Journey to another world pt2 ch89
#39 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 21 "So let me get this strait. You've left home to start on your Pokemon journey and stolen your fathers Poke-dollar machine to his accounts to pay for any battles that you'd loose along the way?" I asked rhetorically as I stood over the young boy as he sat down on the dock and stared down into the water of the slowly moving mountain fed river. He looked like some kid who'd just got his hand caught in the cookie jar as he kicked his feet back and forth over the water as the rain made pop marks in the water which popped back out to look like those of a stalagmite. "My father never really approved of me being a Pokemon trainer. He said that it was just a waist of time and I should be focusing more on being a business man like himself. 'There is no future in Pokemon training. It is nothing more than a child's foolish dream to reach the rank of champion." All this had made me stop and really think for a bit as I tried to place myself in his shoes. His father wanted him to be just like daddy and most likely join in the family trade, but that didn't sit right with young kid as he was more interested in Pokemon than money. 'Being the black sheep of the family isn't easy. You never feel like one of the family and are constantly ridiculed for your ideals.' To say the least I felt a little sorry for the kid. "So tell me why you're trying to buy my s...I mean my Riolu?" I asked but quickly tried to cover up the fact that I'd nearly let the Skitty out of the bag again. He looked up at me over his shoulder then went back to looking at the water. "It has always been my dream to one day have a Riolu of my very own. They are the coolest type of Pokemon in the Sinnoh region and I have always had this facination with their fighting skills ever since I was little," He didn't say much after that but looked over his shoulder again at Rena who was standing by my side. "And not to mention the fact that it's also a Shiny makes it even cooler." He then paused again for a moment as he pulled off his two Pokeballs and looked down at them. "All I've got is just these two...stupid bug Pokemon." He then threw them both into the water and started to cry. I turned and nodded to Jenavee, which she mirrored and used her psychic powers to levitate the two Pokeballs out of the water before they could sink and into both my awaiting hands. "You are a fool." I said in a calm voice that made him stop crying and look up at me. "You have two great Pokemon here and your giving up on them just because you think that they're weak." I joined him sitting down upon the docks edge and placed them back into his hands. "Your kidding right?. They couldn't even beat your Milotic and Mismagius." He said as he made to throw them back into the water only to have me catch his arm before doing so. "Let me ask you something," I looked on over to him and saw him nod. "How long have you had those two and where did you catch them?" He didn't answer me for a bit but set the two balls down on his side. "I caught these two when I went behind my dads friends estate," He looked up at me as I gave him a confused look. "In the trophy garden." He stated then looked over the water. "They have been with me for only a short while though." "And they trust you fully." I stated as he turned and looked at me with a bit of a disbelieving look. "Trust is very hard thing to earn with a Pokemon as many of them really distrust humans, but once you have their trust, it's an amazing thing." Just then both Rena and Jenavee place a palm/paw on either of my shoulders to which I placed my hands over theirs and we all nodded to the boy. "I have complete trust in their abilities to overcome any challenge and they have come to trust in me to keep them safe in their battles to watch out for things they can't see or a strategy to come out on top." I looked up to both Rena and Jenavee to see them smiling down upon me then we all turned back to the young boy. "Now let me ask you something about those two bug Pokemon of yours. Have you ever really seen them battle before?" He gave me a confused look. "Of course I have. I watched them battle you." I simply shook my head. "Not as their trainer, but as a spectator." To which he just shook his head. "Then you need to pay more attention to what they do when they're battling, because from what I saw of those two when we were battling, they're really incredible." He looked down at his two Pokeballs then back at me. "What do you mean? These are just two regular bug Pokemon. Nothing really special about them." "Then you need to have a spectators view of them." I told him as I stood up and nodded at him to do the same. "When Undine and Samantha were battling your two bug Pokemon, did you remember the attack that I asked my Pokemon to use against them?" "Ummmm...ya. You had them use that really different combined attack." There was a bit of a pause as I could see him trying to remember the finer details of the combination/move. "That was one heck of an attack combination that you used against them." "And it didn't do anything to them." His eyes went wide. "That's right. Not one of those attacks scored a hit. And do you know why?" He shook his head. "It's because of their agility. Both of your Pokemon possess a great amount of agility that allows them a better chance to avoid being hit by your opponents attacks." "Not all Pokemon battles are won on strength alone. Sometimes you need to think about other ways to win." Jenavee said which got the boy to look up at her with a surprised look in his eyes. " I would have to say that if your two bug Pokemon were to use double team on me, I would have a very difficult time trying to pinpoint which one they were and that would give them the chance to really score a critical hit on me." Rena said which got the boy's mouth to drop in surprise. "Di...did they