Sweet Temptation

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Keenan smiled brightly as he entered his dorm building, ready to start his first day as a college student. He entered the dorm room he was assigned to and saw what he considered to be one of those football jocks. The jock grinned widely and welcomed him, "Oh, hey there, name's Sean. Nice to meet you, buddy! Need some help with your stuff there?" Sean offered his hand, and Keenan immediately shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Sean. I'm Keenan. Seems like we're going to be roommates, and I hope I won't be a pain!" Sean laughed and smacked his back gently, "Oh, I think we'll be just fine, Keenan."

Keenan smacked himself in his mind for making that stereotype. Sean, while actually is a football player for the college's team, seemed to click really well with him over the day. As the two unpacked their belongings, the two continued to talk about different topics until they had to briefly stop to get some dinner.

The two became best friends soon after they saw each other in the video game club that weekend. After confirming their shared interests on the topic the two started discussing about both old and new games in an animated way. Keenan and Sean would play multiplayer games with their handheld consoles in their dorm rooms whenever they had some free time.

Of course, being a football player, these moments are limited. Keenan would show up regularly in the club, but Sean can't make it most of the time due to his football practices for the upcoming game right after the midterms. The two would pass out on their beds as they got back due to the exhaustion from studying and practicing.


Sean's performance was amazing on the field. He carried the entire team and won the match by a landslide. The two finally got to relax after the exams are over, and decided to play Mario Party in the club room after asking for permission from the club leader.

"So, Keenan, you coming to the club party this Halloween?" Sean asked as they waited for the animation on Yoshi getting a star.

Keenan flinched, "Oh, uh, I'm not sure, not a fan of... parties, you know?"

Sean chuckled, "Oh, it's not that kind of party. Apparently, it's a board game night with just the club members! I've been wanting to catch up with them, and I think it will be fun with you there too, you know?"

Keenan was deep in thought. Sean decided to pull his ultimate move by doing his best puppy dog eyes impression. "Come on, buddy, pleeeeeeaseeeee?"

Keenan sighed internally. How can he say no to the big dork pulling that cute face? "Fineee, fineee, I'll come along." It had been a month since they last played games like this, so why not? He sure missed this, and a couple of board games with the entire club sounds fun. Not to mention his growing crush on Sean...

Sean cheered at this, silly big lug. "Appreciate it, bud! Oh, uh..." He furrowed his brow, "What's with all the masks, Keenan? You got allergies or something?"

Keenan flinched. "Ah, yeah... uh, allergies! Right... They're acting up during Fall and Winter!"

Sean was worried. "You sure you are fine, bud? You did the same thing on Easter, too. You don't exactly sneeze a lot in the dorm room either, so I'm just hoping it's not something worse than that."

Keenan laughed and waved his hand at Sean, "I'm fine, bud, really! Ah right, I have to grab some stuff from the grocery store after this, do you need anything?"

Sean chuckled, "If you say so, Keenan. Also, all I need is... the superstar. Hah, I won! 15-10 now, bro." The dork decided to cheer after seeing Yoshi make the winning pose. Keenan rolled his eyes, but could not help himself from laughing.


"Right, allergies," Keenan muttered as he wore a mask. "Stupid candies... Of all things, why candies?" None of the medications worked, he best they did was hiding his scent, but nowhere effective enough to get rid of this condition.

Keenan had a secret. He's a werewolf. No, not the crazy feral kinds in the movies, but he has a weird... condition. Sure, he has to change when it's a full moon, but it's nothing as bad as this. Stupid candies.

Having greater senses are a pain. Keenan can smell those candies even from far away, and he despised the idea that stores would start selling these way earlier before the holiday season even happens. Easter was fine because it lasted about a month, but Halloween? Keenan is not looking forward to those candies being distributed all the way until Christmas. It's a shame that his favorite season is ruined because of this.

What's the problem with candies anyway? Well, Keenan would be very wild than how composed he normally is in his wolf form. Dealing with his wolf drool alone is a pain, and those overflowing thoughts of candies are not helping either. Doesn't really help that he changes involuntarily as well should he consume just a tiny bit of these candies.

"Candies are the worst, an abomination, excessively sweet, I hate them!" is one of the mantras Keenan kept chanting in his head during his grocery trips. The poor lad would have to do a mad dash around the store with a mask before he gets drunk from the sweet scent coming out of the assortment of candies and starts soaking the mask with his drool. "Can't wait for this year to be over," he muttered.


