The Tale of Durante and Angelus Ch 1: A Place to Call Home, Part 3

Story by Rrahkarr on SoFurry

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#3 of La storia di Durante e Angelus

Okay third part and there are still several more coming. I would like to take this part to ask if someone reading this knows Italian... could you message me and let me know if there are mistakes in the Italian i have written. My sources are... questionable. Rate and comment if you feel like it.


Part Three: A New Day

Angelus was thrashing around on the bed; deep in a nightmare. Her nightmare was that of what happened to her the previous night. Walking alone down a dark ally, being surprised by a person who was following her, being backhanded across the right side of her face upon seeing the person and beaten before having her ragged clothing torn to shreds.

Then; as if that wasn't enough, being forcefully thrown to the ground on her belly before said person undid his pants, pushed her down as he got over her and forced himself deep in between her legs; taking her virginity painfully, and continued to thrust into her over and over again from behind. Then while that was happening he started hitting her in her sides; beating her for no reason except his own cruel twisted fantasies. Then; as he finished, he grabbed her by the neck and started to choke her and that's when she woke.

She shot right up into a hunched over sitting position violently gasping for air. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she caught her breath. She held herself as she calmed down and relaxed. It wasn't long after that she looked around and took notice of where she was. The curtains on the bed were still drawn back and the room itself was painted in that rich chestnut color and remained the same.

"So it wasn't a dream, I really did get saved." She thought to herself as she looked at the walls that were illuminated by the light coming in through the window.

Then she realized something, the light coming through the window was much brighter then what the time of day would allow; which she figured was around seven or so in the morning thanks to her internal clock; and always waking at that time. She got off the bed and walked over to the window that had fogged over. She was going to use her paw to wipe off the glass but when she put her paw on it she felt extreme cold. She quickly wiped away the condensation that had built onto the glass and saw nothing but white.

The entire back yard had been covered in a thick blanket of snow; fresh pure white snow. Angelus couldn't tell how thick it was but it looked like there were quite a few inches built up; maybe four or five inches. Angelus was surprised, if it hadn't been for 'Durante the young Master' as Nora put it last night, she'd still be in that ally under all that snow and probably have frozen to death by now. Likewise if she hadn't been assaulted and raped last night, chances are she'd be somewhere else out there freezing or worse.

Angelus shivered at the thought of freezing to death, and having snow white fur herself she would have blended in with the snow; no one would ever have seen her till the snow melted and revealed a white furred tiny frozen corpse. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her mind and shivered again. She still had to worry about what might become of her here in this mansion.

Walking back over to the bed, Angelus looked through the clothes that still sat where Nora had placed them last night. It was getting colder in the room, so she found a couple garments that would be warm that were also very practical. She picked up a pair of gray sweatpants and a black long sleeve shirt; useful for keeping her warm and also capable of allowing her to sprint if needed. She took the white T-shirt off before slipping the black long sleeve on. Then slipped the gray shorts off and stuck her legs into the gray sweatpants before bulling them up.

After she had put those on she sat on the edge of the bed. She laid back and stared at the ceiling as she thought "This is the first time in a long time I don't have to worry about not sleeping in." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she brought her arms up and rested her head on them. That was all it took before she fell back asleep.


She was having another dream, only this time it wasn't a nightmare. She was being lulled into a relaxed state in her mind. She could tell it was a musical instrument but right now she couldn't tell what kind through the fog of sleep. It was serene, and only a caring soul could create the melody and tune it was played in. She felt like it was a heavenly tune until the sound screeched as it hit a wrong note which jarred her awake at the sudden sound.

Angelus looked around wondering what had just happened. As she looked around she noticed a clock that was previously obscured to her in the night for it didn't light up. It read Nine thirty on the dot; she lazily stretched enjoying the extra sleep even if it was only a couple hours. She wiped the sleep from her eyes as she crawled off the bed.

