Fucking Legacy - P1: Foundations - Chapter 6
#6 of Fucking Legacy
Spike has to hide the babies but everything Boulder's done is come to bite them both...
Sorry it's late and a little rushed at the end but its a sad chapter for them
Six: Capture
The babies galloped towards the medical centre with their neighbour bouncing beside them. Thankfully the visitors did not seem to give them a single look of interest, knowing these miniature dragons had babies far more easily than their kind, but clearly busy with their own affairs. Sunstorm was crying heavily, he did not understand what he had just seen, why his father had been doing something that had seemed so wrong. He could not tell his brother what he'd seen, but his brother bounced beside him with a fearful expression before they reached the centre and hurried around the back, the neighbour calling for Spike.
Spike had just finished the tricky job of sewing up scales after fixing a very bad break in an arm, when his ears flicked and the sound of his name and the soft sobbing he knew belonged to his babies. As he finished cleaning up the wound for the miniature that thanked him, Spike stepped aside and quickly scrubbed the blood off his arms. When he then bounded over to the back room where the neighbour was with the babies, they both seemed to suddenly start sobbing very loudly. They tried to explain that a stranger had been at the house and they'd been scared because they were rushed to them and their father was in the house and they didn't know if he was hurt, but it came out in the usual warbles and lip wobbles of any youngsters trying to explain things as Spike cuddled his forelegs about them both and pulled them to his chest.
Immediately they nuzzled at the soft plates on his chest that were nosed upwards to show off the gland that made Spike quiver and produce a little milk. It wasn't much in the way of milk of course, nothing nutritious, but it was just for comfort and he naturally snuffed at his babies and licked at their bodies to soothe them. He groaned towards them lovingly, soothing them with an anxious expression as both of them seemed to barge and push at his chest to try and get more comfort. He turned his head towards his neighbour, curious to know what had happened but his neighbour had grabbed hold of Grimfolk, pulling the old male over to talk to him and Grimfolk's expression was wide and fearful before he gave the neighbour instructions and then bounced to Spike's shoulder, patting him gently.
"Spike we've been rumbled... I don't know what's wrong with your mate but he brought some dragoness called Moony to the house and... well... Sunstorm saw something he shouldn't, it's probably why you had that pain in your chest when you were working. But... the problem is, she saw Sunstorm and it won't be long till she alerts everyone. We've got a tunnel the babies can go down, you might have to fly out to the waterways and meet them at the cave under the waterfall... but don't let anyone see you or..." Grimfolk began, but he knew damn well just as Spike did that anyone watching him and his babies sneak away would put two and two together and it would not only be the children being stolen away to be raised wherever their abilities were best suited by whomever was chosen, but Spike would be straight to the breeding farm! He did not want that, but he certainly wanted to look after his babies and Boulder be damned... if he'd betrayed him enough for this than Spike could never forgive him.
"Come now you two... listen to Uncle Grimfolk and do as he says, I'll go and meet you at the waterfall..." Spike stated, nudging them both and licking them clean although they were clearly crying still. Grimfolk though patted them both, insisting that they were going to be very brave boys. Spike nuzzled them carefully, then urged them forward to follow after the old male. Grimfolk ushered them onwards, guiding them to a hidden passage in the store cupboard to where they would have to go. Spike watched them go and cooed out to them with an anxious expression at the thought of saying goodbye to his babies right now. "Darlings... do whatever Grimfolk says... it won't be long and I'll see you."
With that, Spike calmly strolled out of the room but on the inside he was screaming and sobbing. He couldn't believe it, his darling, his beloved... the only dragon he'd ever looked at and felt his heart beat for... well no, that wasn't true. Spike was grimacing as he began to walk calmly out of the building, acting as if he'd finished his shift but instead of walking towards him he took the long path towards the woods. He was thinking about someone that he had met once that had made his heart flutter. He didn't like to think about it because he'd been devoted to Boulder and yet, before they'd bonded he had kissed another dragon once... he didn't like to think of it but he wondered if this was the price for it.
He grimaced as he thought about it, the dragon had been bigger than Boulder, a real warrior and a flier, a gladiator born and bred with a twin brother to match. His underside and head had been black, his body and wings dark blue, his eyes a brilliant red and a gold pair of curving horns had been upon his head. His name was Gore Fang, his twin brother had green instead of blue and grey instead of black, but the same eyes and horn and he was called Gut Spear. They had been excellent fighters and some of the most impressive bruisers and certainly Gut Spear was well known for enjoying whatever company would come his way, but Gore Fang had been more noble, more gentle. He'd been injured badly, still won, and Spike had once patched him up only to have his paws held as the big beast had said in a gravelly tone that he had the most gentle hands.