just..." "Talk? Well....yes. Should it surprise you so much that they can speak our language, when Milotic did as well?" I asked back to which got him to close his mouth before he could catch any further bugs. He looked from me to the girls who were now started to walk off a bit and talk between themselves, then back to me. "How?" He simply asked. "How?" I asked back. "Ya, how. How in the world did you get those two...three to be able to speak our language?" He said as he looked back at Rena and Jenavee who were now starting to speak with Rian about something. "As far as I know. It was Jenavee, my Gardevoir, who was the first to speak. She started talking to me when she was just a Ralts, though that was just her using her psychic abilities to portray her voice into my head. Next came Rena my Lucario as she stared when she was just a Riolu, but like Jenavee it only started out as one of her Aura abilities." I took a long look at Rena and Jenavee over my shoulder and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess after a time they started to make the move to use their actual voices to speak to me rather than using their abilities to speak with me." The boy did a few more double takes between us then finally stopped back at me. "And the Milotic...,um...Undine was it?" To which I nodded to him. "Undine picked it up on her own when she was still a Feebas. She's the only one of my family that is self taught." I couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. "As a matter of fact, she taught herself from listening to me talk." * * *
(Switch perspectives to Rena and Jenavee)
- * * 'I think that this conversation between this new boy and Donovin might take a while.' Jenavee said psychically to Rena as she nodded for them to take a bit of a walk to which Rena nodded back. '_ If I did not know any better, I would swear that Donovin actually enjoys bending these boys strait. Do you think he has a plan to help him ?' Rena asked as she used her Aura abilities to talk to Jenavee so that nobody could overhear. Jenavee looked over her shoulder and after a few moments smirked. '_That would definitely be a yes. A yes on two counts.' She said back, then turned to see one of Rena's eyebrows slowly lift in interest. 'He has two ideas actually. One to deal with his Pokemon battling skill and the other to deal with the boys father.' Just then Rena's baby let out a bit of a baby talk which got her to smile then look down at it. ' That is right little one. Your daddy is so smart. He will find a way to help the little boy to solve both his problems.' She then leaned down to rub her nose against her child's which got it to giggle and reach up to happily hug her mothers muzzle with it's tiny arms. Jenavee looked down at her own child and saw it sleeping peacefully after the whole ordeal with the two bugs. A small twinge of jealously sprang up at the wanting to have done the same with her own child, but she pushed it down and let her little Ralts sleep peacefully. 'I think we should talk with Rian. He needs to understand just what is going on with Donovin and let him know that this is what he does best.' Jenavee said as she saw Rena look over her shoulder at her and nod. So the two of them walked over and started explaining that Donovin would need a few moments to help the kid out with his problem. "Hopefully this should not take all that long as he work pretty quickly with these kinds of long term problems." She said to Rian as he nodded to them. "_ Though he may be good with others and their long term problems, he still has a pretty big one with Kit that he needs to deal with ." Rena said as she looked over at Donovin and then back to them. " Hopefully he comes up with something good to deal with that minx before she becomes a major problem ." She visibly shuddered a bit at the thought of the last time they had battled that minx. Rian nodded to the two and looked up towards the clouds. "That may be all well and good, but I think that we should be moving on soon," He said then looked back that them. "Because if I miss my guess, those clouds heading towards us are going to be dumping a whole lot of rain on us just as soon as the sun sets." He finished as he pointed to the dark clods that were just on the horizon and moving in for the drenching of anything in their path. (Time lapse) Everybody was now sitting around a space heater within a large tent and drinking something nice and warm. Jenavee and Rena were cuddling up to Donovin's sides as their little ones napped peacefully in their laps. "So you say that you might have an idea on how I might be able to stay on my Pokemon journey and still please my father?" The boy asked as he leaned a little closer to me on his hands and knees while pushing his face as close to mine as possible. "Well..." "Well what?" The boy asked me as he cocked his head to the side and gave me a confused look. "First thing," I placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back. "You've got to stop invading my personal space there pal. It makes me feel really uncomfortable with you that close, and yes, I do believe that I know of a way that you can continue on your Pokemon journey and make your father very happy." The boys eyes went wide as he sat down on his heels like one of those guys out of a Japanese films and gave me a happy look. He threw both of his fists into the air and shouted, 'YAHOO!'