My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 12

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#12 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation

Chapter 12 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~

August 11th: Personal Connections

Not a drop of water and is still sunny. A perfect time for me to read outside on a beautiful day, the birds and the insects are singing the afternoon. I'm sitting on a rock, next in front of me is the river and the bridge that connects both side of the village. It was a perfect place for me to read in peace, I'm reading Ashley's graphic novel, I hope she doesn't mind. Tranquility, perfection, silence, and stress-free. Those are the words that I can describe this environment I'm standing. Music was in my ears and this was really connecting my inner peace.

Wait a minute... I'm not wearing my headphones and I didn't brought it with me. Somebody is playing an instrument... a guitar. I turned to my right and a few feet away, I see a person playing the guitar, professionally. After he finished, I clapped, then he noticed it and looks at me.

"Kelly, good afternoon." He said with a smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Kouya." I greet him and close the book. "I thought I was alone until I hear you playing. You play the guitar really good." I said.

"Thanks, I practice a lot, wanna hear another?"

"Sure." I said and move closer and sit beside him. Kouya holds the guitar, with his fingers placed in position, a joyful melodious song plays, it was like one of those summer camps songs I've heard, but Kouya, is different and new.

"How was it?" He asked after finishing the song.

"That was beautiful, you have a lot of inspiration." I said.

"Wanna try it?"

"Hmm? Me? Play the guitar? I... I don't think... w-well, I could try something new." I said.

"That's the spirit." He hands over the guitar to me.

While holding the position, despite my right wrist, I can still move my fingers. My two hands are in place and think... I somehow pictured myself playing the piano back home, but this one I'm holding, has strings. I breathed in and out and move my fingers... then, a random songs appears. It sounded pretty amateur. Talking about what my Mom said, 'If you're good playing the piano, you can play all the instruments in the world.' Still, I'm playing a little off, but I can hear a melody in it. I stopped playing, and I nervously smiled and chuckled.

"Uh... hehehe...," I returned Kouya's guitar.

"First time playing it? You're pretty good, Kelly." Kouya smiled.

"I swear, I don't know what's got into me." I said. "Mom's right, I'm naturally capable of playing any instruments other than the piano."

"You enjoy playing the piano, right?"

"Yes, since I was seven, and my sister loves singing, but I still don't know if Sylvia wants to be a singer in her career."

"Well, everyone has gift that's waiting to be discovered, and you, you're one talented guy, I heard you singing the other day, you can play the piano and somehow the guitar." He said.

"You think I'm multitalented?"

"If you say so. Speaking of singing, are you going to the karaoke party tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun, but to be honest, I've never been on stage in front of the audience and sing, maybe this could be a change for me to try." Then I remember something yesterday. I wonder if it's a good time to talk about it. "Umm... Kouya, can I asked you a question? I've just met Saki-chan's little brother."


"Yes, and he just said that you live by yourself from your parents, is that true?"

"Yeah." He simply replied. "Is not a big deal anymore."

"Can you talk about it?"

"Sure, is now in the past."

"Okay, I'm all ears." I said as Kouya tells his story.

I can't believe what the words he's been saying and I feel a little of regret. Kouya moved out from his parents after a fight with his father. He was forcing him to do things that he was not ready for. Hoping to do things better for his son and his sake. This was pressuring him and leading him to nowhere to become a musician. He left home before starting high school and he did a lot of things by himself, and now living alone on an apartment and following his dreams and never give up to achieve it. And one day, his father learned how successful he was. Kouya apologized to his parents for his actions, but he continues on with his career and his band. So things got better after that, and that was a year ago, so there's a happy ending, they are now a family again. Kouya finishes his story and I feel glad that things got better than expected.

"I'm speechless, the reason you made it, is because your friends have supported you. No matter what the circumstances are." I said.

"Yeah, just what our band's slogan says, 'We are forever with'." He said and I smiled. "Have you ever stood up to your parents, Kelly?"

"Umm... well... there was this one time that my parents were arguing after my dad forgot their wedding anniversary. They been arguing for 2 hours without throwing at each other. I had it enough that I yelled at the two of them of how ridiculous was this argument and threatened them by calling child services unless this behavior is calmed down. But after that, I actually apologized to them for my behavior, I can be really aggressive when it comes to my limits. I just don't want them to fall apart, they also have to know that me and Sylvia are no longer little kids anymore. Sometimes, my family can be a little off course, and I have to be the one to fix everything." I said.

