Lost & Forgotten 1: The Past Begins

Story by AuraWolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 of a story series. Pretty descriptive and sexual parts will come later in the story. Criticism is welcome but no flaming, dissing, and all that ya know. It is mature rated for some, violent things, but other than that. Enjoy chapter 1 please. ^^

The echoes of a gunshot ringed through my twitching ears, screaming from my muzzle as a bullet pierced through my right shoulder, fur and bone both. My paw shot up to my shoulder, gripping it tightly as my body fell to its knees. I struggled to keep my eyes open, blood flowing over them, causing my vision to be blurry and red. With no time to think, I was struck at the bottom of my neck, swinging me down to the ground on my back.

Coughing and panting for air, I could do nothing but lay there as most of the strength I had long since left me. My ears swiveled, tuning themselves into the barely audible sound of cheering surrounding me. I growled out in pain suddenly as my chest was stomped on, the presence of a boot imprinting itself in my chest as it pressed my body harder and harder to the ground.

"Now little one, this is where your act will end," a deep voice said, amongst the cheering which seemed to have gotten louder. Grimacing and summoning my last bit of will, I held the boot, stopping it from pressing me down any farther, letting me focus my eye on what I could see. I couldn't see much but a figure with blackish paws and a bluish X crossed across what was his chest. The rest I couldn't make out from the blood still flowing over my eyes. A click and a pressure against my forehead had me think of only one thing, making me whimper slightly. The next sound I heard was the crack of a gunshot, making my eyes shut tightly, losing myself into my thoughts.

"Now where'd he go?" Jacob asked himself, standing on the porch of his cottage. He scratched the top of his head, taking a look around the landscape. "Some days, I don't know about that kit," he continued, sitting himself on the steps of his porch.

I rustled in the small branches of the bush I was hiding in. My paws grabbed my muzzle, stifling a small giggle wanting to escape as I watched my Grandpa on the porch. Kneeling in the bush, my tail swished back and forth as I got more excited, occasionally crossing the ankles of my footpaws. Staring intently at my Grandpa, I kept fidgeting around in my bush, getting anxious to see if he would come and look for me. After a few minutes of doing nothing, I got bored and rolled onto my back to play with a leafy branch of the bush as I watched him stand up to head towards the cottage.

Jacob stopped at the door of the cottage, holding his paw on the handle, "I guess if you don't want any supper, then stay out here. But if you do, come in now or you'll be locked out here till morning Sefy," he yelled out.

The mention of food caught my attention right away, stopping my playing as I stared at Grandpa. I burst out of the bush in a flash on all fours, leaves falling behind me as I rushed at my Grandpa on the porch. I grabbed my Grandpa's leg, attaching myself to it, letting out a high-pitched squeak that sounded something like food.

Looking down at me, the little orange puffball sprouting from his leg, Grandpa gave a hearty laugh. "Well, what do you know, I didn't even have to go looking for you this time Sefy," he exclaimed, looking down at me and opening the door.

My eyes popped open, looking back up at my Grandpa, my grip loosening a little bit. "That's because you cheated Grandpa," I whimpered, faking a small cry. I still held his leg enough to keep myself from falling as he shook his head at me and walked into the cabin.

There wasn't much to the cabin, the kitchen on one side, separated from the living room by a wall with a single hallway leading to the only bedroom in the back. As we entered the kitchen I unfurled myself, plopping myself in the doorway as I watched my Grandpa finish making our supper. He was certainly the type of fox I admired, someone I wanted to be when I grew up. For some reason, his body looked cute to me. Maybe it was his color, or perhaps he kept his body so well toned. The white fur on his paws going up to his elbows and knees were the best part, complimenting the orange fur on the rest of his body, along with the white fur covering down his chest and belly. The final color was around his eyes, black fur encircling each of them, hiding his eyes if they were closed or even semi-closed making it perfect for him to hide them.

I, myself, have yet to develop hardly any colors. The only stuff I had was the white on my chest that was slowly growing to my crotch and a couple of black spots upon my back, all the rest being my favorite orange color as I looked back up at Grandpa with a thought. "Hey, Grandpa, do you think I can look like you when I grow up?

He stopped cutting the vegetables for a moment, turning and looking at me with a gentle smile. "Well Sefy, first you have to grow up. For someone who is only 9, you're quite small in our family." He gave a soft laugh at me before returning to his stew.

Sitting on the floor, I dropped my head slightly; ears pinned back as I spread my legs in front of me and pawed at the wooden floor. He was right, for my age I was small, considerably smaller than my Grandpa as he stood at around 5'11", and I stood at a mere 2'2" tall, according to him. My claw made small gouges in the wood, peeling it back. Despite my small size, I was quite smart having been taught by my Grandpa at least.

"You can go do what you want until I call you to the table Sefy, it'll only be just a little longer," he told me without turning to look at me, my ears perking up at his words.

The smell of the stew was certainly getting to my stomach as I placed a paw on its gentle rumbling. I stood up and wandered myself into the living room, looking around the highly bland room before hopping myself up onto a chair. Curling myself up in it, I watched the fire, it somehow causing me to remember these fantastic stories Grandpa told me of ships, aliens, and even other worlds. In the back of my mind I wished the stories were true, to go on a grand adventure through the stars. But, alas, he told me they were only the imagination of his mind. But still, I wished they could be true.

I lived off the stories, many nights staring up at the sky to imagine them. Grandpa never tells me about my parents. I stopped asking because every time I would ask, he would go quiet and keep his eyes from looking at me. I have yet to figure out why and I really wish I knew. A few minutes of thinking, my thoughts were interrupted as my ears turned towards the kitchen, hearing my Grandpa yell out that it was supper time and I was starved.

As I wandered myself into the room, I sniffed the air as I went. The smell was highly recognizable to me; I really wished I was right. I climbed up the seat, plopping my butt in the chair as I scooted it closer to the table. Grandpa had seated himself at the opposite end of the table and was already sipping his soup as I looked at mine. I was finally right. He had made my favorite, a delicious Cranberry Soup. It was simply the best in my opinion, oh, how I loved it. It was like the mixture of a meal and dessert.

Me and Grandpa never talked during our meals, wasn't much to talk about. Besides, with neither of us talking, we got done eating a lot faster. I finished first, like always. Grandpa could never beat me, no matter how much of a head start he got. Was probably my hyperness or something, hell if I knew. I excused myself from the table, letting Grandpa clean the dishes up as he always does.

Finally full, I skipped my way back into the living room and back up into the chair. The fire was still going strong as I warmed myself with it, hypnotized by the soft colors of the flames. Just as my eyes started to drift to sleep, I felt the strong paws of my Grandpa lift me up and then set me in his lap. I smiled up at him, my tail wagging gingerly behind me.

"Would you like to hear another story?" he told me with his cute smile.

My tail wagged even faster, getting extremely excited as I let out a loud yipp at him. "Of course I would! Come on, tell me, what's it about this time!?" I shouted at him with glee. Giving me a soft chuckle, he gazed at the fire and started his story as I watched him with deep enthusiasm.

"Well Sefy, this story is about a group of rogue's, scouring planets for convicts, bounty hunters, or just to do what they wish. You could call them bounty hunter's themselves, but they were in it more for the challenge. Anyways, this certain group of people didn't have names, nor were they called anything as no one didn't know what to say about them. This particular story takes place on Planet Erga, a planet made entirely made of lava except a few spots of land. The crew of rogue's had just landed on the planet after intercepting a transmission about some group of warrior's harassing people and threatening to bring the planet to destruction. Taking it at as a fair challenge, they wandered from city to city, gradually getting closer to the group. After a while, they had gotten to the City of Laras. Making sure they had surrounded the city from all angles and blocked all the exits, they each took a section of the city to find the member's of the group. They constantly stayed in radio contact to make sure everyone stayed ok. One member of the team got action first as..." he stopped suddenly as a knock on the door turned his gaze from the fire. "Now who in the world could that be...?" he asked himself, as he spun the chair around the door and carried me down the hallway to the bedroom. Placing me in a cubby hole, he told me to stay quiet and not move as the knocks got louder and he shut the door on me.