She stretched again before her sensitive ears picked up the sound of a musical instrument playing in the distance. "Oh, it wasn't just a dream. Someone is playing something." Angelus thought as she walked over to the door and stopped with her paw halfway to the handle. "What am I doing? I should wait for Nora, what would the... master of the house think if I was randomly walking his halls?" She thought as she stood there.

Again her ears picked up the notes that were being played somewhere in the manor. She could tell now that it was a stringed instrument but what kind she was unsure of. Her childish curiosity was bugging her to investigate, but her mind was telling her not too. Shortly her curiosity got the better of her as she stood there and decided to risk it and opened the door and headed into the hall outside the room.

She followed the musical notes through the halls, and while walking she looked at the decorations on the walls such as the drapes and paintings. In this hall there were elaborate and beautiful red curtains with golden designs that bordered the curtains and drapes atop large windows that showed the back yard. There were table's every so often; with vase's and flowers in them on the tables. The paintings were of beautiful forests that Angelus had never seen before along with paintings of people.

The first painting of a person she saw was very old, dated 4-23-131 A.E; about 265 years ago. It showed a finely dressed male gray wolf standing in the center of a large room with columns, paintings, stairs behind him, and large windows where the stairs split into two on both sides before leading to a second floor.

The next painting was similar only it was dated 6-11-166 A.E, but it showed a male black wolf with a female black wolf; who must have been his mate. The next few pictures were like that and each one there were multiple family members and all wolves.

"These must have been the previous owners and families that lived here." Angelus thought as she walked down the hall. Then when she came to the end of the hall there was one last picture dated 7-22-394A.E; only two years ago.

This painting had seven people in it, all wolves. There was a male red wolf just smiling, standing a little off center towards the left with a male gray wolf standing next to him on the right with his paw on the red wolf's shoulder and grinning. On the left side of the red wolf was a female black wolf and on the right of the gray wolf there was a female white wolf both of which were also smiling. There were also three children; the oldest of which was a male black wolf with a few patches of red and brown fur here and there and seemed to be around nine or ten yet his golden-green eyes looked like the eyes of an adult. Next to him was a young gray wolf about seven or eight years old and the only way Angelus could tell it was a girl was because she was wearing an elaborate white dress. Then in between the gray and white wolf was another white wolf who looked to be about six or seven years old in a simple pink dress.

Angelus looked at this and thought "This must be the family currently living here." She stepped up closer to it and looked at the young wolf boy standing there in a little black suit. "Is that... Durante the young master Nora was talking about?" She thought as she looked at him.

After a few moments Angelus walked out of the hall and entered what looked like a very large room but soon realized it was the room that each panting was based in. She turned her head round and round in awe at the vast size of the room that it almost made her dizzy. There were more paintings up on the second floor along with more of those elaborate red and gold trimmed curtains and drapes on the windows in this room too. Many kinds of art lined the room as well like sculptures, vases, an old grandfather clock and even woven tapestries. There were also plants that gave a little green to the room and even a large golden cage that held many chirping birds.

Behind her was a set of twin doors with shades blocking the view of what was behind them. But whoever was playing that instrument was in the room that the doors opened up into. Angelus hadn't seen anyone yet so she figured she might as well open the door and see who was playing. Her paw slowly reached out to the handle on the door but pulled away as the tone of what was being played changed from light to heavy. Again she reached out and grasped the handle and tested it to see if it was locked, she turned the handle and the door clicked as it opened.

Luckily for her when the door clicked, the person playing changed to a high note and the door went unheard. She pushed it open enough to see into the room and the first thing she saw was that the room was filled with musical instruments; piano's, cellos, violins and violas, tuba's, saxophones, flutes and many other stringed and wind based instruments. It looked like an entire orchestra could fit and play in this one room.

Then her gaze was drawn to the lone figure sitting in the middle of it all with a music stand in front of him. Her eyes told her it was the wolf boy from the painting, only he looked much taller. He was wearing black dress pants and a white gothic frilled shirt. The clothing really complimented him and she found herself staring at him. He also held a faded reddish hued violin that he was currently playing on.

