LiM Ch12: Infiltration

Story by Shinkada on SoFurry

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If you don't like guys, girls, furres, sex or love, violence (Not in yiff) or if you're too young (18, 21 in some places, just ask the police "Hey, am I allowed to read sexy bisexual furre stories on the net?") or any of that, CLOSE TEH WINDOW NOWS! All characters are copyright me, Shinkada, and are used with my permission, with the exception of Coda, who is copyrighted to Coro, and used with his permission. This story is a bit mushy at times, so if you don't want lurve, buzz off. Anyone who bugs me "OMG MORE YIFF PLOX" will get castrated by Okhami himself. I put in enough of it already to get you off AT LEAST once per every few chapters. If you're still not satisfied take a cold shower. ***'s represent a change of scenery or time. ---'s represent a non-critical yiff scene, fan service to shut up the wailing masses. Please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story without whining about it. It's a good story. I like it. A sidenote; if you'd like to write a story set in the same universe as this, by all means, feel free. As long as you give me credit for it, as long as you inform me that you're going to do it via e-mail ([email protected]), and as long as you don't try and mess with my, or Coro's character/s, I don't mind. In fact if someone good writes a story I'd be quite honoured. Just make sure you tell me first, and don't mess anything up. (This is the second last chapter of LiM. Originally this was going to be just one bigger-than-usual chapter. I was so happy with how it went into a cliffhanger, though, that I just HAD to split it up. I'm still pissed at the low views, also. Enjoy, if you bloody read it, since I'm still miffed at all you perverts who never touch a No Yiff story. A final note: Yeah, there are a lot of references in this. A lot more than people would realize. Grant is a tribute to someone, although now I've gone and forgotten who. Shinda Hibana is a reference to one of my old Furc characters. Ken is a reference to my recently-departed grandfather who fought in WW2. Hisoka is inspired by the Hunter X Hunter character of the same name, though not nearly as evil. Zig, that should be obvious. Kira's a 2142 buddy of mine who can drive an attack chopper like nobody else. The movement, at least in my head, of Furies, is inspired by Full Metal Panic. At least, I think it was Full Metal Panic. Ash was a tribute to someone I knew RL who was, like Ash here, a typical black guy (what with the rap and drinking and whatnot) who was secretly one of the smartest/wisest people I've ever met. The point is, there's lots of references, and most people won't catch half of 'em.) -Shinkada * * *


  • * * ***CHAPTER 12: Infiltration*** "This is it." I was tingling. I was shivering. I was shaking. And before I knew it, my team had to drag me away from the Zig's (as I found out Kira's ship was called) turrets. I needed something to alleviate the tension; the only thing I could think of was to blow meteors out of the sky, but right now we had to remain undetected. Blowing up meteors would make us very detectable. "Oh come on, just a couple rocks, it'll be just like they exploded on their own," I whispered back to my team, who replied by having a few paws reach forward and grip my muzzle closed. I grumbled for a moment, before I gave up and dropped to the ground, sitting back. The paws remained for a moment, making sure I was going to shut up, then withdrew, at which point I simply curled up catlike. I was good at being patient, but only when I had something to distract me. I could be patient when hunting enemies because I focused on learning their movements and habits. Right now, it was just a matter of waiting for the ship, moving slowly due to not being able to use thrusters while remaining 100% undetectable, to arrive at the Ion Satellite. We'd been flying for about four hours. We were just lucky the Satellite was sitting still: The fact it was just above Earth's atmosphere when it first fired on us was proof that it was capable of movement, and pretty damn fast too. "One more hour," Kira had whispered after poking her head through the door. Before I knew it, I conceded to the one thing I could think of doing; sleeping. *** So you can imagine that it was a bit of a surprise when I woke up to the sound of an explosion and the Zig rocking so badly I thought that I must have been blasted into space already. Instantly I was on my footpads, one paw against the wall while I raced towards the cockpit. With a glance back, I saw that the rest of my team was either unconscious, or clinging to the walls just to stay still. I snarled, earrings dangling in my ears despite the chaos of the situation, and flung open the door to the cockpit. This ended up being a bit of a mistake - the front screen of the Zig was completely shattered, and both pilots were nowhere to be seen, though the presence of blood on the edges of the shattered glass was a suggestion. I