My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 32
#34 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation
Final chapter of Morenatsu fanfiction. Thank you for reading.
August 31st: We'll See Again
Rise and shine. The morning risen, but that didn't stopped us to have a little of fun. Kouya wakes me up gently and gives me a morning kiss. I embraced him and nuzzled him as a reply. Making out to start the day. He lays on top of me with a good morning smile. Caressing my cheek and hair, he looks at my healed forehead. I no longer feel that pain nor my arm, too. I can move my right hand more flexible as usual. I can now touch and feel Kouya's furry cheeks with my right hand freely. We're both naked guys on a bed.
"You're one heavy sleeper, aren't you?" Kouya smiled.
"I can't help it. Were you trying to wake me?"
"No, I just wanted to see you sleeping." Kouya responded.
"Um, okay...?"
"Hey, umm, was I rough with you last night?" Kouya softly said.
"No... You were fantastic..." I giggled with a smile. I then kissed him on the nose.
We both took a bath and cleaned ourselves after our wild night together. Cleaning up those dried up stains in our bodies that are stuck on Kouya's furred body. It wasn't easy, but I helped him. Later, we dressed ourselves. Rechecking that I didn't left anything in this room outside from my suitcase and backpack. I placed all my belongings in one corner. Toshi brought breakfast one last time. Again, I'm surprised that he brought two breakfast dishes. I asked him how he knows that Kouya is here with me. He said: "I didn't know, I just guest it. I saw you with him last night." He then informs me about the time to check-out, which is at 10:00 AM. I called my Dad and he said they were on their way. There's nothing more we can do but wait. Kouya and I sit together and have some breakfast and chat along.
"Kouya, what do your parents think of me?" I curiously asked.
"Don't worry, Kelly, they seem very fond of you." Kouya stated.
"Really? Well, that's great." I smiled.
"They also understand, because they've also been on a long-distance relationship." Kouya revealed.
"They, too?" He nodded.
"My dad used to live in the city while my mom in Kazenari. Why all surprised?"
"My parents also lived far from each other. My mom from San Diego, California and my dad in Seattle, Washington." I said. "And... Mom told me about to not let anyone think that our relationship won't last longer."
"They are supportive after all." Kouya said. "Here's my phone number, Kelly." Kouya gives me a piece of paper with digit numbers. I smiled.
"Thank you, Kouya, and here's mine." I handed him my numbers. Kouya takes a look.
"You got two phone numbers?"
"One's from the US and the other is for Japan. My cellphone doesn't work here, so my uncles gave me a new one just to communicate." I explained, Kouya understood.
After breakfast, rechecking one last time the room. It's now empty and only the bed disorganized. Lots of memories were made in this room. I can see how things changed and feels went everything has to go.
"Are you ready?" Kouya said.
"Yeah..." I replied with a sigh. "I'm ready..."
"Cheer up, Kelly, don't take it too hard on this."
"But I'm gonna miss you, Kouya." I stated.
"Me, too, Kelly. I'll miss you, too." Just when I was going to give him a hug, Kouya stops me right there, his hands on my shoulders. "Not yet, Kelly. Save it for last." He grinned at me.
"Oh, okay..." I blushed, but I smiled. "Oh, well." I take a look around the room and let out an exhale of calmness. "Haah... I can't believe it's already been two months since I came to Japan. Today, I supposed to be taking a flight to Seattle, right now." I said. "Dad will probably take us into a transpacific voyage on a ship as our final resort, literally." I muttered.
Kouya chuckled, "Come on, let's go." He said.
Kouya helped me with the suitcase and walk downstairs to the lobby reception. When we got there, Toshi and Saki stands there. "Kelly-kun, good morning." Saki greeted.
"Morning, Saki-chan. How's it going?"
"Just fine, I'm here and waiting for your parents to pay the bills." She gives me the infirmary bill, "We did paid the medicine you needed like I told you earlier, but this is for the treatments while you were in bed." She explained. "I'm sure they'll pay it." I understood and nodded.
"I hope you and your parents pay for the stay." Toshi said. "Because Ooshima-san was a little in doubt about you." And added.
"I have money, Toshi-san." I assured him.
"I know..." He grinned a little.
