My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 8
#8 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation
Chapter 8 of Morenatsu fanfiction. Enjoy~
August 7th: Beach Cam
"ZZZZZZZ..." 5:59 AM.
"Ugh... shut up... okay... okay! I'm up!"
I groaned when my phone waked me up. I pick it up which reminded me that I have to go to the beach with the others. Oh yeah, that's right, last night the group wanted to go to the beach after watching my home video. I get off from bed and stretch my spine, which felt good. The door is knocking, and I know who is.
"Come in, Toshi-san!" I called as the door opens, the young steward enters.
"Good morning, Kelly." He's carrying a breakfast tray and place it next to the bed with a table. "Bon appetite." He said.
"Thank you." I thanked him. "Is there coffee?" I asked.
"There's a coffee maker in your room, you haven't used it?" He said.
"No, but I'll do it myself, all coffee brewers are pretty much the same."
"All right then, remember: we are gonna gather at the bus stop at 7:00 AM, is still early, so be prepared." Toshi instructed me.
"No problem." I said as he leaves.
I finished eating breakfast, I picked up my backpack and checked what I have in my suitcase..., uh, I don't think I brought stuff for the beach, only a towel, a small portable parasol, a pair of sunglasses, and a beach mat where I can rest on. I'm taking the green trunks for the day, but just in case, I'll bring the blue one for spare, in case if I tear the other one. And also some dry clothing. I have everything prepared in my backpack. This beach trip is going to be sweet!
Ding! Oh, my coffee's ready! I didn't pour it on a mug, I pour it on my 'take-anywhere-cup' so I can take it along the trip. I usually drink coffee whenever I have to wake up early. But in this case, I didn't sleep well last night, due to annoying noises from another room. I leaved the room, locked the door, and walked away from the inn.
I arrived at the bus stop, no one's here. I sit on a bench and wait for the others and ignore the broken-down bus.
"Good morning, Kelly-san." I look around and see Soutarou and Kyouji.
"Morning, Sullivan, you're really early." Kyouji said.
"You look tired, Kelly-san." Soutarou said.
"Well, can't you see I'm having coffee right now." I replied.
"Umm, Kelly, you can't bring food or drinks on the bus." Kyouji said.
"Really? I can't?" He nods. I'm holding a cup of coffee on my hand and I can't have it along the bus. "Well, I have no choice but..." I take a deep gulp and drink the whole cup.
"Gulp... gulp... gulp... gulp... gulp... haahhh... WHOA!" That is some hot coffee and it waked up my brain!
"Whoa, Kelly, you're okay? How much caffeine was on that?" Kyouji asked.
"I don't know, but I picked the one with a red dragon logo on it." I said.
"That one has a lot to keep you awake." Kyouji had a bad feeling about this.
"Kelly-san, you're going to be all hyper!" Soutarou said.
"Well, I f-feel f-fine I-I don't s-se-e t-the d-differences." I'm feeling all shaky or something, but I feel a happy sensation.
"Uh... Kelly? Are you feeling okay?" Kyouji asked.
My brain is telling me something that I should have done it a long time ago. "I...! I...! FEEL I WANNA RUN!" I think I said that in English. I run in large circles like a crazy high-speed bullet train in Tokyo. "WOOOOOOOO! THIS IS LIFE, LIFE I TELL YA!" I screamed.
"What's going on?" Hiroyuki said, the others arrived.
"He sure looks more energetic than Torahiko." Saki-chan said.
"What's wrong with, Kelly?" Kouya asked.
"I only told him that he can't have coffee on the bus and he drank the whole thing." Kyouji explained.
"That looks fun! I'm wanna chase him!" Shun ran behind me.
"Somebody calm him down." Toshi said.
"If Shun-kun, is after him, I'll do the same." Tora followed me.
"Careful, he's running like a sport car." Saki-chan warned.
"Tatsu-nii, grab him!" Hiro cried.
"AAHH! He's so fast! Tatsu-nii cried.
"I got him!" Juuichi-san grabbed me, I can't run.
"Get a hold of yourself, Sullivan!" Juuichi-san shakes me with his two big hands. My eyes were rolling everywhere.
"O-ka-y, J-J-Ju-ui-chi-s-san!" I said while being shaken by a bear.
"Hey, easy with Kelly, Juuichi-san." Kouya said, Juuichi puts me down.
"Thanks, I feel great! That was fun!" I said.
"You just drank, twelve ounces of coffee and screamed and run." Shin said.