quickly shut the door behind me, footpads heavy to keep myself from being sucked out or losing balance - even damaged as it was, the Zig was still generating its gravity - thankful for my not needing to generate oxygen. I took the pilot's seat, frowning at the controls as my mind raced to remember them. I forced the ship out of stealth mode, almost tearing out the visor as I pulled it over my eyes, and being just as rough with the controls as I pushed the stick to the side then jerked it back, spare paw jamming down the thrusters. I pumped more adrenaline into my system, senses speeding to the point where things seemed to slow, just in time to see the approaching Satellite fire off a huge laser bolt. I had plenty of time to spare as I half-rolled the ship, the bolt barely sailing over the top of the ship. As if in frustration, the Satellite completely opened fire, demonstrating its second use as a warship as about 50 turrets began firing. Thankfully, they were all automatic. A normal pilot would have no trouble dodging them, let alone me in my heightened senses. The lasers didn't even come close as I arced to the side, swinging wide of the satellite then pulling around again to begin a spiraling circle, rapidly getting closer to the spire of the satellite while easily dodging all lasers. My eyes glanced over at our power - plenty to spare - and when I thought we were close enough, I cut off the main thrusters, giving the reverse thrusters a quick tap to stop us completely, then darted the same paw to the console and raised the energy shields. Only a moment later, as lasers practically clouded my view, I jammed on the thrusters again, rocketing the ship directly towards the satellite. Biting my tongue in concentration, I scanned over the hull. Eventually I found a thin point relatively close by and, waiting until we were practically in front of it, I fired two torps into it. They just barely broke through the hull of the satellite, the hull of the Zig breaking apart the rest, just as thick metal shutters slid down to cover the hole behind us in defense. I had just enough time to smash in (and in the process, completely destroy) the button for the reverse thrusters, lessening our crash from a bloody, compacted mess into about 30 G's and a year-long headache. I stared out the shattered window for a moment, panting heavily as the tension and adrenaline caught up with me. The inside of the satellite was extremely dark - there were no lights on, other than various blue neon glows from the side walls. The hall was extremely large, for a hall, and I could barely see the ceiling. Our ship, despite being fairly big, only took up about a third of the width of the hall. I continued to stare, noting that the metal 'consoles' on the walls, with the blinking lights, seemed to serve absolutely no purpose other than decoration, before I stumbled out of the seat and into the back to check for survivors. I pushed the door open and sighed. The walls were covered in blood, with dead furres, skulls either dented or completely cracked open, lying around the flood. One was even stuck to the wall, I noted grimly. "Son of a BITCH!" I jerked my head to the side, eyes wide, instantly recognizing the unusually angry voice of Hisoka. He gave me a half smile as he rubbed his head, having just emerged from a side room, blood covering one side of his face. Over his shoulder was an unconscious, but mostly intact, Ken. I sighed in relief that the two of them, that anyone at all, had survived, and nodded. "We holed up in one of the turret rooms. It was small, so we were able to steady ourselves. At least, I was. Ken lost his balance near the end, I think his arm's dead, but he isn't so it's fine," Hisoka said as I looked around a moment, then booted the side hatch open. I jumped out and turned, catching Ken as Hisoka unceremoniously dropped him down, then jumped out himself. The exact second that I put Ken down and turned away, I heard a groan of confused pain and turned my head to see Ken wearily force his eyes open. Hisoka chuckled behind me, saying something about the convenience of Ken's 'sleeping pattern'. Before he could snap out of his daze long enough for a retort, there were heavy footfalls from down the hall. My eyes widened and I sprung towards the ship. Hisoka and Ken both pulled out rifles, though as they aimed down, ready for on comers, I quickly ran back and grabbed them. Pulling us all towards the wall, I quickly took advantage of the thick hull, hollowing it out a little and sealing us inside. Luckily, neither of them struggled. Thanks to a trick I'd learnt similar to a one-way mirror, we were able to watch the guards come in. Fully-armoured, fully-armed drakes, sporting extremely heavy armour and various laser-class weaponry. 