on her phone and knew she would be cutting it fine.

"Well, you have fun then." Kaarif chuckled at the flustered 'ness. "I'll just be working on an assignment with Tiiphani." He added sadly.

"I'm sorry, I hope it goes okay." Reeva quickly said, draping a wing over him and giving him a quick hug goodbye. "I'll catch you tomorrow!" She added hastily and bounded towards a nearby take off area. Spreading her wings she launched into the sky as Kaarif muttered his goodbye.

Neebis had his paws in the sink, cleaning dishes at their market stall while his mate Reevian cooked. The marketplace was starting to become busy with many humans and dragons from across the city as they picked up food and supplies at the end of the working day. Meanwhile the teal dragoness beside him swirled a mixture of meats and noodles over an electric cooker. Glancing over, the white drake gave her a warm smile and reminisced over how differently she looked compared to the first day he met her.

Reevian's wings remained tucked close to her body, hiding the mottled scars from the burns she had received so very long ago. While healed, she believed them to still be unsightly and kept them out of sight where possible. Sitting on her haunches behind the counter, no one could see the long scar that ran across her abdomen, a reminder of the fateful day when Reeva's egg was brought into the world.

Finishing the last pot, Neebis flicked his paws into the sink to clear them of suds and walked on all fours to then sit closer to his mate. Lifting a wing he wrapped it around her slender body while he kissed her cheek. "Is this for us?" He asked softly, looking down at the wok she was using. With the Sun's afternoon light shining through the city buildings and the closed sign on the stall he knew it was almost time for the afternoon's activities.

Reevian nodded and leaned against him while she intertwined her long tail with his. "Reeva should be here any moment." she said warmly. As she leaned further into him, he pulled his wing around her tighter and kissed her cheek again, slowly devoting gentle touches of his lips higher up her cheek. Reevian hummed in happiness as her mate kissed her damaged eyeridge. She had become used to the strange looks she received from strangers, but melted as her mate showed how much he cared. Even though the explosion from a leaking gas bottle had happened years ago, the fine teal scales that ran around her left eye were still significantly discolored.

"You know, we could always hire someone to run the stall." Neebis murmured and nuzzled her cheek while watching her cook.

Reevian enjoyed his closeness, his warmer body against hers. "I know." She said with a small nod and squeezed his tail with hers. "But I like this, the noise, the atmosphere. It's... real, and I like it when you help me. Reminds me of what it was like... before."

Neebis nuzzled her cheek again and smiled when she closed her eyes. He continued to nuzzle her while shifting his weight and lifting a paw towards the wok. His claw drifted slowly closer to the delightful meal cooking.

"Don't." Reevian smirked, opening her eyes to see his paw hovering near the edge. "Food after photos. I don't want a picture of you with food on your snout. Okay?"

Neebis pouted dramatically before smiling and squeezing his mate with a wing. "You ruined my grand plan." He chuckled.

"Oh? And what was that?"

Neebis grinned cheekily and shrugged. "It may have involved making a mess, and needing a beautiful 'ness to lick my snout clean."

"Oh, did it now?" Reevian chuckled and reached into the wok with a claw to pluck out a lump of chicken breast, placing it between her front teeth and turning to her mate. Neebis' grin broadened as he tilted his head to press his lips to hers. Using his tongue, he gently pushed the meat into her mouth and kissed her deeply. Gently running his tongue around hers as he enjoyed the taste of his mate's maw and the spicy meat.

"Um, gross."

Pulling back suddenly, Neebis' crimson frill flared up as he saw Reeva sitting on the other side of the counter. "Oh! Hi squirt!" He said with a guilty smile, his white cheeks becoming a pink hue in embarrassment as Reevian swallowed the piece of meat quickly. "Sorry, I was just helping your mother with-"

"Uh-huh." Reeva interrupted and shook her head in disbelief. "Still gross." She muttered and sat down on the other side of the counter from her parents.

Reevian smiled and began to fetch three take away bowls out from under the counter. "Well, one day you might not think so."