Kouya giggle a little and said, "You been through a lot of trouble, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I've been through worse situations than this or that and some of them are that I'm, or not, proud of."

"Man, you're one fortunate guy, you know that? You really have something that no one has and you can do it without no one crossing your path."

"Wow, you're... the first person to ever say that to me." I said without the sarcasm, I meant it. "Speaking, of siblings, do you have a..."

"I'm the only child of the family." Kouya answers. "I never had a brother or sister, just me and my folks."

"But, do you have people that are close to you?"

"Well, my bandmates, they're a like family to me, and Shun-kun, he's like the little brother I ever have." He said and continued. "So... I see you've met Masashi and Kimiko."

"Yes, I met them yesterday at Shun's house, Masa-kun thought you were Saki-chan's boyfriend, and he seems to be upset about it when he found out, he really admire your lifestyle. And according to Kimi-chan, is very clear that Masa-kun haven't get know Toshi-san well and he haven't got that chance."

"I think he will get along well with Toshi-san one day, and besides, Saki-chan made her decision to be with Toshi, and I have nothing to be involved at." He said and then changes the topic. "So, how are you feeling now, Kelly? Does your arm hurts?"

"The little pain is fading away, unless if I accidentally hit my arm on something, but anyways, I'm feeling like my old self again. I don't know how my parent will react, they still don't know about the incident. Once they see the scar, they will have a big question in their faces. I better find a way on how to change my dad's mind about my uncle's responsibilities." I said. Then a crow barked.

"It's getting late." Kouya said. I look up the sky, is now orange. How long we been staying here? Is now sunset.

"I better get back, see you later, Kouya." I said.

"Take care." He said as I walk to the direction to the inn and smiled at him and waved at him and he waved back.

Back at the inn, I rested on the comfy bed and nothing to do before going to bed. Then I have the thought that I haven't called my relatives, maybe I should call them. I picked up the phone on the nightstand, pressed the buttons and wait...

"Hello, this is the Sullivan's residence, who's speaking?" Samantha got the phone. I said 'hi' to her. "Hi, Kelly, how's it going?" She said.

"Yeah, everything's fine, it's been 12 days since my ordeal, but I'm feeling good." I said to her.

"Well, I see that you're having fun out there, because Sylvia just told me that you went to the beach with your new friends, is that right?"

"Yeah, it was breeze." Then a question came to my mind. "Samantha... uh... how did you came to Minasato Village in the first place?"

"Well, like I told you, we got there by accident, I was driving and the car broke down and we were stranded there, we stayed there until Henry picked us up. And also, we enjoyed that fun Bon Festival that night. We enjoyed it so much, it was so traditional. I hope you can get a chance to experience it."

"In what date it will take place?"

"August 22nd, pretty much as usual, like they do it every other year. I better get going, I must finish the meatloaf."

"Ok, I'll call you later, bye." I hanged up.

Talking about dates and events, I better get my book journal. I unzipped my backpack and... is not there. Uh oh, where is it? If I were a book journal where I could be... oh, my, constellations! Now I remember, before the bus crashed, I was using it for a moment ago and I didn't put it back in my backpack... and that means... it's still at the crash site. Aw man, what am I going to do? I really need that book. Come on, I'm sure is not that bad, right... right?

I grab my flashlight and walked down without disturbing anyone at the lobby and leave the inn. If I remember correctly, the crash site was near the bus stop. The sun is no longer present, the night is present and my only friend is the flashlight. I don't like the dark and I don't like surprises that lurks from the darkness. I walked the lightless path and follow the signs that leads to the bus stop.

"There it is..." I pointed the flashlight at the crash site, yellow tape was covered around it, the twisted and mangled bus still gave me the creeps, is lying on its side, and around it there was a lot of pieces of wreckage. I gulped nervously and breathed in and out, maybe there's no need to walk inside the bus, it could be anywhere around the debris. I walked around with my flashlight, pointing the ground to find a small book, colored dark-brown, I walked slowly around... no signs of a small book, aw man...

I walked closer and closer to the destroyed bus, in front of me, I'm facing the front section, the windshield is completely broken and I can see the seats hanging vertically, the floor and the ceiling are now the walls and the walls are now the floor and ceiling. I can't see anything there, not even my book. What should I do? This is where everything happened, this is the place where I almost died.

