Liberty Scales High
#1 of Liberty Scales High
At long last! the start of a new series in the drag'n'drop universe. If this is new to you, don't worry! This series is meant to be a fresh entry point for new readers while also sprinkling some background Easter eggs along the way.
This series aims to be a lot lighter than my previous, with some drama but more world exploring and building than tragedy. In this series we will be following Reeva as she completes her final year at school, meet her friends and explore a modern world where dragons and humans exist together.
A big thank-you to Ver123 for editing this and my previous works, and mistersigma for letting me name a teacher after them :D
"Reeva! Time to get up!" called her father's voice from the other side of her door, accompanied by a polite knock.
Snorting awake, Reeva blinked her eyes slowly and used the back of her paw to wipe the drool from her sky-blue snout. "Mmhmm, yup... I'm up. I'm up!" she called back and heard her father's claws tap on the marble tiles as he left her door.
Rolling onto her front, she stretched her draconic body out slowly, pulling her front forwards with her forepaws and feeling the tension ease in her hind legs. Unfurling her stiff wings and holding them open while she yawned. Her tongue curled, and lips pulled back to reveal her sharp fangs until she snapped her jaws shut and blinked sleepily. As her eyes slowly brought the world into focus, she looked down at the book she had fallen asleep reading. Folding her wings, she contemplated relaxing again but sighed and stood up. Pulling the bookmark out of the previous chapter and placing it in the crease, she closed the book and smiled to herself.
Flipping the book over, she looked at the cover--a fantastical landscape of a floating city with airships printed on the cover, complete with two dragons flying towards the reader. One orange and one black, the former with a smile on their snout, as if they just did something mischievous. She looked at the pair of dragons with a sense of nostalgia and finally placed the book on her bedside table.
Yawning again, Reeva stepped off her bed and onto the cold marble floor of her family home, her sky blue tall falling lazily to the ground with a thud. With a press of a button on a panel beside her bed, the large blinds that shielded her room from the world began to automatically retract, lifting slowly to let the morning light shine into her cozy room and provide a view over the sprawling city of Liberty Scales.
The morning sun cast a cool glow over the city skyline, reflecting off the glass skyscrapers to make them shimmer like magnificent crystal spire. Dots of dragons could be seen far below the apartment Reeva called home, the strangers flying over the countless humans that also inhabited the bustling metropolis.
Glancing out the floor-to-ceiling window, Reeva took note of the clouds to prepare herself for the day. Shuffling her wings and dragging her tail on the marble floor, she plodded sleepily on all fours towards her ensuite to get ready for the day.
Stepping into the bathroom, she ignored her reflection in the tall mirror. The sky-blue dragoness in the reflection was more eager to make herself presentable than spend any time polishing her scales for the appreciation of others.
"Reeva, come on, sweetie--oh, you're up," Neebis said with a smile as he heard his daughter walk down the hallway towards the kitchen, her claws tapping at the marble in a measured beat before becoming erratic as she took a few awkward steps on three legs. She struggled for a moment as she adjusted the strap on the phone that was now bound to her foreleg. "Did you sleep well?" he asked and sat back on his haunches when she sleepily nodded.
Reeva made her way toward the island in their kitchen and looked over the collection of textbooks strewn across the countertop. Turning his head, her father could almost read Reeva's mind as she mentally prepared herself for the school day. "Can you ask your teacher about that English question? I'm kinda keen to know what we are doing wrong," he asked and continued to make her breakfast.
Reeva nodded while stifling a yawn again and began stacking the textbooks to make room for her bowl. Last night's homework had included some questions that were particularly difficult for the pair, but she didn't complain. Her father had taken a strong interest in her education and would eagerly work with her on her homework. Having not been given the same opportunities she had, they discovered things together, or more often than not, she taught him things she learned in class.
Reeva turned her forepaw to glance at her phone, a missed message from her friend Kaarif flashed up showing a meme that she had seen before. With a delicate few taps on the screen with a claw, she sent a reaction back politely and smiled. School was a lonely place for Reeva and was glad that she had made friends with the aquatic dragon.