Well, this party is hell on Earth. Keenan slapped himself on the forehead for still coming here even after all that debacle. It turned out that one of the club members accidentally sent the party invitation to the entire college board, and it was too late to fix the damages.

In order to not disappoint, the club leader decided to make some adjustments. Promising that the board game night will still happen, she decided to use one room of the house for club members only, while setting up the rest of the house for the party the other students expected.

It turned out to be a mess, becoming one of those parties Keenan despised. Very loud obnoxious music banging his poor werewolf senses, some blokes decided to bring some of those Halloween candies, and the club leader offered him a cup of whatever concoction was poured into the punch bowl.

"Yeah, I'm out of here," Keenan said to no one, walking out of the house with the cup, planning on throwing it out once he gets back to his dorm. 15 minutes of this awful trash ringing in his ears was too much for the night. He was surprised when he saw the football player at the porch on his way out, though.

Keenan decided to nudge Sean with his elbow, "The star player doesn't enjoy the party and get wasted?

Color me surprised." Sean guffawed, "I'm not a star player! I think me being into video games more than having a dating conquest are already big "red flags" there, hah!"

We both chuckled. "Well, I am planning to take a walk instead rather than hearing to that awful noise. Do you want to join me?" Keenan offered.

"Oh, hell yeah, let's grab something to eat and walk in the park before setting up this new game I got. Screw this party!" Sean laughed, putting his arms up, forgetting his cup and spilling a bit on his varsity jacket. "Oh, damn it, oops..."

Keenan offered his handkerchief, giggling. "You clumsy oaf. Here, dry it up with this." Sean blushed, "Thanks, bud. Well, there goes that drink, heh..." Keenan shook his head over this, laughing.


The duo grabbed some french fries and burgers from a local diner along the way, and sat down on one of the benches of the park. Keenan and Sean talked about the new game, while slowly eating their food in the meantime while enjoying the cool Fall breeze that will be gone once Winter hits.

Keenan sighed, he had been planning to confess his feelings to Sean after the midterms. He's really glad that the conditions just fell into place. A calm night, two of them sitting on the same bench enjoying food, no one else in sight - what a romantic combination! Well, minus points for burgers, maybe? Who cares.

After some deep breaths, Keenan asked, "So, uh, Sean... Do you have a moment?" He slapped himself in his mind over this awkward question. Sean laughed, "Well, bud, I'm sure I have all the moments available here, considering I've been talking with you throughout the entire night! What is it, Keenan?"

Keenan chugged whatever was in the cup he got on his right hand for some extra confidence. "Well, Sean... I-I think... I li-" He froze. Hold on. The perspiration. The sudden overwhelming thought. That sweet, sweet taste in his mouth... Oh crap, there must be some candies in that punch! He started growling.

Sean waves his hand in front of Keenan's face. "Uuuhhh, bro, you all right? You seem out of there, sweating all of a sudden..." In a frenzy, Keenan pushed Sean away. "Sean, go to the dorm, now! NGHHH..."

Keenan dropped in all fours, knowing that sensation he was familiar with. Muscles growing and bones reforming, he felt his ears getting longer, nails becoming claws, a growing tail, and a snout forming on his face. Keenan sported a feral, manic grin due to the changes, drooling everywhere from his new maw. "CaaaaaaaannnnnnnDYYYYYYYYY...." He howled at the moon as he finished transforming.

Keenan snapped himself out of it after suddenly getting carried, still a bit dazed from the changes. Confused, he looked at whoever carried him and heard a deep voice, "Weeeellll, weeeeeelll, this sure is a niiiice surpriseeeee, hmmmm?" Keenan yelped. Another werewolf!? He looked down and saw the slightly drenched varsity jacket, smelling that sweet drink from the punch bowl. Wait a second...

"S-S-S-S-Sean!?" Keenan stuttered, his head going through a blue screen moment from this realization even when Sean placed him back on the ground.

"Yes, the one and only "star player" here," Sean laughed as he placed his paw on Keenan's shoulder, "Well, I didn't know I got a werewolf for a roommate. What are the chances of that? Hell yeah!"

Keenan still had his fangs fully open, with a blanked expression. Once Sean calmed down with his laughter, he suddenly had a grim expression. "But seriously, though, Keenan, really? I'm flattered you revealed this to me, but changing in a public space? You're crazy!"