I curled myself up in a little ball, covered in complete darkness; all I could hear was the knocks on the door as the sound of Grandpa opening it came next. I expected to hear some type of casual conversation, but, there was nothing. The next thing I heard was completely unexpected by me, a loud thud against the cabin, followed by the entire house shaking. This scared me even more, but I still kept quiet as my Grandpa had told me so. Footsteps, they came closer. Sneaking back into the corner more, I tried to blend myself in with the wall even though there wasn't any way someone could see through the door to the hole.

Without warning, a paw burst through the door, grabbing at me. Instincts kicking in, I instantly bite one of the fingers causing the paw to back away and giving me time to race out of the room. My escape was short-lived as I found people blocking the hallway and was quickly grabbed and hoisted into the air.

"SEFY, NO!" I heard my Grandpa yell out, my ears pinned back as I looked at him.

"G...Grandpa?" I replied back, my paws scratching at the paw holding me. I took a quick look around. I was not expecting it see any of this, my Grandpa was similarly held around his neck like me, only he was propped against the wall in the air in the kitchen. Taking a look at our captors, it was like they were shadows. I couldn't see any defining marks, no fur...nothing. My eyes were not bad, all I could make out was a red glow coming from what I thought to believe was their eyes. The paw holding me didn't feel like any kind of fur I know, was some sort of hard substance, almost like the glass on our windows yet, they felt warm.

Without much of a thought, I was thrown against the wall and held against it, gagging as the paw tightened its grip. The thing that found me in our bedroom came back down the hallway, stopping at the one holding me and gargled something that I had never heard before. They all turned and started to head for the doorway, my muzzle whimpering and tears flowing down my cheeks, staining them.

"Grandpa...I'm scared, what's going to happen?" I sadly spoke to him. Neither of us got a chance to say anything next as the other paws of the beings grabbed our muzzles, holding them shut. Twitching and flicking my head to get away from the paw holding it, was to no avail as it held tight.

Reaching the doorway, the being suddenly got flung back into the cabin, letting me go as we flew back against my Grandpa and the two others. With them disoriented at the moment, Grandpa quickly scooped me up and ran back to the bedroom and tossed me under the bed and told me to stay there and don't worry about what happened next.

Of course, being a curious one, I stuck my head out from under the side of the bed to watch the events. Something came crashing through our windows, one at a time, making me cringe at the sound as one came through the two windows in our bedroom, the one in the living and noticing one standing in the doorway.

I was amazed; they were the ones Grandpa talked about in his story. But why were they here? Questions raced through my mind as I looked at them. Different parts of armor scattering their body, over their ankles, legs, body, and arms. I couldn't tell what they were, human or furries like us. But if Grandpa's stories were true, then they were definitely furries. I hid back under the bed anyways, afraid of what would happen next. But to my surprise, the next thing I never expected.

"About time you guys got here, you're late," Grandpa chuckled at the two, not paying attention to the things getting up in the hallway.

Just as the things in the hallway got up, one of the Rogue's lunged down the hallway at them from the bedroom, giving a swift straight kick to the first one line. Causing a chain reaction, all three got bumped out the front doorway of the cabin, being followed by the Rogue members. Outside, the Rogue's surrounded the three beings in a star pattern. Climbing out from under the bed, I wandered slowly down the hallway as my Grandpa stood in the doorway, apparently to keep an eye out for anything.

"Grandpa, is...everything ok?" I spoke up quietly, having him turn around quickly at me. I looked between his legs before he lent down, blocking my view of the fight as it started out. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my gaze to his.

"Sefy...I thought I told you to hide?" He replied back to me, petting my head gently with his other paw.