"I wish I can see that again." Kounosuke said, haha very funny.
The bus arrived and we all boarded in. The first thing I did was to buckle up the seatbelt and make sure it was well tight. The ill-fated bus, the seatbelt fail to do the job and break free from my waist. Causing me to be thrown from my seat. The bus departs and is heading to the beach... can't wait!
"Does anyone brought a sunblock?" Shin asked.
"I have one, is a good one, SPF 200... good luck, sun!" I said and chuckled, I was ready for the mightiest heats of the sun!
"You're really prepared, huh?" Shin said.
"A good traveler is always prepared, except that I forgot to bring some bubble gum with me." I said. "So, how long is the ride to the beach?" I asked as I place my sunglasses on top of my forehead, trying to hide my bandage.
"A few hours before 9:30." Kouya said.
"So I could have continued my sleep during the ride, but I can't, thanks to the coffee." I said.
"You didn't sleep well last night?" Kouya asked.
"I couldn't sleep well, because I was hearing some noises coming from another room. It sounded like children jumping on a bed or something." I replied.
"I don't remembered a family with children staying in the inn." Toshi said as he puts his fingers under his chin. "I wonder, who were those 'two' making noises last night." Toshi said it suspiciously and he glared at the tiger-man and the human. They were blushing and whistling, looking guilty.
"Uh-huh, that solves the case." Toshi said. What do you mean, you already solved it? So, Torahiko and Hiroyuki where in the other... room? Oh, my skies! They were...
Toshi began to laugh after seeing my surprised face after realizing it.
"We didn't meant to disturb you, Kelly." Tora blushes and apologized with a grin.
"I don't wanna hear no more, is your business." I said.
The bus rolls on several miles and passes a very long tunnel, after exited we see... "Look guys, is the ocean." Saki pointed her finger to the window. I looked at the window and see nothing but the blue horizon, and I can see the beach from distance, looks amazing! Finally, the bus arrives at our destination. We disembarked and I take a closer look at the beach, it's so beautiful.
"What a paradise! In Seattle, we don't have a beach, my family usually go to Los Angeles on the holidays." I said.
"Well, you're going to enjoy this one." Kouya said as he winks at me.
All the sudden, I hear several ring tones of a cell phone.
"What's that noise?" Hiroyuki asked.
"My... my... my cellphone!" I fetch my phone from my backpack, and I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Is still continuing. I'm having a large amount of text messages, and that means I got signal over here.
"Looks like you been out of range for a while. What does the messages says?" Toshi asked as I checked most of the new messages, it all says the same thing. All from Sylvia, Ashley, Ashton, Henry, and Samantha.
"Kelly, are you pissed, for leaving you behind by accident? Kelly, please answer me! You don't have to be mad about it. Kelly, where are you? You said you were coming before sunset. Etc. etc. etc." I said while reading the texts.
"These messages were sent after the bus crashed." I said.
"It least you called them after you got recovered." Saki said.
"Guys, let's go to the dressing room." Hiroyuki said as he entered one of those changing booths.
I entered in this little house and the others entered. I take a look inside and there's doesn't seem to have a private little place to change. I better do this quickly and get myself distracted and focus on myself. The guys began to strip off their clothes and staring at them will be rude. Back in my high school years, one of the few reasons on how I discovered my sexuality was when I noticed guys were getting kind of attractive when shirtless at the locker-room. But anyway, back at what I'm doing.
I already finished changing and I'm only wearing green trunks. Looks like I'm the first one to finish. As I leave, I see Saki, already in her swimming out-fit. Her fur is all-white, except her black long hair that is freely swaying around with the wind. Toshi just got out and he's only wearing trunks, colored black. His fur is dark-gray and white. Saki was blushing and giggling when she sees her boyfriend all shirtless, these two are like one hot celebrity couples from a magazine cover.
"What's happening in there, Toshi?" Saki asked.
"Torahiko is playing with a towel and whacking everyone's butts. Then, Juuichi-san punch him in the head again." Toshi replied as he rubs his bottom. Just like in my high school days!
As I see the others leaving one by one and all wearing their swimming out-fit, except Tatsuki, he's wearing a fundoshi. Then I see Torahiko... in a speedo?
"How did you reacted when you first saw him wearing it?" I whispered Hiroyuki.
"I gawped." He replies.