"Speaking of money, Kelly, that was so thoughtful of you helping Miyazaki-san's condition." Saki thanked.
"It was nothing." I said. "So, when's the surgery, Toshi-san?"
"Mom and Dad already left for the hospital, and they sent you a thank you letter, here." Toshi said pulled out a folded paper and gives me a thank you letter from Mr and Mrs Miyazaki.
It says: _Thank you very much, Kelly Sullivan, we will never forget you for your unexpected cooperation. We'll never know what would have happened if you never visited here in the first place. But none the less, we thank you! So as for our son, Toshi, for giving you an excellent service at the Ooshima Inn. We would like to bless you farewell as you go back home to your country. Sincerely: Kenta and Mayumi Miyazaki. _That was so nice of them. I finished reading and placed it in my pocket.
"Ah, Kelly, one more thing, Midoriya-San and Tatsu-nii are coming on their way to bring the statue over." Toshi informed me.
"Oh, yeah. I'm waiting for them, too." I can wait to end this task for good.
"And... another thing, the others are coming to say goodbye to you." Toshi added.
"Really?" My eyebrows risen.
"They're coming soon at any moment." Toshi smiled. "Here comes the first ones." He pointed. I turned around and see Hiroyuki and Torahiko coming into the lobby.
"Morning, Kelly." Hiro and Tora greeted.
"Morning, guys. Just in time for my departure."
"Well, of course we would never miss this." Torahiko said.
"You got that right." Kounosuke appeared behind them.
"Kounosuke, you made it on time!" Hiroyuki exclaimed.
"Yeah, why wouldn't it?" Kounosuke said.
"You usually come late at every event..." Tora said. But suddenly. "Wait a minute! Was there a good reason for it, isn't there?" Be suspects.
"Well... I learned that Kelly is the son of the President and CEO of Ocean Sullivan Shipping Company." He let out the excuse.
"Also known as O. Sullivan Line." I added.
"Uh-huh, and I somehow knew from the start that it wasn't a coincidence. But honestly, I actually found out when I went to the bookstore and found a brochure with Kelly's last name." He shows the brochure to Hiroyuki and Torahiko.
"Are you a millionaire!?" The couple exclaimed.
"Kinda, but I wouldn't say millionaire, but, I could say our family has a rich life. Besides, my family are self-sufficient." I stated. "So what, Kounosuke? You want meet a real Chief Executive Officer?"
"Nah, I just wanna confirm that you're the real deal." The tanuki said. I cannot even read his mind at all.
Then I see a running wolf-boy and lion-boy heading straight towards us. "Did we made it!?" The two exclaimed.
"I'm still here." I stood myself clear.
"It's still early, Sou. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Kyouji walked by casually behind them.
"Still, we wouldn't miss this!" Soutarou said.
"Still, it'll be a shame if we don't." Shin walked by along with Juuichi.
"Definitely." The bear-man said.
"Hey, is Tatsuki-san coming?" Shun asked.
"Kuroi and I just saw him bringing a tall object here. They're outside now." Juuichi responded.
"Already? They're here?" I said. I then hear people outside. We exited out the building and the Midoriya Group employers are already here with a five-foot-tall object covered in a white sheet for protection, ready for delivery.
"Kelly-kun, good morning!" Tatsuki said in a good mood.
"Tatsu-nii, right on time!" I replied.
"So, that's the statue these guys were working on?" Saki said.
"Can we see?" Shun said.
"Sorry, we can't." Tappei said. "It must be delivered to Sullivan-san."
"Here's a drawing how it look like." I show to the others. It's the drawing Uncle Henry's sent for the Midoriya group as designed. Kouya then taps on my shoulder and pointed ahead. I saw the minivan coming. "Oh, they're here. Would you all excuse me?" I said. The car stopped, I walked up close to greet them. Car's doors opens, seven members exited. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad."
"Morning, son." Dad said. "Did you checked-out?"
"No, I was waiting for you to come." I said.
"It's here!" We turned our heads towards Uncle Henry's excited voice rang out. He ran up to see it in person. "Oh, I can wait to bring it to the HQ!" Henry said. Dad just sighed. Henry started to congratulate Tappei and Tatsuki. He happily gives them the check at the end.
"This is the first time I see him excited." I said.
