
Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wolf's Last Gift

It became dawn and I woke up to see a blanket of snow on the ground. I decided to get up f...

It became dawn and I woke up to see a blanket of snow on the ground. I decided to get up from my cold cave floor before the cold could get to me any farther. As I left my cave I thought of that dream I had again. What did it mean? After I had woke up, my following dreams were nothing but the howls of other wolves all around me.

I came up to a stream and took a drink and took the time to find something small to eat. I followed the foot prints of a raccoon. I followed to see the raccoon foraging in the bushes nearby. I stayed in hiding and remembered when I was with my brother, doing the silly thing things we had done before to play with our prey, scaring it into running back and forth between us...

I shook my head and charged it, my eyes glowing red as I landed upon it and ended it's life. I carried my meal back to my cave. I layed on the cool floor, eating the desent meat I had. I took a little morning nap afterward and fell to sleep quickly.

I dreamed again of being in the forest and parie area. I felt a spring breeze this time though instead of a winter chill, it blew through my black fur and warmed my skin. I felt happy once again. I decided to howl a song.

I guess it was unwise of me. My song alerted wolves and I saw two of them standing not far from me. A male and female, an Alpha and his mate. They growled and yelled. "I told you to stay away! You didn't obey and now you're going to suffer!"

I growled back, "I did nothing! You can't prove it!!!"

They attacked me, teeth flashing and rushing me..... I woke up instantly, gasping and panicking as I scrampled to sit up. I sat there panting and looked around to find a big pile of meat on the cave floor. I looked around again.

"Hello...... Is anyone there?" I didn't see or hear anyone. I looked down at the present in front of me. The meat was fresh. Was this from my brother? Why didn't he wake me up so I could see him? I decided to ignore it for now and eat. I realized I sleept a really long time, even though the dream had seemed so short, I was hungry again. I ate until I was full. "Man I never ate that much since I was a pup. Back when he took care of me..."

I got up to mark my territory so I could be left alone. After I finished up the last border it was much later in the day. I took a walk in the snow to continue patrolling, but as I walked I stopped with my right paw up a moment, sniffing the air lightly. I turn my head toward the scent to a strong looking silver wolf looking down to me from a hill. I saw the blue eyes and froze up in shock. It was my brother. I meeped out like a little puppy, "Silver?"

The silver wolf nooded and came down, speaking lightly, "Hello little brother."

I cried and whimpered. "It's been so long.... How are you able to see me now?"

The silver wolf looked back behind him. "I got a few minutes to see you."

I smiled at him. " So...did you leave the pile of meat at my cave?"

The silver wolf laughed. How I missed that laugh... "Ya I did. I saw you been very hungry and thought you'd like something more filling to eat for once."

I smiled and moved to hug him, "Thank you big br-" I stopped and froze up again. I saw the pack of wolves in my dream staring down at me with anger behind Silver on the hill, like they were furious I would try to touch their Alpha. I backed away, my ears down and tail dropping.

Silver tuned and sighed before saying, "I guess I better go...They didn't want me to come...I love you little brother. Be safe..." With that he started to walk away, passing the wolves there who continued to stare before they too turned to follow him.

Eventually I drew the courage to yell out, "I LOVE YOU TOO BIG BROTHER!!!!" But it was impossible to know if he was still close enough to hear it over the winter winds.

I went back to my cave, both happy to see my brother, yet sad once more to see him go all over again, and layed down to stare out at the night sky. I saw the moon and it reminded me of my brother. It was beutiful to see it with the snow reflecting it's light. I got up again and looked down at puddle of melted snow that had gathered in my cave to see my face. That scar that was left on me, the colors of my fur with it's red markings, and my red eyes. An odd wolf I was, the scar a reminder of the fight that had happened that kicked me out of the same pack my brother now led. Yet I imagine my brother there next to me smiling down to my reflection with a happy look, while telling me there was just nothing wrong with me. Just like he did when I was small. I turned away from the puddle a bit before whimpered and layed down and went to sleep.