A Dragon's Advice

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Written by the mouse here at the Menagerie. This is supposed to be something to warm the heartstrings.

a dragon's advice

writing this as I calm down. . .

quiet music all around.

fox has woken, holding tight.

smiles down, her eyes so bright.

ran in fear, on that hot date.

mousey. . . m-made her small mistake.

first impressions. . . fight or flight. . .

mouse ran off into the night.

searching desperate for her friend.

"why do preys meet such an end?"

dragon sighs. he knows this talk.

holds me in his paw, we walk.

"Light comes down high from the star.

Reaching out and reaching far.

Plants, they drink this light with need.

Using this, they grow fruits and seeds."

"fruits and seeds? they feed this mouse!"

they enter into dragon's house.

nodding, he replies to me,

"And what does little mousey feed?"

". . . foxes, cats and birds of prey. . .

much can end a mouse's day.

this is a scary place to be,

for such a tiny mouse like me."

The dragon looks outside the door.

The moon is bright, the light is pure.

"What happens next, not often seen. . .

For foxes feed the plants so green."

"Tired out, and long-lived preds,

they lay down soft their weary heads.

Resting deep, a final night,

Returning what they held in life."

i ponder that, my fur so pale.

a few tears fall onto his scales.

he turns to me, to ask me why,

a mouse should think and start to cry.

"...foxes hunt so they may live.

other creatures, take, and give.

all we have is what is here,

energy is raw and pure.

in the end, it's an exchange.

food to feed our paws and brains.

you cannot create new energy -

only exchange it, now I see.

predators have little say,

in what happens to their day.

even they could meet their end,

becoming soil once again."

The dragon bears a small, sad smile,

taking mouse to rest awhile.

This was not his first explanation,

life had a way of making complications.

"foxes hunger not for hate or spite.

they must survive another night.

they feel the ebb and flow of time.

just like myself. . . they're trying to survive."

"why then, must we mice feel fear?"

"Inside of fox, you'd disappear.

Even though you feed the flow,

your mind does not want to let go."

i ponder this as time goes by,

looking up into his eyes. . .

he looks back down, and seems to get,

that mouse has got the general gist.

"how to procceed? mouse made mistakes.

she hurt a friend, her heart, it. . . aches."

"Mistakes are only part of life.

You'll learn from them.. But hear my advice.

The world will never meet its end,

at the stumbling of good friends.

If love is true, they'll understand.

They'll hold you close, and take your hand."

"You can always speak your voice.

Everybody has a choice.

You will learn to live, and thrive -

more than simply just survive.

We may stumble, slip, or fall.

We're only living, after all.

You have time to wait and see.

You're all you ever need to be."

a gentle tear rolls down my cheek. . .

he wipes it off, and smiles so sweet.

"Tomorrow, sit down and talk to your friend.

This is a beginning, not an end.

The world will spin, the sun shines down.

Look inside, and all around.

This world we share is here for us -

you just simply have to trust."

his words echo my dear friend's speech.

so much other creatures teach.

i smile softly, sleeping tight. . .

tomorrow brings the morning light.

he will always hear me out. . .

none of us have any doubts.