Spike was trying not to think back on it as he padded through the forests, aware that there were some eyes watching him. He hated Moony, hated her bitterly and was frustrated that Boulder had ever done anything with her but he should have known... Boulder had needs and Spike had never been the best at fulfilling his needs before.... He'd walked in on Boulder with some others once, found out Boulder was selling himself for extra meat and Gore Fang had been with him and taken him somewhere else to wait. Gore Fang had seen him crying, looking pathetic and miserable before he'd been nuzzled and Gore had held him firmly. When Spike had looked up, Gore Fang had kissed him that time and he'd let him... Gore Fang had said he'd do anything for him and Spike had believed it... but Spike had loved Boulder!
Spike was starting to cry; he could feel the tears dribbling down his cheeks and he hated thinking of that right now when he'd chosen Boulder and always stuck with Boulder! Would it have made a difference in the end? Spike was trying not to think it, not to let his mind wonder as he made a stop at the waterway, drinking from it and then climbing in. He tried to bathe into it, to cover himself and try to wrap himself up in the water so that anyone following might think he was just going out for a private bathe to clear his head. He didn't want to be thinking about what Gore Fang would have done, he'd never have left him alone anywhere to have been caught by Thunderwing... but that would have meant the babies would not have been born and stubborn Sunstorm and feisty Firebrand would not have been born. It was an anxious thought and thankfully, reminding himself he would not have had these wonderful little monsters was enough to soothe him and pull him out of the water with a firm shake of his body.
Spike then began to race, rushing through the woods and zig-zagging around, hoping to fool anyone watching him and drying off fast. Once he felt he had no more eyes upon him, he then took the slope around to the waterfall. He kept to the thick trees around it, making sure that there was no way his brilliant red hide could be seen as he slid through the shadows of the forests and the bushes to reach the smooth, wet stones of the waterfall. Spike was anxious here, snuffling about cautiously before checking all about himself for any sign of trouble. Thankfully there did not seem to be the scent or sight of anyone and carefully, Spike clambered across the scree of walk to the thundering falls and slid inside.
Once Spike was in, he was shuddering gently as he spotted the cave at the back and slid himself inside. With a groan, he settled in and then looked down the narrow passages behind. One of them would have his boys in and so he lay himself down, arms open for them as he lay his head and neck down. He looked down each passage, unsure by scent or sight which one might have his babies in so he called out lovingly towards them, encouraging them. He did not know how long his babies would take to come and join him but he was hopeful it would not be too long at all. Still, a part of him was anxious... he was fearful that his babies would not hear him and get trapped, but a familiar sounding squeak from Firebrand further up called him forward and Spike beckoned them on.
"You're in serious trouble... aiding a fugitive like that... your best bet to be treated fairly is to tell us where those youngsters and the Breeder have gone." Moony had been quick to gather the guard members and the governor from the ship that had landed. They'd not seen the babies and not been interested in them at all, but once she'd told them everything she'd see despite Boulder having tried to stop her, they'd gathered up the big male and brought him to be interrogated. Within their ship Boulder was already chained down and muzzled, he could just about speak through it, but he couldn't bite or growl. The slim, grey and red scaled figure in front of him was curling his lips as he spoke, Moony nodding her head beside him. "You should know how important it is that Breeders go to the Farm and only the best genetics are shared. Those two youngsters might have hideous diseases... uncontrolled breeding outside of these... diminutive colonies, is strictly forbidden and a serious health hazard!"
Boulder just remained quiet, the thought of anyone calling his boys a health hazard sat bitterly in his throat. He may not be their real father, but Firebrand and Sunstorm were his, they were every part his as they were Spike's and he wanted to attack the dragon in front of him. However, he was more than stunned by Moony, fearful that all his dealings with her in the past had been leading up to this point... that he had doomed the boys and Spike because of his lusts and appetites and his stupidity. He curled his lips as he looked towards her, sneering in frustration as she remained staring at him with the same look of disgust before she gave a sneer.