"Oh, and don't forget. We are getting passport photos done tonight," Neebis said, his white tail flicking in excitement at his family's upcoming vacation.
"You are really keen for this trip, aren't you, dad?" Reeva replied with a smirk. His red frill perked up as he turned around, walking on three legs with her blow in the other paw he tried not to spill any and placed her breakfast on the kitchen island.
"Oh, I'm sorry, have you been to London before?" he asked in mock offense.
Reeva shrugged and gave him a coy smile. "No... but many of the others at school have, and they said it was boring."
Neebis lowered his head down to her height and grinned. "Well, boring people have boring holidays. Do you think we are going to be bored?" he whispered and smiled along with his daughter. Turning around, he collected his breakfast and sat on his haunches opposite of Reeva. Stabbing a claw into his meal he lifted out a slice of fruit and began eating. "So after school, head to the market, and we will go from there. Your mother is going to close early."
"Mmmk." Reeva nodded and looked down at the assortment of fruits her father had made. If she squinted, she could make out the shape of a dragon he had tried to create with the food, complete with a watermelon frill that matched hers and his own. Smiling, she used a sharp claw to stab one of the pieces and began to eat.
"I think mom could do with a break," Reeva remarked between bites. The collection of melon and pear filled her mouth with their sweet juices.
Neebis flicked his eyes to his daughter and smirked, "Now now, your mother has always worked her tail off."
Reeva shrugged and continued eating before looking around the large kitchen and expansive living room. "Does she need to, though? Most of the other moms don't work all day."
Neebis swallowed and lowered his head down to her level again. "Now, since when are we being compared to others?" he asked with a small smile. "That market means a lot to her, and she has been through a lot. But yes, I agree. She could do with a break."
Pulling his head back, he looked down at his breakfast and plucked a slice of plum out of the bowl. "But please don't compare her to your friends' moms. Okay? That stall means a lot to her. Heck, it means a lot to me too." He mused his gaze losing focus as he remembered the first time he saw his mate there and the rollercoaster that had brought them to where they were now. Taking a sharp breath he looked down at his daughter and smiled. "Also I think she enjoys bringing dinner home for both of us."
Reeva nodded slowly and picked up the last slice of melon with her claws. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she knew she should have gotten up earlier. "I need to get going."
Neebis nodded and stood up. "You sure do, squirt!" Walking over to a row of hooks on the wall, he plucked Reeva's leather harness off and carried it over to the counter in his jaws, gently laying out for her. "I gave it a bit of oil, But! I didn't look through the pouches." He quickly added when her eyes went wide and her red neck frill stood on end.
He had once gone looking for the source of a smell and discovered an old lunch inside her harness along with a diary. While his curiosity had gotten the best of him at the time, he was swiftly reminded of boundaries by his mate and upset daughter.
Reeva's smile returned, and her neck frill lowered as he placed it down next to her textbooks. He let her pack the pouches with the textbooks while he collected her bowl and began washing up. "You sure you don't want me to carry some of those? I swear they are getting heavier."
Placing the last textbook in her side pouch, she heaved the heavy harness off the counter and placed it on the ground with a thud. "No dad. I've got this," she said, knowing the white drake wanted any excuse to embarrass her in front of the school. "Besides, the doctor said I should do some weights, right?" She added.
Neebis turned his head to give a small nod to her, with his front paws still in the sink. Due to circumstances out of their control, Reeva had hatched much earlier than expected. While she tried not to show it or let it hold her back, her wing muscles were not as developed as some of the others in her class. She was still capable of flying; however, she refrained from strenuous long-distance flights or flying in strong winds.
She used a paw to spread the leg loops and stepped into her harness. Due to her recent growth spurt, the rig was now at the end of its adjustment and would need to be replaced, but it would make do for the semester. Crouching down slightly, she lifted the heavy harness up over her light blue shoulders and connected the buckles with a satisfying click.
"Well, I'll see you at the markets then," Reeva announced before turning to walk towards the balcony.
"Are you sure you've got everything?" Neebis said warmly and smiled when her frill perked up slightly.
"Sure you're not forgetting something?" Neebis asked with a smirk. "Something important?"
"I'm sure!" Reeva called back with a grin.