His eyes were closed as he played; his fingers dancing across the fingerboard of the violin as if they had a mind of their own in time with the bow he slid across the top of the strings to create the harmonic sound that Angelus was hearing. She then realized that what he was playing was what she heard a little earlier before a wrong note was hit.

She watched as the part where the strings screeched earlier came about. He opened his eyes and slowed his playing a little as he watched where he placed his fingers and this time the notes he played were in harmony with what he was playing. He played some more notes before stopping, sitting down and resting the violin in his lap as he picked up a pencil and jotted something down on the music stand.

"Bellissimo Durante, molto-bello." Someone with a feminine voice in the room; where Angelus couldn't see, said in a language that she didn't recognize.

"Grazie Madre." Durante said as he looked up to where his mother who had been sitting in listening to her son play sat "I didn't know you where here." He added as he stood up and set his violin down.

"I've been listening since you started this morning Durante. Is that the piece you're working on for school?" Durante's mother asked.

Durante smiled as he walked up the steps to where his mother sat and she too had stood up and walked into view "Si it is. Though I wish I would have had it finished before you heard it." Durante said as he stopped a few steps from his mother.

Angelus now had a great view of Durante's mother. Her entire body was covered in pure black fur with elegant long raven black hair and had green eyes; eyes that watched everything and held a graceful and loving nature in them. She had a petite body build and stood at five feet seven inches tall; she was thirty seven years old and was wearing a beautifully elegant dress that showed off the curves of her body. The dress never touched the top of her shoulders and showed off her cleavage at the same time. Her name was Grazia Adelaide Ambrogio.

Angelus was watching as mother and son conversed and suddenly felt very sad as sorrow swept through her mind. Her ears laid back and she sighed slightly as she watched Durante's mother give him a hug before heading towards another door that was attached to that room.

"You're up early I see." A slightly accented feminine voice said from behind Angelus.

She was momentarily surprised and startled until she turned around and saw the familiar face of the lynx from last night smiling happily. Nora was dressed differently and was wearing casual clothes; blue jeans, a gray sweater and a warm looking coat. She also had a silver cross on a necklace hanging between her breasts. She was leaning forward with her paws behind her as she looked at Angelus.

"H-Hi Nora." Angelus said after realizing it was Nora.

"Hi to you too. What are you doing walking about the manor?" Nora asked simply and politely.

"I h-heard music being p-played and I w-was curious to who was playing." Angelus said.

"Ah, then you heard the young master playing." Nora said as she stood up straight.

"He's really good at it." Angelus said.

"Aye, that he is he's very artistic. He can play the violin, cello, bass and the piano. His favorite instrument though is the violin, he started playing it around six years old and he learns very fast too." Nora told Angelus as they watched Durante return to his chair.

He picked his violin back up and started playing again but started closer to where he stopped. This time after he played those few notes he had corrected the tune changed to something more somber; as if someone's soul had just suffered something serious and cried out in pain.

After listening for a little longer Nora said "Come with me now, Dr. Felice is here to examine you. Afterwards we're going to visit Celestina and see if she can make something for you to eat." and turned around and started walking.

Angelus followed her as she made her way down another hallway. It too was decorated like the one Angelus had traveled through but the paintings on the walls were older and some even showed the large city of Dormio as a small town nestled into a serene and beautiful forest. Angelus was in awe of the artistic abilities of the artists who painted these beautiful pictures.

"Oh that's right, Angelus we need to go buy you some clothing... from what the master has said it seems you'll be staying here." Nora said.

"R-Really? He said I c-could stay?" Angelus asked a little doubtful.

"Aye, the master is a very kind person. I don't see him kicking you out, besides I'd be the one taking you shopping for clothes... we'd have to get you a dress; nothing fancy but it has to be something formal for a young lady to wear." Nora said as they walked.

"Ugh... dresses." Angelus thought as Nora continued to talk.

