Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 6 of 8. Time to say Goodbye) Reforged

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#6 of Fate , Destiny or strange luck

The Next Chapter, that I was finally able to rework.

In here, just little bit of Emotions in here. Have fun

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Tags : M/F, No-Yiff, Ninetales

Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 6 of 8. Time to say Goodbye) Reforged

It was already midnight, but Zoran couldn't find some sleep. Inside his Head were so many thoughts running wild, and so he got up slowly, not wanting to wake up Rosy, who was sleeping peacefully. He walked out of the balcony of his room and sat himself down in one of the chairs there. While he looked into the darkness, he suddenly recognizes that he was not alone. Drake had come from somewhere and was now sitting in the other chair, looking at him.

" Why have you come back? I thought that you wanted to live with your family a peaceful and friendly life somewhere deep in this forest." Zoran said while he slowly turned his Head towards Drake.

" I'm still wanting to. But this test I had to make. Besides, I had no other choice." Drake answered.

" Why not?"

" Arceus asks me to. He said that he needed to be getting sure that you are still loving and protecting her."

" I see. I only hope that he is sure about this now."

" He is..... Not."

" What? Why not?"

" He said to me that he is not fully sure about it, and so he wanted to make.... Another test with you two. A test for what, you are surely going to hate him."

" Tell me. What kind of test."

" He hasn't told me. I only know what he told me, and this I have told you."

" HMM.... Well, OK, but I can see that this was not the only reason you came back."

" No, it wasn't. I wanted to thank you for saving my family and.... My own life. I.... I..... I'm in your depths. And I will stay at your side until it is paid."

" There is no need of paying anything. You are free. Life. The Zoran that you have to pay it, is death. Don't do this and destroy your family with it."

" But I...."

" Drake seriously. I would have done this to any Pokémon. It was only my fate that it was you. Enjoy your life with your family and stop talking such nonsense."

" HAHAHA..... I knew that you would say this. HAHAHA.... Thanks, Zoran. I will, but before I leave, I wanted you to know that if you ever need something...."

"I will call you for help. I know. Now go. I bet that they are already waiting for you."

In the next moment, Drake stood up from the chair and jumped into the darkness.

Another test that lets me going to hate Arceus? I wonder what kind of test that would be. Zoran thought to himself while he slowly moved back in. Once inside the Room he slowly closed the balcony door and then laid himself down on the Bed, next to Rosy who was still sleeping peacefully. Still thinking of so many things, he falls asleep, but not for long. He had a nightmare. He dreamed that Rosy said farewell to him because he could not make her pregnant and to make it more hardly for him, she mated right in front of him with another Ninetails who made her pregnant with his very first Cumshot.

" Zoran." A Voice said.

" Zoran, wake up." The Voice said again.

" WAKE UP!!!" He finally woke up.

He slowly opened his Eyes and saw Rosy's Face over him, and he could see that she was worrying about him.

" Are you alright?" She asks.

" Yes. Why?" He answered.

" You screamed my name, and it looked like that you are feeling some pain because you moved so strangely."

" Really?"

" Really!"

" Then, sorry for waking you. I've only had a nightmare. Nothing more."

" Do you want to tell me what you dreamed?"

" Sorry. I can't remember it anymore." He lied. He could remember all of what he had dreamed, but he didn't want to tell Rosy.

" Well then. I only hope that it will not come back." She answered and laid herself back.

" Yeah. Me too." He whispered and tried to go back to sleep, but again he couldn't find any. He had only this damn dream in mind, and Drake's words.

On the next morning

One hour before the Clock began to ring, Zoran had finally found some peace in sleep, but now it was over. The Clock was ringing, and he was woken again by Rosy.

" Hey sleepy. Wake up."

" Please!!! 5 more minutes, mother." Was his answer.

" ÄHHH.... OK, you ask for it." She answered and began to tickle his side.

" MMM........HA.....HAHA......HAHAHA...... Stop..... I'm awake, I'm awake......YAWN. How late is it?"

" Almost 10 in the morning."

" 10 ? Oh, great. I only managed to sleep 4 hours. Damn Nightmare over......."

"Over what? I thought that you had forgotten it."

" I have. Let us go to get some breakfast before it's too late." Zoran said and got up.

Next, he walked to the room door and wanted to go out, but Rosy blocked the door and said.

" I will not let you out until you told me."

He then looked into her Eyes and said a bit angry

" No, I can't tell you."

" Why can't you tell me?"

" Because it was only a dream. Now let me out." The last set he said loud and hard so that she began to fear a bit.

Never was he so much persisted in something, but now he was, and that feared her. It must be something awful when he tries to hide it so much. She thought to herself and gave in, saying nothing in return. They both then walked towards the main room and there they had some breakfast. The rest of the Day went on as the Day before. Ash won match after Match and was now standing in the Final Match against Paul. The Match waved back and forth. Once Ash won a battle, Paul won the next one until they reached the last battle. It was standing 3 against 2 for Paul, and now Ash let his last Pokémon Go. It was Pikachu. Zoran and Rosy were a bit unhappy because they had hoped to do something for him on their last Day together, but Ash had decided to give his Pokémon a shot at Paul.

Pikachu tried his best and managed to set the score to 3 against 3, but then it happened. Pikachu got wounded and lost the final round. Paul was declared as the winner and Ash were second. Then the winner celebration and a big Party took place afterward. Everyone was happy except Zoran and Rosy. They both tried to be happy, but they only managed to fake a smile on their faces. They were both unhappy that they both would leave the 3 tomorrow, but On the other side, they were happy that they both finally could start a real family together somewhere safe.