Neebis flicked his paws in the sink to dry them and turned around. "No, I think you definitely forgot something," he stated while walking on all fours towards her and lifted a large wing.
Reeva rolled her eyes dramatically and trotted back to her father. Coming up alongside him, her head was only just above his shoulders, and she spun around to face the same direction. Leaning to one side, she pressed her side against his and enjoyed the warmth and shelter of his wing as he lowered it over her.
"You be good now, okay?" Neebis said and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Keep your snout clean, and I'll see you tonight."
"Okay, bye, Dad!" She said after a pause and scampered out from his embrace.
Heaving the large sliding door open with her mouth, Reeva stepped out onto the balcony and closed the door behind her. Because dragons shared their world with humans, it was still a requirement that buildings be constructed to ensure safety for both species and as such, the balcony was complete with a high glass handrail. While their neighbors decorated their balconies with designer furniture, small water features and other trinkets to display their wealth. Her father had made a perimeter of small planter boxes to grow herbs and vegetables along with a strategically placed table and a sturdy wooden chair that were positioned near the glass edge. With a quick hop and bound, Reeva leapt onto the table and then stepped off into the abyss.
The wind rushed past her sky-blue scales and crimson neck frill as she dropped. Her rapid descent quickly converted into a glide as she extended her wings. The delicate membranes became taut between her wing fingers, and even though her wing shoulders burned, she held her wings open and shot across the city.
With a few heavy flaps, she adjusted her course and began the journey to school. Behind her, the four large buildings of The Spires apartment towers stood proudly in the middle of the city. The four structures reached high above the skyline like four fingers reaching to the heavens. Each one boasted over a hundred and thirty floors of luxury apartments, serving as cardinal points to help dragons orient themselves while flying.
Originally designed as accommodation for the many dragons in the city, their exorbitant pricing meant that only the wealthiest could afford to live there. Many dragons, often uneducated or lacking formal qualifications for high-paying jobs, were more commonly seen working as laborers or delivering packages than in high-paying roles that could afford an apartment in the spires. Reeva's parents, however, had been lucky enough to purchase their apartment just after an incident in the complex that drove the prices down for them.
Reeva settled into a lazy glide, using the altitude of her home and occasional updraft from a building to carry her most of the way to school. Only when she had dipped close to the rooftops did she begin to beat her wings. The warm sun had fully risen off of the horizon, warming her wings and frill despite the cool air rushing past her but she didn't relax. Her amber eyes kept scanning the sky around her as she flew, the skies were becoming busier and busier with dragons making their way to their respective jobs and it wasn't unheard of for a small dragon to come off second best due to a careless flier. Looking down, the traffic was also building as countless humans traveled to work, now that she was closer to street level she could smell the familiar scent of garbage and exhaust fumes. While they stung at her nostrils, she couldn't help but think that this was the scent of the real world.
Towards the east, Reeva saw the lines of dragons flying becoming thicker as they flew towards the massive warehouse complex that was owned by Drag'n'Drop. An online e-commerce platform that exclusively hired dragons to perform the final delivery of packages to whomever ordered goods online.
Her father had never really spoken much about his time working for the large company, other than that his life changed for the better when he left and met Reeva's mother Reevian. Despite the convenience of having packages delivered the same day by dragons with nothing more than a tap of a few buttons. Reeva's parents had always insisted on doing their own shopping, saying that they would never want to give money to such a greedy company.
As she banked around a tall building she could see the school ahead. Liberty Scales High was a privately funded school that boasted an exclusively draconic focused learning experience for the few wealthy dragons that could afford their tuition fees. With some of the finest facilities and world class tutors, the school claimed that anyone who's worth their money would want to send their fledglings to be educated by them. In addition, the expensive student accommodation on the edges of the campus allowed their student cohort to not be limited to those that lived in the city.
Looking around at the other dragons approaching the school, she tried to see anyone she recognised. Her classes were filled with the offspring of actors, celebrities and business dragons. But despite her family's wealth, she found herself on the outskirts of many social circles and instead focused her efforts on her grades.