Kouya was the last one to leave and... him too? I'm not gonna sleep well tonight. He got more courage to wear that in public? I was expecting to puke but nothing came from my mouth. I remembered the last time I saw my father wearing one, none of us, except my mother, wanted to be near him with that huge bulge of his. I vomited every freaking time I see him in front of me. Dad saw my reactions and also my sister and he went back using trunks, thank gosh. I set up my mat to rest in and place my portable parasol with orange and yellow colors.
"Kelly, wanna play Frisbee?" Hiro offered.
"Maybe later, I'm going to take a rest." I said as I lay down on the mat and putting myself some sunblock on my body, and put my sunglasses in front of my eyes.
The sound of the beach really hits my ears, so relaxing, the waves rushing the sand, the breeze swaying the trees, this was breathtaking. This reminds me of Okinawa, me and my relatives went to the beach and we have done so many things together. I wonder how they're doing? Maybe I better find out, and I think I know how.
I picked up my backpack and fetch my mobile phone and my mobile tablet. Now that my cellphone has signal, I can connect it with my tablet and see them via webcam. I sent a text message to Sylvia, and let's see what happens...
"Bing!" I got a reply! It says, "See you on webcam! LOL!"
I activated the tablet's webcam and wait their connection. I'm so excited! Then an image appeared, I see Sylvia for the first time since I disappeared, she's sitting on a couch in the living room. I see her beautiful face, her black long hair, and her emerald green eyes.
"Hi, Sylvia, long time no see!" I was so happy to see her.
"Hi, Kelly, how's my big-brother doing?" She was happy to see me. "Oh my, are those your injuries?
"Don't worry, I'm a little delicate, but I'm still very strong." I said.
"I'm glad that you're okay, Kelly, so... hey! Are you on a beach!?" She noticed the background.
"Yeah, me and some friends that I've met invited me to come along." I said.
"That's nice of them. Wait, let me bring Ashley and Ashton to chat."
"Ashley! Ashton! Kelly's on webcam!" Sylvia shouted.
This is going to be fun! Ashley and Ashton arrived at the living room in a hurry. Sitting together with Sylvia.
"Kelly is that you? You look...," Ashley look at my current state.
"He's okay, he's well now, right Kelly?" Ashton said.
"Yeah, I'm well now." I said.
My two cousins haven't changed after my accident.
"So, what have you been doing in the village?" Sylvia asked.
"Well, I'm been relaxing, the inn is very cozy, and enjoying some good food." I said. "Hey, is Henry and Samantha there?"
"No, they went off to work... again." Ashton said.
"And why are you not working?" I asked.
"Mom and Dad took both cars for work and I'm off duty." He said.
"Uh-huh." I replied.
Then an important subject I need to talk about. "So, Sylvia, Ashley, did you told Ashton about the swords?" I said.
"Oh, Ashton, we forgot to tell you." Sylvia remembers.
"What about the swords? Hey, Kelly, do you have my black sword?" Ashton asked.
"Yes, Ashton, I have your 'worthless' piece of junk." I replied.
"Worthless?" Ashton was puzzled.
"Dammit, Ashton! You been collecting artifacts that were used for a movie from the seventies! They're not real! Except that they are the originals that were used for the movie. And one more thing: that movie sucks!" I said to Ashton and let's see his reactions...
"WHAT! How did you know that are worthless!?" he cried.
"I met a professional, who is a professor, and he already taken a look and he already recognized it. And by the way, who told you and why you've been collecting these useless swords?" I said to him.
"My colleagues." He simply said.
"Your colleagues." I sternly said. "So, your crazy colleagues told you a silly legend that you've never heard of, got your attention, and after finding the first one, you thought they were real, you continued your quest, pretty likely during our vacation, and you did this, non-stop, until you find the last one and you keep it as a secret from your parents and 'us'. You focused on your own mission that brought us catastrophic results of forgetting your own cousin behind in Fuji. What do you have to say for yourself, Ashton Royce Sullivan!?" I slowly raised my voice until the end, and I already solved the final piece of the puzzle. The two girls slowly moved their heads and glared at Ashton and realizing it was his actions and not theirs for leaving me behind.
"...sorry..." he shamefully said. The guy is 21 and he behaved like a kid behind our backs.
"Say it clear, Ashton." Sylvia and Ashley softly and forces him.
"I'm sorry, Kendrick! Can you forgive me?" he said.
"Yes..." I sighed. "I forgive you. And there's nothing for me to be mad about. You're one ambitious cousin, and... That's something I like about you. What you did there was something really adventurous. Can we just leave this behind and be just a normal dysfunctional family." I said with a smile.
