Venturing: Swiss Rull
Venturing: Swiss Rull
Leaning against the wall behind me, I stared out onto the peaceful horizon before me where streets were empty and sidewalks were filled with thousands of dragons, heading left and right to continue their day. Fields of laugher and loud talking were amongst those citizens as smiles emerged from their faces, dragging their hatchlings over the sidewalk's surface with rushing feet heading into one direction. I exhaled a sigh and shook my head, saying nothing in the following silence while raising my arms. Crossing them over my chest as the afternoon rolled on by with the sun hanging high above our very city. I was ordered to patrol and scout the NorthWestern side of Vaster, mainly because of the crime that were committed here. But also at the same time, that culprit whom had always came to our town in occasion.
I had always wonder why the culprit had came to our town. 'Intended to steal something', I thought in answer. But my head shook at it while I continued staring out in front. Silence rang overtop of my ears as my wings flapped upon the windless air surrounding me. My legs hurt in pains and needles soon after and I realized that I had needed to walk. So pushing myself off from the wall behind me was the time I had decided to walk down the remains of the sidewalk I was on, heading Southward towards the station itself. Yet the thoughts about the culprit was still fresh in our mind as my eyes narrowed, I growled lowly in response to the silence. For once again, I pondered about the culprit with thoughts popping inside my head. Trying to predict and answer about the questions I had. None of which were even right and just stupid or vague based on the information we had.
My claws clenched as I rounded the corner, heading down a new sidewalk path with new stores over to my right side. I knew it was impossible to pinpoint the culprit alone. But it was also impossible to know where he is and what is he doing in that particular side however. Even to the committed crimes this culprit had done was also impossible as well, considering that we never had any idea as to what the stolen items he would be doing. A short pause dragged my feet to level ground while my eyes closed and I exhaled a breath that was stressing my dry throat after a while. I opened my eyes as I watched the others walked by me. Some happy to see me. But so few of them, not so much however. I chose to ignore them and continue walking, grabbing onto my walkie and held it there as the first of many shot out.
"So we were able to identify the culprit after several crimes. But we are unable to know where he or she is?" I heard the voice spoke out which I preceded it as Yang. She seemed frustrated that we were unable to catch her. Let alone allowing our culprit to steal many items as needed. Considering that we do not know its endgame, or rather his finish project, we knew we cannot predict when and where he would strike at all. A tightening of my fangs remained my answer of a frustrating morning of chasing and tailing against him. But that was cut short when hatchlings looked at me with fear in their eyes. Their parents held them close and stepped aside which allowed me through. I kept silent while the next few continued on. "Although, the only things we were able to gather was the bird seeds that this culprit needed." "That was only temporarily, Kyro." Zander pointed out, anger seeping through his voice as I lowered the volume of my walkie in order to prevent hearing loss by some dragons surrounding me.
"Still..." Kyro defended, "it is the only lead we got so far." A dead following silence confirms it and I find myself growling in disappointment. With anger already building up from the depths of my stomach and my eyes narrowing down, I had wanted to punch something to vent out the anger I had after that last few chases that ended up winning the culprit with an escape. Some thoughts entered my mind that pertains towards the culprit at hand. I said nothing while the conversation continued onward, "Regardless, we are to find the culprit. Had stolen something in the morning. Now, we are here in the afternoon searching for him." I heard Kyro informed everyone. "That is true. But it is early afternoon. So it is possible for the culprit to already be attacking at this very moment." Yang added, "Perhaps towards any other part of town that does not have an officer patrolling the spot." Comment Zander, perhaps underneath his breath that neither of us was able to hear him.
Although the silence, I breathed out and directed my eyes upon where I was walking. As the sidewalk had almost reached its end and bringing me up towards the crossing, I searched the area a bit and stared down onto the buildings that were to my side. Towards some lampposts that sticks out from the grounds underneath it, I kept checking onto the doors of the stores before pulling my eyes away from them and stopped upon the edge of the sidewalk. Staring out towards the horizon. Another round of talking had came, but I choice to ignore them and focus my attention onto my own. As I pondered and have an inner conversation with myself, I shoved my claws into my pants and flapped my wings several times in annoyance. But the flapping soon stopped shortly while I had noticed several dragons already looking my way. I closed my eyes and opened them again, kept my eye upon the stores across the roads once again. Directing my eyes upon the red white signs that each of the stores had, I read out towards myself. 'Open'. Yet I pressed the button unknowingly upon my walkie speaking out a question to the rest of the unit. "Guys, do you think that our culprit attacks stores that are close? And are not in broad daylight such as this?" "Considering that he decided to raid a store in the morning, I had doubt he has not. His brain must be pea if he thinks no other officer was there."