A smile pulled at her snout as she looked down and saw the familiar shape of a friend walking to school. Lifting a front paw she twisted her wrist and checked the time on her phone. She frowned when she saw a missed call from her father but promised herself that she would call him back when she got to school.
After double checking the time once more, she knew she would have time to walk with her friend. With a twist of her tail and a slight crop of her wings and began to descend down to the concrete pavement. While there were clearly marked areas for dragons to take off and land from, she noticed that there were not many people walking on the pavement and adjusted her wings to land behind her prey.
Kaarif was unaware of the dragoness that touched down silently behind him. Giving the few pedestrians a wide berth, the dragon's head only came to about chest high but with his headphones over his ear holes he found himself lost in his own world. Walking on all fours, the aquatic dragon lacked the wings to fly to school but skipped every so often to the beat of the music while muttering the lyrics louder than he thought he was.
Reeva folded her wings close to her body and crouched slightly to soften her footsteps as she remained directly behind him. While staying in his blind spot, her shoulders rolled as she prowled closer and closer to the unsuspecting Kaarif. His pearlescent silver scales shimmering in the light as he walked down the pavement while his lavender tail fan flicked open and closed to the rhythm of the music he was listening to.
Reeva received a knowing look from some of the human's passing by them, small smirks as they recognised that she was only playfully stalking a friend. If she were fully grown her shoulders would be at head height sigh the passers by, however for now her head was at the same level as theirs.
Her grin broadened as the lights on the crosswalk suddenly changed to red and Kaarif was forced to stop on the curb. The young male sat back on his haunches so he could tap imaginary drums in front of him with his silver paws. His eyes closed and swayed his body gently from side to side, muttering under his breath.
"What I need for keeps, this silly game we play, play,
Now look at this,
Madness, the magnet keeps attracting me, me,
I try to fly, but see, I'm not that fast,
I think I'm first but surely finish last, last,"
As he continued to tap the beat out with his paws he would occasionally tap the button on the cross walk to encourage it to change before continuing his performance. His paws sped up in time with the crescendo, imagining that he was helping the band out with his fine drumming skills...
As the light went green he started humming the hard sections of the bridge and stepped off the curb. His eyes going wide as something sharp pinned his fanned tail firmly to the ground. With a hiss, he bared his teeth and the purple frill that circled his head flared wide to make him look bigger than he was.
Spinning around quickly with his tail pinned he quickly paused as he saw who his assailant was. "Oh! Reeva! Hi!" He said, practically shouting before he used a paw to quickly press the pause button on the phone strapped to his wrist.
"Made you jump! Now give me your lunch money." Reeva grinned playfully and released his tail, both of them chuckling as they quickly crossed the road before the lights changed.
"Girl, why you want my money? Ain't you got enough?" Kaarif teased as he hopped on three legs to slide his headphones off of his ear holes and rest them around his long thin neck.
"Yeah, but you are so smol and vulnerable." Reeva joked. The aquatic dragon had moved to the city at the end of the last year and while the school boasted inclusivity, many of the sports events involved strenuous flying and Reeva had met the smaller dragon on the sidelines.
"Hey I ain't small, I'm perfectly average size for my age." Kaarif retorted, slapping his tail against hers in jest. "You get your homework done?" He asked, his frilled collar perking slightly as he saw the hesitation in her eyes. "Oh damn! Is the mighty Reeva finding her limits?"
"That fourth question for english. I got nothing." She admitted, "Dad and I gave up on that one."
"Me too." Kaarif said with a smirk and saw her frown. "I gave up on the other ones for good measure." he added with a chuckle.
"Kaarif! Mr. Siigma is gonna rip you a new one!" Reeva exclaimed, their stern drake teacher would often go to great lengths to ensure a student was reminded of their shortcomings and her chest tightened at the thought of her friend being punished.
"Pffft, what's he gonna do?" Kaarif replied with an aloof tone. "Please, we both know the school ain't gonna fail the only aquatic derg on campus."
Reeva shook her head but knew he was right. Any photo opportunity, the silver drake was always 'randomly picked' to stand proudly next to the principal or model a new school harness. "One of these days, another aquatic dragon is going to enroll and you will have to pick up your game."