"I get the feeling you don't like dresses, but the dinner tonight is a formal one because the master is having a meeting with a visitor tonight... and he likes to have formal dinners with them." Nora explained.

"S-So it'd be just f-for tonight?" Angelus asked.

"Aye." Nora responded and nodded her head as they turned a corner.

After a few turns Nora stepped up to a door and opened it. It was another room similar to the one Angelus had slept in only there was no bed or dresser but it had an examination table, a desk and multiple devices that all had a medical purpose but what, Angelus didn't know. Then there was the person at a desk behind a holo-screen.

Out of all the devices in the room it was the holo-screen that intrigued Angelus so much; in Pacis they used solid monitors for the screens. She could see what the doctor was looking at but couldn't read it backwards. She could also the doctor looking at her with a smile on his face. He stood up and Angelus saw he was a ferret.

"Angelus, this is Dr. Felice. Elio, this is Angelus." Nora introduced.

"Hello there bambina." Elio said in a slightly accented voice, similar to how Durante and his mother spoke.

Elio Felice; The Ambrogio Family's personal doctor, was a ferret with brown and white fur with mixed colors in his short hair. He also has a band of brown fur that crosses over his face like it was a mask. He wears circular glasses and has brown eyes that seem to always be calculating and observing. He stands at five feet ten inches tall and has an athletic body build, his age is twenty seven.

Angelus looked confused at the word he used for her and asked "W-What does bambina mean?"

"Ah I see you're not native to Vento, bambina means child but is the girl equivalent. Whereas bambino is for a boy." Elio informed her with a smile.

"Oh" Angelus said and looked thoughtful.

"Well Elio, I have a few chores to do. When do you think you'll be done?" Nora asked.

"In a few, I'm only going to run the basic tests right now. You can pick her up in about half an hour." Elio said to her as he smiled and set out a couple things.

"Okay then. Angelus, do as he asks and I'll be back shortly." Nora said politely before picking up Angelus and setting her on the examination table before she walked out of the room and closed the door.

Elio pulled out a small hand held device and stepped up to the table that Angelus was now perched on. She looked at the device as he brought it up in front of her and activated it. Again there was a holo-screen that appeared on the side of the device as it scanned her. There were multiple numbers, bars and lines showing on the screen and made Angelus stare in awe.

Seeing the look on her face, Elio smiled warmly as he asked "I take it you've never seen technology like this before? Where are you from?"

"Pacis... over in Amriro" Angelus said shyly.

"Ah" Elio said as he nodded his head "We may all be on the same planet and have advanced technologies, but here in Vento we've made more advancements in tech then the Amirians. Though I admit the nations of Coren have made more progress in tech then us." He added then said under his breath "If only for war."

Angelus listened intently to what he said and memorized it. The device he had over her beeped as it finished scanning her and Elio took it over to his computer and entered the results into it. While waiting for it to finish, he performed the usual tests; checking for anything that may be abnormal such as no feeling in any of her limbs as well as reflexes and basic tests like checking her throat and checking her temperature.

He then asked "How do you feel about needles Angelus?" as he pulled something out of a drawer.

"Not s-sure." Angelus said.

"Ah well... I need to get a blood sample from you. Luckily I don't need much; just a drop or two will suffice. Please hold out your hand." Elio instructed her.

"Like this?" Angelus asked as she held out her hand.

"Si" He said as he put a small device over one of her fingers.

"Ouch!" Angelus quickly withdrew her hand from him.

"Okay this'll be enough. Grazie bambina" Elio said as the device beeped. "This handy device will now test your blood for anything out of the ordinary." Elio said then started running more minuscule tests.

After those tests were done he asked her "Is there anywhere that you know of that hurts from your recent experience?"

Angelus nodded her head at his question. She knew she felt different now but there was no pain coming from between her legs anymore. There was however pain coming from her sides and back but mostly from her sides.

"M-My sides and back hurt a l-little." She said to him, not wanting to mention how she felt from her nether regions.