"But he has escaped." Zander countered with a strange growl adding, "He had raided several stores and came out unscatered afterwards. But the stores on the other hand, were prompted close towards their bankruptcy. Because of the owners and the corporation not wanting to risk another attack and their stolen goods." "So what will he attack next?" Questioned Kyro, but the silence answered him instead. For no one was able to meet that question. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips that even I would not answered either. I shook my head to rid the thoughts that persisted within before setting my eyes out towards the new horizon ahead. I had found myself upon a new sidewalk; the stores were towards my left now. So few stores were identified and were good friends with the Police. The majority however, were not. I stared at the other stores, watching the light from the letters flickered from time to time. Before pulling my eyes away from them, I turned my attention towards the other end of the road. For something there had taken my interest.
A tilt of my head came in answer while I walked the distance over. Suddenly pulled up to a stop at something that was before my feet. Looking upon the sidewalk had landed me down with a drawing of a building or what seems to be a building however. With only two colored squares, identified as windows and lights, were positioned in an organized matter upon the larger building. I frowned as the conversation from the walkie picked up again. But before it could deluged further, I interrupted it with something else in mind. "Do you guys know about a drawing of a building... Or what seems to be a building upon the sidewalks?" "What is it? Drawn in chalk or something?" Zander asked, though curiosity strike at his tone while I confirmed answer with him. "Interesting..." He trailed in answer. Silence came shortly before Kyro questioned me, " According to you, 'A shape of a building'? What is that?" "A larger square of some sort." I answered back, "'A larger square' ?" He echoed before adding, "Where are you?" "Stationed NorthWest of Vaster. Nearby the sidewalks with stores on the left side, by identity..." I trailed and looked over my shoulder, fixing my gaze upon the stores as I took one randomly right off the bat "The fish store." "Oh that place!" Interrupted Maujur, who came into the conversation late which startled both me and Kyro.
While Yang was radioing her in about the confirmed and rumored informations and facts that was presented onto the table, Kyro answered back at me "Alright. I'd be there. Can you send a pic to send to group? Would love to see this square." "it is a bit interesting..." I trailed off, lowering my eyes upon the sidewalk below me. A small smile escaped my lips. With both Maujur and Kyro gone, Yang piped up addressing herself towards me. She said, "So a larger square huh? This could provide some hints as to the location of the culprit however." "It only works at nighttime, Yang." I commented, taking notice of the moon shape above the square. "Or at least that how I interpret it however." Yang echoed me as if she had to be reminded twice about something. With a long trail of silence and the seconds ticking by, I rose my head and looked to the horizon while I continued with the patrol. But as I walked, my thoughts returned to that square again. I frowned, though a tilt of my head pondered about the obvious clue that we were given.
'What does it mean...' I pondered to myself.
A few seconds after the thinking had landed me upon the next corner of the sidewalk. A green small model tower was adjacent to me. I turned towards it in response, staring up and down upon its height. As I traced over it with my eyes, I tilted my head to one side and frowned though I had addressed it with the other guys. Fortunately, the other officers found something similar to what I had saw and a long conversation came afterwards in response while I stayed silent listening to them. For the time being, I turned my head back towards the model again and took in the details of what makes it a building. It was tall and solid. It reaches upon my waistline. But I paid no attention to its width as I perhaps was not important. I pressed onto the walkie again to voice my concerns, speaking about the same model again this time with the addressed height. A few gaps in response before Kyro spoke out to me, "I guess we knew where you are now, Ling." "How ya know?" I questioned, "I never addressed the street or building that you guys are familiar with." "True. But it is the building however. I mean... where else would we see a building that is the height of five to six feet? Hm?" "Oh yeah..." I finished as Kyro mentally grinned.
"So I take it you knew where this is..." Yang questioned Kyro who confirmed it before adding, "We should meet up over there. Another clue might be waiting for us there." "It could be a trap however." Zander trailed despite no one answering to him. A stressed huff came while I break into a smile, chuckling softly to myself before spreading my wings and take off into the skies once again. Flying Eastward towards the destination.
We all gathered up upon one particular building. Natty and Zander raised their eyes high, looking to the rooftops in hopes of finding some sort of flag. Meanwhile, Kyro was staring elsewhere. His back was turned to me. As I joined their group, Natty and Zander were the first to greeted me. After which came Kyro. With the four of us gathered, we turned our attention towards the brown steel door in front where Maujur and Abavina were located. They seemed to be talking to one another. But it was not police related. While I whistled to gain their attention, their eyes shifted and met with my own. A smile crept upon their faces as they grabbed onto the doors. Opening it up, we walked inside with the two following close behind. I nudged Kyro "Get the attention of Yang" The red dragon nodded and raised his walkie, pressing onto the white button to report everything that we had seen.