"Pick up my game? Reeva please, they will have to pick up theirs!" He laughed, taking a few bounds forwards to then stop, curling his neck back in an graceful arch and raised a forepaw elegantly. "Who's gonna compete with this!" He laughed and stumbled when Reeva pushed him playfully with a paw.
"Uh-huh." She replied in a deliberately unimpressed voice. "But you should probably at least put in a token effort.... Token fish finder." She added with a smirk.
"Hey! That's racist!" He exclaimed and pushed into her, his smaller body still sending her stumbling. "You're just jelly that I'm special."
Reeva laughed louder than necessary before looking him up and down, "Oh, you are special alright. Oh, by the way, do you have any crayons for today?"
Kaarif cocked his head in confusion. "Um, no-"
"Cos you ate them! Didn't you?" Reeva said quickly, her head tilted upwards with a cheeky grin and skipped ahead of her friend. Her smile disappeared when he leapt at her, his body landed on top of hers and sent them both tumbling to the ground. Rolling over she quickly righted herself only to see Kaarif already trotting happily ahead. "Oi! No need for violence." She called out, seeing the concerned looks of the humans passing by.
"Says those who are not good at violence!" Kaarif teased with a grin but waited for her to get back up. His expression turned to one of concern as she picked herself up again. "You good?"
Reeva adjusted her wings and held herself proudly, "Oh, I can see why you keep striking out with the 'nesses. Ya dumb brute." She teased but saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes before his smile quickly broadened.
"Oh? So what's your excuse then, huh?" He asked, deflecting the conversation back to her.
Reeva's cheeks became redder and her frill flattened as she shook her head. "Please... I'm just trying to get through school."
"Oh yeah... " Kaarif said, looking at his best friend with a smirk. "So if Meegi came up and was like..." he started and saw her frill become erect, he knew the dragoness had a crush on the athletic dragon and he couldn't help himself from continuing. Dropping his voice to a deep grumble he continued. "Hey-ah, Reeva right? You want to like... go see a movie or something? Maybe catch a game sometime or-" he added, doing his best impression of their classmate.
"He doesn't sound like that!" Reeva exclaimed loudly and shoved her friend with all her strength, sending the smaller drake stumbling. "And I don't have a thing for Meegi-"
"Then you better get that frill under control girl." He said, cutting her off. "I swear it pops up everytime he walks into the room."
"It does not!" Reeva exclaimed and resisted the urge to flatten it with a paw. "And shut up!" She added much to his amusement.
"Well, rumor has it, he is working over the break at some cafe. Maybe you should go say hi." Kaarif suggested with a smirk. "You could stop in, read more of your book. Have him waiting on your beck and call."
"Oh please, he probably doesn't even know who I am." Reeva said with a hint of sadness.
"Reeva! It's a coffee shop! He will have to ask your name." Kaarif laughed. "Just think, you could rock up when it's raining and simply need a place to stay dry. He asks for your order, you say you want his number-"
"Oh come on!" Reeva laughed, "that's gotta be the start of either a romance story or a porno. Besides, I'm going away over the break." She said with a hint of genuine sadness in her voice.
"London, right?" Kaarif confirmed, "that should be fun." He added with a smirk when she glared at him.
"Well, what are you doing over the break?"
"Deep sea fishing." He said simply and looked ahead, in the corner of his eye he could see her frowning and he had to resist the urge to smile.
Reeva looked over the length of the aquatic dragon. With smaller legs he had to walk quickly to keep up with her strides which caused his whole body to bounce slightly. In the months she knew him he had been approached by the school to join their swim team many times, every time he had come up with a sarcastic reply to exclude himself from getting wet. "I thought you hated swimming. In fact, I've never seen you in the pool." Reeva said and was rewarded with a smirk.
"Why are you thinking of me in a pool?"
"Oh-no! I've seen you play this game before. Don't change the subject." Reeva chuckled and looked at him intently.
"Fine I'm not going fishing... Hell, I'm not going anywhere, mom and dad are getting me a tutor so I can be a nerd like you."
"Nerd!?" Reeva exclaimed, "I'm not a nerd-"
"Why do you look tired?" Kaarif said, cutting her off with a knowing smirk. He knew that any time she finished her school work she was often snout deep in a book of some description.
