The Prisoner's Of My Own - Chapter one ~ The Beginning

Story by Jodhi on SoFurry

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

_ It was dawn, a really dawn in the morning, although the breeze is a bone-chilling, some of the men already practicing on the field, the clock just shown 04.15 am. that's too early for someone to get up anyway. the army captain, Cormick, Training his men to wield military weapons. that's Khanian's everyday activity. yeah, Khanian, the calls for a Khan people. Khanians lives peacefully in a small village named Khan._

_ The sun is rising, it's time for every Khan to wake up, to do some things._

_ *yawn* "Morning eh?" Jodhi Mouse Yawn lazily. so long he sit on his bed corner, thinking that half of his soul still on the dream world. when he fully awake, he saw his friend Amy Mouse, a long-brown haired girl, giving a nice smile to him,_

_ "Get up you lazy boy!"_

_ "Whaaa....! What are you doing here Amy?!" Jodhi asking shyly. as he know, that's not good to see a girl go into boy's room._

_ "Mmm... no, I just want to go out with you, you have time?"_

_ "Sure thing, well.. wait me in the living room, I'll be there in a minute, okay Amy?"_

_ "Okay, I'll wait there hehe.."_

_ Then he began to fetch his gray cap, wearing his brown jacket, white shoes, and done. he is ready to go out._

_ Then, after locking the door, they're go out, walking together to their favorite spot, they chit chat, joking, telling stories and so on until evening comes. and it's time for to go back home._

_ "Hey Amy, thank you for this day" Jodhi talk as he walks towards the village gate_

_ "You're always welcome Jodhi, remember that? you're the only friend of mine. I'm glad that I have a friend like you"_

_ "Hahaha, the same, Amy. you're my only friend too! And I hope we can always together.."_

_ "Of course, we will.."_

_ as they walk to the village, they will go to their own way to home, they stop on the intersection._

_ "Amy... see you on the morrow... and.. Good night!"_

_ "Yeah, you too Jodhi, see you later, and Good night."_

_ Then, Jodhi mouse come in to his house and sleep. waiting for tomorrow, to see his friend, Amy. _

_ The morning sun bright so glare, and Jodhi Mouse is ready to go out, not to play with Amy. Instead, he will go practice with some of men on the field. Then he meet Amy,_

_ "Heya Jodhi! practicing?"_

_ "Um.. well.. yes, but I'm not sure what can I do..."_

_ "Well, you can use that stick, or maybe practice your will power to cast magic?"_

_ "Wahh... magic? I don't think I can do that..."_

_ "Hmm... how about archery? I think that's easier.. or sword wielding?"_

_ "About archery... I think no.. sword wielding eh? maybe that's cool!" _

_ "Talk to sir Cormick then! you'll train there with the other men, while I'm here too see you practicing."_

_ "Okay then Amy, I'll go practicing now"_

_ "Oh wait, I have something for you Jodhi.. it's a Great Sword, maybe you can wield it?"_

_ "Whoa! awesomeness! this will be a good use Amy, thank you so much! how can I thank you?"_

_ "Haha, no need Jodhi, no need!"_

_ "Thanks, I'll treasure it then. I think I must practice with a long sword first"_

_ Then he began practicing with the other, after a long time practicing, Jodhi Mouse is able to wield and know how to use long sword, but still, he need to practice more._

_ _

_ "Amy, you waited me until now?!"_

_ "Yeah, why?"_

_ "you waited for a really long time just only to wait ME?!"_

_ "Yeah, I don't have any chores this day. here, take this meal. I know that you're hungry, a grow up boy need to eat to maximize on their practice right?"_

_ "Oh my... by the great lord of Razzel! you're so kind Amy... how can I thank you? you really cared to me..."_

_ "That what friend are for right? hehe" she smiles._

_ "but, it's late now Amy.. I think, we should go home now.."_

_ "Yeah, but.. umm.... can I stay on your house this night Jodhi?"_

_ "Ahh.... well.... err..."_

_ "Please.. just this night, I can sleep on the living room."_

_ "but.. your parents will worried that you don't come home Amy..."_

_ "Ah, no worries, they even don't care about me anyways!"_

_ "Oh well.. okay then, you can sleep on my room, I'll sleep on the living room. it's unwise to let girl sleep in there.."_

_ "Thank you very much! let's go home"_

_ Then, they're walking together, come into Jodhi's House. Amy goes to the top floor, to Jodhi's room, while Jodhi prepare the blanket to the living room. then they go sleep._

_ Out of the blue, another army, opposing army of Khanians, Zoanians, are ready to attack Khan Village, they're hiding on the shade, waiting for the right time to Attack the villagers_

_ "Onward!!!" Said the Zoanians leader, they're running through the villagers house and began to Attack... that night.. terrible night, A war between two race begins..._