Fugitives part 1#

Story by Mattswolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Fugitives

The city streets were dark and gloomy as the street lights dimly lit the roads and footpaths as lone Wolf named Josh silently walked the cold city streets. Josh was 20 years old and just about 6ft tall, he had a grey furred body but his stomach was covered with white glossy fur. Josh was very muscular which he was commonly told by all of his friends but personally he couldn't see it himself. He slowly walked past countless people in the night shift rush hour as the smell of car exhausts coming from the overly congested streets. The city was a bit of a typical shit hole.

The sewers reeked of waste and god knows what else, the buildings were tall, old and decrepit concrete blocks with little or no paint at all. Crime, swearing rapes and drugs flowed frequently through out the city which had left Josh with a large scar down his arm. When he was just fourteen years old he was mugged in an ally and took a knife to the arm when he tried to make a run for it. He also had a small scar above the right corner of his lip that he got from when he got in a bar fight when he was 18.

Josh stuck his hands in his pockets to try and conserve his body heat, the chill of the bight air caused icicles to form from the gutters of apartments and office blocks. He could see his own breath every time he exhaled which sent even more chills through his body. As he reached the base of his apartment's block he dug around in his pocket to reach his keys. At that moment he heard mumbling and thuds come from down the ally next to his apartment. Josh ignored it as there were always some drunks making noise in allies at this time of night. But then he heard someone shout over the mumbles and thuds. "Stop the fucking hero act kid and just give it up" shouted a deep booming tone.

This made Josh slightly curious so he casually walked over to the ally's entrance to see what was going on. There were three muscular looking figures. One of them was a tall red furred deer while the other two were identical looking brown bulldogs.

All three of the figures were kicking a heap on the ground.

"Hey what are you doing"? asked Josh moving in closer.

"Fuck a witness"! Said the first bulldog. "Lets get the fuck out of here" screamed another as they all darted for the opposite end of the ally.

Josh walked over to the bloody pile on the floor cautiously unsure if it was alive. As josh got within two feet of the assumed corpse it started to move and cough. "You ok"? asked Josh as the weak animal began to stand. "Yeah" replied the now standing unsteady figure still coughing up a bit of blood. The wounded animal was a red male fox in grey hoody and baggy ripped jeans. His white undershirt was soaked in blood as were his jeans and white hi-tops. "Seriously though, thanks for that" said the fox. "No problem" Josh replied. "Shit man your in a real fucking state aren't you"?

"Tell me something I don't fucking know dude" replied the fox.

"My name is Craig Jones if you actually care, but everybody calls me CJ". "Well glad I could help CJ" said Josh "I'm Josh, did those guys take anything"? "Ummm... oh fucking bullshit my wallet" Craig said in anger and frustration. "You gonna be alright getting home"? Asked Josh. "Well that's kind of where it all started, Bruce that Deer who was kicking the shit out of me is my room mate and thought I was flirting with his girlfriend; and it all went down hill from there" replied Craig. "Oh, well do you want to you can check in with me for the night" suggested Josh "Seriously"? Said the Fox in disbelief "Hey man thanks for this" Josh just nodded and headed back to his apartment door.

Josh took the rustic creaking elevator to the fifth floor of the block for his room. The two furs stepped outside the elevator in to a dark damp hallway, the hall was dimly lit like the out side streets by a single dim naked blub. Wet patches leaked from the indoor plumbing and seeped through the walls and dripped from the ceiling. Josh and Craig reached the second to last door on the right of the hallway and Josh unlocked the thin wooden door with a set of three keys and stepped inside the apartment. Compared to the hall outside the apartment seemed like luxury but wasn't a desirable place to live, neither was much of the city though. What looked like a card table was stuck in the centre of the room surrounded by four folding chairs which were frequently filled by Josh's dad's card buddies on Texas hold'em Tuesday. The far corner of the room was crowded by a sink oven dishwasher and a couple of counter tops with a microwave on one. There were three other doors that led to the bathroom, Josh's bedroom and the master bedroom. Josh's Dad was sitting on one of the folding chairs reading a newspaper.

