The Unintended Curse ch6
#6 of The Unintended Curse
Ch. 6
'Well hopefully that should shut all those girls up.' I thought as I finally situated myself into a new and improved Lisa. 'Though I'd love to get her up and have a look at my work, I'm just too tired. I hope Lisa likes what I've done to her.' I thought as I settled myself within her body and fell asleep myself.
"Come on, Little Lisa. It's time to get to work." Someone said as they shook both Lisa and I awake. Lisa stirred but didn't wake up. "Little Li-sa...WAKE UP!!!" She shouted, effectively making Lisa jump out of her bed and land on the floor in her blanket with a resounding thump.
"Ouch!" Lisa said as she rubbed her head and her backside, as she'd hit the floor pretty hard. She looked over the bed and saw that it was Lilly, one of the actual cooks of the brothel. Unlike Hal, Lilly who was also a cook was still fairly thin but was obviously passed her prime due to her sagging body and laugh lines. Or as she would put it, 'I just choose to work in the kitchen where my fingers work their magic rather than my body'. She was wearing a pea green dress that had white trim, with brown triangles stitched into the bottom of a white apron she wore over her front, black hair that reached down to the middle of her back with a white scarf over her head to hold all that hair back, and sported several stains throughout the outfit.
Lisa looked out the window and saw that most of the day had passed and she knew that she needed to get ready for the new work day. "What's the big idea Lilly? Waking me up this early. It's Bells turn to help in the kitchen today." She said in a sleepy tone as she rubbed at her eyes.
"Don't give me that. You know that Bell never works her day in the kitchen and that means that the duty fall to you, 'Little Lisa'. Besides, you should have gotten used to the idea that your always going to be on kitchen duty." Lilly placed her hands on her hips. "So get up, get dressed in your kitchen outfit, and get into the kitchen." With that she turned and flipped her hair around.
"Oh, not again. Why is it always me that has to do the kitchen duties, when all of us are supposed to do it in daily shifts." I couldn't help but laugh at her private thought. 'God she annoys me more than Bell. It's like she's better than all of us, and will swear that her, Shit Don't Stink. When in truth, we need to leave all the windows open in here for the remainder of the night after she uses the outhouse.' Which was at the end of the building. Using the bed as a handrail she lifted herself up but faltered a little. "Must have stood up to quickly." She said, then walked over to get her kitchen cloths out of the wardrobe.
"God maybe I did eat something that made me sick." She said as wobbled on unsteady feet to the wardrobe to put her kitchen cloths on. When she got over to it, it took quite a bit longer than normal to actually get out of her nightgown as she had to constantly wiggle to and fro to pry it up her body. 'What's going on? Did my night cloths shrink during the night?' After a good few more minutes she finally got it off and hung back up, then took out her kitchen cloths. Though, when she tried to get those on, she had just as much trouble with night cloths and gave up after a few tries. "I just don't understand why my kitchen cloths don't fit me anymore." She said as she pulled off her kitchen gown and then looked at herself in the mirror.
For just a second she looked herself up and down in the mirror, then let a scream. The scream woke all the other girls in the room as they all shot up and several fell out of their beds. All the other girls looked up in a panic until they turned and saw us. I couldn't help but laugh at the other girls reaction, as they probably deserved being scared due to how Lisa had been treated in the past.
When I brought my attention back to Lisa it was to see her checking out her new body. She seemed much more interested in her larger breasts rather than the other areas I'd improved on, as she would squeeze them, pinch them, or such. 'I can't believe this.' She thought. 'It's like a dream come true. I've finally gotten the growth spurt that I'd been praying for.' A big smile spread across her face and she then stopped fooling around with her breasts and started checking out her other new improvements.
'I'll have to be more discreet when doing this in the future. She's drawn way to much attention to herself. I hope her idea of a growth spurt will be able to pass for a reasonable excuse for her new body.' I thought as I watched all the other girls from a side angle in the mirror either scowl at Lisa or curse under their breaths.
"Damn, new girl. Why'd she have to scream like that. That's going to leave a mark." One girl says as she lifts up her arm and stares at a dark spot on her arm that will likely turn into a nice purple bruise. "Wait a minute...Who is she? I don't remember seeing her before, and Hal didn't say about hiring anyone new on the staff."
"That's right." Said someone else. "Hay, new girl." She said, but Lisa paid her no mind as she was still checking out her new body. I could hear the girl's unclothed feet slowly walking over to us. "New girl." She said again, and yet again Lisa didn't turn to face her. Finally a hand landed on Lisa shoulders as she turned Lisa to face her. "I said...Lisa?"
Lisa breasts swayed gently as she turned to face the girl. "Loren? Ah Loren, can you believe it?" She pushed up her breasts. "Just like you said, I just had to be patient and I'd eventually grow into a, well, well endowed lady." Lisa said as she grabbed Loren's hands together in hers and smiled happily at her. From that point onward, all the other girls came over and started gawking at how Lisa had grown. Some even showed envy as to how well endowed she was.
This went on for a little while longer until there came a loud banging sound and all the girls turned towards the door. The door to the place looked to be implanted into the wall and Lilly was there fuming in the doorframe. "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!!!" She shouted. All the other girls quickly took off to their own beds and then quickly busied themselves with minor things. "LISA I TOLD, who are you?" She started across the room pointing at Lisa but stopped when she got a better look at us.
If this was some stupid story, you'd probably be seeing everyone on the floor in shock with their legs twitching in the air. (Author: Sorry, to many anime's) "Lilly, it's me, Lisa. I've finally grown up." She said with a bit of a bounce in her step as she met Lilly half way across the building.
Shock seemed to be the only emotion that was on her face, as she looked Lisa up and down her naked form. Finally Lilly shook her head and that seemed to get her mouth working again. "Little Lisa? But how is this Possible?" She asked in a obviously confused tone. "Their is no way that you could be that little girl that couldn't even attract the attention of possible..." She didn't get a chance to finish as the door to the place slammed open and Hal stood in the doorway.
'Oh shit. I didn't think of what would happen if he were to see her like this.' I thought as Hal just looked the room over then stopped dead in his observation of the room. Hal slowly raised his hands out in front of himself and made a groping motion with his hands. 'Pervert.' I thought as I watched him cross the room, still squeezing the air. It wasn't until his legs got caught up in someone's blanket that was tossed on the floor, that he stopped only to fall yet again onto his face. 'Hope that smacked some sense into him.'
After a few minutes Hal finally got to his feet and looked at Lisa. "By the gods. I don't remember hiring someone like you. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He said as he continued to stare at her now much more voluptuous body.
I finally had enough and moved her head down and she finally noticed where he was looking. She let a small squeal and then ran to hide behind the door of her wardrobe, with a deep blush finally sprouting over her much more angular features. After a few moments she finally got over her shy demeanor and then looked around the door. "It's me Hal, Lisa."
It took about an hour until things finally settled down since Lisa had awoken to her new form, but I could tell that the troubles were only just beginning.