In front of us was an empty hallway. The lights flickered above us. As I stared onto the horizon, I had noticed Natty and Zander already jumping forth upon the silence. Kyro turned to me and I met his gaze. Neither of us spoke before we followed down the pair of troublemakers. Luckily however, the hallway was very short and upon reaching the end, we reached a single large room. A poster emerged upon our gazes. White it was, with something drawn upon it. I stepped forth, bypassing Zander and Natty as they turned to me in surprise. But held their tongues while everyone watches me walking closer to the poster. I raised my eyes. I gazed at the poster for a moment before stepping back. To view the overall picture from a larger scale. The poster was huge and the drawing seemed smaller than that. A long line passes upon the diameter of the poster. It was dressed in blue. A number three, followed by two marks after it. Tilting my head to one side, I motioned the others to step forth to my line. They did as ordered and came closer towards the poster than intended before Kyro exclaimed,
"Wait a second..." He replied, taking a hard look upon what was before him. We all looked over his shoulder, wondering what he had meant. However, before his lips could part, we hard Yang's voice over the walkie. "Everyone withdraw from the location immediately." Nothing else came. We held it at face value. Although exchanging looks to one another, we walked back to the entrance again. From there was when we parted, but not before Kyro telling us this 'Three inches away from important landscapes.' We were all confused by what he had meant by this. Even Kyro was growling and punching at Kyro's side, demanding an explanation as to the statement alone. But Kyro kept quiet. One by one, we spread our wings and takes off into the skies. We went separate directions while my walkie wailed over the silence once again, "Everyone. Return to patrol. Ling, come to the Police station immediately." "Is there an emergency?" I questioned her, but she kept silent as a line of 10-4's came as response. So without warning, I tilted my right wing and changed course. Heading straight for the station, wondering what Yang had wanted.
Landing in front of the station, I heard a chime that rang out into the silence of the night. Looking up from the doors in front of me, I gaze at the clocktower. It reads 'midnight'. I pondered over its meaning besides the obvious however. Although, I could not figure it out, I shook my head and rid the following thoughts while starting for the door. I headed inside, A fresh breath of air washes over me, freezing my body temperature as I found myself shivering and flinching at the sudden coldness. Trying my best to ignore it, I stepped forward and gaze around. The station was empty no doubt. But I had wondered where, Yang was. It never took long for her to show up however. As she opened the door to her office over to the right of me, she turned her attention towards me and smiled only briefly before that faded off. We found ont another in silence. Unable to talk to one another. As I gulped and shifted uncomfortably, Yang walked up to my side, grabbed onto my claw and led me out the doors. Back onto the streets once again, we stand our groups. Looking at one another in the eye momentarily. Then Yang breaks the silence.
"Ling." "What?" I answered, blinking once while staring at her. "I had checked with the R7 and Chaos themselves. We are going to be in a unfair fight from this day forward." "What do you mean?" I prompted her, her face grew pale and she gaze away while her wings started flapping in weird anxious angles. Then turned towards me before responding, "Our culprit that we were chasing? It is fake. Nothing more than an illusion from the real goal. However, this plot is not from Chaos. R7 never planned this either." "Then whose the real enemy?" I asked, a bit nervous in my tone of voice while our eyes met again. Her expressions changed. She held one claw upon my shoulder lifting her head to the night skies and held it there. The walkie briefed soundly, but silenced came afterwards. She released my shoulder again and spoke as she drew closer towards me. I could feel her breath upon my face as her voice drops to a whisper. "It is an egg. An politician egg whose goals are unknown. Yes I know this sounds crazy. But hear me out on this next piece of information."
I nodded slowly as she parted from me. Our eyes met again before her lips parted and added to the silence surrounding us, "He is hiding. Somewhere between the Order and Chaos realms. Chaos's R7, their allies and the new organization are looking for him. It had seemed that Syvion, Collax and Zephyr are working together to aid Chaos and find him." "So what are we doing? Join the main hunt?" I asked, Yang shook her head and frowned. "No. We are to stay back and watch them. But coordinate with the Ravens to find and relay information straight to Chaos." I slowly nodded, although hesitate while I watched her. She also does not like the idea too. However, it was not their fight. They were only there to aid. So with a suppressed sigh, I looked up towards the night skies and fell silent as the looming fell overhead. It was a short while before the walkies start talking again, more frequently however. Tempted to turn it off, I was hesitated although my claw was indeed on the button. However, keeping myself at bay, I responded to Yang while raising my claw towards her cheek.
I whispered, "It is fine, I guess. VPD will happily response to the crisis that Chaos are facing." A short breath exhaled from my throat again while my eyes shut then opened, I looked to Yang. She breaks into a smile and suddenly hugged me before planting a kiss onto my cheek. Although red roses emerged in response, I coughed promptly and angrily before speaking to Yang. "Anyway, should we be preparing for this event?" "R... Right." She responded with a bit surprise tone in her voice as her eyes stared at mine for a moment, I chuckled in response before holding her claw tightly. "Right then. Since the unit is off finding this mysterious hint that we had found inside the hallway, I guess we should walk home." Yang nodded once again, a brief smile appeared upon her face as she giggled in response. I looked towards her in worry, but she shook her head and continued snickering on the way home.