Hope and Dreams part 6
#6 of h+D
They sailed around the large lake all day, it was beautiful and sunny. Issac needed to find his sea legs, but after a little while the wobbling felt natural, but he was just thankful he didn't get seasick.
Issac felt a little embarrassed when they went swimming. He had to borrow some of Squall's trunks because he didn't own any that fit anymore. It felt weird wearing someone else's trunks. At least with a sweater you have your own tee shirt, it was crotch to crotch and just, well, felt awkward. Squall ensured they were clean and he didn't have some strange disease. Shockingly enough it didn't make Issac feel any less weird about it. But well, he did want to swim, so on went the trunks which also promoted some foreign band.
They also held Squall's scent. Most could only detect their own species scent, but fox and dog being canine, meant that he could pick it up. It was an earthy scent, yet for some reason smoked. In the category of his unnatural scent; a smell of paint and dirt sang through, most Likely from his job.
The swimming spot was at the cliffs, it was shallow in one spot, then like a hundred feet deep. The shallows had a waterfall, and the large cliff was meant for cliff jumping into the deeper water. Mrs. Cowell wanted to see Issac swim before letting him jump, and even after showing off his limited skills with the doggy paddle, he was unsure of the jump.
"Try not to get hurt, and don't do anything stupid!". She warned them.
Issac promised with a grin that he wouldn't try and get hurt. The twins pouted because they couldn't jump off the cliffs, but apparently they didn't swim very well yet.
So Issac, Vincent, Mr. Cowell, Squall, and Kathy went up. Kathy didn't jump, but instead encouraged them, briefly looking over the edge.
"Like hell I'm jumping!!, you're all crazy".
Vincent went first, the drop was easily seventy five feet. Vincent hit the water with a big splash, and didn't surface for a moment, the entire time Issac held his own breath with him.
"Waters great!". Vincent yelled up. "Come on!". He swam over to the shallows to watch his dad jump with a much larger splash and a discouraging slap. But he ws fine, ensuring them all that he was infact a professional.
"Ok, just jump, no fancy tricks, wouldn't want you getting hurt". Squall warned, and then proceeded to flip off the cliff and land perfectly in a pencil dive, creating a minimal splash.
Issac took a deep breath, looking over the edge to make sure Squall had moved. Kathy wished him luck and he ran for the edge.
In the fall, Issac's mind worked faster than ever. His situation with his Mom, hoping Emma kept her company. Then he thought of Vincent's breakdown, opting to ask about the bears hobbies and after school stuff. Then his school life, he saw his friends smiling at him and re-lived the time Heather and Julie started a food fight by accident. His track record at his old school, and his cowardice at Venetry, and how Mr. Cowell was probably right.
Then the image of the four of them on the cliff. Vincent and his dad's trunks matched in pattern, and Issac and Squalls were very similar. He saw the scene as an onlooker, seeing two fathers and their sons.
Then Issac hit the water, it was cool and refreshing, but he kept falling into the depths. When he started to rise he kicked up and eventually surfaced, taking lungful's of air greedily.
He paddled over to the shallows with the other jumpers.
"How was that?" Vincent asked, sitting on a rock, his feet in a puddle. He looked as hyped as Issac felt. "Crazy right?"
Issac just nodded, realizing he was panting with excitement like everyone else. Much to his embarrassment he felt his stupid goofy smile and couldn't stop his tail from wagging.
His entire being was happy and hyped up on adrenaline. But after a while paddling in the water with Vincent and the twins, watching the other two jump, even after he stopped, his mind wandered back to the scene from the cliff.
Two fathers and their sons........
He was quiet, but so was everyone else just enjoying the day.
They left, returning to the boat. Lake Enix was relatively square, so they had to travel the cliff face to stay with the warm sun as the shadows moved around.
The day went on like that until dinner. They grilled on the boat and planned to go to some place they always went called Scoops Ice Cream Emporium. Vincent's dad cooked the burgers, dogs, and fish. Mrs. Cowell and the twins set the table, and Squall was in the galley below deck making the salads.
The grilling was done and they awaited the salads with small talk. They talked about the beautiful lake and future plans. Then Issac talked about his car troubles. Turns out he did need the car and money, so the job hunt would begin when he returned.
"The foods getting cool. Issac, go check on Mr. Salad guy. He's so detail oriented it'll be a week before we eat". Vincent's dad grumbled.
Issac nodded, smiling a little at the big bears need to eat, going below deck to the galley. It was all the way down a long narrow hall. It was narrow for big bears so Issac had plenty of room.
Issac noted all the walls were actually walls, not covered in pipes. The lights were nice and bright. Unlike an average boat, all it's inner workings were hidden within the walls. The air was stuffy and smelled like food. Issac's mouth watered more. Eggs, Italian dressing, some sort of soup with ham.....and.....
Issac stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that smell. It was thick, salty and primal. The air bellow deck smelled of male exitement. The door at the end of the hall seemed more sinister now, it held a dark secret, the hall seemingly much longer. Issac carefully approached the door, the smell getting stronger, and Issac could actually HEAR Squall moaning softly.
Issac took a nervous swallow, purposely walking louder. The noises stopped, and rummaging around could be heard aloud.