"Really? You should've seen him on his wedding day." Dad said. "Henry! Come on, here!" He shouted.
Back inside the lobby, Dad decided to pay the bill of my stay. Dad told me I can keep the money he gave me, but I spent it on food, souvenirs, and clothes, etc. I also explained him the medical bill. "I see..." He said and glimpses on the bill, he then stare at Henry.
"You're paying this." He sternly gives him the bill.
"This is for all the damages you caused, Henry." He said. "However, Kelly forgave you. Just think of it as punishment." He smirked.
Henry sighed, "Alright, I'll do it."
After checking-out, Henry took my suitcase and carry it to the minivan. "Thank you for staying the Ooshima inn, young man. Have a nice day." Ooshima-san said his goodbyes.
"Thank you." I said. Dad and I leave the inn. Outside, the statue is been placed on the trailer attached behind the vehicle. Others, plus my family, are waiting for my departure.
But first, I must say goodbye to them, especially my significant other...
"You really made some new friends here, huh, Kelly?" Dad said.
"Yeah, I was fortunate enough to be on the hands of the right people." I said.
"Bye, Kelly-san! We'll miss you!" Shun cried, waved his arms in excitement.
"I'm gonna miss you, too, Shun-kun." I replied and hugged him.
"Well, it was great meeting you, Kelly-san." Kounosuke said. "Maybe next time, I could travel along." Behind the tanuki-boy, Tora and Hiro gestures theirs hands as a no.
"We'll see." I responded.
"Well, it was great having you around, Kelly." Torahiko said.
"Same here." Hiroyuki said.
"It was great, guys. And thank you for saving me back there." I said.
"It's was nothing." The nice couple said. I approach them for a hug to both.
"I'll have to admit, Kelly." Said Tatsuki. "You've been the best unusual customer."
"Really, why's that, Tatsu-nii?" I asked.
"We don't usually build statues for living." He said. "But we did proved that we can do any possible challenges that comes to our door."
"Really? Well, I'm glad you all did a good job on it." I said.
"So, Sullivan..." Kyouji started. "Looks like you made yourself a connection here since you came."
"I guess so..." I blushed and rubs the back of my neck. "But... What are you saying?"
"You're going in long-distance, right?"
"Um... How did you know?"
"A little lion told me everything..." The labrador dog-man smirked. I stared at the young lion-boy. He snickers.
"Hehehe... Well... But anyway. The next time when we meet, we'll play another round, how about it?" Soutarou challenged me.
"Oh, I'm on it." I smiled.
"Umm, I guess this is goodbye, Sullivan." Juuichi said.
"Same for me, Kelly-san." Shin said. "Have a safe trip."
"Thank you..."
"Farewell, Kelly-kun. It was great to be acquaintances with you." Saki said.
"So long, Kelly." Toshi bowed. "It's been a great honor for serving you."
"Same to you both, and tell I say goodbye to Masashi and Kimiko. Too bad they didn't come." I said.
"Well, you could say that now!" A young familiar voice said. Behind the couple, two young huskies appeared right behind them.
"Are you gonna leave?" Kimiko kindly asked.
I kneeled down to them. "Yeah, I have to go back home. It was nice meeting you both."
"It's a pleasure." Masashi plainly said. That's so him. I used to be like that.
"Goodbye, you two. Be good to your older siblings, they're there for you, okay?" I said to them as I stand up from my knees.
The last but not least. I face Kouya as he stands there. Looking at each other and holding our breaths. "Well... This is it, Kouya."
"Yeah..." He let out.
"I... I don't know what to..." My sentence was cut short as Kouya hugs me suddenly. I quickly responded him back, wrapping my arms around him.
"I'm... I'm gonna miss you, Kelly." He softly said to my ear. "You're my soul mate. I love you." And whispers.
"I love you, too." I whispered back. The temptation got the best of me, so I darted myself for a kiss on his lips and embrace him tightly, he kisses me back, and enjoy it one last time together...
"Oh, my." I heard Mom's voice.
"I didn't see that coming." Samantha said.
"Umm, they're kissing..." Kimiko said.
We didn't care how many people were around us, but I heard Dad clearing his throat, I guess time's up. We parted our kiss and Kouya smiles, "You're so forward." He said. We both smiled. That was the best kiss I have ever felt.