"Mom, I'm not a hatchling. I think I'll always find it gross to see my folks making out in front of me." Reeva chuckled and glanced at her father who was chuckling deeply.

Neebis' smile vanished as his mate looked at him with a playful glare. "What? She has a point!" He exclaimed. "It won't stop me from doing it again though." He added and leaned in for another kiss, only for Reevian to playfully swat his snout with a lid for the containers.

"Moments gone, it's now gross." Reevian smirked and lifted the wok with one paw and held the first container with the other. One by one, and with practiced ease she divided the meal across the bowls. "Alright. One more, honey." She said and placed the wok back on the stove and nudged the handle towards Neebis.

"There is always one more." He sighed before giving her a smile. With a wing he gave her a final squeeze and picked up the wok to carry to the sink. The warm water sizzled against the hot metal as it was quenched and the white drake began scrubbing with a sponge.

"So, how was school?" Reevian asked while sealing the lids on their dinner. Her daughter's glance away and frill falling flat did not go unmissed by her warm eyes. "Uh-oh. I know that look, what happened?" she added softly, her voice too quiet to be heard by her mate who was humming away while clattering the wok inside the sink.

"What?!" Reeva exclaimed, "School was school. Nothing happened." She said defensively and saw her mother's warm smile. "I mean... nothing bad happened." She added softly, glancing to her father to ensure he hadn't heard. "I just have this assignment to do. In pairs..."

Reevian could see the hesitation in her daughter's eyes, the look of uncertainty for how she would react. It was clear by the way she held herself that something about her partner was giving her conflicting thoughts. She remembered how her father had scolded her and carried on when she had told him she had a boyfriend. Reevian forced a warm smile and chuckled softly before turning off the stove. With a small nod and a lift of her wing, she encouraged her daughter to come around the counter and join her side. "Hey Neebis, honey, do you mind taking the trash out too?" She said and glanced back to Neebis, her eyes widening slightly and jaw clenching to indicate it wasn't a question.

Neebis looked briefly at Reeva who was moving under her mother's wing and nodded in understanding. "Yup, I can do that." He said before pulling the plug in the sink and collecting the trash can.

The dragonesses waited until the white drake had left the stall before Reevian grinned, "Okay, tell me everything."

"Oh, it's nothing." Reeva said dismissively, her frill and smirk said otherwise.

"So what's his name? Or her name?" Reevian asked, "Your partner! For your assignment, it's not Kaarif is it?"

Reeva shook her head, "So my partner is this drake..." she said slowly, "Meegi-"

"Oooo, Meeeegi-"

"Shut up! I swear it's not like that." Reeva retorted, much to the amusement of her mother who chuckled merrily. "He is just a classmate."

"Of course!" Reevian nodded before lowering her head closer to Reeva's, "But, Is he cute?"

"Mom!" Reeva exclaimed with a smile, attempting briefly to pull away until her mother held her close.

"Oh come on! At least tell me what color he is." Reevian said and cackled when she saw her daughter's expression, "Sweetie, when I was your age I had a few drakes on the hook. Never at the same time mind you, but it's okay!" She explained, her heart warming as she felt Reeva relax. The pair sharing a moment of relief before Reevian muttered softly. "So, Meegi the red dragon."

"He isn't red, he is like a tan brown." Reeva clarified, before realizing she had given it away. "Oh..."

Her mother grinned, "So, Meegi the tan brown drake..." her words drifting off while Reeva rolled her eyes. "Okay fine, when do I get to meet him?" She added with a laugh.

"Mom! He is just a classmate! We have an assignment and that's it." Reeva replied, her smile matching her mother's. "Besides, he is way out of my league."

"Pfft, no he ain't." Reevian said, pulling her daughter close with a wing. "No one is out of my daughter's league." She added warmly before the pair sat in silence for a moment before Reevian grinned again. "So, he IS hot then."

"Oh my god!" Reeva exclaimed with a laugh, pulling out from under her mother's wing. The larger 'ness' body shook with laughter at her daughter's embarrassment.

