Music to Their Ears

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On Serling's latest visit to the Spa, he receives a magically transformative massage which allows him to experience music as he has never heard it before. :3

This vignette was written for Serling as part of their Patreon commission reward for February 2020. It contains massage related transformation involving consenting adults. :3

Music to Their Ears

Emily was smiling even as she stepped into the massage suite. She had always loved being able to forge a connection with the people she worked with, both colleagues and clients alike. That was a part of the reason why the rabbit had pushed so hard for a career in therapeutic care when she was younger, and why she was so proud of the Spa she'd built up over the many years that had followed. Even by her own standards though, even as much as she loved working with each and every one of her clients if it meant making them a little less stressed out or pained by the world around them, a session with Serling never failed to make her grin from ear to ear. Not only did it bring Emily such a great deal of joy to see him returning time and time again, entrusting his relaxation and enjoyment to her and her staff, but she always revelled in how much he revelled in it too. Serling was always seeking new experience, always eager to explore any and all of the new treatments the Spa had to offer whether experimental or simply new to their regular regime. And on days like today, when she got to share with Serling a treatment which he had never experienced before, it made her so grateful to be able to be the one to share these new sensations and experiences with quite possibly her best customer.

The coyote lay peacefully waiting on the massage table in the centre of the room, and he smiled as Emily walked past to the far side of the room. After a few seconds, music began to play. Not the normal amelodic sounds of gentle wind-chimes, singing bowls and gently lapping waves which normally served as background noise in many of the Spa's massage suites, but soft classical piano. The rabbit didn't explain the change in music, but Serling didn't mind anyway. His ears twitched as he listened to it, not an expert in the genre by any stretch but still able to appreciate just how skilled someone must have been to play, never mind write such a piece. Closing his eyes to better take it in, the coyote only opened them again when he felt movement directly beside him, and returned his gaze to Emily once more as she stood at the head of the table, leaning over his face with a warm smile.


She murmured softly, Serling beaming and nodding eagerly in response. The rabbit giggled. When was Serling not ready for a massage?

She poured a small quantity of the Spa's signature oil, her signature oil, out onto her hands, paying special care to ensure her fingertips were coated even more than her palms, and reached out for the coyote. Rather than starting with his shoulders or chest though, rather than even focusing on his face given her proximity to it, Emily quite specifically and purposefully placed her fingers upon Serling's ears alone. She rubbed the oil into them, applied more to her hands, and repeated the process twice more until with her middle and index fingers on the exterior of the coyote's ears and her thumbs gently rubbing circles upon the inner flesh, Serling began to sigh and murmur in relaxation and contentment from that surprisingly pleasant, highly specific contact alone.

It didn't take long at all for the massage oil to start working its magic, and though her touches were gentle throughout the process, Emily soon found the flesh beneath her fingertips stretching and spreading out in the direction of her every tender caress. She smiled as Serling noticed the changing sensation too, gasping and giggling as his ears were pulled upward, stretched and spread out like toffee being gently pulled to increase its flexibility, until they were as long as Emily's own. Indeed with just a little more teasing and pulling and squeezing here and there, Emily grinned as she stared down at the coyote who now bore a near perfect approximation of bunny ears of his very own. She even dashed away from the table and retrieved a small mirror from a cupboard along one side of the room, and beamed as she held it up over Serling's face like a barber showing off their handiwork.

Serling grinned and giggled at the sight of himself with those ears, gasping and beaming as they twitched a little whenever he laughed. What was even more incredible to the coyote however, though he didn't say it in that moment, too busy drinking it in to want to spoil it with the sound of his own voice, was the fact that it wasn't just his appearance which had changed. The alterations to his ears, the way they were angled and the different species' lobes they now represented were changing how he could hear the music playing throughout the room too. The long, slender lines of the rabbit-like ears were able to pick up different tones which to his former coyote ears had been all but buried in the background, while whole other elements that he'd been able to pick out before were now less prominent. It was an incredible change that Serling absolutely hadn't expected, but now that he heard it he was not only immensely grateful to Emily for having put on the music in the first place, but eager to see what else he could hear as the rabbit set the mirror down, applied some fresh oil to her fingertips once again, and started to work on the coyote's ears all over again.

For the majority of the hour that followed, Serling gasped and giggled in wonder as his ears were styled and re-styled over and over by the rabbit. One minute they were rounded mouse ears, the next long and floppy like those of a spaniel. Each time a new look was granted to him, Emily would stop to show him how it looked in the mirror. Much as Serling appreciated that though, even more he appreciated the time that gave him to listen through his new ears and see how the music changed in response to his new ways of capturing the waves of sound washing past him. He trembled and gasped in wonder as he heard so many different layers to the music, not only giving him a vastly greater appreciation of the artistry that had gone into creating that composition itself, but marvelling at the fact that though he and other people would share the same media experiences and talk about them together, they were really all experiencing those shows and songs and movies and books in subtly different ways thanks to the uniqueness of each and every one of them.

The coyote beamed as he lay back and found himself swept up in just how incredible it was to be a part of such a world, a world where everyone could experience something in their own way, yet still come together and find ways to share in the joy of it with so many others. He was so giddy at that thought he barely realised that this time around Emily was taking longer, a lot longer and much more care in the process, to work on his ears once again. In fact more than ten minutes had passed before he felt the rabbit step away from him again to grab the mirror, and only then did Serling notice that not only was the music much louder than before, but its bass notes seemed to have been vastly amplified over all the other wavelengths of sound by whatever ears he now possessed.

Emily returned swiftly, and held the mirror up over Serling's face once more.

His eyes widened. He laughed giddily, and this time around though his ears didn't twitch per-se at the coyote's amusement, they did flap back and forth where they hung expansively down from the sides of his head.

"Now, we're running short on time so I should probably start getting you back to normal, hmm?"

Emily whispered, though her voice was amplified by Serling's new ears to the extent that he could have heard her at even a quarter of that already gentle murmur.

"That is... unless you wanna stay like that a while. I guess I could just leave you like that, take the last few minutes as a coffee break."

She teased playfully, winking to show that she didn't mean it, but grinning as she looked down at Serling's once more giggling face framed by those large, broad elephant ears and considering one more time just how glad she was to have the career that she did. It wasn't just that she was granted the opportunity to do wonderful silly things like this with the massage oil. It wasn't just that she got to follow her passion of making people feel more comfortable and healthier in their day to day lives. But atop all that, the fact she could through her actions make people so happy, the fact that she could make clients and friends like Serling beam and giggle and laugh with the things that she was able to share with them, it was absolute music to her ears.

By Jeeves

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