"I was... fine, I was reading." Reeva admitted. "But that doesn't make me a nerd!"
"Uh-huh." Kaarif chided with a wide grin. "Maybe find an excuse not to go to London. Then you could just 'accidentally' arrive at the cafe, look lost and be like, 'oh Meegi, my name is Reeva. Can I just sit here all pretty like'-" his deliberately high pitched words cut off as Reeva flicked her wing out into the side.
"No!" Reeva said flatly. "That's just silly."
Kaarif chuckled and stepped closer to his larger friend so he could whisper. "But how mad would you be if Tiiphani asked him out first? I've seen her tilting her head to show off her horn extensions at him."
"What?!" Reeva exclaimed, her eyes going wide and frill perking up in surprise. "I mean, he can talk to whoever he... Wait! how do you know her horns are fake?" she quickly asked, trying to regain some composure.
Kaarif wasn't fooled but played along. "Please! They grew like eight inches in a weekend. They are totally fake." He chuckled. "And you 'nesses think us drake's don't notice these things."
"But, why would she get them? Her horns were already longer than anyone else's." Reeva asked.
When all dragons hatched they lacked any horns or spines but as they grew, those that could grow horns began to experience an event called crowning. While their horns would continue to grow throughout their lives, when they broke through the scaled hide it was often quite painful for the young dragons.
Aquatic dragons however, rarely grew horns. Something that Kaarif was often reminded of by his classmates regularly. "She probably got them because she thought it made her look more grown up."
Reeva glanced at her reflection in the glass shop fronts as they continued to walk, her small horns suddenly feeling even more inferior.
Kaarif could tell she was more withdrawn than usual as they arrived at the large school gates. The iron bars twisted and turned in complex shapes, complete with engravings of the school's motto in a language lost in time.
As they walked into the grounds, the sounds of laughter and other fledglings playing filled the air. While Liberty scales high boasted a high volume of outdoor learning spaces, a large central building still dominated the ground. Filled with classrooms and the entire building was designed to have large enough hallways for the dragons as well as more accommodating doors than what would be standard in a school designed for humans.
Wrapping around the main building, a concrete assembly area that also doubled as a dropoff space for students and parents. As they made their way past the cliques of other dragons, Kaarif found himself walking slightly behind Reeva, allowing her larger form to weave through and create a path for him.
"Hey Reeva, time to pin that frill of yours." Kaarif chuckled and nodded upwards.
Reeva hardly listened as she followed his gaze, she blushed and tried her best to keep her frill down as a tan-brown drake their age slowly circled down. His large yellow wings were spread wide as he made his way to an empty space near Reeva and Kaarif, with a final flap of his wings he snapped them closed and fell the last few feet to the ground. His strong legs hung down, but as his toes touched the concrete his muscles rippled and bulged under his tan scales as he absorbed his descent with the grace of a dancer.
"Go say hi!" Kaarif said in a hushed whisper and playfully nudged Reeva to step forwards.
Her eyes went wide as Meegi surveyed the crowd, rearing up on his toned hind legs to get a better view. His intense yellow eyes locking in Reeva's direction and his white teeth revealed a broad smile.
Reeva's heart fluttered as she looked at her classmate. Her frill naturally perked up and she opened her mouth to say hi.
"It's Meegay!" Called a voice from behind Reeva before a white ovoid ball was sent flying over her towards the brown drake. Meegi's attention shifted to the incoming ball and without skipping a beat, caught it with a wing. While snapping his yellow wings closed he bounced the egg like ball into one of his fore paws as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Reeva found herself shoved out the way as other members of the school's Dragonball team pushed past her. Her heart sank and frill dropped as she realized that he wasn't smiling at her. Feeling small, she turned and began to walk towards the main building, Kaarif quickly trotting to keep up.
"Reeva!" Called a familiar voice causing her to snap her head around. Landing at the outskirts of the assembly area, her father touched down and began coming towards her. "You forgot your lunch!"