'Even with MY blades,' I thought silently, 'that might take a few hacks to get through.' What looked like a squad leader stayed outside with a few guards while the rest stormed into our obliterated craft. They all emerged not a few moments later, carrying anywhere from one to four bodies each. I saw, from the corner of my eye, as Hisoka smirked, as they also brought out my, Hisoka and Ken's 'corpses'. My own fake body, made from a light, flexible material that, while technically a metal, wasn't unlike plastic, was given to the squad leader. A smirk and salute later, and they were off where they came from. *** "So what you're saying is that those fakes you made are the closest thing to real furres possible?" "Yup." "And even if they cut them open, they'll bleed and have real organs and everything?" "Well... Not real. But you know. They'll look, feel and react real. Since I'm almost entirely metal on the inside and all that, and since I can control any kind of metal, I kind of instinctually know anatomy pretty well. Well... I guess you and Ken will technically have canine anatomy. But I doubt they'll bother cutting up every soldier, so hopefully it'll be fine," I finished whispering as we made our way through the walls. Ken stayed quiet, though Hisoka looked like he was ready for more questions before I interrupted him with a paw. "Shh. There's a lot of commotion close to here... It's not formal... Maybe the crew's sleeping quarters," I whispered so even they could barely hear me, and began moving forward again, though this time much slower. It wasn't slow enough evidently, as I felt my consciousness reach out and find, to my utter shock, nothing. Strong, fluorescent light filtered through the hole I'd inadvertently created. I'd somehow failed to sense the end of the wall, and ended up emerging straight into the quarters. Half a second later, and the three of us had about 200 lasers trained on our faces. "Oh shit," Ken and Hisoka collectively muttered, their paws instantly going up into the air, whereas my first impulse was to send my consciousness through the ground, up into the walls, and attempt to make the hull spike inwards and impale each and every one of their skulls. The walls shivered, which no one else seemed to notice, but didn't do anything else. I had to put half my efforts into stopping the growl that almost erupted from me, before trying again. No luck. "Uh, Okhami, make with the walls or whatever could you?" Hisoka whispered, eyes darting back and forth nervously. "I -can't-, they're... Not budging, at all. I can't even sense them anymore." "You're joking..," he whispered, but was shut up as one of the soldiers came forward, a particularly dirty looking red drake. He placed the barrel of the gun against my forehead and leered at me with teeth that almost made me want to just give up and die. "Ahhh, let me guess, you're that metal freak right? The one that fox-bastard warned us about. Heh. He also said you wouldn't be able to manipulate stuff anymore. What a shame. Luckily for you, he said to bring you alive..," he practically dribbled. He was positively vile, and my senses were half overwhelmed with his near-decaying breath, and half overwhelmed to slit his throat then and there. And then, he trained the pistol on Ken. "Fortunately for us, he didn't say anything about friends," gave a giggle, and pulled the trigger. As I heard the fraction of a second space where the energy flows through the gun to power the crystal inside, my paw blurred up to block the way. I was relieved that the laser didn't just go through my flesh and straight through Ken's head, but instead deflected as my paw turned into a laser-reflective substance and blew straight through the drake's pistol, then his head, singing the cheek of another before becoming nothing but a black mark on the far wall. "I guess he forgot to mention I can also modify mySELF, then?" I asked, covering my relief with a confident smirk. "That fox-bastard lied to us!" I heard a few shout, before they collectively let out a battle cry, drew their melee weapons and charged us. I pushed Ken and Hisoka back a bit, their blades bouncing harmlessly off my 'fur'. They weren't so lucky, as when I pulled loose one of my blades and slashed it in front of me, releasing the trigger I'd been holding for a few seconds, every last one of them fell in two from the bright, cyan edge that slashed through the air, creating one long, black mark against the far wall. Frankly, I was happy I didn't end up just cleaving the entire ship in two. "Man those swords are useful," Hisoka muttered. Ken just nodded his head in approval. "I know. I'll have to thank my old man when I get back. Come on, let's go kill the moron in charge of all this then get the hell off this giant floating chunk of metal." Although I tried to act confident and in charge, the only thing going through my mind as we exited the crew quarters, using the door, was why I was no longer able to modify the satellite's hull. *** That ended up being the least of our troubles. The previous room was ONE of the crew quarters. One of -many-. And I really do mean many. Apparently they all had communicators on them, somewhere, and that one cabin being obliterated had alerted the rest. We stepped outside to an