The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 11: Love?
= Love? =
Saint would wake and yawn, he had slept in his armor all night and was a pit sore from having it on. He removed the helmet and looked over at the king, he layed out sleeping peacefully. Sanit would smile and remove the rest of his armor now wearing the gray shirt and sweat pants. He would walk over and pet the king softly on the head and then he would walk over to the window and look out at the kingdom, it would be about 9 or so in the morning and the sun would shine bright over the land. He would yawn and turn to the bath room heading in and washing up. After washing up he'd head to the door and open it steping out and looking for ark and typhona. Ark would be in the dining area of the palace and she would wave to saint, he'd smile and wave back as he kept looking fo typhona. He would find him still sleeping in his room and saint would chuckle and head back to the kings room where the king would still be sleeping, " Wow, still asleep. " Saint would say as he went over to the kings desk looking at some of the books on it. Most of them being how to books but one under the rest ccatches Saints eye, he moves the books aside and picks up an odd looking one. He opens it and slwoly begins to study it, its a spell book, Saint would think to him self, " A spell book... what would his majesty be doing with a spell book.. " Saint would set it down and return the desk to the way it was before he moved it, he would look over at the king and wounder.
Saint would return to his room and sit down taking his armor with him as he went. He would look out thhe window and get a book and bein to read it, his thoughts drift to the king and the events at the cliff. He would shake these thoughts and return to reading after a bit he would stand and strech. Turning in to the washroom and cleaning up. Then he would sit back down and return to his work, other than being a guard in his spare time staint was a healer. He studies herbs and medicine. He recently had been working on a new type of healing potion. He sits there for some time working and then yawns, he streches and decides to take a walk around the palace. He steps out of his room and walks around the palace, heading to the guardens in the back of the palace. Once there he stands out in the middle of the field and gazes up at the moon. He would sit back on the grass and watch the stars, moon and the clouds. Saint would lay back and close his eyes thinking.
Then he would hear some one sit donw next to him, he would open one eye to see who it was. There siting next to him would be the king. Saint would jump to his feet and salute him. The king would look up and speak, " Saint please. For now lets just relax. " The king lays back and closes his eyes, saint would lay back down and glance over at the king. He would be laying down, his eyes closed, he seems to glow in the moon light. Saint would blush softly and turn up looking at the clouds. Then he think " I... I'm going to tell him... I can't take this any more I have to tell him " Then saint would close his eyes and take a deep breath befor sitting up. But as he would go to speak the king would stop him, the king would be sitting up and turned towards saint. Saint's blush would begin to fade slightly. " Y-your majesty? " Saint would say as the king looked at him, an odd look in his eyes. " Saint... I.... I have feelings for you... " Saints eyes would widen and the blush would come back and become much deeper in color. " Y-our m-maje- " Saint would be cut off by the king kissing him softly on the lips. Saint would blush deeply and softly kiss back, wraping his arms around the king lightly. The king would respond by wraping his arms around saint and then breaking the kiss to gaze deeply in to saints eyes. Saint would be speechless, simply gazing deeply back at the king. " S-saint. I... Do you know my name? " Saint would shake his head, relizing that he didn't know it even though all the time they've been around eachother. The king would nod softly and lay against saint. " My name is Dare. " Saint would nod softly and pet Dare's head and back gently. The two would then sit there cuddling under the stars.