Journey to another world pt2 ch90

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#40 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 5

Ch. 22

The next day dawned fairly early as the four of us waved goodbye to Andrew and wished him well on his business/journey. "Do you really think that he'll be able to make it on his own after this?" Rian asked me as we watched him walk off towards Floaroma town in search of Combees to start making honey for him.

"If he's set on his goal of making it as a Honey salesman, then ya, I do." I paused a bit as my mind finally recalled something. "Though I do have to wonder if I should've warned him about how much Vespiquen's, Beedrills, and other buzzing type Pokemon hate to have their honey taken from their hives." The two of us turned to look at each other to give each other a smile. "Na." We both said together then shared a quick laugh at the though of him learning the hard way about that little important fact.

For the rest of the morning the six of us just continued walking until we decided to stop for a bit at the edge of the rainy area as both Jenavee and Rena's babies had begun to cry out of hunger. "_ Are you sure that it is okay to stop here for a little while Donovin? I do not wish to stop in a place that you think might not be safe _." Rena said as she found a log and sat down upon it which was slowly followed by Jenavee who sat down with a little space between them.

I pulled out a small pink and blue blanket out of my pack and handed the pink one over to Rena who draped it over her front and the blue one to Jenavee who did likewise. "It's perfectly alright Rena." I said as I walked over to her, placed a hand down on her shoulder, leaned down to kiss her on her forehead, and then do the same for Jenavee. "The little ones are hungry and I know that if they don't really get what they want then they'll start to cry a little louder until they're fed." I walked over to another part of the log, set down my pack, sat down in-between them, and draped my arms over their shoulders. "Besides...I think it would be a good opportunity to rest our feet a bit and have some breakfast." With that said everybody nodded and I got started on making something to eat.

About 30 minutes later found us all eating something while I helped both Rena and Jenavee eat by feeding them by the hand, which they both blushed quite a bit at, as they both had their hands full with their nursing babies. After everybody had eaten, (including the kids) I decided to head off for a bit to take care of some, 'Private Business'. So taking a shovel, some TP, as well as my sword that I'd just un-strapped from my backpack (never can tell when you might just decide to take a squat behind a bush that just so happens to be an Ursaring's favorite berry bush/tree), I headed into the woods to find a secluded spot. After a bit of searching, no thanks to some wild Pokemon who'd decided to try and pick a fight with me (but were to scared to do more than threaten/bluff me as they all became to scared and quickly moved off when they saw me pull out my sword a bit from it's sheath) I found a very small space between some trees where I couldn't be looked in from, and dug my pit.

'I'm kind of glad that just pulling out my sword a little ways scared off all those small-fry Pokemon. I'd hate to actually resort to violence when all that I really need to do is take a dump.' I couldn't help but laugh at that thought of having to earn the right to go to the bathroom out here and wondered what it would take to earn the right to take a piss.

After I'd finished my business little while later, I shoveled the dirt back on top of the pit and took a relieved sigh. "Glad that that's over. Now to get back to..." It was at that moment that the woods had become a little to quiet for this early in the day, and that got me a little worried. 'Some spidy sense. I should've picked up on that a while ago.' It was like one of those moments where your watching a movie and you know that by the sound of the music that something bad is about to happen to the main character.

Drawing my sword and getting into my fighting stance (left foot pointed forward, right foot shoulder length back and pointed out to the side, with the blade held in both hands in front of me) , I started to slowly scan the area. Every once in a while my eyes would catch a glimpse of a limb of a tree or a leave twitch out of the corner of my eye and make me quickly glance on over to it to see what'd caused it to move, but nothing other than a small breeze actually disturbed this place. It wasn't until I started to hear some kind of strange voice coming from deeper in the woods that finally told me why these woods had become so quiet.