absolute sea of soldiers rushing us from around a corner down the hallway. I was able to let off another charge-slash from my offhand blade, which downed pretty much every drake in the hallway, but more just filtered right in to trod over their corpses and engage us. Thankfully, while they were all heavily armed, they weren't really heavily trained. I was worried about Ken and Hisoka, but these seemed to be all those from the Drake Wars that didn't participate. They had enough trouble swinging a sword in the right direction, let alone countering when one of us invariably dodged it or, in my case, simply ignored it and decapitated them. The problem though was that the flow wasn't stopping, at all. Well. The movement had stopped, because no more drakes could actually fit around us. But each time someone went down, another one bolted in to replace him. It wasn't long before I was being hit from every direction, partially because I didn't want to waste energy on dodging, partially thanks to my eyes being covered in blood. I was basically swinging blind. I had no idea how the other two were coping, and couldn't see long enough to look. It seemed like hours - it actually may have been - before I finally saw the break of the soldiers in between the ranks, flicking my head back to get the blood out of my face. I almost slipped every time I moved since I was now hopping over corpses. Not between; the floor was absolutely covered in scales and blood now, so there was no 'between'. As I shook more blood from my face, cringing as I felt gore dripping down my body, I could barely see enough to see Hisoka and Ken tiredly dodging and slashing through. They were both incredibly worn out, and I didn't blame them, even I would have been if I had have had to dodge as well as attack. Not to mention, to their weaker swords, drakes usually took more than one slash to go down unless it was a critical area. Finally, I finished off the last few around me, and sped to help the other two. It seemed just in time, as I interrupted a few hits that would have otherwise connected from the drakes around them. A few more seconds, and that was the end of them. And my teammates, it seemed, as they both passed out from exertion and the few wounds they'd received. With a tired sigh myself, I dragged them both to a corner, grunting as I expended the last of my strength and wrapped their wounds in some shreds from my tragically tattered trench coat. In a move that would probably be strange to others I pulled my eyes out, fumbling a bit as I grasped for my water flask and washed the blood off of them, then put them back in, blinking as I re-attached the nerves and blinked to try and make them feel comfortable again. I afforded Ken and Hisoka some consideration, dripping some water in their eyes to try and wash out any blood that had gotten in, then gave up my limbs to create a metal covering to both half-hide and protect us during the rest. "Good thing I don't need to paw off after a fight like that," I mumbled, as in my current only-torso-and-head state, I would have been quite a good source of comedy, and drifted off. *** And apparently I was right to take the time to clean my eyes out. Ken and Hisoka woke me up with groans of pain, then muffled curses as I sat up and watched them trying to rub the remainder of the now-dried blood from their eyes. I helped them as best as I could, offering them water from my flask, but I doubted their vision would be very good until we got back to base for proper medical attention. "You two," I mumbled, reforming one arm and looking through the hole its absence had created for any more guards, "Are going to be of NO use in your current state. You can barely see. Plus, I don't think there's any more guards. I want you two to look for anything that'll be of use to us, and then try and find escape pods. These guys might be holding some war prisoners or something, so just turn the place inside out. Under no circumstances are you to try and engage anyone in your current states, got that?" They agreed, if reluctantly. They were both brave men, and loyal to their current commander, but thankfully unlike most brash heroes, they weren't foolish. Tired, sore and only just able to see enough to get by and maybe find the escape pods, they nodded, stood, and walked off as I reformed my other three limbs. "That," I muttered after they were out of sight, "And I'd never forgive myself if anyone but me got the killing blow on Lance." *** As I'd expected, no more guards interrupted me. I'd unformed and reformed my clothes to get the blood completely out (washing machines eat your hearts out), and made my way deeper into the satellite. It seemed to gradually be spiraling up, though the dramatic-ness of the whole ordeal kind of faded into irony when I double-took and realized I'd passed an actual elevator a while back. *** "How am I even supposed to see, even if we DO find pods?" "What're you talking about? I can see just fine." "... How is it that an old man has better sight than