#3 of Decaliyric: Fox
The second poem from the collection Decalyric: Fox. This one was written by describing an image of of some mountain. I sadly can't remember what exactly was I describing.
Golden rays give life to all,
Spread by Helios, a bright star,
That watches us and stands tall,
On a blue arch that seems so far.
So low he has traveled already,
To cover himself with a cloak so heavy,
A titan that sleeps on a bed so steady,
Made from a yellow weed bevy
Ready to sleep, Helios yawns,
And quickly peeks at his reflection below,
A mirror that barely even dawns,
The might of his divine glow.
A dark void occupies its bulk,
Casted by Luna's might,
And the sight of the white hulk,
That covers him for the night.