. "You do not know how great this is. I have been trying for years to think up a way to do just that, but nothing has ever come to me." He then got back onto his hands and knees, then got right back into my face. "So, come on then. TELL ME." He said in a very intense/interested tone. "Again" I place both my hands on his shoulders and gave him a gentle push backwards. "Do that again and I'll not tell you the idea that I've got in mind." His eyes went wide with fright then he quickly scurried back into his original seated position/style. With him finally settled down somewhat (as he was slightly bouncing on his heels 'Literally') I cleared my throat and began to tell him of my idea. "Back where I come from, Honey is a very important commodity. Nobody can eat a plain old bun that's come right out of an oven without having some honey to go with it." I explained as Andrew quickly pulled out a pen and a pad of paper from somewhere, then started to write something down on it. "It's similar to that of a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. The two just go oh so nicely together." Andrew stopped writing to look up and give me a confused look that he turned to give it to Rian. "What is a Pea...nut?" To which Rian just shrugged his shoulders. Both boys turned to look at me and both gave me a interested look. It was just then that I felt a poke in my side and looked over to see that it was Jenavee who'd just done so. '_I think that your mistaken Donovin. Pea...nut/s, whatever that is, does not exist here. All that we have here are berries.' My eyes went wide. "Whoops. Sorry about that guys. Peanuts I guess, are a thing that grow where I come from and made a pretty good..." I felt another poke in my side and turned to see Jenavee shake her head to which made me slowly drop my head. "Right..." Just then a thought popped into my head and I quickly looked up at the two guys who'd just decided to sit next to each other. "It's like the necessity of having butter with...toast. Ya, that's it, butter with toast." "OOOHHHHH." Both boys said as they drew out the word. Just then Andrew stopped drawing out the word then looked to Rian then back to me. "Wait a minute. What does butter and toast have to do with Honey?" I gave off a guilty laugh, placed my right arm behind my head, and laughed again. "Sorry about that. I guess I must've gotten lost in my own dictation." I paused for a bit to get myself back on track. "Anyways, Honey is a really great thing to have on a toasted bun with butter. If you've never tried it then you really should." Just then Andrew reached on over to his pack, rummaged around within it, then finally pulled out a jar of what could only be the delicious golden goop. "You mean that this stuff is good for human consumption?" To which I nodded. "But I thought that it was only good for trying to attract bug Pokemon when you spread it upon trees." I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Have you ever wondered why bug Pokemon are so attracted to the stuff in the first place?" To which he shook his head. "It's the taste. Bug Pokemon love the taste of Honey, especially Heracross." I finished explaining but then laughed as I remember a funny part in a small video about how a certain Heracross tried to suck the nectar/honey out of a Bulbasaur's bulb every chance it got. "If you don't believe me, then stick your finger in the jar and take a taste." Both boys gave each other a bit of a strange look then looked down at the jar. Andrew unscrewed the lid to the jar, stuck his finger in it, then Rian stuck his own finger into the jar to take a small bit on his own finger to which I followed, then we all stuck our fingers in our mouths to try some of it. I had to admit that this Honey was definitely different from the bottles that came from the grocery store back home. That's when I realized that the stuff back home had been processed to remove certain things about the raw stuff, then place it on for sale. The difference between that and this was... "DELICOUS! Who'd have thought that tasting this unprocessed stuff would be so different." I quickly reached on over, took another swab of the stuff with my finger, and stuck my finger back in my mouth to enjoy the sickly sweet flavor. Both the boys shrugged their shoulders, held up their own fingers that twinkled a little in the lamplight, then touched the very tips of their tongues to the stuff. It wasn't long before our whole group (both Jenavee and Rena included) were dinning on Honey that night. It was even shorter than that to which we were all out of the stuff and the jar licked clean by Rena. It was so funny because, like 'a silly old bear', she'd stuck her whole muzzle into the jar and got her muzzle stuck in the jar. "Wholly crud Donovin, your right. That stuff was great." Rian said as he licked his fingers in attempt to get any of the honey that he'd missed. I looked on over to see Andrew doing the same thing. "Here I was, all this time, carrying around this stuff with no idea as to why bug types love this stuff so much." Andrew licked his lips and leaned back on his hands. "It almost makes me want to grab the nearest flying type to fly on over to Floaroma town to get some more." I couldn't help but laugh. 'If we're not careful, this stuff could become quite addicting.' I let out a covered up burp and then laughed. "Now you get a bit of my idea." To which both Rian and Andrew nodded. "Using your Vespiqueen, you could get a whole lot of Combees to start making hives and producing a lot of Honey. Once you've got enough, then start selling it to restaurants that also sell bread/buns and you'll make yourself some pretty decent money to start your own business." "Who knows," Rian said as he placed his elbows on his crossed legs and looked over to Andrew. "If word spreads far enough, you could be selling this stuff to places all over the world. I would bet that that would make your father really proud to have you out here making a name for yourself." I couldn't help but laugh myself. "Who knows. Maybe one day you'll be able to surpass your father in income and make him so jealous that he'll be asking you to join your Honey making business." We all stopped talking for a bit to stare at each other, then the three of us quickly started laughing at either how outlandish that sounded or how possible it could actually become. '_ Donovin. I still need some help getting this dang jar off my muzzle, Donovin _?'