"Where would Spike have taken them? We know you're not the one at fault here... they probably aren't even yours, Spike's always been a little too unwilling even if he's taken you as his mate... so we won't put you in any trouble but take you back home and let you settle back into your old job without a single problem." Moony stated, her irritation that Spike would be so fortunate making her give huffing snorts and grunts as she padded back and forth behind the elder. She clearly was not looking out for the best interests of their kind, instead she was thinking about how best she could keep Boulder where she wanted him. Boulder seemed to be able to read it now, growling in frustration as he looked at her before one of the soldiers seemed to step forward.
"Sir... we lost him in the forest... we're going to follow the river down and also send a party through the forest with the Hounds..." The grey coloured soldier with the blue streak down his body and his two cattle horns was staring at his masters obediently. His words made Boulder tremble in anxiety; he had no idea where Spike would have gone with the babies but he hoped they would be safe and yet the thought that Hounds were being used made him almost want to whine. Hounds were dragons of their kind that were trained to be the most vicious and terrifying, sent in to find the enemy and slaughter them! They could be huge and some could be whippy and fast and work just as well as spies. Thankfully they didn't have wings so could not fly over, but they were terrifying enough and there were names in their group that could make Boulder wet himself! "Shame we haven't got the best lot here but..."
"They'll do the job; you just need to use Boulder's marking scent to find them... one of the lucky things about having become bonded mates, when you've got one you'll always fine the other." Moony beamed in delight, sticking her tongue out at Boulder as he lowered his red head. He'd never once thought any of it through and Spike had always been so determined that they be prepared and... he had cheated, he had cheated twice and without thought and... and Sunstorm had seen and....
What danger had he put his beloved into?
Spike was nuzzling the babies, they'd been riding on his back since he'd caught up with them and they'd swum down the river until the sound of their enemies had been heard above. Spike had then carefully steered through the forests, heading out towards the mines where there was more chance of losing their enemies. Both the babies were fast asleep he assumed, but he kept hearing Sunstorm give little whimpers of upset and so Spike had to stop and see what was wrong.
It was pitch black, even the lights of the stars above seemed dim and distance, only ahead of them was the lights of the mines and potential safety. All the same, Spike gave a snort as he found an earthen dug out to slide the youngsters into as Firebrand gave a whimper to be bothered. Spike stuck his nose into the den with them, nuzzling and annoyed on his head could fit as he pulled them both into the crook of his neck and they seemed to start settling. Only as he gave a few soft rumbling sounds to soothe them did Sunstorm sit up and whimper softly.
"Mummy... doesn't daddy love you?" Sunstorm queried, tears in his eyes as Spike licked his face clean and then nuzzled him gently. He kissed at his baby to soothe him as Sunstorm grasped his mother's nose and cuddled into him desperately, whimpering all the time. "Daddy was with another and... and he always says he loves you but... but he was with someone else and... and it wasn't what it should be! He shouldn't do that with anyone but you!"
"Oh sweetheart, whatever you saw I want you to forget it, push it out of your head and never worry about what happened. Boulder loves you both so dearly and he loves me too, what you saw... it was an old friend and old fling... just to finish it, he doesn't love them." Spike stated, not sure it was reassuring his baby as much as it felt like it was reassuring himself. He did not want to admit what was happening, he did not want to scream that he hated Boulder right now because at the same time he still loved him wonderfully. Spike nuzzled Sunstorm gently, licking his tummy because he knew Sunstorm would be having a funny tummy and then Spike pulled his head up and pressed his legs into the hole.
He pressed his chest forward, giving a shuddering so that some milk came out... it was getting harder to do the older they got but, as soon as Firebrand's nose twitched and caught the scent he was up and rushing over to feed. Sunstorm felt the desire to rush over and drink greedily too, but he held back, looking up to his mother with a sorrowful expression although Spike beckoned him to drink now and go to sleep. The youngsters did, drinking hurriedly and settling down as Spike grimaced and grit his teeth over the painful actions before then giving a soft sigh and leaning his head over the mound as they tugged and pulled at the flesh and he had to stare out into the woodlands.
The youngsters were soon fed, asleep and Spike was sore, but as he lounged over the mound and stared out into the distance, he caught the sound of something sniffing and shadows moving. There was no way he could wake up his boys now and carefully, he pulled dirt in front of the mound, closing the boys in with enough room for air. He then pulled back, grimacing and sitting upwards before slowly starting to walk away, backing off towards a spot away from the babies as he watched the shadows approaching and could hear the snarls of anger from his hunters.
