Tales of Azoria - Chapter 5
#6 of Tales of Azoria
Beckar tells Azuri everything about her past and the reason she despises Luminians. This ends with Azuri getting into trouble, but Uhrwerk appears at the window to sleep over.
"It happened ten years ago, about two years before me and your father made you. We were living with my parents when a large explosion erupted from the house. Your father and I were staying by a river that was near the house when it happened. When we came to investigate what happened, three Luminians were surrounding my parents' corpses." Azuri observed his mom pacing over to the counter and resting her claws on it. As she was explaining, she was beginning to relax more.
"When they saw us coming in, they started to attack. I was more surprised when your father jumped in front of me and took all three at once. The fight was so rapid and intense, I thought at any second he would be ripped to shreds and I'd lose another person close to me, then I'd have to fight for myself till the Florian guards arrive. Mere minutes in, he killed two of them with his venom. The third pinned him down and he couldn't get back up, so I took a broom and pushed it off of him. When it leaped at me, I thought I was next, and that's when your father sunk his teeth into the Luminian's back leg so hard that it froze on the spot and died." Her face appeared to show empathy as she fiddled with her claws together. I can still hear the rage in her, but Azuri can tell that this story was reliving her, as if she'd been holding it in for so long, that telling the story was lifting the weights off her shoulders at that very moment.
"As soon as the guards came to see the commotion, they cleaned up the scene and tried to comfort us. Your father was very brave and saved my life. However, those Luminians killed my parents and ruined my psyche permanently." Azuri took a step closer as he felt a wave of grief. His mom was right, she never told him about this. If she did sooner, he would've known to be more careful. Though, that still doesn't change the fact that Uhrwerk didn't appear hostile. Although, there's always a chance that they could've used him as bait and had multiple Luminians hiding in the bushes near him, waiting for dragons like him to swoop in. But Azure knew that when he met Uhrwerk, nothing like that happened, even if it was risky. He felt terrible when he saw the poor glowy dragon by himself in the middle of nowhere.
His mother took a second to breath before her eyes finally met with Azuri. "You see son? That's why I hate Luminians, and why I keep you away from them."
"B-but... Why did they attack? I thought that war was over years ago like the book," Azuri couldn't help but turn and look toward the bookshelf. Right there, sitting on the far left of the second shelf, was the book about Luminians and Florians.
"The war may be over, but many dragons from that tribe are still angry with us and want to see us hurt like they did. The only reason the queen doesn't initiate a war with them again is because other rulers around us think it's better to get along. They are forcing us to cooperate with each other and trade to prevent dragons from getting hurt." She sighed and brushed a claw past her ears.
"But then, that means they think they're not bad! If they want us to get along, then surely-."
"No!" She snapped loudly, slamming her fist onto the counter with so much force that it went through. "They are not friendly, and should never be trusted. They are victims of their manipulative behavior, don't listen to them."
"But mom-." She interrupts Azuri by pointing at him with anger starting to flow back through her face. She's had enough of this conversation at this point.
"Don't back talk to me mister, I'm your mother!" She rushes over to the hallway and points down to his room. "Go to your room and stay there! You're grounded from leaving it and the forest until I say otherwise. Do you understand me?" She hissed and growled. Azuri opened his mouth, then closed it when he couldn't say anything. He started marching to his bedroom in irritation and overwhelming amounts of shame. His mother watched him with an expression of serious disappointment and anger.
As soon as he got to his bedroom door, he could only say one thing to his mother. It was something that he had been longing to say to her since dad left. He grabbed the door with his claw as he walked into his room, turning around and facing out to the hallway. "I wish dad was here! He'd understand me better than you!" He slams the door with so much force, it causes one of the paintings in his room to fall off and land face first. Azuri heard the picture frame shatter as it impacted with the floor. Though, he didn't react with concern or worry about it. His mind was rushing with thoughts and emotions about the conversation.
He turned back around to face his bedroom and started to feel the urge to cry. Now that he was away from his mom to see him, he wanted to burst into tears. He felt his eyes water, immediately rushing to his bed and hopping onto it. He buried his face into the pillow and screamed as loudly as he could into it, which was muffled by it. It wasn't long until his eyes were filled with tears and he was crying loudly into the pillow. It felt like forever as he cried, feeling the pillow dampening from all the tears.
Suddenly, he heard a small tapping from his window. It was just loud enough for Azuri to raise his head up and look toward it. That's when he saw a familiar glow coming from the other side. Azuri used his claws to wipe the tears from his eyes before starting to walk over to the window. As he approached it, he saw Uhrwerk on the other side peeping inside. In a sudden rise of surprise and relief, Azuri opened the window. "Uhrwerk! What are you doing here?!" Uhrwerk retreated back into his wings in worry like Azuri was upset with him for coming. However, Azuri looked around Uhrwerk for any sign of night patrol. Then, he grew a smile and sighed with relief. "Glad to see you didn't leave entirely." He saw a faint smile grow on Uhrwerk as he leaned in toward Azuri.
Uhrwerk was looking past Azuri into his bedroom. Azuri glanced back to his bedroom door, then back to Uhrwerk. "I guess I did offer a place to stay after all." Azuri quickly rushed over to the bedroom door and locked it from the inside, when he heard a loud THUD from behind him. He turned and watched as Uhrwerk attempted to crawl through the open window and into his bedroom. Azuri rushed back over to him and started to help him carefully squeeze through, ensuring that Uhrwerk didn't hurt himself and his large wings. As Azuri pulled him in, suddenly Uhrwerk slid out of the window and landed on top of Azuri. Their snouts pressed up against each other as both of them realized what just happened.
Uhrwerk took a second to sit upwards and look around the room, sniffing innocently despite laying on top of Azuri. "Um, you're kind of on top of me." Azuri chuckled to himself, which Uhrwerk finally got off of him. Azuri stood up on all fours and looked at Uhrwerk, watching him check the room. His wings dragged along the floor and could barely fit in the room from their sheer size. Azuri struggled to look past them and to Azuri's eyes. "So um, what do you think?" Uhrwerk finally turned to him after looking at Azuri's bed. His expression by itself told Azuri "this doesn't look big enough for the both of us." He climbed on top of the bed and was already taking up all of the space, especially with his wings.
Azuri raised his claw to his chin and started thinking to himself. I didn't think this far, nor did I realise how big he really was. How am I supposed to hide him? My door might be locked, but she has a key.
There was a chance she could walk in without them realizing and freak out at Uhrwerk. In fact, Azuri can already guess what his mom would say. "Oh my Lanta! Don't eat my son you wild beast!" She'd probably grab a broom or a baseball bat and chase him out. Azuri shuddered at the thought, beginning to think of an idea. As he examined his bed, he realized there was enough space between it and the wall. Azuri got the idea to let him sleep on the floor, just out of view from the door. Azuri went over to his closet and started pulling out the spare sheets and blankets, beginning to spread them out on the floor beside his bed. Since the bed was literally right in front of the door sideways, she could just barely see over it.
"There we go, you can sleep down there so she doesn't see you." Uhrwerk jumped down to the floor with the blankets and covers and started to nuzzle under it. Azuri watched as he struggled to pull his wings under the blankets. Luckily, it only took about five minutes before he was entirely under it. Maybe the huge lump coming from the blanket could give it away. Azuri just shrugged before jumping onto his bed and going under the covers and laying down. That's when Uhrwerk whined out of nowhere, resulting in Azuri to look over to him. Uhrwerk mumbled something that couldn't be understood, it was too quiet. "What's wrong?"
That's when he noticed that Uhrwerk's expression appeared to be desiring food. "You hungry? I don't know if my mom will allow me to get something to eat, but I'll try." He climbed out of bed again, and went over to the bedroom door. He turned back to Uhrwerk, "Stay here until I get back, try and stay hidden in case she comes in here." He saw Uhrwerk nod from the other side of the bed. Azuri unlocked the door and pulled it open, taking a deep breath as he stepped into the hallway. Hearing his mom in her bedroom, shuffling around out of view. Azuri decides to use his cloaking ability to go invisible. He knew that Florians also have heat vision to see where other Florians were whenever they decided to use this ability. He just hoped that his mom wouldn't need to use it to find him.
Azuri still tried to keep himself quiet as he rushed into the kitchen. He looked through the cabinets for anything that might be a good snack. That's when he found one of Azuri's salad meals all wrapped up in plastic. His mother usually purchases these in bulk, and usually lasts for months without being touched. Azuri took two and hid them within his wings and was about to turn and leave when his mother walked into the kitchen. He froze and stood as still as possible as he watched her walk in. She was beginning to wash a few plates in the sink. Azuri slowly and cautiously walked past her and into the hallway. Then, once he was out of view he rushed to the bedroom as quietly as possible.
When he got to the bedroom, he uncloaked himself and placed the meals on the bed. Closing the door behind him and locking it. He was very relieved to not have been caught. That was too close for my heart to handle. He hopped onto the bed and laid down, taking the meals and putting them in front of him. "Here, these should be good to eat." Azuri used his claws to peel the plastic and open it. He handed it over to Uhrwerk, who sniffed and examined it for a second. "It's just salad, don't worry. Very healthy." Uhrwerk nodded to him before starting to dig in. Azuri started doing so as well with his own, but was a lot slower than he was in the morning.
The two of them sat in the bedroom in complete silence as they ate their meals. Surprisingly, it appeared that Uhrwerk ate his whole meal faster than Azuri did. In fact, Uhrwerk actually appeared to be very hungry. When Azuri stopped eating because he didn't feel like finishing, he offered it to Uhrwerk who downed it in seconds. Azuri chuckled to himself, "Be careful, you can get the hiccups for eating too fast." Uhrwerk ignored him as he finished the rest of Azuri's meal and burped cutely. Azuri giggled to him as Uhwerk blushed in embarrassment. Azuri noticed how dark it was getting outside, and knew that it was time to get some rest. His eyes met with Uhrwerk and he smiled at him.
"We should probably get some rest." Azuri pointed out, which Uhrwerk nodded in response when he noticed how dark it was outside now. Azuri took both of the empty meals from Uhrwerk and tossed them into a nearby trash can by his bed. Then, he yawned and stretched his arms and claws into the air. He flopped backwards into his bed and closed his eyes. He listened to Uhrwerk shuffling in the blankets and sheets beside him, before going silent. Azuri figured that Uhrwerk was just getting a good position to lay down in. "Good night Uhrwerk." Azuri yawned again, his body relaxing into the sheets and covers before finally feeling himself drifting into dreamworld.