Clown Mare 4-2


#15 of Clown Mare

Chapter 4.2

"The rock of the cliff was nearly twice the size of a griffon. However, It was coming straight towards me. After that I shut my eyes and then I was nearly at the hospital. It was still odd that none of my parents showed up."

Rane laid in bed and tucked herself tightly. A shed of water from her eyes as they nearly went down her face. She clearly didn't know what happened and can't remember what she did in the past few days. Noxis Kane however was sitting in that chair near the bed on the left side. Along with his best agent Aquara Darkmore. She was also wondering about Rane. Aquara looked at her knowing she saw that both of her wings are damaged pretty badly and her body shape with that many injuries.

She then smiled when Rane opened her eyes, "Dear Rane, I know this is a bad thing to discuss at this very moment of your own life. Well, you see Rane we believe the circus owned you for a moment however your family will be punished for their crimes against a fallen filly pegasus. The cost of both wings is a cost of both of your parents. In fact, it wasn't your fault. We believe both of your parents had been in an incident from the rock slide. Saving you in the process."

Rane shut her eyes and with a heavy sighed.

"Noxis we are a slave company; what do you think we should do to her?"

"A pony that suffered shouldn't be in the slave business; however, it will be light work till she gains consciousness. My money is great at this time however, we don't want the soul to suffer more damage."

Aquara looked down with her eyes slanted, "The price is way too high for a clown mare to even comprehend to fix your wings." She then stood up and walked out of the door.

Rane gulped down her throat, "Price?"

Noxis stood up and walked towards the door, "The price for even being here is meant for nobles and royalty. Since you don't have any relationships with them and not born a noble, I guess you're the clown mare who doesn't understand, know this dear that the cost of your both wings was the cost of your parent's death. The bill for all of this is truly massive considering it's only just a circus fee. You still don't have the money to pay it off so you'll be working at mooncrest to have the procedure to pay everything off."

He then walked out of the door.

Rane laid there with her face spreading water that dripped down from her face. She then felt that awful pain on both of her sides.

"Ever since that day I regret everything. I then became a new pegasus that can't fly yet. One of these days I will try to not be afraid of strong winds ever again."

Prince's Blue Dream put his left hoof out, "Come on now there shouldn't be so bad. Just a few more years till you can fly back to Cloudsdale."

Rane used her right hoof with that smile upon her face knowing the future was going to be hard for herself.