Reeva blushed profusely as she suddenly felt everyone's eyes on her, many of her classmates quickly giving her father space as he made his way over to her. He awkwardly hopped on three legs as he reached into his harness and retrieved a sealed paper bag for her. In the corner of her eye she could feel the judgment her classmates gave her, while the school boasted a cafeteria that served some of the finest meals a school could offer, it wasn't free.
Stepping towards her father she quickly took the bag and muttered her thanks, stuffing it quickly into her own harness to hide the shame of a home made lunch.
Neebis smiled and looked around at the fledglings, lowering his head he whispered. "No hug?" He said and saw her eyes widen and her cheeks blush profusely. "Oh okay then. I'll see you tonight, squirt." He added with a wink.
"Bye dad." Reeva said firmly and was relieved when he smiled and spread his large wings. With a slight crouch he launched into the air, his large wings causing a rush of air to pass over her and her classmates. Glancing skywards she watched as her father soared over the campus and rocked his wings in farewell.
"Oh my god, who let the hobo in!" Exclaimed a nasal voice from behind Reeva. Turning around, her heart sank. A scarlet dragoness sat on her haunches with a smirk on her snout, her larger than normal bleached white horns matching her sharp teeth. "Oh, is he your father Reeva? Jeez, now I see it."
"Fuck off, Tiiphani." Reeva muttered, turning around, she went to leave but found herself blocked by another one of the red dragoness' friends, Miikalah, a burly blue dragoness who wasn't afraid of pulling horns.
"Oh my god, how rude! See, this is what's wrong with new money. You can give them all the wealth in the world, put them in fancy houses. But they will still be poor." Tiiphani explained while inspecting a claw before getting up onto all fours. She saw she had attracted the audience she wanted and continued. "And before you know it, the money's gone and they are back where they started. Struggling to put food on the table."
Reeva felt Kaarif's tail brush against hers in reassurance as she cocked her head in confusion. "We ain't poor-"
"Oh your parents didn't tell you? Oh, how cute, they are probably trying to keep you from finding out." Tiiphani said smugly, slowly circling the pair. "I think it's sweet that your mother is working in the markets to make ends meet. Someone said they even saw her stealing food to take home for you and your broke ass father."
"What? No that's because-"
"And your father's harness, jeez! It looks store bought, and old!" Tiiphani continued, smiling sweetly as she saw Reeva's eyes become glossy. "Low born parents raise low born eggs, it's only natural-"
"Hey, at least her father loves her." Stated Kaarif calmly, taking a step forwards to stand between his friend and the red dragoness. "Your folks make themselves so busy they don't have time to deal with your shit, Tiiphani." Kaarif added with a snarl.
Tiiphani recoiled slightly before looking down her snout at the smaller drake. "Oh please, my parents are busy doing this little thing called, being successful. I wouldn't expect you to understand, smooth head." Seeing the aquatic drake's frill twitch she continued, "My father owns the Cresties. You know? The dragon ball team? The ones that WON the world cup last season? What do your parents do, Hmm?"
It was well known that Tiiphani's father owned one of the most successful Dragonball teams and that one day she would likely inherit their fortune. But Kaarif didn't skip a beat, his expression serious as he took a further step forward towards the rude dragoness.
His expression was dead serious as he looked the larger dragon in the eyes. "My father is a porn star. He gets paid to fuck 'nesses like your unfaithful mother." Kaarif replied smugly, beginning to circle the red dragoness as she paused mid stride, his answer missing from her mental list of careers she was prepared for. Her mouth opened as she tried to find the words but he continued. "That's right, look him up. I think there should be the video dropping any day now. I think the title is, rich milf gets nailed by pool derg while her husband is out at the game."
"Fuck off-"
"Oh! It's hot, your mom sounds like a gurgling pool pump as she gobbles dick. I don't think your father would be too impressed though. But hey, I've got a question. If your folks broke up, would your father take you on? Or kick you out with your whore mother?" Kaarif asked without breaking eye contact. He maintained his bluff as he made it obvious that he was looking over her body before smiling sweetly at the stunned dragoness. "You better start paying attention in class, Tiiphani. Smart 'nesses get A's. Dumb ones get D's." He chuckled and trotted back towards Reeva before pausing to look back over his shoulder, "and a film crew to capture every moment of it all."