His nose twitched, he could smell they were the Hounds and he was not going to be able to fight them for long, but Spike was the fastest dragon and as soon as the beasts spied him and charged, he ran! He had to run, away from his babies and hope that the search for them would end or someone might rescue them, or whatever god it was that was said to protect their kind might protect them now. Spike ran as if he were made of the wind itself, slipping in and out of trees, never losing his momentum and galloping on towards the mines. He could feel the earth moving about him and he could hear and feel the thundering of the Hounds running at his tail.
As he galloped onwards, he reached the mines and knew there was a good shaft that he could lose some in and as he skimmed around the edge of one, pivoting neatly and not letting his foot hit hard on the ground. As he spun the first two hounds lunged at him, big black and dark blue dragons built huge like Boulder but with spikes bristling out of their bodies and faces muzzled. They were truly tortured beings and ordinarily, Spike might pity them but he was swift to spin and let them fall before leaping right over the third that had pulled back and then running and full pelt along the flat ground again. He was faster here, the two remaining hounds could not keep up and yet he could feel they were not going to stop, he'd only have a little while before the other two joined them too, but Spike didn't care... he needed to wind them up, frustrate them, make them only hungry to go after him and not his babies!
However, when there was a sudden call from their handler and it was in the worse place possible, Spike pivoted neatly and charged between the third and fourth. They turned, crashing heads together but their spiked armours slashing the shoulders of the red dragon that galloped past them and he continued to gallop onwards. He ignored the third one bounding after him, his eyes focused upon the fourth that was running back into the forest. The third lunged to grab him, Spike lay flat suddenly, the third leapt but overshot, Spike felt the heavy body over him and then he bounced onwards, the third crashing into the other two. Spike galloped back towards the forest, hearing his sons screaming in horror and begging for help and Spike roared out in fury.
He hurried into the forest, seeing the big Hound dragging the dirt out and several dragons around him and Spike snarled. The moment Firebrand was grabbed in the grasp of the big beast, Sunstorm's teeth and claws sunk into it's wrist, chewing and snarling angrily at him. The Hound released them, but then Firebrand was biting it too before Spike launched onto the big black beast with a back covered in such thick scutes and bumps it was like climbing up a brick wall! Spike's whole body crashed into him, knocking him down and then Spike climbed up its back. Without fear he bit and chewed into the back of the Hound's head, making it pull back and snarl and wrestle with them. Spike hooked into it though, biting in and tasting blood, trying to rip a chunk out of it at the least as the Hound was pulling back, trying to get Spike off.
Sunstorm and Firebrand then made a run for it, darting towards the trees they could climb but the familiar green dragoness landed on them, pinning them both down as they gave squeals. The moment Moony had them she looked right up at Spike and then received a shock, the red dragon launched off the Hound and onto her. The pair were slashing and biting at each other, Spike's teeth in her muzzle to drag it down and leave a vicious scar, but the Hound opened its mouth and a ball of static energy shot out, slamming into Spike's body and sending jolts of pain and horrors through him as his body stretched and strained into uncomfortable positions before he collapsed.
"MUMMY!" Firebrand and Sunstorm rushed to their fallen mother, grasping hold of Spike's body and nuzzling their mother, hiding under his prone forelegs. Spike wished he could curl his body up around them, protect his babies from more pain and fear, but the Hounds were soon standing above him, drooling and growling for having caught their quarry and eager to rip it to pieces. Spike wanted to keep his babies close, not wanting them to be hurt, but the snarl from Moony almost commanded them to kill, until the grey dragon barged through.
"Excellent... completely motionless... the adult will be taken to the farm, the children... they'll need to undergo the magic of the Mind Wipers and they can be retrained." The grey male chuckled in amusement before bringing his head down to look towards the babies and smirking in amusement. Firebrand and Sunstorm were crying, desperate not to be taken from their mother but he carefully steered them out of their adult's grasp before he gave a chuckle. "Don't worry boys, you won't be parted from each other... you're quite strong looking already and no doubt you'll be wonderful members of the Ground Force... congratulations on supplying your kind with excellent warriors and no doubt, you'll produce even more for us."
"I'll quite enjoy seeing you strapped up... shame you had a mate, the bond will immediately be severed upon your induction into the Farm, Spike... guess I'll have to keep Boulder company for now." Moony sneered in delight, her face ripped nastily. Spike whined and groaned as he watched his babies being stolen away from him, unable to do anything as they cried for him.