Clown Mare 7-2


#27 of Clown Mare

Chapter 7.2

Five-o'clock in the afternoon.

"Daughter, tomorrow I hope you behave yourself." Click looked at Baby Petal eyes.

She of course looked at her mother. Also knew she had a sparkle from her blue eyes.

"There are rules daughter rules that can not be explained to a child like yourself. I hope you have a better understanding."

She was curious when she used her left hoof rubbing left to right raising the left eyebrow. Baby Petal used her head up and down three times quickly to understand her mom.

Click put thoughts into her mind, "Oh, child you have no idea. I hope that you don't take me as a fool. So, help me. I have to do the most cruel thing. However I can't tell this to a young one. It's too shady to tell my own daughter."

Five-Thirty struck the afternoon.

"Dear son. It is time to go over the rules and regulations of this upcoming event." Noxis Kane looked at his own son with a cane as he whacked him on the forehead.

"Rule one. No spilling blood on continental grounds. Two if you made a promise to someone all promises must be honored, and three every pony who got an invitation is fully welcomed."

He turned to his left and looked out the window of the bright clear skies.

Six-o'clock in the afternoon the bell rang six times with a loud old tone sound.

Lady Rainbow walked to her house and noticed the letter. She grabbed it with her left hoof and opened it with her right. They took a glimpse of it and saw the yellow ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. Walked past her fence, to the entrance of her door when she then opened it with her left hoof. She nodded her head and smiled upon her face when she jumped up and down three times.

Once she had a thought about the pony express news, she took most of it when she walked down the hallway to the left. Took the pepper from the end table on her left when she walked from the room. Headed to the living room and sat on the chair. She felt the cushion so soft with a thread count of eight hundred. Once she looked at the newspaper, she took her glasses from the right side of the end table.

Lady Rainbow put her glasses on with her left hoof and started to read the newspaper.

"Slaves coming to the gala interesting I hope they know what they're doing a lot of ponies may disagree on this. Including that one rumor about that red pegasus killed her own parents during an accident report from section area nine. Although it could have been execution if it weren't for the slave traders though. But let's see how this goes when I meet her face to face. As a true and one and only politician." She looks at the window from her left looking at the gala.

When time passed by in the afternoon. There was a pony waiting at the door. When they knocked with their right hoof.