'One of these days, my curiosity is going to get me into trouble.' I thought as I took a long sigh, sheathed my sword, then walked carefully off in the direction of the strange noise. The sound of the noise seemed to resemble something in the back of my mind but I couldn't quite place it, but as I got closer and closer to it I recognized it as the sound of some high pitched squealing. 'There's only one kind of creature that could make such a horrifying sound, and that is...' I thought as I arrived at a overly large bush, to push it aside and see...a very cut up shiny pink Lopunny. "Aw crap."

The thing was curled up in a tight little ball and continued to shiver as it tried desperately to cover it's large body with it's overly large ears. It was doing a pretty good job of hiding under it's ears, but that did little to hide the fact that it's ears were cut up pretty bad and their was a small amount of blood on the ground under it.

Quickly dropping to my knees next to the overly large rabbit, I began to look over the poor thing. What surprised me the most about this Pokemon was the fact that there wasn't really that many bruises, but mostly those deep cuts around it's body, which seemed to be the reason why it was crying out in pain. 'Whatever did this was either really good with it's claws or very fast, as this thing doesn't look like it really put up much of a fight.' Though with that though something still seemed off about all of this. It was a nagging thought that kept on pushing at the back of my mind but refused to come to the surface. Pushing that thought aside I reached on over to my hip pouch that contained some emergency potions that I kept for just such an occasion and began to treat the poor things wounds.

I had to admit that this was very strange that these potions worked so fast as I administered the spray to some of the deeper wounds to watch them slowly begin to knit back together and close. Many of these cuts looked to have been done by something really sharp and thin, which meant that it wasn't something's claws, rather it was done by something like a Scythers blades. Another thing that was a bit strange was the fact that these wounds were sporadic at best and there were no signs that this Lopunny had resisted when being cut as there were no wounds near it's hands/paws once it was starting to relax and I could see it's arms/paws. 'Now that's just weird. It's almost as if that this thing was...' I looked down at it's pink fluffed tuffs of fur and brown short hairs to see that it was obviously not enjoying the feeling of these cuts (not a masochist).

Quickly pulling out my sword, I rolled away from the rabbit, but felt the sting of being cut somewhere on the back of my leg. After rolling away, making sure that I kept the blade out of harms way so I wouldn't roll over it, I finally stopped on all fours under me and looked back to where I'd just rolled from. What I saw there could only be impossible, but on second thought, it just made me really pissed off.

"I am glad to see that you dodged that, though I was hoping to end this quickly." A man said as he slowly got up from kneeling on his left knee with his head lowered, and a wicked looking knife sprouting out from where his right hand should've been was pulled out of the dirt where he'd intended to plunge that wicked looking thing into my body.

"Saturn." I said as I slowly started to get back to my feet but winced as a sharp pain laced up from the back of my leg. I took a look at the back of my leg out of the corner of my eye to see that there was now a decent cut just behind my right shin. 'Damn. That's going to slow me down quite a bit. Though I should be thankful that he didn't cut any tendons.'

"It is good to see that you remember me. As I for one shall never forget you." He said as he slowly got back to his feet and held up his right hand. Where his right hand was supposed to be, there was nothing left except a black piece of plastic that looked to cover over a wrist stump and some kind of strange knife attached the middle of that black plastic. The knife that came out of the plastic looked to be some kind of variation of a hunters gutting knife on steroids. Though unlike traditional gutting knives that had one knife like edge with a reverse cutting edge on the back of the blade, this one had reverse cutting edges up and down either side, and there were many of them on each side. It looked like one of those kind of knives that would cause a whole lot more damage being pulled out of something rather than going in. "I have a lot of things that I would like to repay you for so..., I think I will start with repaying you for removing my right hand." Saturn went down so that he was almost kneeling on his right knee, then with little warning he pushed out from his crouching position and towards me like a shot.