"Sweetie, I'm happy for you." She said with a wide grin. "My little egg is growing up." She added warmly.

"Thanks... I think." Reeva said while cocking her head, "this was not how I expected this conversation to go."

Reevian blurted out a laugh and began tidying up the stall. "Oh, did you want me to be all cross and mean? I can be if you want!" She replied and looked at her daughter who began helping to pack up the stall. "You are a bright 'ness, Reeva. I trust you to not do anything silly."

Reeva smiled weakly and nodded her head in thanks.

"But! I wouldn't be your mother without setting a few ground rules." Reevian said her tone turned serious while emptying the register of cash. Her wings tucked closer to her body as she approached the awkward subject. "No funny business, No drakes after dark, or if your heat is coming up, and especially not when alcohol is around. Deal?"

"Mom! It's just an assignment-"

"Yeah, but I didn't hatch yesterday. Study sessions can turn into make out sessions pretty quick." Reevian said, her gaze becoming unfocused as she remembered her final years of school. "So, as long as you are my daughter. Those are the rules, deal?" she added and looked down at her daughter.

"I- sure, deal!"

Reevian beamed warmly, glad that she was on the same page as her daughter. "Good! So, when are you working on this assignment? Do you want us out of the house, I really want to meet him-" her words cut short as she heard Neebis drop the trash can on his approach, a deliberate move to announce his return. "Do you want me to tell him?" She added quickly in a low whisper and nodded in understanding when Reeva frantically shook her head.

"Aaand, done!" Neebis said loudly as he came around the corner of the stall, walking awkwardly on three legs while clutching the empty trash can against his chest. His eyes flicked between the two dragons and saw the look in their eyes that told him he had returned too early. "I um... everything okay?"

"Of course it is honey. Reeva was just telling me about her day." Reevian said warmly, but added a subtle wink to that told him not to ask follow up questions. "Let's get these photos done, then we can have dinner."

It took the trio only a few minutes to walk from the eastern city markets to a tired looking set of warehouses. Neebis hummed happily to himself while he carried the bowls of food for his family in a bag hanging from his harness. "There it is!" He announced happily as he spotted the sign above the shop. A picture of a cheesy looking brown dragon with a camera was printed across the front windows, along with a list of the different photography services they offer. "And we are right on time for our appointment." He added cheerfully and walked with a skip in his step. Reeva and Reevian shared a smile at Neebis' enthusiasm for their upcoming trip and followed behind him.

The Sun was starting to set as Neebis opened the large front door, a welcoming bell chimed as they all stepped inside one after another. Reeva's eyes went wide as she saw the many props that were scattered across the small warehouse, the whole warehouse full of items that could have been found in a western movie. Hanging from the far wall was a desert landscape but looking closer, Reeva could see the dozen or so wide rollers high in the ceiling that allowed the backdrop to be changed as desired. The smell of damp carpet hung in the air like a dense cloud, after a quick glance around the room Reeva noticed that all of the windows were sealed shut to ensure the only light on set was that from the powerful studio lights on tripods.

"Ah, it was you two!" Called a friendly voice from behind a black velvet curtain. The heavy fabric rippled for a moment before a man emerged with a warm smile. "When you booked, I thought the name was familiar." He added and saw the confusion on the faces of the three dragons. "You don't remember, do you? It's okay, we met in the park once, a long time ago."

Reevian looked to her mate but saw he shared her look of confusion before her eyes went wide. "Oh my god, hello! Sorry, was it Gary- no, sorry. Um-"

"Ben, it's okay. You might be thinking of Geevin, my mate." The man explained.

"Ben! Yes, of course. Sorry, hello!" Reevian said cheerfully, giving a small nod in greeting. "Remember honey, he took our picture. In the park-"

"Yes! Hi-hello!" Neebis exclaimed, his smile stretching from horn to horn as he remembered the day fondly. Reevian at the time was heavily pregnant with Reeva and the pair were celebrating becoming mates when they had stopped the man and his dragon friend to take a photo. "I remember now, gosh it's been so long." He added and glanced over to Reeva who was sitting politely with a look of confusion on her face. "Sorry sweetie, this man took our picture while your mom was gravid with you. It meant a lot to us both."