Josh's dad was all he really had in life despite the fact he didn't show it much, his Mom had left one night when he was just a child and never came back since so his Dad took on the responsibility of raising him but never took much interest anything he ever did.

"Dad, this is CJ a friend of mine, can he stay the night"? Asked Josh. "Sure" said his Dad without even looking up from his paper. Josh just sighed and lead Craig to his room. "Here is a towel, the bathroom is the door near the oven" said Josh throwing the fox a dark blue towel. "Oh and don't get any blood in the shower".

Josh took an inflatable mattress out of his wardrobe and started to inflate it. After constantly blowing in to mattress to finally inflate it, Josh felt his blood pump surge rapidly to keep up with his deeps breaths. The surging blood made him slightly angry, he reached in to his bed side drawer and pulled out a small bottle of pills. Josh poured two in to his hand and downed them in a single gulp.

At that moment Craig walked in to the room with the towel round his waist carrying his clothes. "Hey what you got there"? He asked noticing the bottle. "Oh this is just my medication, if I get a bit frustrated then I need these to calm me down or things can get ugly" replied Josh pointing to a massive dent in the wall. "Yeah I kept hitting my head against it when I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me and I had no pills". "Anyway get your boxers on or something and, here's your bed.

Josh and Craig climbed in to there two separate beds, Craig's on the floor and Josh's with a mattress and thin sheet. At about 4:00AM in the morning Josh was woken up by a loud scream coming from the bed next to his which made him fall out of his bed. When he finally came to his senses he figured out that Craig was the one who screamed. "Dude what the fuck its like four in the morning" said Josh groggily. "Sorry but its just this nightmare I keep having" replied the fox still shaking with fear. Josh got up to check if they'd woken up his dad, Josh's dad was still asleep on his chair with his paper at his feet. "Tsk, typical; we scream for our lives an he doesn't give two donkey shits" "So what's this nightmare you keep having"? Continued Josh. "Well I dream myself crouching, curled up in the corner of this dark damp room with a shadowy figure at the other end holding a knife" Started Craig. "They come closer and start stabbing me violently, and then they eventually go for my neck with the knife but before they can cut it I always wake up screaming". "Damn" Josh said sympathetically. "That doesn't sound healthy, have you ever visited a shrink"? "Yeah but all the ones in this town just call me a freak and kick me out". Replied Craig

"Well how about on out of town" suggested Josh

"Yeah I thought about it but I've never had the time" said Craig.

"Heck I could drive you, I've got my licence" said Josh.

"Oh thanks Josh, man I owe you big and I mean very big time" said Craig.

"Yeah well it'll all come in the bill, but for now lets try to get a bit more sleep" suggested Josh. Craig just nodded and rested his head on the pillow and fell asleep again within seconds, Josh did the same.

Later that morning Josh and Craig agreed that they would take Josh's car to see a shrink in the next town over; they had breakfast and headed towards the door. "Oh hold on a sec I forgot something" said Josh rushing back to his room. He opened his drawer and pulled out a 9mm handgun. The rampant crime in the city meant that some sort of protection was always needed and Josh never left home without his. "Got it" asked Craig? "Yep let's go" replied Josh. The two friends took the creaking elevator to the ground floor and walked towards a locked garage. Josh opened it to reveal a red 4X4 pickup truck which was in worse shape than the elevator. The passenger wing mirror had fallen off and so had both the windscreen wipers, rust patches almost covered half the car and the wheels looked like they could blow at any minute.

"Um you sure it's safe" asked Craig feeling a little nervous about getting in the car? "Of course it is now get in" replied Josh.

Josh put the key in the ignition and slowly the car's engine screeched in to life. With the motor running Josh backed the car out of the driveway and set of to Elderton city. On the way there Josh's pills fell out of his pocket on to the seat and Craig picked them up. "Hey you dropped these" Craig pointed out. "Oh thanks, could you hold on to them for me" replied Josh. "Sure" said Craig putting them in his pocket.

