The Liger's Happy Days: Day 1

Story by angelshot on SoFurry

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#1 of the Liger's happy days (book 1)

while a few years ago I started this ( after watching the lion guard ) wanted to give a little more adult take on it

(1 of 7)

"Onmy?! Stay close I don't want you getting into trouble, or worse." A lion with golden fur and red main with a red tuft on his tail spoke, he also had a symbol of a sword's hilt on his shoulder. "ok father." a small liger cub spoke up, he had golden fur with red stripes all about his body, a little bit of black fur on his tail tip, Onmy? yawned as him and his father rested on a large flat stone, upon opening his eyes he noticed a butterfly had landed on his nose, he quickly batted at it causing it to fly away, without even thinking Onmy? got up and chased after it trying to bring it down with his bare paws

He followed the butterfly for a good hour trying to catch it but constantly missing it. "I'm not ever going to catch it, am I dad? Dad?" Onmy? asked as he took a look at his surroundings to see he was nowhere near where he and his father rested, he closed his eyes and began to sing the first song from Lilo and Stitch, as soon as he was done he began to twitch his ears for any sound. "that was beautiful." an unknown feminine voice spoke up from behind him, quickly he turned around to see a hyena about his age with snow-white fur with gray spots and beautiful blue eyes, her hair was also white with blue to powder blue highlights that in a way look like food coloring was dripped on the snow. "who are you?" he asked as he gets up turning to face her causing her to blush. "oh, um, my names Jasiri, and I didn't mean to startle you, um, what's your name?" she asked.

"my name is Onmy?.," he told her looking like he was going to run. "it's nice to meet you Onmyo? Anmeo? How bout I call you peter instead?" she asked backing up a bit making him more relaxed, "as long as I get to call you Dazzle instead." he asked sweetly. "it's a deal, so why are you scared of new animals?" she asked a little worried. "ligers like me aren't really welcome anywhere but with family." he said looking at her fur before back up at her eyes. "it's a similar story to me, though I wish us to be friends." she told him lightly biting her lip. "really? You're not joshing me are ya?" Onmy? asked looking seriously at her. "yes, I don't have many friends because I'm, Well, A hyena. but I'd like to be your friend if you'll let me." she told him looking a bit sad.

"I'd really like that." Onmy? said happily when the butterfly he had been chasing landed on her head just behind her ear. "momma says if it lands on you it brings good luck, so I must be really lucky today I made a friend." She spoke with a friendly smile. "Hey bet ya I can catch it before you can." She told him as she looked up as if she was pointing to her ear. "he, he, you're on." Onmy? said as he got ready, Dazzle smiled as she flicked her ear causing the butterfly to fly off her. "ready, set, now!" she screamed and they both jumped after it, after a while of chasing the butterfly they rolled down a hill laughing and giggling. "wow that was intense." Onmy? told her as he pants and looks up at the sky at a beautiful sunset.

"yes, it was, we tripped over a few rocks in the chase." Jasiri said after she rolled near him, their heads rubbing against each other's as they looked at the sky spotting a single star in the sky. "Starlight, Star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Onmy? spoke as he closed his eyes. "oh? What did you wish for Peter?" she asked looking at him with a kind smile. "that we become the greatest of friends and have a lot more days like this." He said with a big smile on his face. "he, he, same here." She smiled as they looked into each other's eyes before gazing back at the sky, after a few hours went by they both got to their feet. "well this has been rather nice peter, I hope we can do this again tomorrow." She exclaimed as she gets closer to him. "most definitely tomorrow, I don't live far from here it's near the oceanfront." He told her as they lightly nuzzled each other.

When suddenly, his dad jumped in front of him and blocked an attack from a larger hyena. "Rich?do! why am I not surprised your protecting this abomination, keep that freak of yours away from my daughter." The hyena demanded. "Elly! If your fur even touches my son, I will make you pay." Onmy?'s father growled out. "my fur won't touch it if it keeps away from my daughter." She growled back causing the two children to look up at the two larger animals in fear before looking back at each other, then Dazzle gave Onmy? a weak smile and he did the same. "come on Jasiri, I don't want you to hang around an abomination to the circle of life." Elly said pushing her daughter away from the two.

"come on Onmy? let's go home." Onmy?'s father spoke up as he pushed him in the opposite direction, after a while Onmy? and his father finally made it to their home under a tree. "Onmy? listen I don't want you to hang out with her anymore, I understand that she was nice to you but I don't want you to get hurt, and her mother, will hurt you." His father told him as he pulled him into a hug. "ok, say good night to your mother and go to bed, alright?" his father told him as he let go of him, Onmy? nodded and ran inside where a Tigress saw him. "oh Onmy?, my boy! are you alright?" she said out loud as she brought him in for a hug. "you didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked checking to see if he got any cuts or Bruises on him.

"relax Erizabesu he made a friend today. A hyena friend." His father told her, Onmy?'s mother sighed in relief only to look at his father in shock and horror. "my baby could have been hurt!" She yelled as she hugged Onmy? tightly. "he's fine, actually, it looked like he was having fun until Elly showed up." The father said scratching his head. "I don't care you know Onmy? has a bad heart and can't do all the normal stuff others can." She told his father as she let go of Onmy? and he headed off to bed, Onmy? grunts as his head hits the pillow, and laid there next to his sister with a big smile on his face as he thinks about Dazzle and the fun they had together and then closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep