Venturing: Seizure party
All work without anything else. That was what Ling had felt when they were back to back missions and tasks and among other things. However one day when Yang had surprise them about a birthday that they are 'forced' to attend to. They cannot be anymore excited. Yet to their surprise, this birthday party was a trap for someone else instead. Can the VPD expose the birthday party trap and find out who was the criminal after all?
Venturing: Seizure party
"Here it is." Zander replied to the air surrounding him as we stopped in front of a brown door before us. There was silence all around us as the hallway had became quiet. I turned towards Zander who stepped forth to the brown door; grabbing onto the knob before turning it to the side. Opening the door so suddenly. A click echoed into our ears as the door opened and became wide. Disappearing from our view as it was replaced by the scenery before us, I averted my eyes away from Zander momentarily and turned my attention to the scenery. It was a mess. Everything was everywhere it had seemed. All the furs were scattered upon the benches and tables. Zander winched and frowned as I walked into the room first before him and then he followed me afterwards. Entering into the bright light from above.
The room itself was bigger than I had expected. It was also more roomy too. With lots of birthday and celebratory stuff scattered about, along with them came the fur upon the ground and benches. After the benches were four large big windows that showcase the outside. A huge parking lot stands upon the windows. Empty as it was with nothing parked between any of the white lines painted at the parking lot. The entire place was silent that I had started hearing ringing in my ear a lot. Though it was only for a short moment before Zander interrupted my thoughts with a cough that I turned towards him in silence. "The first thing we had noticed upon coming in were..." "All this fur." I finished for him, turning my attention towards the benches where the fur was gathered. I walked towards them and crouched down in silence.
Pulling out a magnifying glass, I held it up to the light above and waited at least for a bit. Zander watched me worked but turned his attention towards something else instead. After a while, I lowered the glass to my eye and spied upon the fur. There were at least a couple of colors here. The majority of them were normal however. Orange, brown, black and white or silver were lingering about. But of these, I spotted something pink for some strange reason. I called Zander who turned his attention towards me. I motioned him. He walked and crouched adjacently while I pointed towards something pink. He blinked afterwards and turned. Glancing at the fur I was pointing at before frowning. "What is a speck of pink doing here?" "Think it belongs to someone who is not suppose to be here?" "Like what exactly?" Zander questioned me, "I do not know, OC perhaps?" Zander fell silent upon my answer, his face darkened and hardened as he turned to face me. He never liked it however.
But disregarding that statement, I rose to my feet. Taking a picture of the group of furs by the bench with my camera hanged around my neck before departing from it and glanced elsewhere. Zander returned to his normal spot which I had noticed was at the corner of the room. He seems to be staring at something as it flashes by quickly across his face. Noises were set to a minimum, it had indeed prompted me to questioned him as he turned towards me. "What are you watching?" "A threat video." He started, "Do not know why the culprit decided to leave this here for us to see. But it clearly shows that he or she wanted to get arrested very quickly however." "What is the threat?" I asked, clearly interested. But he shook his head, waving me off. I frowned but continued my work as I scanned the area for anything else useful before calling Zander.
I grabbed my walkie from my waist, raising it high towards my face as I pressed the button so suddenly. Hearing Zander walked towards me as the button rang out from the walkie's speakers, I spoke "The place is clear." "Is there nothing there worth looking into?" "We only found two clues so far." Zander interrupted me, leaning over to the walkie, speaking out his thoughts as I glared at him. He formed a smile or something before departing from the room. I followed behind him while the walkie spoke in response "Alright we are coming back then." "We should regroup near the main office." I demanded as Zander turned towards me. I nodded slightly at him and he groaned shaking his head as he went to follow me. I led us down the corridor and stopped in front of some blue door in front of us which I grabbed onto its knob and opened it before we walked inside. Heading down the stairs, we reached the previous floor underneath us as we exited out.
The others were waiting for us it had seemed. Kyro Natty, Ozkun and Takaki were gathered together at the main office. Natty and Takaki were sitting upon the blue chairs while Kyro and Ozkun were standing adjacently to them. All were silent, although they seemed to be staring at the blue door in front of them where a green sign appeared above the door. Though no words were said between them, we walked forth to regroup with them. All four immediately saluted towards me. I waved them down before speaking towards them about the topic of what they had found. I pointed towards Kyro and Natty to which the dragoness spoke first than its mate, "We found a bag lying upon the ground. Inside of it was a fang. There is more however too..." Natty explained, holding up such said bag into the air for us to see. Indeed there was a fang inside the bag. Smaller than our own it had seemed. But it seems to be more wider and bigger than ours." "Do we know whose it is from?" Questioned Ozkun which Natty shook her head with a frown, "Unfortunately no." "Yet we have reasons to believe that it is indeed a canine we are looking for however." A couple of growls and nods came from Zander, Ozkun and Takaki as they muttered in agreement.
"Let me see that." I requested holding out my claw towards Natty and Kyro. Natty handed it immediately towards me and stepped back towards Kyro's side as she turned towards Ozkun and Takaki. As Zander motioned the other pair to continued speaking seeing that I would be listening to them, they started while I raised the bag I held in my claws towards my face. Indeed it was a fang. White and clean it seems. Sharp too judging by the pointyness of the fang however. 'But why such a thing had loose from an canine?' I had wondered, tilting my head to one side with a frown before lowering the bag again and turned towards Ozkun and Takaki. They have presented nothing. But explained a security system upon a computer screen which perhaps links towards something else. Below the security was an opened window where an blank long line flashed upon it. According to Takakri and Ozkun, only letters were allowed in it. Numbers would perhaps destroy the security altogether. Rendering it useless until the next night.
Cracking that code, presented them with a card which Ozkun held up upon his claw. The rest of us leaned forward and stared upon it. Clearly interested and intrigued by the design, color and dexterity of such a card however. The card itself was brighten yellow. Waves of red, blue and green ribbons flashed upon it. Stars of different and unique coloring and sizes filled in the smaller yellow spaces. Kyro requested for the card to opened up which Ozkun did immediately. Opening the flap of the card, we were presented with a blank white space. Black words were imprinted upon the space. But they never formed a sentence or something along those lines. As I stared at the white space for a moment, I had not noticed that the silence was hanging in the air. I blanked out for at least a few seconds before shaking my head and growling at the other dragons surrounding me. Flinching and startled, the others turned towards me immediately as I spoke towards Ozkun and Takaki in the following silence.
"Where did you guys get this card? Where was the security computer screen?" I questioned them, Ozkun spoke before Takaki's hesitation as the latter frowned and said nothing in silence. Ozkun, on the other claw, spoke confidently to me referring to the white computer at the main office of the second floor. At the center of the floor, so he claims. As I frowned pondering over his statement, Zander leaned over to me and whispered into my ear "Ozkun is right you know. While we were gathered upon our assigned rooms, I did noticed a white computer at the center of the floor. Surrounded by brown painted walls however." "What was inside it?" I whispered back, Zander answered "Inside were three different computers. Of those three, only one was just a toy. The other two were real; presented only the home page of the hospital we are in right now." "Anything else?" "Well there is only one icon and label presented at the page. What it is, only Ozkun can tell you then." I nodded at him and turned towards the blue scaled dragon.
"Tell me Ozkun." I say as the dragon met my eyes, "What was that icon presented upon the home screen." "It was that. The security system icon." Ozkun answered confidently as I turned to Zander who said nothing but nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Zander will speak to you about it however." "Right, sir." Ozkun started as his hesitation to speak afterwards became known. I stared at him for a moment, watching his tensed body. His white wings were spread and tightened for some strange reason; that I had wondered if something bad had happened to him while operating the computer however. But as Zander escorted the blue dragon out, leaving the rest of us be. SIlence hang the air as the door closes and interrupted it; I spoke after the noise to request anyone to speak forth. After Natty and Takaki, Kyro never spoken up as he fell to silence just staring at me. I exhaled a stress sigh and shook my head following after, before raising my claw at them and declared that our meeting was over.
For everyone spread out from the main room; leaving me behind as the door opened and close in rapid succession. Thus left me alone upon the main room as I sat upon the chair adjacent to the wall and glance upon the flooring below us in the silence that had followed. Unfortunately, it was a short silence as I heard the door opened and closed once again. I turned my attention towards two dragons. Zander and Ozkun. Both of which were surprise to see me sitting down, but was also surprise at the meeting being over already. For upon their silence, I motioned my claw at them to urge them to speak which they committed immediately in answer as Zander held up something in his claw. I turned towards him in silence, then raised high from the chair fast. Zander and Ozkun were startled. But kept their posture as I leaned over and stared at the thing that Zander was holding up.
It was a flat disk. Shined dimly upon the lit room surrounding us. I had saw my own reflection upon it that I stopped staring at it and leaned back, turned my eyes towards Zander and Ozkun before speaking towards them. "This was what was presented from the computer room?" "Yeah." "Why was such a thing here anyway?" I questioned to which neither of them answered me. I shook my head and exhaled a breath before addressing it right away, "From the beginning, you did say that there was a computer screen security and below it was an opened window showcasing an empty line to which we had needed to fill with letters instead of numbers. If we were-" "Ling." Zander replied to me as I stopped and turned to the black dragon immediately, "There is even nothing in the front of the disk either. But somehow this presents that security from that screen however." "How and why?" I question a bit angry at him as Ozkun stepped between us and growled back in answer, "We do not know. We are drawing blanks upon this question in front of us." "Had anyone else knew about this?" "Just us." I waited a few, just staring at them in a moment of silence. Then bared my fangs and shook my head, "Fine." I said a bit impatient while raising my claw to my face as I followed it with "Just play around with the disk and see what you can find out from here." "Hack it right?" "Just do it." I demanded.
The two said dragons flinched and turned around. Heading back towards the door, disappearing as it closed on its own. They had left me immediately in the silence of the lit room surrounding me. Yet I never cared however for I felt a headache pulsing in my head. I sat down again upon the blue chair underneath me. Held my head down to the grounds underneath me with my claw still lingering upon the face of my snout. Eyes closed, a thought popped into my head as I had suddenly remembered about the threat video that Zander was watching. For I grabbed onto my walkie from my waist once again, held it high towards my face before pressing the black button and requested Zander into coming down. I heard two clicks and a long silence before another click followed it. I acknowledged it with my own set as silence took over afterwards while I rose my eyes towards the horizon that is before me.
Yet I froze. I had expected to see a wall in front with a line of chairs. But instead saw a bleak hallway that was filled with pitch darkness. A green glow of a sign appeared brightly in the distance. Staring at the glow, I rose to my feet. Gradually walking the distance to the entrance of the halls before stopping afterwards. However, I heard the door opened behind me and I turned around looking upon Zander who stands in front of me now. "You mentioned before that you were watching a video. What was it?" "A threat video, Ling." Zander responded with no hesitation as I nodded to him, "Is there anything important in that video?" "Just a threat made by some cadfox" "Cadfox?" I questioned him, a bit interested as I looked to him. He shook his head, a smile appeared upon his face. A bit amused by his own words, he corrected himself before responding to me, "Sorry, I meant Corsac." "Ah those kind of minor foxes." I stated with a nod as he looked to me with a surprise, "You should have not said that m word." "Why, are they not afflicted by it? Considering that neither fox or wolf regards them as equal?" A short pause came before Zanter shook his head, "Not in popularity however." "What does popularity have anything to do with being equal?" I demanded, but he remained silent. I exhaled and said nothing in answer. But return the conversation we held back towards the video once again, "Then answer me this..." I growled at Zander, turning his head to me in silence.
"Why was the video aimed for? Us? Or the foxes and wolves in general?" "Us, apparently." Zander answered bluntly as I stared at him in silence, growling only afterwards before bearing my fangs at him. "Are you sure?" "Indeed." Zander responded back, no hesitation as his words left his mouth. With another pause, I nodded after him and leaned back. Exhaled a breath before raising my claw high onto my head, scratching onto the back as I spoke "Then I guess that is closed then." "What is the other thing we needed?" "Just a dead body." I suggested. "Should be found somewhere around here." "Are you suggesting that we have a killer?" "Just a murder." I started before following him down towards the door as Zander opened it and allowed us in. We raced up the stairs towards the second floor above and leveled with the other officer dragons about.
