Furry Situations- Chapter 3
#3 of Furry Situations
Chapter 3 to my first series. Sorry it took a while to write up, had some writter's block. It's over now and the story shall be a little quicker. Thank you for your patience and enjoy.
(********** indicate a change in scene)
As the two walked down the hall, the looked into each others eyes, smiles across their faces. Their fingers were weaved within each others. As they continued, they heard a wheeling noise from behind them. They both glanced over their shoulders to see the weasel custodian wheeling his cart to prepare to clean the locker room and showers. Michael and Trevor began to laugh as they began to jog down the hall so the custodian wouldn't catch a glimpse of their faces. He would surely tell the principal or someone about the little mess found in the showers. They quickly turned the corner and ran up the stairs to the top floor.
"Think he saw us?" asked Michael as he laughed.
"Not a chance," Trevor responded. "His head was down the entire time. But I have a feeling he is going to flip when he finds your seed all over the shower wall and floor."
They both laughed as the reached the top of the stairs.
"Where is your locker?" asked Trevor.
"Just follow me," said Michael. "Your locker is just around the corner from mine," he said with a smile on his face and a wag of his tail.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were stalking me." The otter said with a grin on his face.
Michael laughed as he hugged Trevor's arm as they walked to their lockers.
The doors of the high school doors flung open, Michael and Trevor with their bags across their shoulders, continued their walk on home, still hand in hand. They then began to walk down the road, a long two mile walk before houses could be seen.
"So, you have been meaning to do that for a long time," asked Trevor with a smile on his face.
Michael looked up, with slight confusion on his face. It then struck his mind that he had yiffed his otter not even an hour ago. A smile grew across his face as he said, "Yeah, I always found you so attractive, but I'm as scared as hell, when ever I try to talk to you."
"Am I really that intimidating?" Trevor asked, not believing that he could be.
"Hell yeah. I mean look at you. You have a chiseled body, fur that shines every time light hits it."
"Am I really?" Trevor said as he looked down on his chest. "I don't see it."
"Oh shut up," Michael said with a smile on his face as he hugged Trevor's arm. They continued down the road, talking about their interests, finding out stuff about each other.
They arrived at this large blue house at the center of a street. "Well, this is my stop," Trevor said as he smiled. "Would you like to come in?" He asked.
Michael looked at the house, and then his eye noticed a car in the driveway. He though it could be his parents or brother, or something. "Um, maybe not today," Michael said, hinting that he was a little uncomfortable with someone else being in the house at the time.
Trevor's ear perked up, as he tried to figure out what Michael was looking at. He then noticed that he was looking at the car in the driveway. He smiled as he looked back at Michael and said, "Oh, I see. Well you don't have to worry, that's my mom's car, but she isn't home right now. She is in Georgia for a family reunion." Trevor then grabbed Michael's hand and headed to the door. Michael's worried face had changed to a smile, knowing that they would be alone once again.
Trevor then opened the door, revealing the living room, nicely spaced out, with a large, cushioned love seat, and a large painting of the family upon the wall. On the right side, the entrance to what evidently was the kitchen, due to a stove in the view.
"Sit, on down, I'll Whip us up something to eat. I'll be quick," Trevor said as he walked over to the kitchen.
Michael walked over to the love seat and sat on down. He immediately sank deep into the seat. It was as soft as a cloud, and the fabric a smooth as leather. Michael smiled as he positioned himself comfortably into the seat. "This thing is amazing. Imagine all the things we could do on this," Michael thought to himself.
Beeps could be heard in the other room. A few seconds later popping could be heard. Trevor was obviously preparing some popcorn. Michael smiled as he listened for Trevor, to find out where he had gone since he couldn't hear footsteps. Michael began to wonder what his little otter was up to. He then heard the microwave beep loudly, advising that it was done with its job. Michael still couldn't hear Trevor. He thought he may have been busy in another room. He the got up from the seat and walked to the kitchen. As Michael entered the kitchen, he peered around to see if Trevor was there. "Trevor, honey? Where'd you go?" Michael shouted lightly. There was no answer. The wolf then peered around the room to find the microwave. He then found it, over the stove, with the timer blinking. Michael then walked over and opened to find the popcorn bag there. He reached in and grabbed the bag.
Michael then heard a door creek from behind him. His ears and tail perked up sharply, the hairs raised on end. He then quickly turned around to see a door slightly open, the lights off. He then laid his tail at ease as he walked into the room slowly.
"Trevor? Come on, this isn't funny." The room was completely dark; nothing could be seen at all. He then took two more steps further into the room. Immediately after the wolf took the second step, the door behind him was quickly shut. Michael's ears and tail perked up once again, the fur was raised so high that the hair could have fallen off. He then let out a constant growl. He sniffed the air, but to no avail. The otter's scent was hidden from Michael's senses.
Michael then walked into the direction of the door, in hopes to either open it, or find a light switch. He practically leaped in the direction of the door. He reached for the door knob quickly. It was locked. There was no leaving the room unless it was unlocked on the other side. "Strange, it's backwards," Michael said to himself. He then passed his paws around the wall to find a light switch. Success, he quickly flicked the light on. The wolf sighed to himself as he would be able to see.
All of a sudden, Michael was forced into the wall, his arms forced behind him. A pair of handcuffs was slipped onto his wrists. Before he could turn around to see who was pulling this stunt, a blind fold was slipped over his eyes. He then was immediately slammed to the floor. His muzzle had hit the floor hard enough to cause Michael to yelp in pain.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my house," an unfamiliar voice shouted at the immobilized wolf.
"I could ask you the same thing," Michael replied. "What's with all...?"
Michael then immediately felt something hard strike him into his stomach, interrupting his sentence and causing him to yelp in pain.
"I'm not going to ask again," the voice sad once more. "What are you doing in my house?"
Trevor was in the far room of the house that was his room.
"Okay mom, just wanted to let you know I was having a friend over for a bit," Trevor said on the phone. "Yes, yes I know. Okay. Love you too."
Trevor had then put the phone back on the receiver and smiled. As he headed for the hallway to be reunited with his mate, he heard the loud yelps that Michael was emitting. The otter's tail immediately straightened as he dashed in the direction of his boyfriends cries of pain. As he was entering the kitchen, he heard another yelp, this time louder, coming from the storage room. Trevor immediately turned the knob and saw his mate, on the floor, and his older brother standing above him, pipe in hand, rose for a strike.
Trevor dashed over at his brother and tackled him to the floor, knocking the pipe out of his hands. Once that was done, he ran over to Michael, removing the blindfold, checking to see if he was ok. Michael had passed out. He then noticed that there was a large section of the wolf's head swollen.
Trevor turned his head to his brother's direction. "What the hell did you do to him Joe?" Trevor shouted angrily.
"Who is this guy," Trevor's brother shouted loudly, "and what is he doing in the house, and where the hell were you?"