"I was told you were beaten last night so that tells me why you have pain. This device will let me know the extent of your injuries when it's done." Elio said and a moment later the device beeped again "Oh would you look at that, finished already." He added as he checked the results.

He then started looking at the results and called off what it said "Malnourishment, slight signs of... Marasmus! We need to start getting more nutrients and protein into your diet." Elio said a little worriedly but glad they found this out so soon and continued "Let's see minor bruising, slight temperature, hmm... does you left side hurt the most?"

Angelus nodded at his question and he said "Okay, it says you have two fractured ribs on that side. Other than that all your injuries are superficial; mostly just minor bruising."

Elio then pulled out another hand held device and walked over to Angelus and told her to lift her left arm a little. She complied with a little pain as he held the device over the spot where her ribs were fractured and turned it on; it started to make a light humming sound as Elio said "Since they're only fractured and not broken or out of place, I don't have to set them. This little handy thing is a bone knitter. It'll fix you up in a few minutes."

A few minutes later the bone knitter was done and Elio put it away as the device he used to test her blood started beeping. "About time... let see... ah, well that's good at least. You'll be glad to know you have no virus or harmful bacteria in your blood stream" He said and added in his mind "And no STD's either."

"Ok then, let me write something down..." Elio said as he jotted something onto a piece of paper. He was just about finished when the door opened and Nora stepped in.

"Oh finishing up I see." Nora said when she saw Elio writing.

"Finito" Elio replied as he finished writing. He got up and walked the few feet to Nora and handed her the paper "Give this to Celestina so she can add those to whatever she cooks so that little bambina here can get more nutrients and protein." Elio told her and smiled at Angelus.

"Okay I'll give it to her now, that's where I'm taking Angelus now so she can get something to eat." Nora said to him and patted Angelus on the shoulder before she hopped off the table.

"I'd like to run more extensive tests later but I may need my assistant to do them, to save her the embarrassment and possibly fear of having me there... considering what happened to her." Elio said to which Nora nodded her head.

"Well we'll be leaving now, is there a specific time you'd like her back or will anytime today be satisfactory?" Nora asked.

"Oh no no no, you can come back tomorrow. My assistant has the day off today." Elio said with a smile.

"Oh, well then later Elio." Nora said.

"Addio and don't eat too much bambina, don't want to end up sick do you?" Elio said and smiled as he returned to his desk as Nora and Angelus started to leave the room.

"G-Goodbye." Angelus said as her and Nora left.

Nora led Angelus further down the hall they were in and made a left turn before passing several doors. Angelus was amazed at the size of the manor and was still being amazed at the paintings on the walls. She was then surprised when a new voice spoke up from behind them.

"Buon giorno Nora, taking our little guest to get something decent to eat I take it?" Ignazio said as he walked up behind them.

Angelus looked up at the towering; compared to her, six foot tall wolf with cinnamon colored fur. His hair too was the same color as his fur and most of it was back in a low ponytail while some of his wavy bangs hung freely at the sides of his face. He was wearing a frilled white dress shirt with a black vest that was trimmed in a golden color with a crest on the back of it; the crest was the Ambrogio Family crest, and he also wore black dress pants and shoes.

"Good morning Master Ambrogio." Nora said and bowed slightly before standing up straight and added "Aye, I just picked her up from Dr. Felice with a list of things Ms. Guido needs to add to Angelus' meals for a while."

"I see you've been busy this morning. I was just going to get a bite to eat too so I'll join you." Ignazio said with a warm smile and looked down at Angelus who was staring in awe at him, her amber colored eyes taking in all the details of him.

He smiled at her before he palmed his forehead and said "How rude of me, let me introduce myself. I am Ignazio Adriano Ambrogio, welcome to my home."

Angelus was surprised at his formality and she responded "I-I'm Angelus... A-Angelus Sette."

"Ah, that name suits you little one. Please, lead the way Nora." Ignazio said and the three of them headed towards the kitchen, Angelus watching Ignazio as they walked.