"I know..." I said and hold both of his hands and grinned. "Thank you for everything, Kouya."
"Take care."
"Sayonara, Kouya." I said.
"Come on, Kelly, let's go." Sylvia shouted. Everyone are already inside the car.
I take one last glance at Kouya before boarding on the car. I stepped in and Ashley slides the door to a close. I take a seat and look at the window, everyone are waving and cheering. Even Kouya with a smile of optimism.
"Are we all ready?" Samantha said, she's driving.
"Ready!" Everyone replied, except me.
I waved at them by the window as the car's engine started and moves forward. My head couldn't stop looking at them until they disappears (so as Kouya) from my view. I slowly turned back into my seat as I face forward as the car. A strong emotion strikes my eyes. All seven heads staring at me (Samantha is staring at me by the mirror) with more curiosity on their faces. Hearing my sniffles and tearing eyes. Mom gives me a tissue and Sylvia comforts me.
"Don't worry, Kelly. I'm sure you'll be in touch with him soon." Sylvia said.
"I know..." I sniffles.
"Hey, whatcha got there?" She asked and holds what's on my neck. "'We are forever with'?" She read. "He gave you this?" I nodded her. "You really got to tell me everything."
"Soon, Sylvia. Soon..."
We rode for hours and days until we came back to Tokyo safely. I have missed much of it, too. The original vacation of August was never taken place, it lead to a different course that changed my life for good. The next day, all eight of us flew back to Seattle for one particular and specific reason. Arriving at the airport, we encountered a familiar figure: Konnor... He's standing there right in the flesh. My mind flashed back after all these years of separation. I ran all the way to him and hug him of all my might. I cried and sobbed. Konnor was the same as always, but his appearances changed a little. He's more older now since last we saw him. We came back home and... Boy, I really missed it. We were tired, but intrigued about Konnor's experienced at the witness protection program. The FBI arrested the suspects that my brother witnessed. Konnor apologized for all the troubles he did, but Dad considered it as heroic action.
Then, Konnor asked us why we were in Japan. For vacation of course, just me and Sylvia, Ashley and Ashton. We and I explained my whole ordeal. From the accident to my romance. I finally and openly explained my romantic relationship with Kouya. They all quietly listened...
Time passes as we settled. My family slowly rebuilt their status and trustiness to one another. Things turned to normal. New things started to appeared. The next day, my best friend Max came in the front door and courageously asked my sister out. But Sylvia, all conservative, was unsure of it. But in the end, she said yes.
As for college, I flew back to Japan as the university in Tokyo had accepted me. Lots of changes were made, despite everything what Henry done to me, we slowly recovered our friendship. Henry, after the BlueCloud Pharmaceuticals' anniversary event, he brutally stood up to his Vice President in front of everyone there and quit. He started working along with Dad's shipping cruise line in the Pacific region (Japan specifically). Ashley and I started college together and made new friends there. Ashley finally met someone who will only think about her inside than her exterior. Every time I go to bed I always think of Kouya. I felt very lonely those nights in the dorm. But I did stay in touch with him on the phone. Hearing his voice made me feel so close to him.
After a successful semester, Christmas vacation break came around the corner. I asked my parents if I can go out to the village for Christmas instead of coming back home for the holidays. They agreed and so I contacted Kouya that I'm on my way to see him. Seeing him again was the best feeling in the world. Who knew our relationship was so strong in so many ways.
Years went by after graduating from college, my life had started to get confident and flexible than ever. I started working for my father's cruise line as a travel agent in the Pacific region with Henry. Kouya and I got closer than ever when time was permitted. I visited his home and he visited mine. He even visited my hometown that one time. One day, Kouya proposed to live together where our jobs are close by. I excitedly said yes, and we started living together as roommates since then. We made wonderful memories together. Nothing in my life has taken away from me. Nothing changed into a different course. It only stayed that way and that's how I like it.
There are times that I'm supposed to expect things in the certain future, but for me, it was so unexpected of me. Because one day, on a voyage around the Pacific, I almost lost it when Kouya kneeled down in front of me and hold my hand during my parents' anniversary. Everyone on the table were waiting for an answer. I just simply said yes... Everyone applauded, no objections...
We will always be together...
The End