My New Life Ch5

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#5 of My New Life

Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.

Today just sucks, my foxy is sick on a Friday and I couldn't take today off because we were having a huge sale today.

(a few hours later)

When I got home he was just waking up so.

"Hey babe." he said walking over to me, when he sat next to me I tried to sit him on my lap but he pulled away.

"I don't get sick that often." I said, then he layed his head on my chest. "I like this more." he said weakly.

So I just put an arm around him and I kissed his head.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked.

"A bit, I'm not as tired." he said.

"Want any thing to eat?" I asked.

"Tomato soup." he said.

"I'll be back." I said getting up.

"Can you bring my blanket?" he asked laying down.

"Sure." I said, so I brought it out to him, then I went to make the soup. When I got back he was curled up under the blanket. He sat up so I could sit down and then he layed his head in my lap.

"Feed me?" he asked like cub. I just smiled and I started feeding him.

"Its getting late, we should head to bed." I said a few hours later.

"I'm good with that." he said. So I got up and put the bowl away I then took the blanket back to our room, then I came back to him and carried him to our room. When I put him on the bed he praticly fell asleep the moment he closed his eyes.

"Night babe." I said kissing the side of his face and I wrapped my arms around him.

When I woke up the next day Aaron is sitting up reading.

"Morning sunshine." he said then he kissed me.

"I'm guessing you're feeling better." I said steching.

"Yep, its Saturday and we have the day off, I have a suprise for you." he said smiling.

So I jumped in the shower and when we got in the car he made me put in a blind fold. When we finaly stopped I heard him get out then he opened my door, I heard a bell ring. He then took off the blindfold.

"I haven't had a professional massage in years." I said. It felt so good.

"That was great." I said getting in the car.

"Yeah it was and that was only part one." Aaron said.

"I love you." I said

So all day we just did things the other loved to do. Like me, I love to surf so we went to the beach for awhile then we hung out at the peir.

Around six we went home.

"The day is still young, why are we heading home now?" I asked.

"Aden asked if he could stay over one day and you said yes." Aaron said

"Oh yeah, he was so excited." I said.

A few hours later Jake and Adrian came by.

"Okay, a few rules, tonight is a special but tomorrow, in bed by eight." Jake said.

"No pop." Adrian said

"Make sure he brushes his teeth." Jake said.

"No," was all Adrian said untill

"Bro, these are the same rules mom and dad used for us, I know them." I said putting my hands on Adrian's shoulders.

"Okay. Aden come give us a hug." Adrian said getting on his knees. He ran at Adrian giving him a hug.

"Love you daddy." he said.

"Love ya bud." Adrian said said getting up.

"My turn." Jake said getting on his knees.

"Love you daddy." Aden said hugging Jake.

"Love ya little guy." Jake said standing, him and Adrian looked like they were about to start crying.

"It'll be okay. Just don't cry, if he sees you guys crying he'll start crying. Go and have fun." I said.

"Okay." they said then they left.

"Now we can have fun." I said turning around. After a few a hours of playing Aden randomlly asked me

"Why does I have two daddies?" he asked "Cause the other cubs in my class hab a mommy and a daddy." he said.

"Umm, because they both really love you." Aaron said.

"Okay." Aden said then he went back to watchng t.v.

"Thank you." I said hugging Aaron.

"No problem." he said

"Go brush your teeth." I said.

"Okay." Aden said sleepily. "Will you tuck me in?" he asked when he came back from the bathroom.

"Sure, lets go little dude." I said.

"Does you hab a little light?" he asked scarred.

"Yep, its the one Adrian used to use." I said tucking him in and going to the closet annd pulling out a light with a little wolf cub on it.

"Weally?" he asked amazed.

"Yep, good night." I said plugging in the light.

"He's so cute." Aaron said when I went into our room.

"I know, I felt bad for Jake and Adrian, they were about to lose it. They love this little guy." I said laying on the bed.

"Yeah, Jake seems really attached to him." Aaron said laying his head on me.

"Yeah, his parents kicked him out when the found out he was gay, so in a way he knows how Aden feels." I said

"Ahh, so is Jake over that?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, he moved in with the same day." I said.

"I see." Aaron said.

"Well, we're gonna have big day tomorrow. We better get some sleep." I said.

"Okay." Aaron said

The next day I was woke around nine by the sound of laughing, so I threw on some basketball shorts. So I go out to the living room to see Aden and Aaron watching cartoons.

"24 and you still watch cartoons." I said joking.

"What, it was either wake you up at seven in the moring or watch cartoons for a few hours." Aaron said standing up and kissing me.

"I know." I said heading for the kitchen and starting the coffee.

"You hungry Aden?" Aaron asked

"Yeah." he said

"Well, I bet if you ask Derek he'll let us go out for breakfast." Aaron said, then Aden got really excited.

"Let me get dressed." I said before Aden could run in here because I know if he used the cub eyes I'd fall for it. I then heard them both get really excited. I love Aaron, such a kid at heart. In a few day I'm going to make sure he has the best birthday.

(the next day)

"JAKE AND ADWIAN!!!" Aden yelled running at them when he got back from school.

"Hey little guy." Adrian said picking him up.

"Did you have fun?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, we watched a few movies and we had smore ice cream and we went out for breakfast." he said.

"Sounds fun." Adrian said "Was he good for you guys?" he asked.

"He was good, maybe even better than you." I said.

"I know that code." Adrian said.

"I'm being serious, he was great." I said

"Thats our boy." Jake said tickling Aden making him laugh.

"How was school?" Adrian asked.

"I had fun. I has a paper for you." he said then Adrian set him on the ground then he got into his backpack, then he gave it to Jake. Then he went to play with Aaron

"Its for open house." Jake said.

"When?" Adrian asked.

"Next week." Jake said

"Oh, by the way Aden is asking about having two dads. Aaron told him becuase you both really love him." I said

"Hmm, he's never said anything beore." Adrian said.

"If its anything, he'll ask us about it." Jake said.

"Your right." Adrian said hugging Jake.

(a few days later)

So today is his birthday and we're going to his favorite restaurant. I have a huge suprise for him.

"Come on what are we doing?" Aaron asked whining.

"Hold on, we're almost there." I said. When we stopped I went to his side of the car and opened his door, then I took off his blindfold then he kissed me.

"I love you." he said

"Love you too." I said then I kissed him. We were talking about music and other stuff, half way through the meal I stood up.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Then I put my hand in my pocket, his eyes got real wide then I got one knee and I took his left hand into my right.

"I've spent enough time with you to know that I love." I said and now there was a small crowd around us. "I've also learned that I'd do anything for you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said pulling out a black box and I opened it, inside was a small simple silver ring, I could tell he was holding back the tears.

"Will you marry me?"