Not wanting to risk fighting someone with a bummed up leg, I decided on the better part of things and rolled out of the way again (after all, I knew that I could still do that at least with my leg cut up). When I stopped rolling again I could see that I'd increased my distance a little more from him and decided to see what I could do in my condition. With a push of my arms, I pushed myself in a kneeling position, then into a shaky/standing one. 'Damn. This is really going to slow me down and hamper my pivoting abilities. Which means that I'll only be able to redirect his blows a lot harder with my sword, rather than just side stepping them.'

In the back of my head I was quickly switching on over from Kendo fighting style to a more medieval war version. 'If I can just get him to do a sloppy lunge, then I can knock that...(shiver)...knife away and hit him with a back-fisted left hand to knock him for a loop.' Though all that was all well in good within my mind, but hardly did me any good at the fact that I really wasn't comfortable in that kind of fighting style. Not to mention but Saturn looked to have been working out and by the speed of his previous lunge I could tell that this was going to be a close quarters fight.

Looking down at my sword and then back at him, I cursed under my breath a few times. 'Damn it all. I don't have my smaller blade to fight on equal speed with him and I'm more of a heavy fighter than a speed fighter.' I was down two/three handicaps to not only his speed, but also his close quarters fighting style, as well as the gash on my leg. 'I've got to finish this fight quickly, otherwise he'll...'

"What's the matter tall guy? Are you just dodging my thrusts due to the gash in your leg or would it have something to do with the fact that I am to fast for you to swing that overly large sword of yours?" Saturn said mockingly as he slowly turned to face me as he let out a laugh, bring the blade up to his face to show that part of the barbs on the knife had a bit of my blood on them.

'Damn it all to freaken piss. How'd he guess that so well?' I thought to myself as I started to weigh my options. 'Somehow he's gotten faster and is able to guess my handicaps in just a blink of an eye. What if he...he personally did that just to give me a handicap?' Many more questions quickly started to rack my brain but I quickly pushed those back as I needed to focus on the fight and those thoughts would only slow me down. "So you figured that you couldn't beat me at a Pokemon battle and thought that you'd try your hand at fighting someone with a blade?"

Saturn chuckled. "Hardly. I just learned that it is a lot easier to steal a persons Pokemon...once...they are...dead." With that Saturn got back into his crouched position and quickly launched himself at me again. It was like he was hovering just over the ground as he quickly sped away the distance between us with his left arm in front of him bent at the elbow with is wrist in front of his head and his right arm knife/hand held back against his side.

'This means that he's anticipating on me rolling out of the way. Once I'd roll out of the way again, he'd swing around that knife like a soccer player who'd knock out the legs from under another player.' I crouched down a little and placed all my weight on my good leg. "Not going to happen Saturn." I said as I quickly leapt into the air just as he passed underneath me as his right arm swept around and caught nothing but air.

Normally a small jump like this wouldn't be a problem for anybody, but a guy who's got the back of his shin cut up, landing can be a bit of a problem when you jump and land on that leg. When I'd come down from my jump over Saturn I forgot about the wound and landed on my wounded leg. A pain quickly shot up my leg and caused me to topple to the ground in pain, dropping my sword, and grasp at the wound with both hands. When I realized what I was doing my eyes went wide and I quickly jerked my head to the side, but wasn't fast enough as Saturn's blade came whizzing past my ear and bite into my cheek drawing blood.

"Damn you, hold still so that I can cut you up properly." Saturn said in an angry tone as he continued to press on his attack of trying to pierce his serrated knife into me.

I wasn't about to give him the pleasure as I doing barrel rolls away from him, only to have him press on his attack but only hit dirt with each thrust downwards. I only stopped rolling when I heard him nearly miss my head again as he anticipated where I was going to roll next but missed my head by mere inches. 'He's getting better at predicting my movements and soon he'll judge right and I'll get that knife stuck somewhere I don't want to get pierced.' I thought as I rolled onto my back to look up at him as he reached down with his remaining hand to grasp at my neck and began to squeeze while he straddled both my legs from allowing me to get up.

