Clown Mare 8


#29 of Clown Mare

Chapter 8

Eight-o-clock during that evening.

Drifter was outside with Dreamer looking upon the stars.

"So, the newspaper had told me that there will be slaves at the Grand Galloping Gala."

Dreamer used her left hoof and took that sip of the cup of yellow hot liquid.

"Oh yes, a slave coming to a dance would be the most interesting we had so far in this life span. Think about it. A salve with a prince of high society."

"But Dreamer, this is an outrage. No low class should even enter."

"Don't take this the wrong way. I heard that it was an accidental death to her parents. Which could cause many things my dear Drifter."

"But sister on also the events of high society one must be pure royalty to even be welcome."

"Enough, try not to get into the political side of things. You should know Drifter that there were no lightning storms during that rainstorm. It was struck by magic lightning from another unicorn."

"What, this... can't be."

"It is. Although we may never know what caused this to arise."

Dreamer looked at her and then shut her eyes. She then took that deep breath in through her muzzle and out from her mouth.

"It is said that the unicorn was also a foal at that time as well. Trying to get his cutie mark in magic. Creating a big surge because of him getting threatened by his life on the line. It got out of control. We believe he lost his right hoof during the fight with this creature that was made out of wood. He wet himself every time night begins to rise with the full moon."

"That must have been hard for that foal colt at least."

"It is a big day tomorrow. Drifter, we should get some sleep while we're at it."

She nodded her head up and down a few times quickly with that big stretch of her mouth with her teeth together.

Flitter was laying on the bed of the hospital

"Help, please someone. Don't make the room dark. I hate it. Please help."

His body was shaken throughout the hours on end.

"My name is Flitter. I saw something in the woods on that day and it was the scariest thing in my life. I was scared to see those big bright yellow glowing eyes. Yes, that's what it was. It was big and it had teeth that could feed on any pony. There was nothing about it but I felt pain on that very same day. I couldn't feel my right hoof. It was torn so badly like it was cut off clean. I'm not even a unicorn. So, I let fear get the better of me. Lightning struck somehow and rocks fell like an avalanche."

The nurse gave him a cup of tea.

"Relax, dear pony, there is no such thing. It must have been all a dream and you cut it off with a knife."

The nurse put a lot of stuff in her head.

"This little colt was probably trying to kill himself maybe? Although I don't know what happened, all I know is that his right hoof is cut off. The only thing I can think of at the time is a foal playing with sharp things and hope he learns his lesson not to touch blades and knives. More likely sharp stuff."

"I tell you nurse it's a monster down there."

"Monsters are bedtime stories dear. They are not real."

The nurse looked at him again. She saw in his eyes that he was afraid of something.

Clown Mare 9-3

# [Chapter 9.3]( I myself was sleepwalking during the night after four-thirty. With my eyes closed shut, spilled milk all over the carpet rug, juice spills on every painting in the...

Clown Mare 9-2

# [Chapter 9.2]( In the dreams of Flurris Nox. The snow had fallen hard. "Where did you go little one?" The red filly pegasus walked into a deep cave. "This isn't a time to play...

Clown Mare 9-1

# [Chapter 9.1]( Spiras Cross curled up with both of their eyes shut, keeping that warmth under the bedsheets. They of course woke up in Cloudsdale. "What am I doing here? This is not...