"Is....umm dinner done up there?". Squall called out.
"Yeah". Issac managed. "You uhh, need....".
"Issac!, Oh thank god, get in here!. Shit I thought you were Arron". Squall said relieved.
Issac swallowed, walking into the bright kitchen. The smell was prominent in here, but Squall opened a few windows allowing the smell to exit.
Two big bowls and a pot sat on the counter. Squall was tying his trunks, his big friend poorly hidden. Squall's ears sat back, he looked ashamed but relieved.
"Arron caught me once, oh was there shit to pay. Apparently it's not family oriented behavior". He smiled weakly. "Just don't mention it, I know you're not stupid, you know exactly what happened".
Issac was quiet, an awkward smile on his face. "Sure". He grabbed a bowl. "Should I take this up?"
"Yeah, thats done". Squall looked at Issac weird. "Are you.....umm, gay?".
As soon as he asked the question he obviously regretted it.
Issac stopped. "Umm I'm bi. How did you...?".
Squall made a relieved sound. "Sometimes I just spew out what's on my mind. Thank god it applies to you".
He washed his paws. "Its just umm.....you look at Vincent sometimes. And this isn't weirding you out, the whole, me jerking thing".
Issac blushed. "Umm.....very perceptive of you."
He carried the bowl to the door stopping "Umm......do you mind me asking. What....got you going?". He managed to finish.
Squall blushed a dark red. "Ahhh, nothing". He covered up. "It just happened and I had to.....finish".
He was obviously lying. "Let's just forget this happened. Please?".
"Agreed". Isacc said quickly. "Let's not keep them waiting upstairs".
Dinner was excellent. The sun set on the cliffs and Squall was a perfect actor. Issac could tell he was distracted, but couldn't keep calm and level enough to make his case 100% believable either.
"You Ok?" Vincent asked after the meal. "Your distracted I can tell".
Issac didn't answer right away so Vincent went on. "Is it about last nig......this morning I mean?" he seemed ashamed of himself, not even so much embaressed, just regretful of dumping that on the poor dog.
Issac looked up. "No its not that I promise. Although we do need to talk about your bottled up stuff".
Vincent smiled a little. "You're open like a girl man. I bottle shit up". He held up a paw. "That's not healthy Vincent". He mocked.
Issac pouted with a smile. "Well then, psychic are we? And I've done my fair share of bottling stuff up too" he smiled, "Im just smart and make sure no one goes peeking or ever finds them."
"You know I'm joking". Vincent wandered. "We're going to Scoop's soon, get that sweatshirt; It like a meat locker in there but sooo good".
Issac nodded getting up for the bear. This night was a treat, but it left Issac just as, if not more confused. He felt like talking to Squall in private, but wouldn't get that chance again most likely. He felt like talking to Vincent about them but couldn't risk weirding him out; let alone the other things he and Vincent needed to discuss in the future.
There was only one thing he was sure of. He was gonna show Jeromy that he was crap compared to his own speed, he wanted to see the wolves face when the homo kid kicked his ass at his own game.
Scoop's had probably the most amazing iced cream in the history of forever. It wasn't frozen yoghurt exactly but even the complex flavors like cake batter and triple choco fudge where light and smooth, but stayed on the cone without being drippy.
Issac laughed at his reverence to the treat, but apparently everyone understood. Issac sampled plenty of odd custom flavors like Chocolate from Down Under, which was chocolate and marshmallows. Sea Salt Ice Cream, which was salty sweet and delicious. But Issac decided to stick with a Cake Batter treat.
Everyone had their preferences of course. Vincent had Peanut Butter, Kathy got the Chocolate Down Under. The twins ordered Mint Chocolate and Bubblegum. Mrs. Cowell had Cookie Dough, Mr. Cowell had Vanilla with sprinkles, and Squall got the Banana Split flavor.
The small talk and adoration for Scoop's filled the air, and so did their steamy breath. It was so freaking cold!!. They all also got hot chocolate for the ride home, it was almost 9 already.
"I'll give someone a ride". Squall offered. "I need to get up to Lawndale for a job anyway. Any takers?"
Issac almost put his hand in the air with excitement, but didn't want to give it out that he wanted to talk with Squall. Not even a meat locker ice-cream parlor chilled his need to get stuff off this seemingly endless to-do list.
After a few seconds he put up a paw. "I could use the ride. Vincent's already sleeping and I don't want to be a burden." He said, looking over at his sleeping friend, and not blaming him as his own eyes fought to stay awake.
"Don't be silly". Vincent's Mom said. "I'm in charge of you. No offence Squall I just want to see him home myself".
Squall smiled. "Understood, but Issac if you want to talk architecture, let me see your phone". He gave Issac his number. "Any time after five pm is usually fine".
"Thanks". Issac said honestly, the potential creepiness not exactly clear to his tiring state.
"We had better get going". Mr. Cowell said. "Thanks for the company Squall".
They shook hands, parting ways. Issac woke up Vincent, who apologized for dozing off.
The ride back to Lawndale was boring and cold. It was dark, so he had no view. Issac kept to his own thoughts. His life was a mess, but he had to make due, it was the only one he had after all.