The smaller dragon gave a wink and a small nod with his head to Reeva for her to follow him. Together they walked past the stunned students, leaving the bewildered Tiiphani to be consoled by her friends.
"What was that!" Reeva asked with a look of shock as they entered the main building, her red neck frill perked up completely. "Wait... your father isn't an... actor? Is he?" She asked, realizing that she had no idea what her friend's family did for money.
"Pfft, hell no!" Kaarif laughed, his frills flattening against his neck as he walked with an extra bounce in his step. "But I can't wait for her to call me out on it!"
Reeva frowned in confusion. "Why?"
"Because it means she was looking up videos of her mom getting railed!" Kaarif exclaimed and gave her a wink when she smiled.
Reeva shook her head in disbelief, "This is why I like you, I was flapping out there like a fish out of water, and you are playing 4d chess!"
Kaarif's whole body wiggled with excitement as he bounded forwards and turned around, walking backwards while swaying from side to side. "I ain't got wings, so I gotta stay two steps ahead-"
His words cut off as he walked backwards into something large and scaled, the sound of a folder hitting the ground and the concerned look on Reeva's face confirmed his suspicions that he had made a grave error. Turning his head slowly his heart sank as he looked up at the large teacher's stern expression. "Ah, Mr. Siigma, sorry sir-"
"Two steps ahead, but not looking where he is going." stated the large gray and white drake, his gaze pinning the fledgling in place. "Perhaps you have found your quote for the yearbook." he added sternly, withdrawing his paw from behind Kaarif.
Kaarif quickly picked up the folder the teacher had dropped and lifted it up for his teacher. "Sorry, Mr. Siigma. I was just-"
"Making an excuse." Snapped the drake firmly while looking down his snout at the silver aquatic dragon. With a quick swipe of his paw he snatched the manila folder off of the student and tucked it back under the strap of his harness. "Perhaps if you applied an ounce of your linguistic talents towards your education. You wouldn't be stumbling behind in your grades."
Kaarif looked down at the drake's paws, "Yes sir. Sorry sir." his chest tight under the judgmental gaze of his English teacher. Glancing up he could see the drake was still watching him with a fierce look in his smokey white eyes.
The larger drake's nostrils flared as he continued to stare down at Kaarif until finally tilting his head and addressing Reeva. "Reeva, a word of advice considering this is your final year. All of us are byproducts of those we surround ourselves with, and while I believe it to be charitable to help others, I could not live with myself to see your grades suffer because you are supporting your peers."
Reeva cocked her head in confusion, "Sir? I don't understand."
Siigma couldn't contain a small smirk as he glanced down at Kaarif. "A little draggy told me that you will have a presentation that needs to be completed next week." He paused and looked her in the eyes with a stern expression. "You will all be doing it in pairs. But I do not believe young Kaarif here would complement your academic prowess so I intend to assign partners for you both."
Reeva frowned, almost every group assessment she had done was with Kaarif and while she would never admit it to the school, she knew she often would complete the lion's share of the work. However the idea of being partnered with another classmate made her chest tighten and frill lay flat. "Oh, sir. I appreciate your concern-"
"It's settled then." Announced Siigma firmly, a stern glare to Reeva told her that his decision was final. "I will assign partners before the end of class. As for you Kaarif, I believe you are already well acquainted with miss Tiiphani." His eyes twinkled as he saw the look of panic in the young dragon's eyes. "I think she might bring out the best in you." He added smugly.
"Sir, no, please!" Kaarif frantically blurted, his collar flaring wide in panic at the thought of spending time with the vile dragoness. "I'll do anything but-"
"Dragons do not beg! Young Kaarif." Announced the stern teacher, his neck curling into a regal s shape. "Especially not one from this fine school." He added and peered down at the aquatic drake intently, his gaze pinning the drake until the shrill bell echoed throughout the school. "Dismissed Kaarif." He said simply and looked at Reeva, with a polite nod he turned and continued down the hallway as a tide of fledglings began pouring in.
If you want to get an early access look at chapter two, I will be posting the next installation to the series on my discord for free. Come say hi!