"No more rolling around. It is time to finish this." He said as he slowly pulled back his right arm and aimed that knife right at my stomach. "Have fun in hell. I will make sure that those basturd kids of yours as well as your Pokemon join you shortly." He finished saying with an evil cackle.

"Now there's something...(wheeze) shouldn't have said." I told him as I struggled a little bit in his grasp, only to get into an even tighter position then smirked up at him.

"What the...? What are you...oh shit."

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he looked down to see that one of my legs had gotten a little loose and I was smirking. "This is really going to hurt." I told him as I quickly brought up my knee and smashed in his families jewels. He must have just exhaled a little while ago as he didn't make a sound for a bit, but his mouth opened so wide that it looked like he could've fit a baseball into his mouth. Though once he'd sucked in enough air he let out such a high pitched yell that the Beegees would've been put to shame. A short second later he reached down with both his hands only to let out an even longer squeal as he must have forgotten that he didn't have two hands anymore.

About a second later, Saturn slowly fell off me and lay there on his side cupping his...(Author: I'm sorry but I can't describe this any further without making some people squeamish. Hell, this is even making me a little squeamish just thinking about what he just did to himself. Lets just say that know he'll be permanently talking/singing in a high C tone from now on. If you don't get where I'm going with this, just watch 'See Spot Run' and you'll get the picture.) I slowly pushed him a little further away from me with the end of my boot and slowly got to my feet.

Looking down at him I couldn't help but shake a bit and swallow a few times to try and keep my recent meal down. "Never thought that someone would actually do that to themselves." I said as my face turned a little green at the scene and I slowly started to back away and hold my hand over my mouth.

" think...(wince/whine) think this is over?" Saturn said as he scrunched himself into the fetal position and look up at me. "Not by...(cough/cough)...not by a long, SHOT!" He then raised up his knife/hand and aimed it at me.

I didn't have a chance to think about what he'd just said as there was a bang sound and I was thrown back a little ways as something sharp hit my stomach and stumbled a few times before I got my feet steadied again. I just stared at Saturn's knife/hand and awaited for the smoke from the explosion to clear, only to see that the knife that was previously in that black plastic stump cover wasn't there. Almost as if by instinct, both my hand slowly touched either side of my sides and slowly moved their way inward until they touched something long and metal that was in the middle of my stomach. Ever so slowly I slowly lowered my head and looked down to my stomach to see that there was a piece of metal embedded in my stomach.

I slowly did a double take from Saturn's knifeless hand to my stomach and back again, not believing what was clearly not supposed to have happened. Though when I touched the metal thing again a pain like no other that I'd ever felt in my entire life coursed throughout my whole system and brought me down to my knees. I slowly watched as a smile slowly spread across his face and then he began to laugh.

"I may have injured myself in the most humiliating way possible, but I still accomplished what I had sought out to do." He paused for a while as he cringed a few times and wince a few other. "Now all my comrades that you had slain back in Veilstone City have now been avenged."

Through all the pain a single question shout out of my mind. 'Is that what happened back there?' Though their was more to the question, but for some reason I couldn't quite hear it in my head as the pain resurfaced and as it sapped the rest of my strength away and caused me to cough out which expelled a spurt of blood from somewhere inside of me as I slowly fell to my side. 'I'm sorry Jenavee, Rena, but it looks like I might not be able to see our kids...(cough, splatter)...growwwww



(Author:Hay everybody, I can't believe that this story has been going on for so long that I've reached this far. 90 chapters and still more to come. I promise that this is not the end, just a bit of a cliffhanger, as I've got a lot more chapters/things to put into this story before it's done. I just wanted to take a moment and say, THANK YOU! I really appreciate all of you guys/girls sticking around for all this time and all the comments that you've posted which help me get to this point in my writing skill. I've got some great idea for part 3 and if you've wanted to see something more or for me to add soemthing, please send it to me in a note. Catch you next upload, Laters)