"Kelly? What are you doing here?" A voice said... wait... WHO SAID THAT!?

My spine burst into shivers and a powerful force of adrenaline kicks into my body, in other words, 'jump scare', the voice came from behind me, and that's not all, it even touched my shoulder. I gasped and drop my flashlight leaving me nothing but darkness, my breathings were heavy and my heart is pounding in terror!

"Kelly, are you okay?" The voice said, I can't see anything, but that voice was so familiar. The black figure picks the flashlight and brightness was now in my face, and see a familiar face.

"K-Kouya?" I was trembling from shock, and seriously! "Kouya, you scared the hell outta me!"

"I didn't meant to scare you, Kelly, but why are you doing here? This place is off limits."

I sighed and said. "I-I w-was looking my book journal, I just found out it was missing and I thought it was still at the site." I said.

"Are you sure? Did you checked?"

"Yes, and I remember perfectly. Before the bus crashed, I was using it for a moment and I didn't put it back on my backpack." I explained and Kouya was thinking.

"Is it important to you?" he asked.

"Personally." I said and sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding, I shouldn't have come here. This was so stupid of me."

"Come on, Kelly, I'll help you find it."


"You have suffered too much, let me help you." Kouya said as he smiles.

"No, don't do this, you don't have to, I'll get another one."

"You said it was personal, so I'm going anyways. Just wait here and I'll come back." Kouya has my flashlight and enters the dark opening.

"Please, Kouya, don't do this, is dangerous." I begged him, but I couldn't dared myself to enter inside and stop him. What have I done?

"You worried too much, chill out." He said.

I hear his steps, stepping on broken fragments. He looks around with my flashlight. The bus was so long that I can't see Kouya, only the light that he's carrying. I was worried, and I just hope he doesn't get hurt by the fragments, otherwise this could be my fault. Oh, what's taking him so long, I'm getting anxious, and I'm no longer worried about my book anymore. I'm really now worried about...

"Kelly, I found it!" Kouya shouted from the rear of the bus.

"Okay, I'm glad you found it, now can you please get out of there?" I shouted back nervously.

Kouya's steps are heard, but all of the sudden, a metallic crash sounded from the bus, something just collapsed inside. The light was gone, there's something blocking it. "Kouya? KOUYA!" I panicked. "KOUYA, ARE YOU OKAY?! KOUYA!" I went directly inside, but there's a pile of seats blocking the only path. "Kouya, can you hear me! Please answer me, please!" I screamed.

"Kelly! Calm down, I'm okay!" I hear Kouya's voice from the other side. Felt a relief, but is not over yet for me. "Kelly, listen, there's a hatch where I can get out. Meet me on the other side!" Kouya shouted. I get out of the bus and run directly to the other side, there was a hatch that was placed on top of the roof in case if the bus tips over and passengers can evacuate. It wasn't in used, I hear the hatch squeaking and then pop open. Kouya got out safely.

"Whoa, that was close." Kouya said, he was in one piece.

"I-I... I... though you were a dead man." I was breathless and trembling. "I'm so sorry, Kouya, I knew I should have stop you!" I regret it, I was standing on my knees.

"Is alright, Kelly, I'm okay, and here." He hands me my journal.

"Oh, thanks...," I feel really guilty. "I'm so sorry for the trouble, is just that..."

"Stop blaming yourself, I'm glad of helping you." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"Really?" I look directly at him.

"Really." He said.

I sighed and said. "Well... I should go back."

"Wouldn't you mind if I escort you to the inn?" He offered.

"Umm, sure. I don't really like to walk alone in the dark." I nervously chuckled.

Kouya and I walk side-by-side to the inn, we didn't talk further, but I was feeling comfortable with somebody walking along. I didn't feel lonely or something. And I feel relief that he's okay.

"Well, here we are." I said. We were at the inn's entrance door.

"Yeah." He softly said. "See you tomorrow, Kelly. I'll see you at the karaoke party."

"Yeah, same to you." I said as he leaves.

I went back to my room and take a shower and go to bed. This was one crazy night, I really need to rest. It was kind of nice of Kouya helping me to find my journal book, but putting him in danger, I really don't want to talk about it. As I relax on the bed, my heart is pounding a lot after I came back here, I'm no longer in a panic state. Is really loud, without using a stethoscope. That's strange... I have never... been... like... this... since... ZZZZZZZ....