
Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#1 of A Wolf's Last Gift

I always have to remind myself why I'm moving onward, starting with remembering who I a...

A Wolfs Last Gift

I always have to remind myself why I'm moving onward, starting with remembering who I am. I am Shadow Darkmoon. I am a pure black wolf, but with some red markings on my body. I am a lone wolf and lost my brother recently in an incident. That's right, I remind myself again, my brother...that's why...the one person who understood me...

I always move on and keep a positive feeling that I will find him again after that mental stimulation. Going foward I stop sometimes at night and see a pack staring down at me from the hills above. I stand there and wonder why I was kicked from the group I was in. What did I do that was so wrong? Why am I so determind to find my brother? Why am I the way I am? Others look at me like I'm a monster...a freak of nature because I'm not like them. Just because my eyes are red and I look like a demon dosn't make me a monster...

Yet I keep moving on under the gazes of those wolves, keeping my muzzle to the ground but never losing focus on my goal. I stop once I smell a scent I had not enjoyed for a long time. I look up and lift my eyes to the top of a rock in front of me. A big, tall, and strong powerful wolf stands there, his shiny silver fur gleaming in the moonlight. I look into his eyes just for a moment and instantly know the bright blue eyes there like my own soul. My brother. His pack comes out behind him and growls, all their eyes staring down at me with fury. I back away. What did I do wrong? Why can't I see my brother? I get ready to walk away, thinking that my big brother has moved on, just as he jumps down right in front of me and nuzzles me with his muzzle. He licks my nose then hugs me. I couldn't believe how good it felt to be hugged again by my brother. I can barely speak as I manage to whisper, "I missed you big bro...It's so good to see you again." He smiles at me and I smile back, but then a jolt goes through my body and I wake up in my usual dark cave to find it was all a dream.

I whimper and cry in my cave, as snow falls hard outside. I start to think. How is he? What is he doing? What does he think of this? I'll never know for a long time or until the day I die it seems. I whimper until I fell back to sleep with the howling winds of the snow, but as I sleep I could only hear the howls of other wolves shaking my dreams.