"Oh well, I'm glad it came out okay." Ben said warmly before clasping his hands together, "but, enough about the past. You all need passport photos, right?" He asked.

"Yes, please." Neebis said happily, "we are heading to London in a couple months time."

"Well won't that be nice." Ben said politely, "Well, follow me." He added and led the three dragons through the warehouse past various cut outs of cactuses, wooden crates and other props. "Excuse the mess, the last shoot ran a little longer. Previous client is a bit western fan." Reaching the back wall, Ben pressed a switch on the wall and the desert landscape began to retract up into the ceiling to reveal a clean white backdrop. "Alright, who wants to go first?"

Reeva sat back with her mother as they watched the photographer take various photos of her father. His white scales proving difficult to capture on the white backdrop, Reeva watched as he was instructed to hold each wing out and each side was captured in detail, followed by close up pictures of his paws.

"Why so many photos?" Reeva asked in a hushed whisper. "I thought it was meant to be a front on face shot."

Reevian leaned closer to not disturb Ben as he continued to capture her mate. "Humans are not the greatest at telling us apart, other than scale color." She explained. "It wasn't always this bad, but some dragons used to use scale paint and stolen passports to get past immigration."

"Because they are criminals?" Reeva asked and frowned when her mother shook her head. "Then why?"

Her mother cocked her head from side to side in thought. "Other countries are not like us, Some require traveling dragons to be accompanied by a human who is responsible for them, or others don't allow dragons at all. So if you were trying to escape, you might be tempted to find less than legal means of escaping."

"Oh." Reeva said in understanding The pair watching as Neebis lowered his head down to let Ben take detailed photos of his eyes.

"So, when are you seeing him next?" Reevian whispered softly, smiling when her daughter's neck frill perked up. "Do you want me to get your father out of the house?"

I-um... well... we are going to start on our presentation tomorrow, after school. If that's okay?" She asked weakly.

"I'll make you a deal, If you let me meet him first and he is alright. I'll let you have the living room to yourselves, until dark."

Reeva smiled, "Thanks, but we were going to go to his work and get started there."

Reevian chuckled softly and tried to keep her voice down. "Ooo, hot and has a job. You do know how to pick them-"

"Mom!" Reeva exclaimed with a smile, "it's just a homework thing." she added while giving her mother's tail a swat with her own.

"Of course it is." Reevian said, trying badly to hide her smile. "So then, where does he work? Let me guess, his folks own a law firm, or some construction company."

Reeva shook her head, her frill drooping slightly. "No, It's just a cafe. Not sure where, we are going to fly there after school."

"Oh, there is nothing wrong with working in a cafe!" Reevian chuckled. "That's sweet, but text me the address when you get there okay? I don't care where you go, as long as I know where you are." She said and squeezed Reeva with a wing when she nodded.

"Reeva! You're up next." Ben called out, his large camera in hand as he waved her over.

Extracting herself from under her mother's wing, the young dragoness trotted forwards past her father to begin the process of getting her photos taken.

Neebis approached his mate and turned around to watch his daughter stretch her wings out, the flash of the studio lights diffusing through the thin membranes with every click of the camera. Wrapping his own wing around Reevian he smiled, "When did she get so big?" he said softly with a sigh. "She used to sit on my shoulders."

"She isn't a hatchling anymore, is she." Reevian mused while thinking of the mysterious drake who had caught their daughter's eye. She glanced at the familiar face of the photographer and wondered about the others she had met in her life, and where fate had taken them.

I will be aiming to release the next chapter in two weeks time and all future releases of this story on a two week schedule. However, If you want an early access look, I will be posting the next installation to the series on my discord for free and a week or so before it is published here. Come say hi!