The friends arrived at about midday at the local psychiatry centre. Craig and Josh were sent to a room with the name Dr. Pico on it. Soon after a black female cat in glasses stepped out and said in an almost cheery tone "Ok Mr. Jones I will see you now, oh I'm sorry your friend can't come in with you". "Oh alright, well then I'll just take in some of the local scenery then" said Josh as he walked towards the staircase "I'll meet you outside". As Josh walked out the door he looked around and sighed. He had been to Elderton city before and it wasn't too much better than his. There was still frequent crime and thefts but homes and conditions were a lot nicer; and so were the people. He wanted to live here but his dad was banned for life ever since he set fire to a Chinese fireworks shop. Josh strolled around for while and decided to do in to the mall and get a burger to eat. Afterwards he walked out of the mall when the security alarm went off. He thought it was him when he saw someone in a ski mask running away with a sack full of money. Unfortunately the security bear who was woken up from his nap thought it was him. "You're in a world of trouble kid" said the guard pounding hid fist. Josh had learned from experience that there was no use trying to persuade him otherwise so he just turned and made a run for it.

Josh had sprinted almost a mile to lose the guard but he felt like he had just run a marathon. He dived in an ally to make sure that he wasn't followed. He felt his blood surging from the sprint race he just had. He reached in his pocket foe his pills but they weren't there. "Oh fuck CJ has them" he swore to no one in particular. He alerted the attention of two drug junkies in the ally, a panther and a hyena. "Hey what are you looking at" said the hyena in a creepy voice. "I'm serious get away from me now or its gonna get ugly" warned Josh who had made it sound more like a threat. "Or what puppy" started the panther? "You're gonna chew our newspaper"? The hyena and panther laughed hysterically.

"I think we should teach this doggy a lesson in obedience" said the panther drawing a knife. Josh was breathing heavily trying desperately to keep his blood pressure down. "Let's get him" roared the panther. At that moment Josh completely lost it, he quickly reached in his hoody pocket and quickly pulled out the handgun. Without warning he aimed straight at the startled panther and pulled the trigger. The bullet flied through the air at break neck speed and penetrated the panther through the chest. The panther stumbled backwards a few steps, fell on his knees and collapsed to the floor. The hyena dropped his knife and temporarily lost all movement, speechless he turned and darted in the other direction. "Craig had left the psychology centre and heard the gun shot from a couple allies away while looking for Josh. He looked down the ally to see Josh with a gun and a corpse with a bullet wound and it didn't take long for him to put two and two together.

"Dude, what the fuck did you do" asked Craig who was still jaw dropped? "Don't you fucking swear at me you mental retard" said Josh angrily pounding the wall still highly agitated. Craig reached in his pocket and pulled out the bottle of pills he picked up in the car. He sprinted towards the frustrated Josh and wrestled him to the floor. "Get the fuck of me you asshole" he screamed with rage. Craig took two pills from the bottle with difficulty and remarkably was able to cram them down Josh's throat. Josh gagged trying to cough them up but it was no use. Craig kept him pinned to the floor and waited for the pills to take affect. When Josh finally cooled down he got up in a bit of a daze, his knuckles were bleeding from pounding the walls and his ribs hurt as well. "Hey thanks CJ, I guess we're even now" asked Josh? "Yeah, we'll call it even" agreed Craig. "Boy I am in some deep shit" said Josh looking at the fresh corpse rubbing his head. At that moment a police officer who came to investigate the gunshot appeared at the ally's entrance. "Hey you two stay where you are, you're coming with me" ordered the badger drawing his baton. "Not too damn likely" said Josh grabbing Craig's arm and running towards the other ally's entrance. "You know I'm starting to think coming here with you was a bad idea" said Craig. "Shut up and run" replied Josh looking back at the badger still chasing them.

The two friends had no idea where they were going or what was going to happen, but one thing they did know is they were fugitives.

That's part 1# hope you like it. :P