RE: Wolf Moon Chapter 1

Story by CerberusWerewolfking on SoFurry

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#3 of Wolf Moon

*Note* I am remaking this series due to it not showing up and it needs revising. Please comment and rate and fav*

RE:Chapter 1: Alleyway Introduction

Today was a cold January night and from the looks and smells it was about to rain as well. I was on my nightly patrol near downtown by the library. So far it was a quite night.

I was getting bored just when on the communicator in my ear came to life with sound "Are you done yet nothing's happening tonight anyway."Kaleb yelled into my ear. Kaleb was one of my best friends and also a werewolf as well. He is 17, goes to my school, and is also my second in command.

"I just have a feeling something is going to happen" I explained. I was right the rain started to pour down. My favorite jacket was getting soaked. The red jacket and the 2 black stars on my shoulders were getting darker as the rain started to soak in. I put my hood over my head.

"Dam it I hate the fucking cold" I yelled

"Well everyone else has come back in for the night and you're going to catch a cold"

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I shut him up for once.

Just as I was about to give up a scream ripped through the air. It was coming from an alleyway west from me.

"Josh, there is activity to the west" Kaleb said.

"Thanks captain obvious" I replied "Is it vampires"

"I don't know go find out" OK he was pissing me off with that attitude of his.

I jumped rooftop to rooftop until another scream flew into the air. Two vampires were attacking a girl and blond and black hair teen. I jumped down and threw them off the girl. They came right back for some more. I punched the blond in the face the other in the gut. I dodged the blond's punch and grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the ground. Then I grabbed the second's head and slammed it into the wall. I heard the girl scream again I turned again to see the blond chasing her. I ran after him and grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed until his neck was crushed and I ripped his head off with ease. His partner went running but when I went to chase after him I remembered the girl I ran up to check on her.

I recognized her from school. Her name was Alice and she was a junior. I had Algebra II and English III with her. She is pretty with long brown hair, blue eyes, a little shorter than me. In usually don't talk to anyone outside of the pack so she didn't recognize me. Thank god!!!

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Do I know you?" She asked

"Sort of let me get you home." I said "Get on my back"

She looked at me with a confused look.

"Just get on" I told her.

She got here backpack and got on my back. I jumped onto the roof.

"How did you do that???" She was amazed

"Trade secret." I replied

"Where do you live?" I asked

"On Rain tree Trail. Do you need directions?" I looked worried.

"No I know where that is" I started to run north.

I ran onto roof to roof toward Carencro. She didn't live far from my grandmother's house about three blocks away.

"Here you go" I smiled (What!!! usually I'm not that social something must be going on)

"Thanks again" she said for the tenth time "What about the one who you grabbed"

"Don't worry about that I'll deal with that. Bye!!!"

I ran off. I heard her say something but I couldn't stay any longer. Kaleb's voice came back on.

"What happened?" he asked

"Nothing just some vampires" I didn't want to tell him I brought her home. He would freak if I showed a human if I was a werewolf. "I'm heading back."

"What do you mean nothing you didn't answer for 30 minutes" He was angry.

"I went get something to eat" I lied

"Well your mom is waiting for you and she sounds mad" Now I was worried.

"Dam what you tell her"

"I didn't know where you were." Great.

I headed home. I was in for an earful. I'm just glad I didn't change my jacket was already soaked I didn't want to add ripped to the list. And I had school tomorrow dam it I hate school.