The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 12: Power
= Power =
The two would sit out under the stars for some time gazing up at them. Dare would shiver slightly and saint would look down at him. "You cold sire?" Saint would ask with a soft smile. Dare would look up and nod slightly cuddling in to saints side more. Saint would smiles and pet Dare's head and back more. "Want to go inside to warm up?" Dare would ask with a soft blush forming across his face. Saint would blush and nod slightly. Then Dare would stand and hold out his hand to saint. Saint would take it and be helped up, and then the two would head back in to the palace. Dare would lead them back to his room then once in he would shut the door and locking it moving over to the bed, his blush grown immensely since there walk back in to the castle. He would slide in to the bed then turn back to saint who would be getting a chair to sit next to the king's bed. "Saint?" Dare would ask with a questionable. Saint would look at Dare "Yes Dare?" Dare would look up at saint and grab him and pull him in to the bed and cuddle in to him "Cuddle with me." Saint would bush deeply and nod as he cuddled with Dare, wrapping his arms around him and holding dare closely. Dare's tail would slowly wrap around Saints. Saint would smile softly, "Yes Dare." A few minutes later and Dare would fall asleep, Saint would smile and pet dare softly and then begin to fall asleep himself.
The rays of sun would shine through the window and on to the two sleeping dragons, Saint would yawn and look up at the window, then down at the sleeping dare cuddled in to his side. " He's so cute when he sleeps. " Saint would say as he slowly slid out of the bed and streched. He walked over to the window and looked out, the kingdom below busting with life. He would sigh and smile. Saint would turn and walk back towards the bed and then stop by the king and pet him softly. Dare would nudge up in to saint hand and let out a soft murr. Saint would then walk over to the king's desk and sit down, looking through the books on the desk and picking up the magic book and then opening it. He sees a few markers and flips to them. The first page he turns to has a picture of twin swords with a picture of a man holdding his hands out and the swords floating a few inches away from his hand, saint would read the writing. " Es tryan " Suddenly saint would feel funny and then find him self standing up and droping the book. Saint drops to his knees pants as a white energy flows around him. He looks around and then watches the energy form in to the shape of a sword. He hears a voice. " Take the sword. " He does as told and reaches out to it. He take the sword and it suddenly glows and the glow extended off on to him and he gasps and yelps. The feeling of fire moving across his skin. Dare wake up and looks over. He gasps and jumps up and over to saint. Saint floating in the air, a sphere of white swirling around him. Dare would reach out to try and grab saint but get shocked and he yanked his hand back. Dare would look up at saint and his eyes fill with worry. " Saint.... "