My ears swiveled as I heard the sound of metal hitting metal, slowly dying down as I looked up at Grandpa, tilting my head. "But, but...I want to see them Grandpa. They are the ones from your stories..." I softly pouted at him.

He planted a soft kiss to my forehead, scritching at the top of my head between my ears. I melted at the attention as he smiled down at me. "It's still dangerous out here Sefy, you're safer in the..." he stopped, as if he lost his own words, his mouth agape as he kneeled there, looking straight at me.

"Grandpa," I asked him, "Grandpa, what's wrong?" He didn't give me any response. My paws grabbed his shoulders, shaking him a little, tears swelling in my eyes. "Grandpa, say something!" I screamed at him. He just fell over onto his side as my paws let him go. I then saw what it was that silenced him. A knife had gotten itself lodged into the back of his head.

Tears dropped from my eyes as I wrapped my paws around his neck. "Grandpa...Why??" I cried out at him even though he was far pass dead. Turning my head back outside, I noticed the Rogues standing around before turning their backs to me and left into the forest.

What was I supposed to do know? My Grandpa was gone and now I'm on my own.

Bringing up some deep reserve of courage, I let my Grandpa go. Standing up, I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked to the bedroom gathering up my book bag. I packed in as many clothes and pictures I could fit in it. Small tears kept falling from my eyes as I kept wiping away at them until I was fully packed. I gave a hefty groan, lifting it onto my shoulders and slowly wandered down the hallway. I stopped at my Grandpa's content body, kneeling down next to his head as I laid mine atop his own. He had taught me enough about death and life through his stories so it didn't seem like anything new to me.

I placed the lips of my muzzle at his ear, just as if he was alive. "I'll get them Grandpa, don't you worry..." I told him, my eyes closed as I let a couple more tears fall from eyes. With my tears finally done, I gripped the knife in his head and started pulling on it. Grunting hard and pulling even harder, I managed to pop the knife out as I fell back on my butt. Opening my eyes I turned sad again as I saw my Grandpa still laying there without a single movement. I turned my gaze away as I quickly stood up, pocketing the knife and took off towards the forest, crying once again.

Getting far enough in the forest, I couldn't see the cabin anymore and the forest looked so different to me as I'm usually in it during the day, not at night. I put my nose to the air, sniffing around, there were a lot of different smells too, boy do I hate the nighttime. Finding the trail I was looking for, I carefully followed it. Glad for my small stature for once, I easily navigated my way through the thicket of the forest as it got clearer. Interestingly, I found a hole for which I could go straight through and there was light at the other end, something I always looked forward too. I easily fit through the tunnel on all fours as I crawled through it, getting closer and closer to it.

I cringed as I reached the end, the bright lights giving off enough light to shine a planet. My eyes adjusted to it finally to reveal the most amazing thing I've ever seen, but not heard of. A real spaceship. Finding these things out made me think back to how Grandpa would know about these things.

I shook my head at the thoughts as I crawled out of the tunnel and stared at the ship. Was nothing exciting on the outside as it looked like one huge piece of metal. Few spikes here and there, landing gear, propellers, thrusters, everything like Grandpa said it was exactly.

I was ecstatic. Sneaking my way around towards the ship, like us foxes are known for, I made my way to a loading platform. I've always wanted an adventure, and now is my time for one. I grinned inwardly at myself as I skittered up the platform and into the ship. The inside of it was even more astonishing than the outside. Swirls of black, white around the interior. I wandered down a hallway, doors on the left, doors on the right. It started to all blend in before I heard an alarm go off and voice echoed through the ship.

"Attention crew, the ship is now departing, please fasten yourself for transport." The ship said.

I thought to myself, "Now what?" With no time to think, I raced back down the hallway to find the loading platform again to get off of the ship, but, I never found it. I was truly stuck.

I wished to be back with Grandpa, to keep living in our cabin like we always had no adventure, no danger, no fantasy.

The thrusters started up and the ship was on its way. It tilted skyward and took off faster as I fell over and tumbled down the hallway, knocking into a box and drifted into an unconscious sleep for what was next to come.