Moonlit Surprise

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"Hey, babe, I got something to say to you."

I was confused, the confident man in front of me is now trembling. Horribly. I decided to put my hand on his, trying to assure him. "What is it, hun? Everything all right?"

He sighs, "Yeah, um, I think I owe you an explanation." I'm trying to think about any unusual signs happening for the past 3 months, but I came up with nothing and decided to ask him, "Are you hiding something from me? It's not... dangerous, is it?"

After sipping his cup of tea to calm his nerves, he answered, "It might be dangerous, I don't know. Remember my monthly camping trip?" I nodded, "Ah right, you would always be gone for 2 days every month. I wanted to join you, but you always declined. I am hoping you would invite me, but I'm sure you need some private time. It's fine, hun, really." I smiled at him, hoping that he won't feeling guilty about it. I do feel a bit sad that I can't be a part of it, but I know I need to have a bit of time alone to just relax from it all.

He holds my hand, "Please believe me that I don't want to harm you." I chuckled, "I have some experience in camping too, Bryan, you don't have to worry about me." He proceeds to shake his head, "No, babe, it's not the forest I'm scared of, it's me. Please believe me, but I'm a werewolf."

I blinked. Once. Twice. Pinching my arm just in case this is a dream. "I... see? Is this your new joking line, Bry? I have to say, it needs a bit of work." I laughed. Bryan frowned, "No, I'm serious. Why do you think I always set up those trips right during full moon nights? I just... wanted to have a honest relationship, and I want to stop lying to you."

I decided to calm him down. "Listen, hun, everyone has secrets, I have mine too. As much as I want an honest relationship myself, some things are just impossible to say from the start. From your reactions, I have a feeling that you are not lying to me, and I'm sorry that you look like such a mess because of this. So... about this werewolf thing, do you need my help?"

It's Bryan's turn to blink. "Oh, uh, babe, I'm surprised you are taking this quite well. I thought we would have a fight over this." I chuckled and hugged him, "Listen, Bry. As I said, everyone has their own secrets. I'm happy you opened up and decided to share this with me. And heh, I'm just excited to know that werewolves are potentially real now!"

Bryan teared up a bit, "Thanks so much, J. You know what? To make it up for it, how about we have a camping trip together? We can go there at an earlier time, and then you can go back home before the full moon rises so I won't harm you."

I smiled back, hoping that Bryan won't notice that I'm a bit worried. "Well, remind me when so I can set up my alarm clocks, I'm not exactly a morning person, heh. It's going to be awkward to not camp out with you during the night, but we'll make it work."

The couple agreed to set up the time, assuring themselves that the trip will go well. Bryan kept his fears, hoping that he won't be stalking J as he shifts. Little did he know that J sighed internally, thinking that maybe it's time for him to reveal his secret as well. That camping trip is going to be a mess.


"J, are you crazy!? Why did you come back? You still have time, go!" Bryan trembled, already feeling the rush of the full moon.

"No, Bry, I'm staying. I decided that I will stay by your side from this point on."

"You don't get it! I will lose control, I can't guarantee your safe- ARGH." Bryan fell into all fours, feeling all his bones shift and crack, his muscles growing and fur slowly covering his body. No matter how long it's been since he got turned, he will never get used to the pain.

He growled and snarled as he felt his ears and nails getting longer, a snout forming on his face, and the feeling of a tail poking out. At this point, he would always feel this rush from the overflowing power, and noticing that he can hear and smell everything, even the cracking sounds of the branches nearby. "Wait, that was an unusual sound..." However, noticing that the transformation is over, he decided to ignore it for now, and declared his presence by howling towards the moon.

As he finishes with his howl, he noticed that he's not the only one howling. Realizing that J was there, he immediately lowered his head, hoping to see J ran away during the transformation. However, he jumped and yelped as he saw another beast standing right where J was.

I chuckled awkwardly, and proceeded to do a silly pose while grinning widely, showing my fangs. "So, uhhhh, surpriseeee." Bryan can't process this sight and tried his best to ask, but all that came out from him was, "Wh-Wh-wh... J!?"

I immediately rushed to him, and with my paw, helped him to stand. "All right, deep breaths now, Bry, you OK?" Bryan rambled, "No, I'm not all right. What is this? You're a werewolf too!? Why did you act surprised when I told you?"

I whimpered, and tried my best to explain. "I'm really sorry, hun, it's just... I actually had been planning to tell you about this secret, but you beat me to it. At the time, I was shocked and... I decided to be a coward and pretended that I didn't know werewolves are real. I didn't know that you are a werewolf, I was just so happy whenever you go on a trip so I can just shift without having to worry about hurting you myself."

Bryan sighed, "I didn't even smell anything peculiar about you, I really thought..." I grabbed his shoulders, "Babe, I think you were way too deep in thought during those months. Although, I might have more experience with being a werewolf since I practiced a lot on hiding my werewolf scent as much as possible, and, uh..." I scratched my head, "I...uh... actually got this secret cave at the beach, and I would go there after you left, heh."

Both of us stayed silent, and I apologized once more. "Bryan, I'm really sorry for hiding this from you. I can't believe we've been spending three months staying away from each other, when it turns out that we're hiding the same thing. I should have said it right there when you confessed, but I missed my chance and decided to just show all this tonight to make it up to you."

I was ready for him to end the relationship for being a coward, and I jolted up in surprise when I heard him laughing. "Oh, J, I can't blame you. I didn't know you are also a mess from keeping this secret, but at the end of it, here we are being completely honest to each other, no?" He hugged me tightly, "Look, J, I love you. I'm glad I won't be lonely anymore during these nights."

Seems like it's my turn to tear up a bit. I returned the hug, "I love you too, Bry. Let's enjoy the rest of the night, shall we?" The werewolf couple embraced each other, with both of their tails thumping wildly. Bryan joked, "Well, make sure you show me that beach cave next month!"

After that night, a duet of howls can be heard during the full moon nights.