me?" "Well, for one thing my vision isn't blurry from blood loss from my arm being half, y'know. Off." Hisoka grunted and looked away. Indeed, his arm was attached merely by half a bone and a chunk of skin. And, indeed, he had lost a huge amount of blood from it. Ken, on the other hand, he noted, was almost unscathed save for some medium gashes in very uncritical areas. While he was a tad bitter, his respect for the panther climbed. Not to mention, Hisoka always did have a thing for the old dignified types. *** I emerged from the elevator doors at the second highest floor the elevator would take me to. I'd learnt, after almost being sucked off the goddamn satellite, that the highest floor was either a trap or just a really dumb way of letting engineers move around and led straight onto the 'roof'. Either way, I ended up coming face to face with a staircase on my left, and a small-but-ominous door at my front. It had a few embroideries on it, enough to signal it was important, but not enough to look out of place in the otherwise high-tech environment. I gulped softly, butterflies in my stomach, and without wasting anymore time, I opened the door, and was engulfed in more darkness. A couple of steps forward, and the door closed behind me with a smooth slip. Now, I was completely engulfed in black. I couldn't see, there was no noise, and without my ability to craft outside metal I couldn't even sense anything. I took another, more careful step, and two blue neon lights lit up in the floor either side of me, not really illuminating the way, but certainly showing off. "Look at this, now he's even ripping off Chro-" I began, but was interrupted as lights leading up to yet another door lit up. I rolled my eyes, getting a little tired of the melodrama, and before the door had a chance to open, I outright kicked it off its track, sending the door flying into the next room. I glared a little at the sight inside. This was, invariably, the cockpit and central command. While the same blue lights dotted the wall and gave it an alien blue glow, there was another small source of light in the form of three windows, one on the left and right and one dead in front. While there weren't any planets or suns in front of us to illuminate the room, just general space was lighter than the inside of our craft, so that gave a bit more light to the room. In the middle of the room, and at the sides, were breaks in the platform we were standing on that were emitting a red glow. In front of me, his back to me, stood a hooded figure. "Well, well... I finally caught up with you," I half snarled as I began to slowly, heavily walk forward, the echo of paws hitting metal ricocheting around the room. When I got to the rounded-square gap in the middle of the platform, I looked down and saw a huge vat of what looked, effectively, like lava. 'Most likely the top of the ion cannon, considering our position,' I thought, and with a single clank from my paws, I leapt over it, landing with a heavy crash that echoed for a good few seconds. "Good to finally find you again, Lance," I hissed, but the last word I growled, injecting as much hatred into the word as I could. The hooded figure in front of me gave a chuckle, and let his robes drop. Underneath was medium infantry armour, barely enough to hinder my blade but enough to block weaker laser shots. He paused for a moment, assumedly for dramatic effect as I stared angrily purely at the ears that gave him away as a fox. "I'm here for everyone you killed, Lance. The ion cannon killed so many... You killed Kit. What did she do to you? She was nice to all the other Captains... You killed my friend, Tero... You even killed your own Goddamn brother, Lance! Drake... Drake was a great fox! He taught me so damn much, and when I was pulled into the LiQUID METAL project he was the only one around like me! He gave me support in an issue that only one other person gave me support in... And you almost killed our entire army... You almost killed EVERYONE! Is that what you wanted, you sick fuck?!" I screamed at him. By now I was almost in tears, and was snarling heavily, lips curled back. I could see red begin to creep into my vision, and I was only as sad as I was absolutely furious. Lance seemed to be chuckling, which only made me angrier. "You killed your own... Damn... Brother... Your own blood! And now you sit here... LAUGHING!" My voice continued to rise, and on that last word I drew both my blades, chest rising and falling as I held them either side of me. Finally, still chuckling, Lance turned around. For a few seconds I continued to glare at him. Lance just continued to smirk at me, as if he was waiting for something. Then, like a fucking meteor, it hit me. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. My brain whirred in my head, my snarl slowly lowering until it became a disbelieving, barely-open-mouthed stare. Finally, I realized what was amiss. My blades clattered to the floor, my legs trembled and I almost just fell to my knees. 'Lance' had no scars.