War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 1 Part 3

Story by Roxas_sempai on SoFurry

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A hot blush spread scarlet across the young fox's face as his current mate, and advanced combat instructor, Coach Bygg, hurriedly rushed him down the long corridor, heading for the infirmary. The muscular, and much larger, male knew full well that there was nothing wrong with Roxas's cheekbone, or his adorably, cute and innocent face. But he really, just wanted to make sure, just in case he was wrong.

Bemoaning at the falsehood of his coach's justification for his actions, Roxas' blush deepened and he complained,"Let me go, Bygg-San! C'mon, I'm fine. See, never felt better." He poked his injured cheek and winced as he felt some slight pain begin to stimulate from the touch, then his entire face was wracked with pain, and he cried out,"Okay, okay. I lied. It does hurt." And just as he finished, they arrived in the infirmary. Nurse Saki had yet to arrive with her assistant and jet, in tow. But of course, the other nurses, both male and female, were glad to oblige.

"Here, let me take him, for you." Said a rather gorgous looking female, fox nurse as she took roxas from Bygg's arms and took him to one of the beds. Once there, she looked him over injected a fluid, into his injured cheek to numb it, before giving him some painkillers and a glass of ice cold, water. The entire event, took ten minutes.

Bygg waved a quick goodbye to Roxas, before stepping out and heading back to his class. His students were probably either wondering where in the hell he was, or not giving a damn, and doing whatever they damn well pleased, in the gymnasium.

Roxas sighed, and placed a pill on his tounge before drinking some of the water, then taking another one. He did as the nurse said, and tried to get some rest, which thankfully at last he got some sleep.

A few hours passed by, the fox sleeping peacefully through three periods, untill the bell for lunch rang and Yumi walked into the infirmary and woke Roxas up, with a friendly, pat on the head. Swishing her tail back and forth she giggled childishly before greeting him,"Wake up sleepy head. Its lunch time."

At this Roxas sat up, and ran his left hand across his injured cheek and to his surprise, he felt no pain at all. Espicially due to the fact that both the painkillers and the injection he'd received earlier, had worn off by now. He smiled warmly as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, and gazed up into Yumi's dark red eyes,"All right, Lets go get some lunch, Yumi." he said as he stood up, and started to stretch.

It only took the pair a quick, seven minutes to make it to the cafeteria, and another minute to get their lunch. They sat down together at an empty table and quietly began to eat, talking with each other and joking, whenever there mouth's werent full of food, thus, whenever it was respectable to speak to one another.


Its funny really, out of this one, and the other two parts, this is the first that I've actually taken time to think about. Probably because its slow, boring, has no action, and Is otherwise dull. But it's neccisary to take this quick breaks, and inject some peace and quiet into a storyline, isnt it? Well anyway, I hope you all enjoy this somehwat, boring instalation of, War High, as much as I did writing it. Do tell me, if you'd rather I incorporate some action into the next one, or just keep it low, and mellow till the end of the day.[in the story of course] I appreciate the feedback, as always.

Yours truly, the author,


War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 2 Part 2

Stretching out to a total of seven feet and nine inches each, the twin katana's glistened in the early morning sun that shone in through the windows. The one on the left, was Sei. It's blade was colored silver and dark violet. The tip, being jet-black....

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War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 2 part 1

Everyone in class was either watching the clock, the door, or their tigress of a gorgous teacher and listening. Yumi and Roxas managed to sneak in, to hear Izume-San repeat what she'd just said,"For those of you that werent listening, Monday, next...

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War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 1 Part 2

"Had enough yet, you overgrown piece of shit!?" Roxas yelled at the fallen human, as he quickly and easily performed a backwards handspring, and brought himself into a fighting stance. Jet jumped up and wiped blood from his mouth as he gave...

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