"Agreed." Sylvia said.
"Same here." Ashley said.
"Dysfunctional?" Ashton was puzzled.
I wish we can do a family hug, but that will be for later once we reunite at last.
"So, who are these friends of yours, you've mentioned?" Ashley asked.
"Well, I'm here, but the others went to other places around, I don't think...," a Frisbee flew by and passed from my left to the right, but then. "AAAAGGGHHH!" Something hit me the left side of my body. I was completely lying on the sand.
"What the hell? What was that? Kelly are you okay?" The voice of Sylvia was heard.
I opened my eyes and see Kouya lying on top of me. "Ouch, Kouya, what the hell?" I grunted.
"Oh, crap! Kelly!" He said as he stands up quickly and offered his hand and I stand up. "I'm so sorry, Kelly! Did I hurt you!?" Kouya was worried, because of my condition.
"Calm down, Kouya, I'm fine, you only hit me on the left side, and... what was that for?" I said.
"I was playing Frisbee, Hiroyuki throw it and I... hit you, I'm so sorry." He said.
"Is okay." I replied. I look at the tablet screen, I see my three family members with their eyes wide open.
"Um... Kelly, who's your new friend there?" Sylvia asked.
"Kouya, these are my relatives that I've mentioned. That's Sylvia, my sister, that's Ashley and Ashton, my cousins." I said.
"Hello there, is nice to meet Kelly's family." He said and smiled at them.
"He's hot!" Ashley commented in japanese as she giggles.
"Yeah, like you're gonna date him and lose him again on the next date." Sylvia said.
"Hey!" Ashley said as this was sort of true about her.
"Guys this is Kouya and..." I look from behind and see Torahiko and Hiroyuki doing weird things like dancing around and moving their hips around, how long they been doing that?
"Who are those guys dancing behind you?" Sylvia asked.
"Guys, what the hell are you guys doing?" I shouted at the pair.
"Just having fun!" Tora said.
"The tiger dude is cute!" Ashley said in Japanese.
"Well, you're out of luck. He's dating this human." I smiled while saying that, and pointing to Hiroyuki as he waves his hand.
"Oh..." Ashley said as she blushes.
"Don't worry, Ashley, you'll find your prince charming." I said to her.
"Same to you! You've dated five people and none of them lasted a year." Ashley said in English.
"Well, you've dated more than I do! You've dated 15 guys and you broke all their hearts." I back it up at her.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey easy, we're here for a nice meeting chat, not bickering." Ashton said.
"Ah, dammit! Sorry." Ashley embarrassingly said. "So, these two are dating?"
"Yeah, this is Torahiko and his 'partner' Hiroyuki. These two saved my life when the accident occurred. I forgot to mention this!" I excitedly said.
"Really, they saved you?" Sylvia cried.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for them." I said.
Sylvia's eyes are filling with water and cried. "Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much! I'm not sure if you guys understand what am I saying, but I will never forget you two! I wish I can hug you two in person!" After what she said, I translated from English to Japanese to Tora and Hiro.
"Aw... it was nothing, miss." Tora and Hiro said blushing. I translated back to Sylvia.
"Kelly-san, whatcha doing?" Soutarou and Kyouji walked by.
"I'm talking my family, Soutarou." I said. "Guys, this is Soutarou and Kyouji. They also play on a soccer club like I used to." I said.
"The Labrador's cute!" Ashley giggles in Japanese. Then I hear Soutarou growling and then yelled.
"Uh, sorry about that." Kyouji said. That was weird.
"Kelly-san, want some hot dog?" Shun-kun came by.
"And who's the little fella? He's so adorable!" Ashely said in Japanese.
"I'm not a little fella! I'm seventeen years old!" Shun-kun backfires.
"Really?" Ashley and Ashton asked and I nodded at them and Sylvia was lost and I explained what happened.
"This is Shun." I said to them.
"Hey, I thought they were twins." Saki said.
"Ashley and Ashton? No, they're different from one another." I said.
"Then why they're named that way, if they're not twins?" Saki said.
"That would make more sense." Toshi said.
"Well, it was a coincidence that my parents named us without knowing it." Ashely explained.
"What's going on here? What are you guys doing and staring at?" Kounosuke came in curiosity.
"Whoa! Big belly! He can dance the Hula-hula with that, HA!" Ashley laughed out loud.
"Hey! I have feelings, you know!" Kouno said.
"I don't know who said that, but thank you." Shin said.