Later on that evening

Zoran and Rosy left the Party early towards their room. Once they had reached it, they both walked in, closing the door behind them. Then Zoran said.

" We better go to bed. I hate long, farewell scenes, so we better leave while they are sleeping."

" Do we have to do it this way? I mean, leaving them without a word of Goodbye?" She answered.

" Normally not but.... You know what will happen to me when it comes to.... Ending scenarios."

" I know, but still.... I hate it to leave them without telling them Goodbye."

Then they both went to bed, not knowing that they had been spied out. Ash and Lucia had listened on the Door, and now they planned something special for the two.

The next morning

The Alarm ringed and Zoran woke up shortly followed by Rosy.

"Good Morning hunny." Zoran said to Rosy.

"Morning? Already? Didn't we go to bed a few minutes ago?" She answered with a sleepy Voice.

" That was 5 hours ago. Come on, get up sleepy. You know it's time to go."

" YAWN.... I......YAWN.... ZZZZZZZZZZZ....." She had fallen asleep again.

" Fine. Then the hard tour for me."

He said and moved his Body slowly under hers. Once he was fully under her, he carefully moved himself up and then down from the bed. Once down, he moved to the door and opened it with her still sleeping on his back. He then walked out of the room very silently, closing the door behind him. Next, he walked down the hallway into the main hall. When he reached the hall, he got a little shock because Ash, Lucia and Broke were already waiting for them.

" You don't really think that you 2 can leave without a word of farewell, don't you?" Lucia said.

" Well...." Zoran only said.

"YAWN..... Please don't..... YAWN..... Be so loud...... YAWN.... I'm trying to sleep here on my moving Bed." Rosy said sleepily.

" Moving Bed? GAH.... Why not. So then. Farewell everybody. We have got to go now. Bye." Zoran said while looking only to the ground, hiding his face.

" Not so fast." Ash said a bit louder and let Rosy finally wake up.

" YAWN.... I slept so good. ÄHH.... What am I doing here? Ash? Lucia? Broke? OH, NO. I've overslept. Dammit. Sorry Hunny."

" AH. The Queen has finally awake. Now get down from your Moving Bed." Zoran said, still looking at the ground.

" Moving Bed? ÄHH... Ah, now I get it. Sorry again for calling you that."

" No need to. Now, please let us go."

" Before you two go. Let us say farewell to each other." Broke said.

" Do we.... OUCH!!!" Zoran started, but got an elbow into his side.

" Of course we 2 will say farewell. Right?"

" Y.... Sniff.... Yeah."

" Well then. Ladies first. Ash. I hope that you will win a tournament someday." Rosy said, while she gave Ash a hug, standing on her Hind paws for that.

" I try, and you better look over Zoran before he makes a mistake." Ash answered.

"I will. Lucia. I like your style in the Shows. Keep it up and you will win." She said, while she also gave her a hug.

" T... Thanks. I hope that you 2 will be happy." Was Lucia's only answer.

" Broke. You better watch your movements or else Croagunk will get tired of holding you back." She only shacked a paw with him because she didn't trust him to hold back his fingers from her.

" Yeah. And I hope that you 2 will get some proud parents someday." He answered and let Rosy blush.

Now it was on Zoran saying Bye, but he was only standing there with his Eyes looking to the ground.

"Come on Hunny. This isn't so hard to say farewell to them." Rosy said to Zoran while she walked back to his side.

"You say so, but it..... SNIFF..... Isn't this easy." Zoran answered.

" Try it."

Zoran then made a few steps to Ash, but then he stopped. His Body began to shake, and some tears began to run down his face. Next he looked up and said.

" I'm..... I'm..... Sorry, but I....."

He didn't finish. Instead, he turned to the exit and run through it, letting the others standing there empty-handed.

"Zoran you..... AHH... He will never change. Sorry, my friends, but this always happen when he has to say farewell to a friend of his." Rosy said to the 3.

" It's alright. We were already prepared for this. Pikachu is already waiting for him outside with his present." Lucia said.

"Present?" Rosy asks.

" Here." Lucia gave Rosy a ring made of Flowers and Iron.

" Let this be your merry ring when you marry."

Rosy took the ring and said under some sniffs.

" T.... Thanks....SNIFF.... Now I'm getting the same problem as him.... SNIFF...."

" Then go to him and enjoy your life with him." Ash said, smiling.

Once outside, she began to search Zoran and quickly found him sitting on a tree. She quickly walked beside him and buried her face into his shoulder. Him on the other side lay his Head on her, and together they let their feelings go. They both hated to say farewell, but on the other hand, they both knew that they would see them again in the future. 20 minutes passed until they both calm down and got clear in mind.

" Come. Let us tell them farewell, right." Zoran said to Rosy, and she agreed with a nod.

They both then walked towards a little cliff and waited there for Ash and Company. 10 minutes later they showed up and when they were right in front of them, Zoran and Rosy began to Howl into the Air. Ash, Lucia and Broke stopped and looked into the direction of Zoran and Rosy. Once they saw them, they began to wave with their Hands and Zoran and Rosy did the same, but for them, they showed their Legs with the Rings on them. Then they all went their ways. Ash and his friends were already on their way towards some new Adventures on another Continent. Zoran and Rosy didn't need to walk far because they wanted to live in the forest, which was near the Arena.

To be continued