The entire floor was silent. Yet there were loud shuffles about which both me and Zander heard so suddenly. We turned towards one another in surprise. Yet we never talked about it or addressed it however. Thus kept to our silent, we walked back to the room we were just in at the beginning of our investigation and entered right upon in. We were surprise into seeing Kyro and Ozkun here. They too were gathered around the video, watching it as it played back for them. Zander, a bit startled, rushes up towards the pair of dragons and immediately pushes them back. As they heeded the small distance, they were a bit surprise upon seeing him as he angrily growled at the two. Forcing them away from the video. The two said dragons, frowned and growled angrily but stomped their way out of the room. But I stopped them just as they had left the room. Both dragons turned towards me immediately, anger seeping from their faces as I questioned them.
"Do any of you see a dead body about?" "Hiding in the closet apparently?" Kyro suggested, pointing with his claw towards the green closet adjacent to one of the benches as I smiled nodding back towards the red dragon who stepped away in response. After the two left the room, I walked towards the green closet and grabbed upon the knobs. Pulling them aside, the closet opened on its own and presented me a skeleton that flopped from the closet's enclosed space and onto the flooring below my feet. Zander turned upon hearing something flopped upon the ground and kept his eye upon the skeleton before me. Thus we rose to each other eye, saying nothing in the following silence before I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned back towards the closet in silence.
The closet's space was small that only my two claws would only fit inside and fill this space. I frowned and lowered my eyes back towards the skeleton below me. Crouched down after releasing my claws from the closet and instead snatching the skeleton from the ground, I rose to my feet and held it into the air while I take a look upon it however. The skeleton itself was smaller than a dragon's structure. But it seems to be the perfect size for a fox or wolf. I tilted my head to one side as I heard Zander's words from across the room. Lowering the skeleton in my claw, I turned my attention to the black dragon before me. "Guess you are right once again." He says, "What do you mean?" "The video did state that it was for the VPD unfortunately. " "Why us? Should the foxsac should be aiming his threats against foxes and wolves in general?" "That should be the case however. But it was aimed for us. Why?" "Why indeed." I frowned with a claw raised to my chin as I thought about it over repeatedly in the following silence.
Neither of us said anything else, other than the footsteps that echoed from inside and outside of the room we were in however. As my ears heard it, I turned my attention towards the opening of the door, spotting Kyro and Ozkun. Following them was Natty and Takaki. All four entered the room two by two until the door closes behind them however. With me and Zander looking upon them, Kyro was the first to answer the silence looming over our heads as he held up a claw speaking towards us. "There was a skeleton inside our closet." "Same with us." Followed Takaki as Ozkun held his, "Why were there two more skeletons hiding inside?" I questioned them, neither of them answered it however. As Zander went to integrate them. I stole a glance towards the two said skeletons. They were neither the same height and length of a regular fox, wolf or foxsac however. But they were taller enough to be the size of a dragon. Upon their heads was a blue cap; red market was crossing out upon the badge that loomed in front of the hat. I leaned forth to the cap above, studying it very carefully in silence. The badge itself sparkled in my reflection, it was a symbol of a dragon saluting. A large golden star behind it.
"So far nothing." Started Zander as he turned towards me, I flinched and glanced back at him. Nodding suddenly while I take another look towards the skeletons for a moment before questioning the four dragons. "Where did you get these?" "Same as yours." Answered Kyro, Zander place a claw over my shoulder stopping me from my interrogation as I fell to silence afterwards. With a turn of my head, I glance towards the black dragon as he spoke explaining to me about the skeleton and closets scattered about upon the rooms of this floor. "It had seemed that someone wanted to get a message across to us or to foxes and wolves in general." "Those two species are our suspects so far." I stated as everyone turned towards me, "But we should also consider our own species as well."
Everyone was shocked about that however.