"Hey! What did exactly did I ever recently done to you?" He said to Shin.
"You ate all my chocolate muffins." He replied back. The two argued in front of my tablet.
"That's enough you two!" Juuichi-san gave a warning. "You two are making a fool out to yourself in front of Kelly's family."
"Uh, thank you, Juuichi-san." I said.
"Uh... is that a naked dragon?" Sylvia asked.
"I think he's drunk again." Hiroyuki said.
"Somebody stop him! He's scaring the other beachgoers!" Toshi cried.
"This is not what I've been expecting for a live chatting." I muttered while the others went for the drunken dragon-man.
After a nice chat with my love ones, we say goodbye and I'm now disconnected, I'm back in reality. Is beach time!
"Hey, Kelly, wanna play beach ball?" Kouya offered.
"Sure." I replied. Despite that I have one injured arm, I can play a very light ball. It was fun, then we swim around for a while until it was lunch time. There was a food shack stand where we can eat, there was some good stuff in there. We hang out there and enjoy our meals.
"That was nice of you to introduce your family, Kelly, they seem cool." Kouya said.
"We're one crazy family, I used to be the kid with anger problems, but not anymore." I said.
"Aren't you mad at them for leaving you behind, especially your uncle?"
"Not anymore, I'm fine." I said as I was making eye contact at his face, I didn't look down, he was still wearing his speedos. It gave me the creeps, but good thing I keep those thing in mind, I don't complain at anyone. "So, how's your band doing?" I asked.
"We're doing rehearsals, we're preparing for our next performances in Kazenari. I haven't got more details, but Keisuke said, 'it's going to be our big show tonight'."
"That's cool, can I see you guys perform?" I asked, I was curious.
"Sure, why not? You could also meet my bandmates." He said.
"Kelly," Saki-chan came, "may I see your forehead? To see how's your gash in your head."
"Oh, okay, go ahead." I said as Saki, nice and gently removes my bandage, she's unwrapping in circles. I felt a breeze and my forehead was naked. Saki is now exanimating it and she smiles.
"It's healing, but it will leave a scar on your forehead." She said.
"Do you have a mirror? Wait use my phone, I want to see it." I said. Saki takes a picture from my phone and I finally take a look...
"Huh, is not that bad." I said while watching the photo. It's only a straight diagonal line on my right side of my forehead, like two inches long. Ouch.
"Here, cover it." Saki gave me a gauze pad to cover my right side of my head, not the whole head like last time. "That should do it, once it's fully healed, you can take it off."
"Thanks, Saki-chan." I said.
"You're welcome." She smiles as she goes back with Toshi.
I turned back to Kouya and he was giving me a grin on his face. "What's with the smiling?" I asked.
"Nothing, now you got something to remember for." He said.
"I wish I can hide it, I think Sylvia has some of that make-up to hide her pimples." I sighed.
"Oh, come on, Kelly, cheer up, it looks good on you."
"You... like my scar?" He blushes and says nothing. Do I really look good with a scar? It depends, right?
That afternoon, we boarded the bus to Minasato Village. I look out the window and see the big sun setting down on the horizon, this was the best one I have seen in my life. I hear everyone snoring. I see Toshi and Saki resting their heads on one another. I also see Hiroyuki and Torahiko doing the same, while the others are probably dreaming.
As I look at my phone, the signal's gone and now I'm completely disconnected from the outside world. Then something is resting on my left shoulder, I look at my left and see Kouya's head sleeping and lying on me. What should I do?
I don't want to wake him up, I better push him to the other direction. I nice and gently pushed Kouya in an upright position and rested his head on the other way, he didn't waked up, phew.
Today was a great day! I saw my relatives via webcam they keep their spirits up and they're not worried about me. Looks like Ashton has a gullible side, huh. I feel bad for him for listening his fellow colleagues. Ashley somehow forgot to tell him about it, and I have to be the one to say it to him. Oh, Ashley, you have a bad reputation of dating guys, you have dated either a human or beastmen and none of them lasted longer than 3 months. Sylvia, my beloved sister, you're always treated me like a little brother, but, I'm not a little kid anymore.
Suddenly, the bus bumped something on the road and causes Kouya to rest on my left shoulder, again. Oh boy, this is so awkward. Then I hear him sleep talking.
"Kelly... I... really... like your... scar...ZZZZZZZZZ."
I better find a way to wake the others before we arrive at our destination. And I don't feel tired at all.
-Five minutes later-
"ZZZZZZZZZ." Fuck...