Well, that snapped Keenan out of his thoughts. "Excuse me, you changed as well!" He defended himself, although Keenan thanked him silently since he seems to be in control now for some reason, maybe due to the surprise?

Sean flushed at this, "W-well, I can't help it! You... you... uh... Look, it's my condition!" He put his face in his paws, looking like a big dog that got caught doing something wrong.

Keenan's ears perked at this, "Wait, you do? What's your condition then? Is it something stupid like candies?"

Sean cocked his head, "Candies? No, mine was... Wait, was that why you had to wear masks? The scent slowly forces you to change?"

Keenan nodded, "Yes, it's stupid, isn't it? I miss those sweets, but I can't eat them or I will show everyone I'm a werewolf! Arghhh, what a pain."

Sean patted my head, "Well, maybe you can start eating them in the dorm rooms now, since... Well, you know." He pointed at his body. "And no, it's not stupid, Keenan. I wish we knew about this sooner, heh, and you can be honest with yourself now!" Sean decided to hug Keenan to calm him down.

Keenan lost control of his tail, it's now thumping like crazy on the ground. "Awwww, thanks, bud. I admit the werewolf thing is a surprise, but... Heh, thanks for accepting my condition, and I love everything about you too. In fact, this makes it even better!" He blinked, and started to blush. "Oh... uh... Didn't mean to say that."

Sean looked at Keenan, seems like his face is looking as bright as a tomato. "Oh... umm... Well... That's something I have to say, Keenan. My condition is... ummm..."

Keenan was curious, this is a weird way to reply to his confession. He decided to wait, and Sean explained, "Those football practices... are not eactly the truth. I, uh... had to go to my secret spot because... I have to... change after a few days with you!"

Keenan froze yet again, with a growing blush this time. Sean got even more flustered, and his tail started thumping in rhythm with Keenan's. "Look, it started when I first met you. At first, I thought it's that typical scent due to the medication I also drank, but there's... something... sweet there. I realized that it's more than that when I suddenly started to change after two weeks in the dorm room coated with your scent."

"I got lucky the first time since the change started late at night. I just had to leap into the park, and figure things out from there. After that, I made some excuses so you would not be suspicious of me, so..." Sean took a deep breath. "I think... I'm in love with you the moment you stepped into the dorm room, and... it's just my body hating how I had to keep these feelings in..."

Keenan suddenly laughed, making Sean jump a bit and cocking his head. Keenan recovered, and said, "Sorry, sorry! I was just thinking about how that stupid punch led to all of this. I can't believe that one single cup is enough to clear all of this up between us."

Sean laughed as well, and he grabbed Keenan's paws. "Listen, bud, since... we said... our feelings, do you want... to be my boyfriend?" Keenan kissed him in response, "Of course I do, you big lug!"

The two embraced each other in the park, forgetting everything about the new game. They decided instead to stargaze and talk about their lives as werewolves, and figuring out where to go from here with their relationship.


The dorm room shared by the football player and the programmer, and now, a house located in the neighborhood close to a nearby forest. To other neighbors, they see a couple living together. In the inside?

One werewolf loudly munching on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, while the other one cuddling him.

Sean chuckled, "I swear, babe, you sure just can't get enough of those."

Keenan blushed and whimpered, "Look, I'm just making it up with those years not eating candies, leave me alone..."

Sean patted Keenan's belly, "Who says I'm complaining, bud? Good for us that these werewolf bodies keep us healthy, hmmm? Well, tomorrow's the full moon, so let's have a nice picnic in the forest."

Keenan purred. "Love you, babe." Sean hugged him in return, "Love you too, sweetheart."

They Were Roommates

Brad woke up with a jolt, feeling a slight pain on his shoulder. "What the...?" As he opened his eyes, he saw his roommate, Jeremy, with his teeth deep in his shoulder. Pushing him away with a grunt, Brad shouted, "What the hell, man? This is one weird...

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Time Stop

I woke up, and I immediately got the feeling that something is very wrong. An eerie silence, even though I live in the downtown area. As I stepped out of my apartment room, I realized that the facilities are still working fine, thank goodness for...

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Delicious Final Boss Monologue

The monster king cackled when he sees us approaching. "Well, well, I see we have another batch of adventurers ready to take my throne! You will never defeat me. I've worked thousands of years in order to realize my vision, and I will not fall before my...

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